05:00:55 <tagoh_> #startmeeting i18n 05:00:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 28 05:00:55 2012 UTC. The chair is tagoh_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:00:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:01:00 <tagoh_> #meetingname i18n 05:01:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:01:05 <tagoh_> #topic agenda and roll call 05:01:14 <tagoh_> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2012-06-28 05:01:35 <tagoh_> hi guys, a time for i18n meeting now. 05:02:07 <anish_> hi 05:02:28 <dueno> hi 05:02:37 <tagoh_> please update agenda if you have something. 05:03:58 <epico> hi 05:04:11 <paragan> hi 05:05:14 <tagoh_> okay, let's get started. 05:05:21 <tagoh_> #topic F18 05:06:04 <tagoh_> anish_: how about the project naming issue for ibus-hunspell? 05:06:35 <anish_> I am renaming to ibus-typing-booster 05:06:50 <tagoh_> sure. cool 05:07:07 <anish_> i am going to provide ui to install each language 05:07:16 <tagoh_> aha 05:08:57 <tagoh_> anish_: what's the remaining tasks to move the feature page to Category:FeatureReadyForWrangler btw? 05:09:52 <tagoh_> epico: how about the feature page for ibus-libpinyin? 05:10:01 <anish_> I need to few changes, such as additional of install menu 05:10:09 <anish_> not much work 05:10:15 <tagoh_> anish_: okay. good 05:10:31 <anish_> tagoh_, thanks 05:10:36 <epico> tagoh_: draft feature wiki page is created. 05:10:45 <tagoh_> url please? :) 05:11:02 <epico> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/ibus-libpinyin 05:11:10 <tagoh_> thanks! 05:11:15 <epico> welcome:) 05:11:36 * tagoh_ added to the agenda 05:12:28 <tagoh_> didn't have a time to create one for fontconfig fwiw.. 05:12:54 <tagoh_> any more plans or suggestions for more feature proposal from us? 05:14:36 <juhp> aha 05:16:51 <tagoh_> hm, okay. better move on then. 05:16:58 <tagoh_> #topic Bugzilla cleanup 05:17:35 <tagoh_> well, f15 should be EOL now. we however still have a lot of bugs being assigned to f15. 05:17:42 <paragan> tagoh_, thanks for updating bugzilla. Will provide updates on those required bugs 05:18:11 <tagoh_> paragan: np 05:18:29 <tagoh_> please take a look for your own bugs on f15 (again)! 05:18:58 <tagoh_> aside from that, here is the bug list that we don't own the packages on f15: http://tinyurl.com/7b6fsm5 05:19:33 <pravins> hi 05:19:52 <tagoh_> any volunteers are required for them 05:20:14 <juhp> can we all promise to triage our own f15 bugs at least by next week? :) 05:20:44 <tagoh_> juhp: good suggestion. yeah, that would be nice. 05:21:01 <juhp> of course most of the bugs are not ours 05:22:13 <tagoh_> guess no objections for that? :) 05:22:14 <juhp> I will look at some anyway 05:22:18 <juhp> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?product=Fedora&version=15&bug_status=__open__&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=exact&email1=&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailqa_contact2=1&emailcc2=1&emailtype2=exact&email2=i18n-bugs@lists.fedoraproject.org 05:23:01 <juhp> yeah if we could move or close our own it would be a start at least 05:23:43 <tagoh_> okay. let me note then. 05:23:46 <tagoh_> #action all to triage own f15 bugs by next week 05:24:15 <epico> . bug 672784 05:24:18 <zodbot> epico: Bug 672784 [abrt] ibus-sunpinyin-2.0.2-2.fc14: Process /usr/libexec/ibus-engine-sunpinyin was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV) - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=672784 05:24:30 <tagoh_> how about other bugs? I'll continue to take a look but if you have any interests on them, that would be really cool 05:24:52 <epico> wonder why F14 bugs is still open. 05:25:14 <juhp> epico, they were not autoclosed 05:25:22 <juhp> not sure why the change 05:25:49 <juhp> we should finish triaging them too 05:25:55 <tagoh_> yes, please take a look for f14 bugs too 05:26:17 <juhp> iirc the remaining ones are largely f14 only? 05:26:38 <juhp> or unreproducible perhaps 05:26:41 <epico> yes, some f14 bugs are not closed. 05:26:48 <juhp> indeed 05:27:05 <tagoh_> juhp: maybe. assuming that abrt reuse if hash is the same. and I should moved bugs to the certain release when any updates was there. 05:27:20 <juhp> for earlier releases bugs were auto-closed after EOL 05:28:44 <tagoh_> if upstream had any releases after that, it might be improved/fixed perhaps. 05:31:18 <tagoh_> anyway, since abrt catches up the corner-case of fault, it's the fact that the package had a problem. good to investigate as much as possible rather than just closing because you can't reproduce. 05:31:49 <juhp> sure 05:32:19 <epico> owned by others. 05:33:10 <tagoh_> okay, anything more on this topic? 05:33:15 <juhp> anish_, could you try to have another look at the stardict f14 bugs - we can also try together if you like 05:33:40 <tagoh_> and f15 bugs too :) 05:33:43 <juhp> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?product=Fedora&version=14&bug_status=__open__&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailqa_contact2=1&emailcc2=1&emailtype2=exact&email2=i18n-bugs%40lists.fedoraproject.org 05:33:44 <anish_> sure i am doing that 05:33:46 <juhp> yes 05:33:51 <juhp> great thanks 05:34:25 <anish_> thanks 05:34:34 <tagoh_> okay, cool 05:35:09 * juhp looks at the f14 anaconda bugs 05:35:20 <tagoh_> juhp: thanks 05:35:22 <tagoh_> shall we move on then? 05:35:56 <tagoh_> #topic Input Methods 05:36:46 <tagoh_> fujiwarat: according to the last action item, how about the schedule for ibus gnome3 integration? 05:37:31 <tagoh_> meant to the action item in the last meeting 05:38:14 <fujiwarat> It seems desktop team thinks to integrate ibus in gnome 3.6. 05:38:23 <tagoh_> aha. good 05:38:55 <tagoh_> fujiwarat: what tasks needs to be done ATM? 05:39:58 <tagoh_> fujiwarat: that would be nice if you can create the feature page for that so we can easily track the progress. 05:40:34 <fujiwarat> Some modules need to be updated for ibus. 05:40:40 <fujiwarat> ok 05:40:55 <tagoh_> thanks! 05:41:32 <tagoh_> #action fujiwarat to create the feature page for ibus gnome3 integration 05:41:42 <tagoh_> any updates for IM from anyone? 05:44:36 <tagoh_> fujiwarat: modules means the engines? if you can work on it would be nice though, good to summarize here or on the list what particularly needs to do for new ibus would be also good :) 05:44:49 <juhp> epico, anything for your ibus-libpinyin feature? 05:45:50 <juhp> to discuss I mean 05:46:21 * epico still works on libpinyin side, and ibus-libpinyin-1.4.0 tar ball is uploaded. 05:46:36 <tagoh_> guess do we also needs to do something for ibus-chewing perhaps? 05:46:55 <fujiwarat> tagoh_: I mean gnome modules; gnome-control-center, gnome-shell, ... 05:47:25 <tagoh_> fujiwarat: aha. how about ibus side? 05:48:13 <tagoh_> also interesting how desktop team thinks the key binding for IM.. 05:48:42 <fujiwarat> Maybe not so many. 05:49:09 <fujiwarat> im-settings needs to be updated later. to be disabled for gnome. 05:49:24 <tagoh_> fujiwarat: ah, yeah. true 05:49:47 <fujiwarat> IME menu items to be discussed later. 05:50:47 <tagoh_> fujiwarat: let me know once everything is ready. I can do that in imsettings then. 05:51:18 <juhp> so imsettings won't be used? 05:51:47 <fujiwarat> However I have several concerns about the current implementation in fact. I'm not sure if I will accept all implementation in gnome 3.6. 05:51:57 <juhp> fujiwarat, it would be written to see the plan written down :) 05:52:10 <juhp> fujiwarat, it would be really great to see the plan written down :) 05:52:11 <fujiwarat> tagoh_: yes 05:52:30 <fujiwarat> juhp: ibus-daemon will be invoked by gnome-settings-daemon. 05:52:43 <juhp> aha 05:52:43 <tagoh_> juhp: if gnome3 has any process to setup the environment variables, yes. otherwise I guess we may need to stop process activation only but still need to setup env var. 05:52:59 <juhp> hmm 05:53:20 <juhp> so will be harder to switch IM system 05:53:25 <tagoh_> fujiwarat: how does upstream think about it? 05:53:56 <tagoh_> juhp: I think so - unless they have any hook to stop it. 05:54:07 <juhp> aha 05:54:11 <tagoh_> at least we may need to document how to switch IM from ibus to something else 05:54:16 <tagoh_> on gnome3 05:54:17 <juhp> yeah 05:54:38 <juhp> hopefully there will be some conf for that 05:55:07 <tagoh_> yes 05:55:13 <fujiwarat> tagoh_: Do you ask imsettings? 05:55:32 <fujiwarat> > fujiwarat: how does upstream think about it? 05:55:38 <tagoh_> fujiwarat: not really. env var setup on gnome3 05:55:41 <tagoh_> for XIM etc 05:56:39 <fujiwarat> I think they use xsettings but need to double-check it. 05:57:14 <tagoh_> they may need to take care of Qt apps and pure-X apps too because users may wants to run it possibly. 05:57:19 <tagoh_> fujiwarat: okay 05:57:50 <fujiwarat> Yeah, maybe needs to export XMODIFIERS and QT_IM_MODULES. 05:57:59 <tagoh_> right 05:58:02 <tagoh_> okay, anything more on IM? 05:59:14 <tagoh_> if not, let's move on. 05:59:43 <tagoh_> #topic Fonts and Rendering 05:59:56 <tagoh_> any updates on fonts and rendering from anyone? 06:00:14 <fujiwarat> Hmm.., maybe gnome-settings-daemon is too late. gnome-session or gdm or imsettings to export env. 06:00:50 <tagoh_> fujiwarat: aha. anyway, that would be worth bringing it up on upstream since it's necessary to get it working properly. 06:01:28 <fujiwarat> agreed 06:01:39 <tagoh_> cool 06:02:14 <juhp> hmm 06:02:37 <juhp> maybe better to port imsettings to gnome3 also? 06:03:21 <pravins> tagoh_: we have now new package lohit-tamil-classical-fonts in Fedora 06:03:26 <tagoh_> juhp: what particularly port to gnome3? :) 06:03:33 <tagoh_> pravins: aha 06:03:36 <pravins> review is done thanks to paragan :) 06:03:42 <tagoh_> cool 06:03:55 <tagoh_> how about liberation-fonts? 06:04:08 <juhp> tagoh_, I dunno exactly - but seems they will need to reimplement some of it anyway 06:04:29 <pravins> yeah, i have converted croscore ttf to sfd and renamed all to Liberation fonts 06:04:38 <pravins> licensing etc as well updated 06:05:01 <pravins> now i am applying things available in old liberation but not in croscore 06:05:33 * pravins thinking before that i should host it somewhere so you all can test and give me some feedback 06:06:15 <tagoh_> juhp: maybe 06:06:21 <pravins> juhp: tagoh_ will host it today or tomorrow somewhere 06:06:53 <tagoh_> pravins: sure 06:06:56 <juhp> ok cool 06:08:14 <tagoh_> hope we'll see new package soon :) 06:08:37 <tagoh_> anything more? 06:08:47 <pravins> tagoh_: yeah, me too excited :) 06:08:59 <pravins> thanks 06:10:48 <tagoh_> okay, move on then. 06:10:52 <tagoh_> #topic Open Floor 06:11:03 <tagoh_> any other topics we are missing in the agenda if any 06:12:05 <tagoh_> if not, will close the meeting shortly 06:13:41 <tagoh_> okay, thanks everyone for the meeting! 06:13:45 <tagoh_> #endmeeting