01:00:04 <inode0> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:00:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 15 01:00:04 2012 UTC. The chair is inode0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:00:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:00:06 <inode0> #meetingname FAmNA 01:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:00:14 <inode0> #chair rbergeron 01:00:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: inode0 rbergeron 01:00:19 <DiscordianUK> and let you do your meeting 01:00:20 * masta is here 01:00:23 <inode0> #topic Roll Call 01:00:26 <dan408-> here 01:00:26 * kk4ewt 01:00:28 * lh is here 01:00:30 <dan408-> good to see you DiscordianUK 01:00:31 <award3535> *is here 01:00:39 <wrnash> is here 01:00:40 * kaptk2 is here 01:00:41 * graphite6 waves and stirs mustard sauce 01:00:46 <farmerrob> Night Discord :-) 01:00:57 <dramsey> :) 01:01:01 * nb 01:01:11 * dan408- waves 01:01:19 <dan408-> MarkDude will not make this meeting 01:01:20 * SGS is here. 01:01:41 <Sonar_Gal> SGS, Congrats!!! 01:01:53 <dan408-> ? 01:01:56 <farmerrob> You here Southern? 01:02:00 <SGS> Sonar_Gal for being here? Thank you, thank you. 01:02:19 <Sonar_Gal> SGS, Nope you know what I am talking about!! Sidewalks and all!! 01:02:21 <SGS> Sonar_Gal, Nah, I know what you meant, and thank you. 01:02:27 <SGS> Sonar_Gal, :D 01:02:28 <nb> sidewalks? 01:02:29 * rbergeron is here as well 01:02:33 * nb wonders what Sonar_Gal is referring to 01:02:33 <dan408-> lol 01:02:34 * Sonar_Gal gives SGS a hug 01:02:35 <SGS> nb Got my license 01:02:41 <rbergeron> WOO 01:02:44 <dan408-> congrats 01:02:45 <rbergeron> grats :) 01:02:46 * SGS returns said hug. 01:02:48 <SGS> thank you all. 01:02:48 <nb> SGS, oh, congrats 01:02:51 <lh> SGS, drivers license or ....? 01:02:54 * rbergeron hugs Southern_Gentlem 01:02:56 <graphite6> SGS: w00t! 01:02:58 * lh ^5s SGS regardless 01:03:11 <farmerrob> cool 01:03:20 <nb> #info The streets of Blacksburg, VA are no longer safe. SGS has his license. 01:03:24 <rbergeron> okay, I think we're present and accounted for :) 01:03:26 <lh> lol. 01:03:27 * Sonar_Gal slides Southern_Gentlem the jack!!! 01:03:28 <SGS> lh nope, my license to use lethal force when necessary. Williams. Jaaames williams. 01:03:31 <dan408-> or are they safer, nb? 01:03:35 <nb> dan408-, lol 01:03:39 <dan408-> heh 01:03:49 <inode0> #topic Announcements 01:03:50 <inode0> #info inode0 will be doing something cool next Tuesday but don't worry because graphite6 will be here to entertain you 01:04:03 <dan408-> cool 01:04:07 <graphite6> :D 01:04:11 <SGS> How dare you, inode0! Something cool, without us. . . 01:04:12 <lh> SGS, in that case 01:04:14 * SGS is offended. 01:04:22 * lh slides a bottle of tattinger down the bar to SGS 01:04:32 * SGS hushes for the meeting. 01:04:38 <inode0> everyone must get stoned 01:04:40 <dan408-> lively meeting today 01:04:45 <inode0> did inode0 just say that? 01:04:48 <farmerrob> yes 01:04:50 <graphite6> wow 01:04:51 * SGS pulls up the iron casing to prevent the incoming pebbles. 01:04:59 <dramsey> I'm hungry 01:05:11 * inode0 will be at a Bob Dylan concert if that needs to be explained :) 01:05:11 * dan408- pretends he didn't hear that and hums quietly to himself 01:05:13 <farmerrob> I had Breakfast for dinner 01:05:24 * lh needs dinner, decides instead to focus 01:05:53 <rbergeron> any other announcements? 01:05:56 <dan408-> I'm glad there is new life here 01:06:01 <dan408-> that's my announcement 01:06:19 * inode0 stuffs the rest of his bacon cheeseburger into his mouth and gets ready 01:06:19 <Sonar_Gal> not for long have to get up at 3:15 in the morning 01:06:30 <dan408-> lol 01:06:35 <masta> I'd like to announce that ponies, rainbows, and hair metal bands are awesome. 01:06:40 * rbergeron notes that FUDCOn Venezuela is next week, and IIRC subsidy requests for FUDCon Paris for those of you in emea are closing soon (if they aren't already, I can't tell what day of the week it is) 01:07:19 <dan408-> +1 rbergeron 01:07:29 <rbergeron> #info FUDCOn Venezuela is next week - your support / retweeting / encouragement are totally welcome :) 01:07:59 <graphite6> rbergeron: definitely, will do 01:08:08 <lh> +1 01:08:10 * rbergeron looks at inode0 to move onwards :) 01:08:12 <nb> ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! 01:08:17 <rbergeron> (unless there are...) 01:08:18 <rbergeron> (that) 01:08:20 <nb> Res t of F17 live media is being shipped 01:08:23 <nb> s/is/has/ 01:08:26 <rbergeron> thank god 01:08:38 <inode0> #topic Orientation Topic: Ambassador related tracs 01:09:14 <inode0> Ok, we have three main trac instances of interest to us 01:09:16 <dan408-> nb: any going to norcal? 01:09:23 <inode0> please don't 01:09:33 <dan408-> jw 01:09:35 <dan408-> sorry 01:09:37 * rbergeron pays attention to orientation 01:09:51 <inode0> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fama/ 01:10:18 <inode0> please go ahead and visit these as we go, look around a bit without logging in, log in and look around 01:10:33 * lh raises hand with question 01:10:37 <dan408-> this is cool 01:10:43 <inode0> The fama trac has some interesting information and links on the front page related to ambassador membership 01:10:59 <inode0> feel free to jump in with questions 01:11:02 <rbergeron> ? 01:11:03 <dan408-> thanks inode0 01:11:16 <rbergeron> does the chart indicate when we switched from CLA to FPCA? 01:11:22 <lh> are the credentials to login to each trac the same? 01:11:29 <nb> yes 01:11:29 <rbergeron> lh: yes 01:11:31 <dan408-> yes, should be same as fas 01:11:32 <nb> your FAS info 01:11:36 <lh> nifty 01:11:37 * lh makes note 01:11:41 <rbergeron> #info FAS = fedora account system 01:12:02 <inode0> I don't think so, the two downward spikes in membership was general purging during password changes iirc 01:12:07 <award3535> Seems like the metrics are low 01:12:08 <rbergeron> ahhh 01:12:14 * lh notes that she had logged into famna trac and is already logged in to fama trac. do these use single sign on? 01:12:39 <dan408-> lh, yes, so try to logout browse around and then login and browse around 01:12:48 <inode0> yeah, don't worry about that 01:12:50 <lh> dan408-, got it, wil do 01:12:58 * masta looked around, bookmarks 01:13:18 <inode0> the fama trac is mostly of interest beyond the front page to mentors and applicants for the ambassador group 01:13:38 <inode0> once you are in the ambassador group you probably won't use this trac beyond the front page 01:13:47 <masta> Do those spikes corospond to to any notable events? 01:13:54 <dan408-> releases 01:14:12 <inode0> we periodically force password changes and purge people who don't do it from everything 01:14:23 <masta> s/corospond/correspond/ 01:14:27 <award3535> there are alot of metrics 01:14:33 <lh> inode0, i see many requests for mentors for ambassadors in the trac. how can we help with this? (I also assume this might be an open floor question.) 01:14:55 <masta> So those are not spikes, they are purges 01:14:57 <award3535> the Map 01:14:59 <inode0> well, just because there is a ticket doesn't mean they asked for a mentor, most haven't 01:15:03 <dan408-> point them in the right direction 01:15:03 <kaptk2> I think I need to encourage my mentor to add his name to my ticket 01:15:13 <kk4ewt> lh they follow the protocol and contact a mentor 01:15:49 <dan408-> ! 01:15:50 <lh> kk4ewt, noted. i will ask more questions about this during open floor. 01:16:02 <inode0> we still get quite a few people who request group membership, then don't follow through 01:16:03 <lh> inode0, ^^ 01:16:21 <dan408-> I think it would be a good idea to improve the membership process page and put mroe detail there so more people can join, and faster. 01:16:39 <award3535> well that boils down to the individual, if your really interested you will follow up 01:16:48 <inode0> please explore at your leisure but let's move on to the trac instances we use a lot now 01:16:58 <dan408-> that is true, but you would also think you put in the trac ticket and you're waiting in line now. 01:16:59 <kaptk2> dan408- I think it is pretty clear having just started the process myself 01:17:03 <inode0> https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ 01:17:10 <inode0> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ 01:17:27 <inode0> the famna trac is our public, general purpose trac instance 01:17:39 <inode0> it is important to remember this trac is public 01:18:01 <inode0> do not put any private information into it because it won't be private any longer :) 01:18:12 <dan408-> oops 01:18:20 <masta> are we able to edit our own fama trac ticket, with our progress of becoming full fleged ambassador, etc? 01:18:34 <inode0> you should be able to 01:19:14 <inode0> although progress is recorded by fama and your mentor, you shouldn't really need to add anything unless you want to 01:19:59 <inode0> https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report 01:20:22 <inode0> you'll notice #9 which is our weekly meeting agenda report 01:20:45 <inode0> that is automatically generated from other tickets in this trac having their milestone set to meeting 01:21:18 <farmerrob> cool 01:21:31 <inode0> often if you want to browse you'll click on active tickets and just snoop around - feel free to do that and see how others use tickets here 01:21:57 <inode0> mostly we track progress of events and make sure they get on the meeting agenda by using a ticket in this trac 01:22:26 <inode0> we have used it for other purposes, and it is really available to use for any purpose that can be done in public 01:22:32 <inode0> so feel free to use it 01:23:14 <inode0> when you are finished do please close the tickets that belong to you rather than just abandon them, someone has to clean them up eventually 01:23:28 <lh> inode0, so is the idea that we propose ideas in the trac vs. on say a fedora project mailing list? such as #39 to open the canadian regional mailing list 01:23:34 * graphite6 tends to comment excessively on tickets where she has tasks b/c her short term memory sucks 01:23:43 <dan408-> lh: you stole my open floor question 01:23:53 <lh> dan408-, i haz the psychic 01:24:08 <dan408-> +1 lh 01:24:31 <inode0> you can propose ideas here - that particular item has been discussed elsewhere and the ticket was created just we would discuss it in our meeting 01:24:32 <award3535> +1 keeps things in order 01:24:57 <dan408-> inode0: but during the open floor right? 01:25:00 <lh> inode0, ok, so process is propose idea during weekly meeting then open ticket after discussion occurs in meeting to track for follow up? 01:25:02 <masta> ok so this is the correct interface to introduce fedora-metting topics? 01:25:11 <masta> no other way is as good? 01:25:35 <inode0> lh: you can propose an idea however you please, on irc, in a meeting, in a ticket, on a mailing list :) 01:25:39 <dan408-> i think open floor #fedora-ambassadors is good, and that was going to be my open floor question, and had some suggestions but will save it for later. 01:25:53 <lh> inode0, noted, will not derail further. 01:26:21 <inode0> masta: this is the best way to be sure to get something on the meeting agenda 01:26:43 <inode0> it isn't required though, you can also bring up an item during the Open Floor 01:27:07 * graphite6 smacks forehead - puts closing tickets on to do list 01:27:28 <inode0> last warning for tonight - the famna trac is public - do not stick personal information in it :) 01:27:48 <inode0> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famnarequests/ 01:27:59 <inode0> our third trac for tonight is the famnarequests trac 01:28:59 <inode0> it is a private trac where mostly ambassadors make requests for swag or reimbursements which normally require private information of some sort 01:29:30 <inode0> generally you will be able to see tickets that you either own or have been cc'ed on but not other tickets 01:29:49 <lh> inode0, like not sharing a point of contact's home address when sending swag or something like that, right? 01:30:31 <inode0> yes, or information related to getting a reimbursement sent - most commonly it is a delivery address that we consider personal 01:30:40 * lh nods 01:31:13 <inode0> so most ambassadors will start on this one by clicking new ticket to ask for something 01:31:37 <inode0> usually swag for events, or event banners, etc. 01:31:38 <award3535> works well this process does 01:31:48 <inode0> or media 01:32:08 <inode0> please try to direct requests to the region where the delivery will be made 01:32:28 * dan408- takes notes 01:32:36 <inode0> so if you are asking for something to be shipped to oregon choose west coast so our nearest shipper gets the ticket 01:32:53 <inode0> do not make yourself the owner of these tickets unless you know what you are doing :) 01:33:35 <masta> can one ticket here hold all the swag and banner request in one place, or is there ever the notion to break things appart, say the banners from the other swag? 01:33:36 <award3535> the default usually works for the region 01:33:48 <inode0> also do be aware we get very grumpy if you ask for next day air delivery 01:34:08 <award3535> masta, I did and got everything needed 01:34:21 <dan408-> lol 01:34:27 <dan408-> unless it's beefy 01:34:41 <inode0> actually I would split swag and banners into two tickets but we'll figure it out most likely 01:34:41 <farmerrob> mmmm Beefy 01:34:42 <award3535> well beefy just arrived a little late 01:34:58 <inode0> the banners often will ship from a different person than the swag 01:35:17 <farmerrob> good info 01:35:21 <kk4ewt> masta the more things are together the easier to track 01:35:29 <dan408-> hello herlo 01:35:48 <inode0> so unless there is something very odd please request normal ground shipping and ask waaaaay in advance of the need 01:35:57 <masta> I'm just wondering if different logistical tasks should be isolated, or kept organized in one place? 01:36:25 <inode0> we don't have shippers sitting around watching trac 24 hours a day 01:36:41 <inode0> they are volunteers just like you and they need time to get things done 01:36:53 <lh> masta, sounds to me like banners in one ticket, all else in another ticket 01:37:04 * lh also realizes she did her first ticket request wrong, will fix 01:37:28 <inode0> we all did our first ticket request wrong :) 01:37:37 <inode0> well, most of us did so don't feel bad 01:37:51 <lh> fwiw, FedEx ground shipping within the continental united states takes at least 5 business days folks, not including the time your shipper will need to prep shipment 01:37:55 * lh ships too much stuff 01:37:59 <masta> so it is a good idea to CC all the folks that are involved on a ticket, just so everyone involved can see the ticket? 01:38:12 * inode0 notes we normally ship via UPS 01:38:25 <masta> say for example things are shipped from different places 01:38:27 * lh will research UPS' policies 01:38:31 <nb> we normally ship via UPS ground, and sometimes I ship USPS Priority 01:38:43 <nb> we currently don't use fedex 01:39:05 <inode0> since we ship from different regions 3-5 days is pretty normal for ground delivery 01:39:10 <nb> yeah 01:39:17 <inode0> which means that you should ask at least 3 weeks before that :) 01:39:35 <nb> +1 01:39:59 * lh makes note - shipments in continental USA take around 3-4 weeks from request date 01:40:29 <inode0> ok, your homework is to poke around in the tracs we use and see if you can get comfortable - ask questions in IRC and someone will help you 01:40:40 <dramsey> +1 01:40:42 <nb> Also, I would note that we can get stuff shipped quicker, but please try to reach us on IRC if you need us to ship stuff quicker (quicker as in when we ship it, we will still ship it ground) 01:40:45 <farmerrob> Will do 01:40:53 <award3535> +1 01:40:57 <herlo> dan408-: hola 01:40:58 <nb> but we do prefer to have several weeks notice 01:41:05 <dan408-> bonjour 01:41:17 <dramsey> +1 01:41:20 <inode0> it really doesn't require 3-4 weeks notice - that really helps though if you can give us that lead time 01:41:24 <nb> yeah 01:41:51 <nb> and if you haven't heard that it has been shipped by a week or so before you need it, please follow up and ask us about it 01:41:53 <lh> inode0, but we should consider less than 3-4 weeks to be the exception *not* the rule or always possible 01:42:02 <inode0> shipping stuff to people isn't the most fun way to contribute - be very nice to the people doing it or they will quit and you'll have to do it :) 01:42:29 <award3535> +1 01:42:35 <farmerrob> :-) 01:42:37 * lh dispenses hugs and chocolate to all of our shippers 01:42:39 <masta> :) 01:42:40 <inode0> lh: try to give the shippers as much lead time as you can 01:42:42 <nb> lh, well, I would consider it as preferred to give us that much notice. but if you need something and theres less time, just make sure we notice you need it quicker 01:43:02 <lh> inode0, nb noted, 01:43:11 <nb> i know personally i'm not that good at noticing famnarequests tickets 01:43:17 <inode0> we can't always give that much - you might be asked to give a talk next thursday and need swag 01:43:22 <nb> yeah 01:43:27 <inode0> we do understand things come up 01:43:46 <inode0> ok, I think we need to move one 01:43:48 <inode0> on 01:43:53 <award3535> +1 01:43:57 <nb> we will use expedited shipping if necessary, but pretty much that's reserved for 1) we screw up and don't ship stuff quick enough or 2) a special case and you couldn't have planned ahead 01:44:09 <nb> because you forgot to ask is generally not a valid case for overnighting stuff 01:44:25 <inode0> one last thing on this 01:44:36 <kk4ewt> cost for overnight is about 8x ground 01:44:48 <inode0> we need to be as careful as we can spending Fedora's limited budget shipping stuff around 01:44:54 <nb> yeah 01:45:11 <inode0> so please help us do that by allowing time enough for ground shipping - it is much cheaper 01:45:28 <inode0> #topic Tickets 01:45:33 <kk4ewt> and if we can ship to a business it is cheaper as well 01:45:44 <nb> true 01:45:52 <nb> and if you do give us a business address, let us know it is such 01:45:55 <inode0> good point - business delivery addresses help a lot too 01:46:04 <nb> because i don't know if i tell it residential, if it will charge less if i clicked residential already 01:46:22 <inode0> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:46:46 <inode0> graphite6: can you grab the reins now and take care of OLF while I step away briefly? 01:46:53 <inode0> or kk4ewt 01:46:55 <graphite6> yes 01:47:00 <inode0> thank you 01:47:19 <graphite6> .famna 26 01:47:31 <graphite6> .famna ticket 26 01:47:49 * graphite6 never remembers these commands 01:48:05 <graphite6> thanks kk4ewt :D 01:48:10 <farmerrob> Linux Fest :-) 01:48:17 <graphite6> the event page has been updated 01:48:23 <graphite6> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ohio_Linux_Fest_2012 01:48:36 <graphite6> I've seeded the schedule 01:48:43 <nb> nice, apparently it will adjust off the res surcharge if we ship to commercial 01:48:50 <nb> even if we tell it residential when we ship 01:48:54 <nb> i just looked at an invoice 01:49:04 <graphite6> kk4ewt did the booth schedule (you rock!) 01:49:38 <kk4ewt> been doing it the last 5 years 01:49:57 <kk4ewt> graphite IIRC do you need to adjust the budget 01:49:58 <graphite6> the new thing is that the BoF session proposals are now open for submissions at OLF 01:50:19 <graphite6> #link http://ohiolinux.org/bofs 01:50:46 <graphite6> I think it would be nice if those of us going could cook up a bof topic of two 01:50:53 <graphite6> in the next few weeks 01:51:26 <graphite6> sponsorship update: ruth has signed and paid the contract and sent it in 01:52:04 <graphite6> also I priced out a hotel room and flight for me 01:52:22 <graphite6> see the Travel subsidy section on the event page but here are the details 01:53:12 <graphite6> S. White Room* + Airfare2 nights (rate: $119, approx tax: $39) + round trip DEN <=> CMH Total = $583 01:53:22 <kk4ewt> graphite6: fix the total 01:53:25 <award3535> I will have to skip this one folks, wish I could go, other things keeping me at the real job 01:53:43 * nb moves to approve the funding for graphite6 room and airfare and kk4ewt/sgs room 01:53:50 <graphite6> did I do the math wrong? 01:54:04 <masta> I think so 01:54:05 <inode0> #chiar graphite6 01:54:05 <inode0> #chair graphite6 01:54:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: graphite6 inode0 rbergeron 01:54:05 <inode0> hrm 01:54:27 <graphite6> room $277 (2 nights) flight $306 01:54:44 <kk4ewt> i make the motion that we make the budget of 1400 for OLF 01:55:01 <nb> +1 01:55:02 <inode0> +1 01:55:21 <kk4ewt> +1 01:55:27 <Sonar_Gal> +1 01:55:29 <lh> question: when is it appropriate to +1? 01:55:39 <lh> as in i am new here, is it ok for me to +1? 01:55:43 * masta +1's anyways 01:55:45 <kk4ewt> lh are you ambassador 01:55:46 <herlo> lh: of course 01:55:47 <award3535> +1 01:55:53 <kk4ewt> do you agree 01:55:54 <lh> +1 then :) 01:56:05 <lh> kk4ewt, i do indeed. 01:56:07 <dan408-> +1 01:56:29 * graphite6 thinks you all are wonderous and amazing 01:56:55 <kk4ewt> looks like it is approved 01:57:01 <graphite6> #agreed budget of $1400 approved for OLF 01:57:08 <masta> looks like a great event 01:57:12 <kk4ewt> #action budget of 1400 approved for OLF 01:57:17 * lh holds other questions for open floor 01:57:36 <masta> will make sure to spread soem buzz about that in the next few weeks leading to 01:58:02 <graphite6> I will also, I'll be sending an email out to the list tomorrow as well as tracking down some people I know will be there 01:58:16 <kk4ewt> inode0 shall we go to open floor or continue on tickets 01:58:31 <graphite6> so, in keeping with learning new things should I file ticket for event box and banners and beefy? 01:58:49 <graphite6> (but I know kk4ewt is bringing up the event box) 01:58:50 <herlo> aye 01:59:10 <kk4ewt> #topic open floor 01:59:11 * inode0 thinks open flow 01:59:15 <inode0> floor 01:59:17 <inode0> sigh 01:59:17 <graphite6> gotcha 01:59:18 <masta> :( 01:59:27 * nirik has an item for open floor. 01:59:29 <nb> Who has the Fedora and Beefy buttons? 01:59:35 <inode0> masta: we can talk about your ticket tomorrow? 01:59:38 <kk4ewt> someone took my rights away 01:59:45 <masta> inode0: ok :) 01:59:49 <inode0> #chair kk4ewt 01:59:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: graphite6 inode0 kk4ewt rbergeron 01:59:59 <kk4ewt> #topic open floor 02:00:35 <award3535> nb, all the beefy buttons in the east ebox went at TLF 02:00:48 <nb> oh 02:00:52 <kk4ewt> nb checking 02:01:05 <award3535> quite a popular event and growing 02:01:07 <nirik> I'd like to note for your consideration: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/3405 Should I set this up? or would you folks prefer ambassadors stuff stays on one list? 02:01:12 <inode0> graphite6: would you think about doing an orientation on creating event pages on the wiki next week? 02:01:36 * lh has many questions for open floor time 02:01:50 * lh waits to be acknowledged by meeting chair (one of them anyway) 02:01:55 <graphite6> inode0: sure, I <3 event pages :D 02:01:56 <dan408-> nirik: spinning 02:02:03 <herlo> nirik: it was supposed to be on the agenda at some point 02:02:08 <dan408-> hmm 02:02:11 <dan408-> canadian mailing list 02:02:12 * herlo doesn't know if it ever did 02:02:13 <kk4ewt> nb i have fedora buttons 02:02:27 <dan408-> why not? 02:02:27 <nirik> ok, just wondering... I don't like tickets sitting around, like to process them if I can. ;) 02:02:30 <lh> nirik, i think this sounds like a good idea 02:02:35 * herlo thinks inode0's response on https://fedorahosted.org/famnarequests/ticket/298 even though it was filed on the wrong list is appropriate here 02:02:53 <inode0> nirik: I voiced my disapproval earlier but I don't want to stop them if they feel they need it 02:03:06 <nb> kk4ewt, do we need to order some more? or do you have enough to share wit hthe other regions? 02:03:08 <dan408-> i welcome it and would join it 02:03:09 <lh> inode0, why do you feel this is a poor idea? 02:03:13 <kk4ewt> i think if the Canadian ambassadors want it fine 02:03:14 <herlo> inode0: I asked that they discuss it in the FAMNa meeting, but it looks like the requestor didn't show up 02:03:27 <nirik> I have not seen a reply on the ticket in a while... 02:03:30 * nb did not get any buttons when they were produced right before SELF 02:03:40 <nirik> well, 13 days 02:03:45 <inode0> next it will be the south carolina ambassadors list 02:03:50 <herlo> nirik: yeah, it got all messed up when he filed the ticket on the wrong trac instance 02:03:51 <kk4ewt> nb you need me to send you some 02:03:51 <inode0> where does it stop? 02:04:05 <nb> kk4ewt, that'd be great. I have like 5-10 buttons left 02:04:12 <dan408-> inode0 raises a valid point 02:04:12 <nirik> herlo: ok, so should I close the infra one pending other trac action? 02:04:15 <herlo> /famanrequests is for swag, he needed to file it on /famna 02:04:17 <dan408-> ambassadors list is worldwide 02:04:20 <herlo> nirik: I think so 02:04:28 <nb> i thought about taking some home with me but forgot 02:04:30 <herlo> anyone else have an opinion on it? 02:04:37 <nb> herlo, well, i'm kind of +0 02:04:42 <dan408-> +0 here too 02:04:44 <herlo> inode0 doesn't like the idea either, but that's just us 02:04:44 * nirik can't see the other ticket, but I worry that it wont get much use. 02:04:51 <herlo> nirik: yeah, that's the problem 02:04:53 <lh> inode0, ah, i see. well, i think it is worth noting that canadians do not always like to be lumped in with folks from the states. if this helps us get more ambassadors because people feel more comfortable, then why not do it? 02:04:54 <inode0> for ambassadors who don't speak English or aren't comfortable/efficient with English I think there can be a good reason for a separate list 02:04:57 <kk4ewt> nirik: thats my feeling 02:04:59 <inode0> but not for Canada 02:05:07 <dan408-> we dont get enough traffic on the main list to warrant this. 02:05:08 <dan408-> -1 02:05:20 * lh notes dan408-'s point 02:05:21 <kk4ewt> changeing to -1 02:05:29 <dan408-> thx 02:05:37 <award3535> I am going to punch out, got to get up early.....good night all 02:05:41 <Sonar_Gal> -1 02:05:42 <kk4ewt> the Canadaian ambassadors dont show up to this meeting 02:05:46 * lh +1s if and only if the requestor comes to a meeting to discuss with the team 02:06:06 <kk4ewt> lh all northern ambassadors 02:06:10 <herlo> kk4ewt: I don't know how to respond to that other than to say, they should and if they really want something they should 02:06:23 <masta> Hopefully they are not discouraged to show here 02:06:24 <lh> kk4ewt, i don't follow, sorry 02:06:25 <inode0> lh: we are all lumped together on the ambassadors list - not just the states 02:06:40 <herlo> canadian ambassadors are part of FAmNA 02:06:56 <masta> Perhaps we should start praisign canadian bacon, and mapple leafs and stuff.... get them in here 02:06:59 <lh> inode0, as in we are all on an ambassadors list for north america or there is a global fedora ambassadors list for all of us no matter where we live? 02:07:01 <herlo> they are aware of this and should attend this meeting as FAmNA controls the budget 02:07:04 <herlo> at least for NA 02:07:05 <nb> nirik, now you can see https://fedorahosted.org/famnarequests/ticket/298 02:07:06 <kk4ewt> lh this region is USA,Canada and Mexico 02:07:09 * nb added you as a CC 02:07:16 <inode0> the ambassador list is global 02:07:18 <lh> kk4ewt, noted, thank you 02:07:21 <lh> inode0, noted, thank you 02:07:22 <herlo> kk4ewt: Mexico is in LATAM 02:07:34 * nb does see a potential benefit to having regional lists 02:07:34 <herlo> because of the language barrier 02:07:44 <masta> are the canadians primarily french speakers? 02:07:46 <nb> the only regional list in NA i know of so far is famna-regionals 02:07:50 <inode0> no 02:07:53 <kk4ewt> masta nope 02:07:59 <herlo> masta: I think some are, but not enough to warrant a list in this way imo 02:08:18 <lh> masta, canadians are almost all bi-lingual french and english, as they are both recognized as official languages by the canadian government 02:08:20 <masta> then I have to agree with inode0, they speak english they go in NA 02:08:24 <herlo> nb: and that's a private list just for managing SWAG 02:08:31 <nb> yeah 02:08:47 <herlo> don't want to give away addresses :) 02:09:18 * lh still thinks that this request should be approved if the team is wiling to turn up and advocate for it 02:09:21 <inode0> well as I said I wouldn't do anything to prevent them from having the list if they really think it works better for them 02:09:26 <inode0> but I'm skeptical 02:09:31 * nirik is happy to do whatever 02:09:34 * herlo just wants to hear a justification 02:09:35 * nb moves to ask the Canadians to come to this meeting 02:09:41 <herlo> +1 nb 02:09:44 <lh> nb, +1 02:09:45 <nb> and further moves to defer this request until they do so 02:09:49 <graphite6> +1 02:09:49 <lh> nb, +1 02:09:50 <herlo> nb: as has already been requested :) 02:09:52 <kk4ewt> +1 02:09:56 * CubedRoot is here...really late :( 02:10:16 <nirik> ok, let me close the infra one then pending discussion in this meeting/right trac 02:10:22 <nb> ok 02:10:29 <herlo> nirik: sounds good 02:10:37 <nirik> thanks folks. 02:10:44 <lh> inode0, is now a good time for random questions or are we waiting for further discussion? also i note that we have run over so i can save for open floor next meeting. 02:10:51 <kk4ewt> table till canadian ambassadors can come to this meeting 02:11:06 * inode0 would like to end the meeting at 15 after if possible 02:11:10 <herlo> kk4ewt: right, they can just reopen that ticket 02:11:18 <inode0> feel free to sneak in another question before then 02:11:19 <herlo> lh: ask away 02:11:36 <lh> inode0, duly noted, i think my questions will take longer than that and i want to be respectful of everyone's time 02:11:38 <lh> herlo, ^^ 02:12:10 <inode0> oh, go for it and in the worst case we'll get to think up a good answer for next week :)( 02:12:18 <lh> inode0, yes sir. so voting... 02:12:26 <lh> any ambassador can +1 which means i am in favor, correct? 02:12:33 <inode0> yes 02:12:44 <Sonar_Gal> +1 02:12:45 <lh> does -1 mean i block this from going forward or just i do not like this idea and am not in support 02:12:51 <dan408-> or +1 for good karma :) 02:12:54 <dramsey> +1 02:12:56 <inode0> 0 - neutral, -1 against 02:12:59 <herlo> -1 is against 02:13:01 <dan408-> +1 dramsey 02:13:05 <herlo> yeah, what inode0 said :) 02:13:13 <lh> does -1 stop anything from happening or does it just mean "do not want this to happen" 02:13:25 <dan408-> majority rules 02:13:26 <herlo> lh: enough -1s would. We work on concensus 02:13:26 <inode0> our voting is a little fuzzy 02:13:28 <dan408-> in that vote usually 02:13:29 * lh has participated in projects where if any member -1s something it is considered blocking 02:13:33 <inode0> majority does not rule 02:13:56 <inode0> generally we try to reach a consensus 02:14:03 <dan408-> even in the case of release names? 02:14:05 <herlo> in other words, if enough people vote -1 even if there are more +1s and there are good reasons for the -1, we may hold off or vote against an idea 02:14:07 <lh> inode0, in the event we cannot reach consensus, who decides? 02:14:15 <inode0> if there is disagreement we are likely to table it until later 02:14:26 <lh> herlo, inode0 ok, got it thank you 02:14:27 <dan408-> interesting. 02:14:42 <dan408-> this has been a really educational meeting 02:14:51 <dan408-> thank you 02:14:54 <lh> in the event we keep not agreeing about something, does the subject drop off radar or does someone decide on what will be done? if someone decides, who is that person? 02:15:00 <farmerrob> Yes Great meeting 02:15:03 <inode0> there is very seldom disagreement - we don't usually bring up controversial things to vote on 02:15:09 <dan408-> it goes to public vote like release names i would guess 02:15:13 * lh tables that last question for our next meeting 02:15:22 <dan408-> after beefy miracle there were a few people that wanted to stop having release names 02:15:26 <wrnash> yes a great meeting. 02:15:27 <dan408-> so there was a big vote about it 02:15:31 <lh> inode0, noted 02:15:34 <inode0> more often the disagreement is known before then and we just don't vote until we work things out agreeably 02:15:35 <dan408-> and we decided to keep them 02:15:51 <lh> inode0, graphite6, rbergeron and anyone else i left off, thank you for chairing tonight's meeting 02:15:53 <herlo> lh: I think in that way, we would push it up to FAMSCo or soemthing similar for an official vote. It really depends on how important it is to the community 02:15:55 <nb> well, in FAmNA we really haven't had too many things that are too controverisial 02:15:58 <dramsey> +1 02:16:03 <lh> herlo, got it 02:16:11 * rbergeron didnt do much but feed her kids 02:16:13 <nb> usually most things like approving events are all +1's once it gets to the vote 02:16:21 <inode0> ok, thank you everyone 02:16:27 <nb> sometimes people will suggest changing stuff but that's usually resolved before the voet 02:16:31 * masta +0's 02:16:31 <lh> nb, i assumed so but it never hurts to ask. thank you for the clarifications. :) 02:16:31 <rbergeron> also: i made a linuxcon page... i guess i will mail list :D 02:16:32 * Sonar_Gal is off to bed. Have to be up in 5 hours 02:16:38 <dan408-> yeah wouldn't board and fesco meetings be more controversial? 02:16:40 <farmerrob> Thank You for the class :-) 02:16:42 <lh> rbergeron, ++ will add more details 02:16:50 <lh> Sonar_Gal, rest well 02:16:53 <inode0> I'll be listening to Dylan instead of you guys next week and I'm sure I'll miss you all terribly :) 02:17:01 <rbergeron> liar :D 02:17:03 <farmerrob> ha 02:17:06 <lh> inode0, enjoy your concert 02:17:10 <farmerrob> Dylan I RL 02:17:10 <dan408-> dont get stoned.. with rocks 02:17:11 * rbergeron knows you will enjoy 02:17:13 <farmerrob> in 02:17:23 <inode0> ok, thanks again 02:17:26 <farmerrob> I saw him is good 02:17:26 <inode0> #endmeeting