19:00:17 <rbergeron> #startmeeting Cloud SIG 19:00:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 17 19:00:17 2012 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:22 <rbergeron> #meetingname Cloud SIG 19:00:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cloud_sig' 19:00:28 <rbergeron> #topic Who's here? 19:00:31 <jdarcy> Boo. 19:00:37 * jsmith lurks 19:00:37 <rbergeron> hey you, long time no see 19:00:40 <agrimm> o/ 19:00:47 <tdawson> greetings 19:00:52 <rbergeron> salutations 19:01:48 <mspaulding> hi 19:01:49 <rbergeron> #topic Agenda 19:01:56 <rbergeron> howdy, mspaulding 19:02:15 <rbergeron> #info today's agenda: check in on various feature progress, start talking about test days and/or docs 19:02:34 <rbergeron> #info also, open floor, or anything else anyone wants to bring up :) 19:02:43 <rbergeron> and with that: i'll start with who i see :) 19:02:46 <rbergeron> #topic OpenShift Origin 19:03:07 <rbergeron> how's packaging going? :) I know you guys are getting close. 19:03:17 <tdawson> We are very close on the packaging. 19:03:43 <tdawson> But the whole thing is still uninstallable until we get the very first package done ... which is rubygem-passenger. 19:03:51 <tdawson> But that is very close. 19:04:34 <rbergeron> I'm going to have a big bottle of something when that thing gets wrapped up. 19:04:37 <rbergeron> good god. 19:04:39 <rbergeron> :) 19:04:41 <tdawson> We do have two final required packages where our packagers and the reviewers are finishing up the final stuff. 19:05:49 <tdawson> But once the one domino falls, the rest should follow suite ... and then we get to see if it actually works. 19:06:32 <rbergeron> ;) 19:06:38 <rbergeron> but you have people actually reviewing them. 19:06:47 <tdawson> It *should* work ... but we've changed the names of everything, so it's quite possible something broke. 19:06:51 <threebean> @whit537 19:06:52 <tdawson> Yes, we have people reviewing them. 19:07:05 <threebean> oh my, excuse me. wrong channel. 19:07:13 <tdawson> misc has done alot of them, and he has been very thoughough. 19:07:46 <tdawson> thorough? how ever you spell that. 19:08:05 <tdawson> misc = Michael Scherer 19:08:43 <rbergeron> that's one of those pesky words. :) 19:09:12 <rbergeron> okay. so when are you guys hoping that you'll be moving from packaging to ... seeing if it works? 19:09:51 <tdawson> I'm hoping early next week. My personal goal is tuesday. 19:10:42 <tdawson> All three packages (passenger, controller, and msg-broker-mcollective) are on the final nit picky parts of the packing. 19:11:02 <rbergeron> #info OpenShift hoping to have packaging done early next week, and then moving on to "does it blend" 19:11:06 <tdawson> /packing/reviewing/ 19:12:23 <rbergeron> #undo 19:12:23 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0xa31f410> 19:12:34 <rbergeron> #info OpenShift hoping to have reviewing done early next week, and then moving on to "does it blend" 19:12:37 <rbergeron> :) 19:12:45 <tdawson> :) 19:12:57 <rbergeron> alrighty. anything else there? 19:13:03 <tdawson> I think that's it for now. 19:13:38 <rbergeron> coolio 19:13:41 <rbergeron> #topic Eucalyptus 19:13:44 * rbergeron looks at agrimm 19:14:03 <agrimm> This week's progress: Last core deps are in (a mule fix is still in updates-testing, but it works). Created initial systemd units (which cheat and call old init scripts). Massive fixes related to FHS issues (moving things from /usr/lib into /usr/libexec and such). 19:14:03 <agrimm> Left to do: create SELinux policies. Debug issues related to wso2-wsf (axis2/c). Get ActiveMQ and GWT packaged so that the reporting and admin web UI work. 19:14:19 <rbergeron> activemq isn't packaged? 19:14:46 <agrimm> not java activemq ... possibly an implementation in another language? 19:14:55 <agrimm> mspaulding is working on it 19:15:17 <mspaulding> Yeah, there are a few package reviews that I need to do 19:15:38 <agrimm> anyway, so the big question is when we actually put something up for review. I'm assuming that we have to have SELinux policy ready first? 19:16:09 <rbergeron> uhh.... i honestly am not sure. 19:16:19 * rbergeron isn't positive on the policy around the policy 19:16:54 <rbergeron> agrimm: might be wise to ask on-list in cloud@lists or even just devel 19:17:02 <rbergeron> unless i see somtehing jumping out on the wiki immediately 19:17:04 <agrimm> well, anyway, we should have it up for review next week, I think. might take most of the week for one of us to figure out a sane policy 19:18:06 <agrimm> I also will likely need the wso-wsf-cpp maintainer to apply several bugfixes to axis2/c & rampartc. hopefully that won't be too much trouble 19:18:58 <rbergeron> #info last core deps are in, created initial systemd units, lots of FHS fixes. still need to create selinux policies, debug issues re: wso2-wsf (axis2/c). 19:19:16 <rbergeron> #info need to get activemq and gwt packaged for reporting and admin web UI. 19:19:41 <rbergeron> when you say "not java activemq" do you mean just "some other amqp implementation" ? 19:20:22 <agrimm> rbergeron, my "not java activemq" comment was saying that "java activemq is _not_ packaged, and that's what we need" 19:21:09 <mspaulding> rbergeron: there is a C++ implementation called activemq-cpp already in Fedora I believe 19:21:20 <agrimm> right, I jut searched and saw that 19:21:44 <rbergeron> ahh 19:22:22 <rbergeron> oka y:) 19:22:40 <rbergeron> but things are progressing as well as they can be it looks like 19:23:22 <agrimm> yeah. with SELinux in permissive mode, I have a working CLC/Walrus/Storage Controller stack 19:23:30 <mspaulding> \o/ 19:23:54 <rbergeron> okay, well, I guess this leads right to my next topic: 19:23:58 <rbergeron> oh , wait. 19:24:08 <rbergeron> before i do that: any other feature owners here who are wanting to give updates? 19:24:22 <rbergeron> or non-features but own something cloudy? 19:24:29 * rbergeron nudges at jdarcy 19:25:00 <rbergeron> okay, i'll move back to that topic i was going to then 19:25:11 <rbergeron> #topic Test days and docs or how-tos 19:25:42 <rbergeron> so, I guess to both euca and openshift, and also to openstack and other folks - are you planning test days for this cycle, or planning to update documentatoin (or create it)? 19:25:56 <rbergeron> I know the "getting started withopenstack on f17" has been really helpful for a lot of people 19:26:48 <jdarcy> Sorry, was downstairs. Nothing much on the GlusterFS/HekaFS front, unless you count a bunch of people being at LinuxCon/CloudOpen in a coupla weeks. 19:27:27 <rbergeron> oh, right. i'll be there :) 19:27:44 <agrimm> I would love to have a euca test day -- just not sure how involved I can be. it might be left to mspaulding and others (my paternity leave is quickly approaching) 19:27:57 <rbergeron> oh, yes. :) 19:28:27 <rbergeron> tdawson: thoughts at all on test day or docs type stuff? 19:28:35 <tdawson> I know that there will be some documentation on setting up openshift on Fedora 18 ... 19:28:52 <rbergeron> are you guys doing that inside fedora wiki or docs, or just in hte openshift wiki? 19:29:02 <tdawson> I've never done a Fedora test day before, but I'm sure there are those on the team that can help pull one together. 19:29:07 * rbergeron doesnt' think it matters either way, but would be helpful to have a pointer from one to the other 19:29:27 <tdawson> I am pretty sure that we'll have one on our openshift pages. 19:29:31 <rbergeron> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Test_Days 19:29:52 <tdawson> (meaning docs will be on our openshift pages) 19:29:52 <rbergeron> tdawson: in case you want to pass that around with the openshift crowd as an idea 19:30:01 <rbergeron> tdawson: yeah, i figured as much 19:30:35 <tdawson> But other docs, like openshift on openstack and eucla, I don't know if they will be on Fedora's pages or our pages, or where. 19:31:23 * rbergeron nods 19:31:45 <rbergeron> someone ought to make the cross-compendium of cloudy docstackiness 19:32:18 <rbergeron> "how to build it all on top of everyting! muahhahah" 19:32:30 <rbergeron> ^^^ free get rich quick scheme for anyone interested 19:32:50 <rbergeron> anyhoo: okay. so basically for now it looks like "just need to see how things go and how time goes" 19:32:59 <tdawson> mmm ... sounds like a good ice cream sunday recipee ... everything sprinkled over everything. 19:33:06 <rbergeron> yes. 19:33:09 <tdawson> for now, yes 19:33:21 <tdawson> Hopefully by next friday we'll know where we stand 19:34:44 <tdawson> And ... hopefully by next friday, I'll have read over the testing days stuff and have some sort of plan. 19:35:00 <rbergeron> awesome. 19:35:24 <rbergeron> #info Moving towards planning for test days; just need to get the reviews/packaging wrapped up on things first! 19:35:53 <rbergeron> tdawson: the QA folks can be really helpful too if you have questions, either onthe test list or in #fedora-qa 19:36:31 <rbergeron> okay, sounds like... open floor time 19:36:34 <rbergeron> #topic Open Floor 19:36:38 <rbergeron> Anyone? 19:36:41 * rbergeron pokes around the room 19:36:48 <tdawson> OK, I'll be sure to use them 19:38:15 <rbergeron> okay, I'll give this meeting another minute or two, and then i'll close up shop 19:39:25 * rbergeron whistles 19:39:52 <rbergeron> it's kind of sad when gholms isn't here to make [silly comments on the irc channel] 19:39:57 <rbergeron> lol 19:40:46 <rbergeron> okay. see you next week, folks :) 19:40:48 <rbergeron> #endmeeting