18:34:46 <gholms> #startmeeting Fedora Board Meeting (10 Oct 2012) 18:34:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 10 18:34:46 2012 UTC. The chair is gholms. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:34:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:34:50 <gholms> #meetingname board 18:34:50 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'board' 18:34:58 <gholms> #topic Roll Call 18:35:02 <gholms> Who's here today? 18:35:10 * inode0 raises his hand 18:35:18 * jreznik is here 18:35:43 <gholms> #chair inode0 jreznik 18:35:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: gholms inode0 jreznik 18:36:43 <abadger1999> .me here 18:36:45 * gholms waits a moment for more board members to arrive 18:36:50 <gholms> #chair abadger1999 18:36:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 gholms inode0 jreznik 18:37:55 * ke4qqq shows up 18:37:59 <gholms> Okay, that isn't enough for quorum, but that doesn't prevent us from doing Q&A! 18:38:05 <gholms> #chair ke4qqq 18:38:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 gholms inode0 jreznik ke4qqq 18:38:25 <inode0> 5 isn't a quorum? 18:38:25 <gholms> #info abadger1999, gholms, inode0, jreznik, and ke4qqq are in attendance 18:38:40 <gholms> When I typed that we only had 4. :) 18:38:54 <gholms> #topic Announcements 18:39:06 <gholms> Anyone have any announcements? 18:39:16 <inode0> F19 Release Naming Open 18:39:35 <gholms> #info F19 release naming is open: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Name_suggestions_for_Fedora_19 18:40:03 <inode0> Board meeting schedule from 10-17 through 12-19 has been updated - see when your moment of doom is this time around 18:40:58 <gholms> #info Next public board meeting is on Wednesday, 24 Oct 2012 at 18:30 UTC 18:41:47 <gholms> Anyone else? 18:42:01 <jreznik> inode0: is the schedule update available somewhere? 18:42:04 <jreznik> gholms: yep 18:42:12 <gholms> jreznik: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Board_meetings?rd=Board/Meetings 18:42:39 <inode0> feel free to swap around dates if the assigned ones don't work 18:43:07 <jreznik> #info Beta Change Deadline and Features 100% Complete deadline was pushed back by one week, now it's Oct 16 18:43:17 <gholms> Oh, right. Thanks. :) 18:43:58 <gholms> Okay, moving along... 18:44:16 <gholms> #topic Open Q&A 18:44:18 <abadger1999> jreznik: just the deadline or the whole schedule? 18:44:53 <jreznik> abadger1999: and the whole schedule as well 18:45:02 <abadger1999> Col. Thanks for clarifying 18:45:09 <gholms> Anyone out there have questions for the board? 18:45:20 <gholms> Or comments? 18:45:25 <jreznik> abadger1999: it does not work very well when you want to play with schedule and try to find buffers etc... 18:45:25 <gholms> Or tomatoes? 18:45:37 <abadger1999> <nod> 18:46:11 <jreznik> tomatoes on me for the another slip I allowed :D 18:46:28 <inode0> what is the estimated release date now? 18:46:41 <jreznik> Dec 04 18:46:47 <jreznik> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/18/Schedule 18:46:59 <jreznik> and we're still far away from beta :( 18:47:35 <inode0> yeah, I'm wondering if we should think about just going with elections without waiting for this to all shake out now 18:47:46 <jreznik> the idea why we moved Beta Change deadline was to avoid long freeze as we were sure Anaconda does not meet Beta requirements right now 18:47:58 <inode0> with the holidays we may end up in February :) 18:48:38 <jreznik> inode0: yep, that's one thing I wanted to ask - if we want to postpone elections and how strict elections are tight to schedule and so the terms for members are 18:48:53 <inode0> and it would probably be nice to have them over before FUDCon Lawrence I think 18:49:57 <inode0> the only semi-strict rule is the "within 30 days of release" which the board could drop (I think it should drop it) 18:50:13 <inode0> replace it with a "timely election" requirement that is fuzzy :) 18:50:22 <abadger1999> fesco might be more tied to the release schedule than we are. 18:50:47 <abadger1999> but if we don't mind having the elections at different times that doesn't matter. 18:51:07 <inode0> fesco is more tied to the development schedule and I opened a ticket with them inquiring about an alternate time for elections 18:51:17 <inode0> they didn't seem to care at all when they happen 18:51:23 <nirik> fesco was open to the idea of changing things last time it was asked... the only concern was some fesco people might be very busy at times in the cycle so less able to do townhalls, etc 18:51:31 * pbrobinson is here 18:51:33 <jreznik> that's good point, would be bad to have a new fesco during the release phase 18:51:41 * pbrobinson got lost getting back to the hotel 18:52:44 <gholms> #chair pbrobinson 18:52:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 gholms inode0 jreznik ke4qqq pbrobinson 18:52:56 <inode0> I am thinking we should just try to schedule the election to be finished before FUDCon, we'll still need to work around a bunch of holidays 18:52:57 <jreznik> pbrobinson: good you find the way to the Board meeting! 18:53:12 <pbrobinson> haha, sorry, I got lost in Helsinki 18:53:54 <jreznik> inode0: ok, I'll take a look on schedule and we'll see what we can do, togerher with you and ankur 18:53:57 <abadger1999> note -- being on the board can affect some people's decision to attend fudcon 18:54:02 <abadger1999> (the board members) 18:54:12 <jreznik> abadger1999: yep, I understand... 18:54:29 <abadger1999> which can mean "before fudcon " is better if it gives time for planning that. 18:54:31 <abadger1999> <nod> 18:55:05 <inode0> maybe we'll schedule a little more slack into the election timeline to accommodate some of the unknowns with the release 18:55:05 <jreznik> makes sense, let's try it 18:55:27 <jreznik> inode0: right now it's strictly tight to schedule... 18:55:52 <gholms> #idea Schedule more slack into the election timeline to accomodate unknowns with the release 18:56:21 <gholms> #info Concerns about changing FESCo during the beta to release time frame 18:56:37 <jreznik> #action jreznik to take a look how to accomodate unknowns in cooperation with elections wrangler 18:56:53 <inode0> that won't happen, the elections themselves will be well after the release 18:56:58 <gholms> Thanks, jreznik! 18:57:32 <inode0> early January I am hoping for at this point 18:58:02 <jreznik> #link http://jreznik.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-18/f-18-elections.html 18:58:08 <jreznik> it's the current elections schedule 18:58:58 <jreznik> let me recheck how it's connected with the release in task juggler 19:00:34 <inode0> I think nominations can happen without negative impact pre-release, but I hate to have people working on the release having to think about questionnaires and townhalls until after it is out the door 19:00:36 <jreznik> ah, it seems like there's starting date and everything depends on it 19:01:21 <jreznik> # five days before GA should be Wrangler presents questionnaire answers 19:01:25 <inode0> well, declared GOLD at least 19:01:36 <gholms> jreznik: Was that supposed to be an #info? 19:01:51 <jreznik> gholms: copied comment from tj sources 19:01:58 <gholms> Ah, ok 19:02:46 <inode0> the original schedules I'm looking at have GA on 11-06 and candidates working on questionnaires until 11-10 19:03:24 <inode0> they get access a bit earlier - but presumably the release is GOLD at that point 19:03:35 * rbergeron pops in 19:04:11 <rbergeron> or tries to anyway 19:04:20 * rbergeron waves from paris 19:04:27 <jreznik> inode0: it starts 2012-11-04 to 2012-11-10 (candidates writes answers) 19:04:36 <jreznik> rbergeron: hey to paris! 19:05:03 <inode0> right, 2 days before GA they should be finished with release work at least mostly 19:05:49 <jreznik> so - we want to have the results in advance of fudcon but also not to distract people working on GA 19:06:12 <inode0> pretty much 19:06:41 * gholms needs to switch to mobile phone now, would appreciate someone taking over meeting chair duties 19:06:56 <inode0> but if we don't release until 12-11 or 12-18 it will be really hard to find a time for townhalls before January 19:07:55 <jreznik> well, lets try to do it approx in that time - it would be difficult for some people but ... 19:08:14 <inode0> let's do just work with ankhur and see what we can come up with 19:08:47 <jreznik> ack 19:09:53 <jreznik> anything else for elections schedule? I'll poke you guys/take a look on scheduling tmrw, is it ok? 19:10:31 <inode0> should be ok, I will try to work one up tonight to see if I can identify problem spots 19:11:26 <jreznik> ok as you're our elections expert here :) 19:11:50 * inode0 has made more election scheduling mistakes than anyone else at least 19:12:29 <jreznik> that makes experts :) 19:12:56 <jreznik> do we have any other topic for this "unprepared ad hoc" meeting? 19:13:40 <inode0> time for more questions then! 19:13:40 * rbergeron wonders if people still like town halls, i know its been debated in the past re: usefulness 19:14:11 <inode0> people do seem to like them, both people in them and people attending them 19:14:22 <inode0> despite that I still question their usefulness 19:14:25 <jreznik> it depends - quite a lot of work for only a few people on town halls but for that a few I feel it's quite important event 19:15:07 * rbergeron nods 19:16:03 <inode0> we could drop them and see if anyone objects :) 19:16:45 <inode0> as a practical matter for scheduling that frees up almost 2 weeks 19:20:08 <inode0> we can ask the public now - if no one objects ... 19:21:22 <abadger1999> no objection 19:22:47 * jreznik is ok but you know how all town halls yes/no discussions ended :) 19:23:00 <jreznik> anything else today? /me should go, last soul in the office 19:23:25 * inode0 is ready to move on ... 19:24:55 * abadger1999 nothing from me 19:27:14 <jreznik> ok, let's wrap it up today :) 19:29:01 <abadger1999> #endmeeting