15:33:54 <FranciscoD> #startmeeting Fedora Videos 28/06/2012 15:33:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 28 15:33:54 2012 UTC. The chair is FranciscoD. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:33:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:34:01 <FranciscoD> #meetingname Fedora Videos 28/06/2012 15:34:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_videos_28/06/2012' 15:34:09 <FranciscoD> #topic attendance 15:34:11 * FranciscoD 15:34:23 <FranciscoD> .fas niteshnarayanlal 15:34:23 <zodbot> FranciscoD: niteshnarayan '' <niteshnarayanlal@indiatimes.com> - niteshnarayanlal 'nitesh narayan lal' <niteshnarayanlal@hotmail.com> 15:34:23 <niteshnarayanlal> MarkDude, is here 15:34:27 <FranciscoD> .fas MarkDude 15:34:27 <zodbot> FranciscoD: markdude 'Mark Terranova' <mark@gidgetkitchen.org> 15:34:28 <MarkDude> Video is uploading now 15:34:34 <niteshnarayanlal> cool 15:34:34 <FranciscoD> #info niteshnarayanlal MarkDude FranciscoD present 15:34:44 <MarkDude> presents? 15:34:50 <niteshnarayanlal> aye 15:34:51 * MarkDude wants a present 15:34:55 <FranciscoD> #topic tasklist 15:34:57 <niteshnarayanlal> lets start 15:35:07 <FranciscoD> #info publicity is pending 15:35:10 <FranciscoD> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Niteshnarayan/video_tutorials/ContestPublicity 15:35:27 <niteshnarayanlal> MarkDude, ur views 15:35:45 <MarkDude> Uh, 15:35:53 <MarkDude> Get Nixie to make sumthin' 15:35:56 <FranciscoD> #info Announcement will be loosely based on this: #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/2012-June/014336.html 15:36:07 <MarkDude> She will feel a bit sad once she sees my video 15:36:13 <MarkDude> and make a better one :D 15:36:30 <FranciscoD> MarkDude: we'll discuss that after the meeting, lets finish the status check first 15:36:41 <niteshnarayanlal> :) 15:36:49 <FranciscoD> #info Announcement to be made on announce list once it's done 15:37:12 <FranciscoD> niteshnarayanlal: do you have a link to contest rules handy? 15:37:14 <niteshnarayanlal> FranciscoD, lets decide a date for the announcement 15:37:32 <FranciscoD> niteshnarayanlal: how can you decide that when all work is pending? 15:37:35 <FranciscoD> finish the work first 15:37:41 <niteshnarayanlal> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Videos/FedoraVideos_Contest_Intro/Outro 15:37:58 * niteshnarayanlal thinks we have to do all the work :P 15:38:09 <MarkDude> Lets pick some date 15:38:16 <MarkDude> we can always push it back 15:38:19 <MarkDude> we are FEDORA 15:38:22 <MarkDude> we do that 15:38:26 <MarkDude> change the dates 15:38:36 <FranciscoD> we've already pushed it back more than a month 15:38:43 <FranciscoD> if the work isn't done, it'll be pushed back again 15:38:54 <niteshnarayanlal> all the work must be finished asap 15:39:00 <FranciscoD> it's a cycle, and I'd like to not see another iteration 15:39:06 <niteshnarayanlal> we are not in a position to delay it further 15:39:12 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD spell, grammar check the contest page 15:39:20 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD give contest page finising touches 15:39:27 * MarkDude is tired of waiting for dropbox 15:39:28 <niteshnarayanlal> my grammar is too bad 15:39:31 <MarkDude> posting to FB 15:39:53 * niteshnarayanlal will post it on all social networking website 15:39:54 <FranciscoD> niteshnarayanlal: who did the rules? 15:39:58 * MarkDude can do word check later 15:39:58 <niteshnarayanlal> then u people can share 15:40:08 <niteshnarayanlal> tatica and thunderbirdtr 15:40:15 <FranciscoD> what is this about? 15:40:17 <FranciscoD> "By entering the contest and/or accepting a prize, entrant grants permission to sponsors and their agencies to use winners names and/or likeness for purposes of advertising/trade, without further compensation to entrant unless prohibited by law. Prizes are non-transferable. Winner assumes all liability for any injury or damage caused, or claimed to be caused, by participation in this promotion or use/redemption of any prize. " 15:41:08 <FranciscoD> MarkDude: is it necessary for entrants to sign create FAS accounts? 15:41:14 <niteshnarayanlal> yeap 15:41:19 <FranciscoD> As long as the video is CC licensed, why does it matter? 15:41:20 <niteshnarayanlal> I had asked 15:41:23 <niteshnarayanlal> on leagal ML 15:41:27 <FranciscoD> really? 15:41:32 <FranciscoD> let me look 15:41:39 <MarkDude> Well 15:41:42 <niteshnarayanlal> yeap I think I had also forwarded the mail to u 15:41:48 <MarkDude> the reason I thought was the CLA 15:42:03 <MarkDude> RH needs legal protection as far as folks signing agreement 15:42:07 <niteshnarayanlal> FranciscoD, although I believe we should not FAS as a restriction 15:42:29 * niteshnarayanlal missed keep in bw 15:42:40 <FranciscoD> sigh 15:42:43 <niteshnarayanlal> :P 15:42:47 <FranciscoD> nothing can be done about it, nevermind 15:42:55 <niteshnarayanlal> yeah 15:42:59 * FranciscoD thinks this greatly narrows down the participant domain 15:43:06 <niteshnarayanlal> +1 15:43:10 <MarkDude> Agreed 15:43:11 <niteshnarayanlal> specially in India 15:43:14 <niteshnarayanlal> :D 15:43:16 <FranciscoD> anywhere 15:43:26 <MarkDude> lets see if we can get Spot to co-sign the non-fas idea 15:43:27 <FranciscoD> nevermind 15:43:39 <niteshnarayanlal> we will keep that for now 15:43:41 <MarkDude> If not we must keep the fas 15:43:43 <niteshnarayanlal> and move ahead 15:43:49 <FranciscoD> MarkDude: i doubt it, if it could've been done spot would've said so 15:44:03 * niteshnarayanlal is forgetting the name right now 15:44:03 <FranciscoD> niteshnarayanlal: did you reply to spot when he asked about what prizes you were planning to give out? 15:44:23 <niteshnarayanlal> yeap I discussed that in meeting 15:44:29 <niteshnarayanlal> we are planning for tshirts 15:44:29 <FranciscoD> okay, great 15:44:36 <FranciscoD> aye, no restrictions there, right? 15:44:51 * FranciscoD needs to double check all of this before announcement 15:45:01 * niteshnarayanlal heads to cross check the mail 15:45:20 <FranciscoD> niteshnarayanlal: MarkDude : who is in-charge of the alias? 15:45:41 <FranciscoD> since tatica etc are busy, who is going to review the videos? 15:45:57 <FranciscoD> we cant' file tickets with the design team 15:46:00 <MarkDude> I figure peer review 15:46:02 <FranciscoD> do we have a judges' panel? 15:46:02 * niteshnarayanlal checked the mail 15:46:11 <MarkDude> inode for one 15:46:15 <MarkDude> herlo, etc 15:46:22 <FranciscoD> MarkDude: have they been spoken to? 15:46:28 <MarkDude> Lets not bug Robyn 15:46:31 <niteshnarayanlal> it says that its cool until unless winner is not from China 15:46:41 * MarkDude KNOWS they will both be ok with reviewing 15:46:52 <FranciscoD> how about community voting? 15:47:13 <FranciscoD> using the elections infra? 15:47:18 <niteshnarayanlal> idea looks great but I am not sure if we are going to get support 15:47:35 <MarkDude> Lets get an ok from some in leadership 15:47:42 <MarkDude> thats what we need 15:47:47 <MarkDude> no big process 15:47:53 <MarkDude> or big reviews 15:47:57 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD find out if it's possible to get a voting system for videos 15:48:05 <MarkDude> If there is an issue, Inode and herlo would poiint it out 15:48:09 <MarkDude> and of course spot 15:48:14 <niteshnarayanlal> +1 15:48:18 <MarkDude> +1 15:48:33 <FranciscoD> MarkDude: the panel should have contributors from all over, not just the USA 15:48:39 <FranciscoD> if that's the way you want to go 15:49:02 <FranciscoD> and there is no way of deciding who should be on the panel and who shoudlnt 15:49:16 * FranciscoD suggests niteshnarayanlal and MarkDude think about it first 15:49:46 <niteshnarayanlal> I would say that we should find few folks 15:49:54 <niteshnarayanlal> based on there availability 15:50:19 <MarkDude> lets just get a few leaders to ok it 15:50:21 <MarkDude> simpler 15:50:30 <MarkDude> judging can be done later 15:50:34 <niteshnarayanlal> true 15:50:38 <MarkDude> we can have 4 video 15:50:50 <MarkDude> and then we can sort it out 15:50:55 <niteshnarayanlal> in bw FranciscoD can we give ok to rules 15:51:00 <MarkDude> 20+ videos it becomes more involved 15:51:00 <niteshnarayanlal> and close that for now ? 15:51:10 * MarkDude posted video on FB 15:51:11 <FranciscoD> niteshnarayanlal: no, I need to spell and grammar check 15:51:16 <MarkDude> upside down apparently 15:51:16 <FranciscoD> will do that and mail list 15:51:26 <MarkDude> tell me what you think 15:51:37 <niteshnarayanlal> FranciscoD, I think that is already been checked by thunderbird 15:51:37 <FranciscoD> MarkDude: leaders to OK what? 15:51:42 <niteshnarayanlal> if u still prefer 15:51:47 <FranciscoD> the contest? or the videos? 15:51:53 <niteshnarayanlal> that would be fine 15:51:55 <FranciscoD> niteshnarayanlal: I'll doublecheck 15:51:59 <MarkDude> the pauses allow for a screen to be put up with details and links 15:52:02 <MarkDude> BOth 15:52:05 <MarkDude> either 15:52:09 <FranciscoD> thunderbirdtr isn't here to clarify at the moment 15:52:14 <MarkDude> lets not bikeshed this 15:52:24 <FranciscoD> MarkDude: er, hasn't the contest and videos project been OKayed already? 15:52:32 <MarkDude> My video is crappy enough I can appeal to Nixie to make a better one 15:52:32 * FranciscoD was under the impression it was 15:52:42 * MarkDude thought so 15:52:49 <FranciscoD> if it hasn't been okayed, what have we been working on and discussing all this time? 15:52:52 * FranciscoD is concerned 15:53:08 <FranciscoD> drat 15:53:09 <MarkDude> I thought we were talking to give approval to specific announcement 15:53:16 <MarkDude> It has been oked 15:53:22 <FranciscoD> MarkDude: annoucement doesn't need approval 15:53:25 <MarkDude> not the SPECIFIC video 15:53:32 <MarkDude> Ok - look at the video 15:53:35 <MarkDude> mine 15:53:38 <MarkDude> posted to FB 15:53:41 <FranciscoD> you main the announce-list, moderator sees and sends 15:53:46 <MarkDude> tell me how crappy it is 15:53:50 <FranciscoD> MarkDude: I'll see it later, I'm short on time at the moment 15:54:05 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD niteshnarayanlal see MarkDude 's video and give feedback 15:54:09 <MarkDude> Ok- well I can re-record it later today if need be 15:54:13 * niteshnarayanlal is on it 15:54:27 <FranciscoD> niteshnarayanlal: do it later, what else do we need to discuss? 15:54:34 <niteshnarayanlal> sure thing 15:54:45 <FranciscoD> #info annoucement discussed 15:54:49 <FranciscoD> #info video to be reviewd 15:54:54 * niteshnarayanlal and MarkDude will finalize the video 15:55:01 <FranciscoD> #info Judges panel PENDING 15:55:10 <FranciscoD> who is in-charge of the alias? 15:55:19 <FranciscoD> who will the submissions go to? 15:55:30 <FranciscoD> tatica set it up 15:55:39 <FranciscoD> I don't know where it redirects to 15:56:00 <niteshnarayanlal> I think tatica has done that 15:56:13 <FranciscoD> She's done that 15:56:20 <FranciscoD> I'm asking *who* the alias directs to? 15:56:28 <niteshnarayanlal> yeap 15:56:29 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr 15:56:29 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 15:56:36 <FranciscoD> it's a mailing list 15:56:40 <FranciscoD> is that where they submit? 15:56:45 <thunderbirdtr> sorry for late 15:56:51 <niteshnarayanlal> yeap they will put the link 15:56:53 <MarkDude> Whos on first? 15:57:01 <MarkDude> what on 2nd 15:57:08 <MarkDude> Abbot and Costello routine 15:57:19 * MarkDude made video NOT upside down 15:57:22 <FranciscoD> okay, I'll lay it out: 15:57:27 <niteshnarayanlal> tat's what has been decided earlier 15:57:33 * MarkDude leans in 15:57:37 <niteshnarayanlal> FranciscoD, thats cool 15:57:38 <FranciscoD> 1. the alias: videos@fp.o: who is in-charge of this? 15:57:45 <thunderbirdtr> tatica 15:57:49 <FranciscoD> does this redirect to the mailing list? 15:57:52 <MarkDude> yep 15:57:56 <thunderbirdtr> yes 15:57:58 <MarkDude> tatica 15:58:08 <FranciscoD> thunderbirdtr: so, the mails go to the mailing list 15:58:15 <thunderbirdtr> yes 15:58:17 <FranciscoD> #info videos.fp.o alias for mailing list 15:58:28 <FranciscoD> #info mailing list #link https://fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/video 15:58:49 <FranciscoD> I suggest one of us begin to moderate the mailing list along with tatica, since she is busy at the moment 15:58:53 <FranciscoD> volunteers? 15:58:59 <MarkDude> \o 15:59:02 <FranciscoD> You will be in-charge of letting in submissions 15:59:05 <niteshnarayanlal> o/ 15:59:14 <niteshnarayanlal> MarkDude, cool 15:59:16 <FranciscoD> #action MarkDude email tatica and sign up as moderator 15:59:17 <MarkDude> we needs people for it 15:59:21 <FranciscoD> #action niteshnarayanlal email tatica and sign up as moderator 15:59:21 <thunderbirdtr> I can do too 15:59:27 <niteshnarayanlal> :D 15:59:29 <thunderbirdtr> :) 15:59:30 <MarkDude> yay 15:59:34 <FranciscoD> #action thunderbirdtr email tatica and sign up as moderator 15:59:45 * niteshnarayanlal adds task to his ML 15:59:47 <FranciscoD> #info thunderbirdtr MarkDude niteshnarayanlal : Please do this ASAP 15:59:51 <niteshnarayanlal> sure 15:59:59 <FranciscoD> okay, what's next? 16:00:03 * FranciscoD has 3 more minutes 16:00:03 <thunderbirdtr> yes but tatica must be approve it 16:00:10 <FranciscoD> #chair MarkDude niteshnarayanlal thunderbirdtr 16:00:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD MarkDude niteshnarayanlal thunderbirdtr 16:00:25 <thunderbirdtr> move fast FranciscoD 16:00:27 <FranciscoD> thunderbirdtr: email her, bug here, get yourself approved 16:00:32 <FranciscoD> ASAP 16:00:38 <thunderbirdtr> I'm doing now.. 16:00:41 <FranciscoD> niteshnarayanlal: anything eles? 16:00:49 <MarkDude> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150979968008805&set=vb.717333804&type=2&theater 16:00:58 <niteshnarayanlal> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Niteshnarayan/MeetingAgendas 16:00:58 <MarkDude> the res I used is 720\ 16:01:06 <niteshnarayanlal> lets see if I had missed anything 16:01:21 <niteshnarayanlal> publicity part is incomplete in that 16:01:37 <niteshnarayanlal> as it would require much more I just added what we had discussed 16:01:42 <MarkDude> 1280 x 720 16:01:48 <MarkDude> FB made it lower quality 16:01:49 <niteshnarayanlal> anyways 16:01:50 <FranciscoD> I need to run. 16:01:54 * MarkDude too 16:01:57 <FranciscoD> Please continue the meeting, niteshnarayanlal take over 16:02:02 <niteshnarayanlal> sure 16:02:03 <thunderbirdtr> FranciscoD: ok by 16:02:06 <FranciscoD> If you need to, please assign me any action items 16:02:08 <thunderbirdtr> MarkDude: you too 16:02:10 * FranciscoD heads out 16:02:12 <FranciscoD> cya folks 16:02:15 <niteshnarayanlal> sure thing 16:02:20 <MarkDude> laters 16:02:27 <niteshnarayanlal> so 16:02:37 <niteshnarayanlal> I was saying 16:02:40 * MarkDude had a hard time being serios for video 16:02:45 <niteshnarayanlal> :D 16:02:50 <thunderbirdtr> MarkDude: hang on :) 16:02:52 <niteshnarayanlal> I can guess that from ur face 16:03:04 <niteshnarayanlal> we need to wrap it up 16:03:08 <MarkDude> as welll as not using F-words 16:03:08 <niteshnarayanlal> so lets see 16:03:08 <thunderbirdtr> niteshnarayanlal: make speech I will talk okey :)) 16:03:15 <thunderbirdtr> but I need polo for it :) 16:03:20 <niteshnarayanlal> :D 16:03:23 <thunderbirdtr> for make much more better :) 16:03:38 <niteshnarayanlal> we have to decide the 1.panel of judges 16:03:49 <thunderbirdtr> that's must be from design team 16:03:52 <niteshnarayanlal> 2.we have to get moderator access for the ML 16:04:01 <thunderbirdtr> As we decided now 16:04:03 <thunderbirdtr> for this 16:04:07 <niteshnarayanlal> 3.We have to finialize the Contest page 16:04:21 <niteshnarayanlal> 4.We have to finalize the Video 16:04:22 <thunderbirdtr> I'm looking now for anything 16:04:29 <niteshnarayanlal> 5.We will announce 16:04:32 <thunderbirdtr> For video who's doing ? 16:04:57 <niteshnarayanlal> I think thunderbirdtr MarkDude u two can do it together 16:05:03 * MarkDude is announcing it in a video 16:05:15 <thunderbirdtr> niteshnarayanlal: may I ask why me ? :) 16:05:19 <niteshnarayanlal> I mean finalizing the thing 16:05:19 <MarkDude> altho there is NO reason we cant have a few announces for it 16:05:24 <thunderbirdtr> I'm not expert for video making ? 16:05:26 <niteshnarayanlal> thunderbirdtr, no u can not 16:05:29 <niteshnarayanlal> :D 16:05:36 <MarkDude> Nixie is sortof an expert 16:05:48 <thunderbirdtr> Nixie yes 16:05:53 <niteshnarayanlal> MarkDude, can u plz give us a date by which u can fix and get a video done 16:05:54 <thunderbirdtr> She knows 16:06:01 * MarkDude sounds like parrot with *9 million unique views for Linux videos she has 16:06:06 <niteshnarayanlal> which we can through out 16:06:11 <niteshnarayanlal> and get participation 16:06:25 <MarkDude> Ok- wil the basics of my video work? 16:06:33 <MarkDude> I can put more in it if need be 16:06:38 <thunderbirdtr> MarkDude: +1 16:06:40 <MarkDude> if it sucks- I wont cry 16:06:49 <niteshnarayanlal> sure just give me a date plz 16:06:52 <MarkDude> It works once it has links to rules 16:06:58 <MarkDude> this weekend 16:07:04 <thunderbirdtr> good 16:07:11 <MarkDude> We need a *sort link * to the rules 16:07:15 <niteshnarayanlal> MarkDude, thunderbirdtr we will end today's meeting by fixing date for each task 16:07:19 <MarkDude> bitly or whatever 16:07:27 <niteshnarayanlal> atleast we hope that they all get finish by that time 16:07:28 <MarkDude> Cool 16:07:32 <niteshnarayanlal> no more delay folks 16:07:33 <thunderbirdtr> Cool 16:07:36 <thunderbirdtr> ok ok ok 16:08:13 <niteshnarayanlal> keeping 1st July as a date for Video Final 16:08:28 <thunderbirdtr> or make less 16:08:33 <MarkDude> That works 16:08:42 <niteshnarayanlal> cool 16:09:13 <niteshnarayanlal> who will find judges :D 16:09:21 <niteshnarayanlal> we need to or three folks 16:09:24 <niteshnarayanlal> for now 16:09:32 <niteshnarayanlal> after that we may extend the judging panel 16:09:44 <niteshnarayanlal> MarkDude, can it be 30 June ? 16:09:44 <thunderbirdtr> I think 2 16:09:46 <niteshnarayanlal> video 16:09:49 <thunderbirdtr> tatica already in ? 16:09:55 <niteshnarayanlal> yeap 16:09:59 <niteshnarayanlal> tatica +2 16:10:16 <thunderbirdtr> I was thinking mizmo too ? 16:10:22 <thunderbirdtr> and Nixie maybe ? 16:10:32 <thunderbirdtr> just in idea 16:10:50 <niteshnarayanlal> ok I will talk to them 16:11:01 <niteshnarayanlal> and based on there availability we can decide who can help us 16:11:07 <niteshnarayanlal> MarkDude, 30 June plz 16:11:10 <MarkDude> I will talk to Nixie and see what she thinks 16:11:19 <niteshnarayanlal> sure 16:11:23 <MarkDude> She will look at finalists - I know that much 16:11:36 <niteshnarayanlal> MarkDude, can the video be done till 30th june 16:11:37 <MarkDude> she can help for the last part of the process 16:11:37 <niteshnarayanlal> ? 16:11:45 <MarkDude> Sure 16:11:54 <niteshnarayanlal> cool thing 16:11:57 <MarkDude> She may help me put link 16:12:06 <thunderbirdtr> #action MarkDude will talk Nixie about joining Videos judgement 16:12:07 <MarkDude> I NEED a link shortner for rules tho 16:12:24 <niteshnarayanlal> thunderbirdtr, MarkDude I will keep date of 29th June for deciding judges 16:12:32 <niteshnarayanlal> at max 30th June 16:13:02 <niteshnarayanlal> is that ok ? 16:13:38 <MarkDude> Sure 16:13:38 <thunderbirdtr> ok 16:13:40 <niteshnarayanlal> cool 16:13:47 <niteshnarayanlal> moving ahead 16:13:52 * MarkDude asked herlo and inode to help look at videos 16:14:00 <MarkDude> design team gets to judge 16:14:08 <MarkDude> we want feedback from many tho 16:14:11 <thunderbirdtr> yay ! 16:14:13 <thunderbirdtr> cool 16:14:14 <MarkDude> Helps with CYA 16:14:15 <niteshnarayanlal> MarkDude, thunderbirdtr what do u think till what date we can get the moderator access ? 16:14:27 <niteshnarayanlal> from tatica 16:14:30 <thunderbirdtr> soon 16:14:40 <niteshnarayanlal> thunderbirdtr, 30th June ? 16:14:41 <thunderbirdtr> niteshnarayanlal: that's easy 16:14:52 <thunderbirdtr> niteshnarayanlal: much much more soon :) 16:14:55 <niteshnarayanlal> I mean based on her availability 16:15:09 <niteshnarayanlal> she is really busy these days 16:15:20 <thunderbirdtr> niteshnarayanlal: She have android phone I think she also can see mail too :) that's mean don't worrry about it :) 16:15:30 <thunderbirdtr> worry* 16:15:38 <niteshnarayanlal> ok marking that as close 16:15:51 <niteshnarayanlal> let me show both of u something 16:15:57 <thunderbirdtr> ok 16:16:08 <niteshnarayanlal> in bw 16:16:28 <niteshnarayanlal> MarkDude, can u once cnfrm from some one if that FAS thing can be removed ? 16:16:50 <MarkDude> Sure- I love RH legal shit 16:16:54 <MarkDude> I mean stuff 16:16:55 <MarkDude> :D 16:17:06 <thunderbirdtr> FAS is forever It's not deleted ? 16:17:29 * MarkDude loves spot, its the legal system that gets me 16:17:57 <MarkDude> inode0 agreed to look at the videos 16:18:12 <MarkDude> told him he was not going to be a judge- just offer feedback 16:18:13 <niteshnarayanlal> :D 16:18:20 <niteshnarayanlal> cool no problem 16:18:28 <niteshnarayanlal> MarkDude, thunderbirdtr https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Niteshnarayan/MeetingAgendas#Meeting_Agendas 16:18:39 <MarkDude> The more peer review the better 16:19:05 <niteshnarayanlal> does that schedule look ok to u folks ? 16:19:11 <niteshnarayanlal> MarkDude, thunderbirdtr ^^ 16:19:35 <thunderbirdtr> good for me but after meeting ask in mail too 16:19:43 <thunderbirdtr> get idea from Ankur and tatica 16:19:50 <niteshnarayanlal> yeah sure 16:19:56 <niteshnarayanlal> MarkDude, ? 16:20:07 <MarkDude> /me is looking 16:20:26 <niteshnarayanlal> so for now we have 3rd July as announcement date 16:20:36 <MarkDude> Sure 16:20:39 <niteshnarayanlal> thunderbirdtr, MarkDude on 2nd July 16:20:49 * MarkDude will be really busy july 13-25th 16:20:53 <MarkDude> in portland 16:20:54 <niteshnarayanlal> we have to be at our best in deciding and preparing everything 16:21:03 <niteshnarayanlal> for publicity 16:21:34 <thunderbirdtr> I can share on another websites in Turkey 16:21:40 <niteshnarayanlal> cool 16:21:40 <thunderbirdtr> I already talked 16:21:49 <thunderbirdtr> as add and article 16:22:16 <niteshnarayanlal> on that day we will talk together about how we will be sharing info about it in our local regions 16:22:20 <niteshnarayanlal> so I think 16:22:28 <niteshnarayanlal> that's it from my side 16:22:38 <niteshnarayanlal> thunderbirdtr, MarkDude anything I missed 16:23:54 <niteshnarayanlal> guys are u there ? 16:24:07 <niteshnarayanlal> are we done for today's meeting 16:24:29 <thunderbirdtr> good 16:24:29 <thunderbirdtr> for me 16:24:35 <niteshnarayanlal> cool 16:24:55 <niteshnarayanlal> so we can close it at this point 16:25:33 <niteshnarayanlal> thunderbirdtr, MarkDude end meeting now 16:25:35 <niteshnarayanlal> :D 16:25:40 <thunderbirdtr> #endmeeting