#fedora-meeting: FAmSCo 2012-10-01
Meeting started by cwickert at 17:00:37 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll call (cwickert, 17:00:49)
- sesivany is busy today with the opening of the
new Red Hat office in Brno (yay!) (cwickert,
- aeperezt cwickert herlo and nb present
- Budget review guidelines (cwickert, 17:13:50)
- http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/famsco/2012-October/001169.html
- AGREED: regions can
not only define their own rules for approval but also their own
limits. The only hard limit we have is $ 2000, this is both the PO
limit as well as the FAmSCo limit (cwickert,
- AGREED: FAmSCo will
revisit the progress of regional budget policies in 2 weeks, give
them a peer review and address them with the relevant region(s). In
4 weeks from now, every region should have a policy in place.
- ACTION: sesivany and
cwickert to work on the Policy for EMEA (cwickert,
- ACTION: herlo and nb
to work on the policy for NA (nb,
- ACTION: aeperezt to
work on the policy for LATAM (cwickert,
- ACTION: bckurera to
work on the APAC policy (almost done) (cwickert,
- open floor (herlo, 18:01:09)
- http://sexysexypenguins.com/2012/09/30/fedora-ambassadors-update-september-2012/
- FAMA (Fedora Ambassadors Membership
Administration) is now done by herlo. more on that at
and thanks to kital for his hard work over the past years
Meeting ended at 18:03:06 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- sesivany and cwickert to work on the Policy for EMEA
- herlo and nb to work on the policy for NA
- aeperezt to work on the policy for LATAM
- bckurera to work on the APAC policy (almost done)
Action items, by person
- aeperezt
- aeperezt to work on the policy for LATAM
- cwickert
- sesivany and cwickert to work on the Policy for EMEA
- herlo
- herlo and nb to work on the policy for NA
- nb
- herlo and nb to work on the policy for NA
People present (lines said)
- cwickert (116)
- herlo (94)
- nb (25)
- aeperezt (8)
- zodbot (7)
- inode0 (3)
- rbergeron (1)
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