01:00:39 <inode0> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:00:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 17 01:00:39 2012 UTC. The chair is inode0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:00:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:00:41 <inode0> #meetingname FAmNA 01:00:41 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:00:51 <inode0> #topic Roll Call 01:00:56 * masta waves 01:01:04 <wrnash1> i'm here 01:01:06 <dan408> hiya 01:01:08 <dan408> here 01:01:15 <chanchito> greetings 01:01:18 <graphite6> hello! 01:01:21 <dan408> hey chanchito! 01:02:30 <inode0> #chair graphite6 masta wrnash1 dan408 chanchito 01:02:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: chanchito dan408 graphite6 inode0 masta wrnash1 01:02:36 <inode0> #topic Announcements 01:03:27 <inode0> Release naming closed tonight - here's hoping there isn't a huge fuss 01:03:59 <chanchito> hey dan, john, sue 01:04:35 <masta> we're getting close to the final raspi remix image 01:04:50 <MarkDude> Hello all 01:04:55 * inode0 has been a bum and hasn't tested it yet 01:05:01 <dan408> hey MarkDude 01:05:02 <MarkDude> chanchito, - when you headed out to this coast? 01:05:13 <inode0> is that an announcement? :) 01:05:24 * MarkDude is present and accounted for 01:05:29 <dan408> masta: congrats 01:05:30 <chanchito> hey mark! 01:05:39 <inode0> #chair MarkDude 01:05:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: MarkDude chanchito dan408 graphite6 inode0 masta wrnash1 01:05:44 <chanchito> i am headed out there around march 2013 01:06:03 <MarkDude> good deal, we can talk after meeting 01:06:04 <chanchito> it's back to costa rica, panama, texas, italy for the next 3-4 months 01:06:06 <dan408> announcment: fedora 18 beta is currently in TC4 and MATE Desktop is 100% complete 01:06:09 <chanchito> ok cool beans 01:06:19 <MarkDude> Sorry to hear the Texass part 01:06:20 <chanchito> yay! 01:06:27 <chanchito> i love Texas! 01:06:32 <MarkDude> Yay MAte 01:07:05 <dan408> yay! 01:07:07 <inode0> let's start the neglected agenda now 01:07:07 <dan408> go test 01:07:10 <inode0> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:07:18 <inode0> #topic Tickets 01:07:35 <inode0> .famnaticket 26 01:07:38 <zodbot> inode0: #26 (Ohio LinuxFest 2012, Sep 28-30, Columbus, OH) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/26 01:07:54 <masta> noticed a nice report pre-meeting 01:08:08 * inode0 needs to check the events page to but a bow on this 01:08:10 <graphite6> reports are all in and I planned to close the ticket tonight unless someone objects? 01:08:44 <masta> [crickets chirping] 01:08:49 <graphite6> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ohio_Linux_Fest_2012 01:08:56 <inode0> graphite6: could you add those links here first 01:09:05 <inode0> there first :) 01:09:16 <graphite6> one moment 01:09:37 <inode0> collecting them on the events page is our goal but sending them to the mailing list is really great too 01:09:39 <graphite6> Ben's post http://jbwillia.wordpress.com/2012/10/08/ohio-linuxfest-2012/ 01:09:44 <graphite6> #link http://jbwillia.wordpress.com/2012/10/08/ohio-linuxfest-2012/ 01:09:53 <farmerrob> evening all 01:09:59 <chanchito> hey rob 01:10:13 <graphite6> my first post http://graphitefriction.com/blog/2012/10/09/is-that-fedora-running-on-a-raspberry-pi/ 01:10:16 <graphite6> #link 01:10:21 <farmerrob> sorry I am late was at lug meeting 01:10:40 <graphite6> my raspberry pi tutorial http://graphitefriction.com/blog/2012/10/11/how-to-install-and-configure-fedora-17-remix-on-your-raspberry-pi/ 01:10:46 <inode0> #chair farmerrob 01:10:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: MarkDude chanchito dan408 farmerrob graphite6 inode0 masta wrnash1 01:10:48 <graphite6> #link http://graphitefriction.com/blog/2012/10/11/how-to-install-and-configure-fedora-17-remix-on-your-raspberry-pi/ 01:11:29 <graphite6> Photo albums 1 and 2 http://plus.google.com/u/0/117676046064764850842/posts/Re4dRGCJseL http://plus.google.com/u/0/117676046064764850842/posts/YHePnFcRzb9 01:11:33 <inode0> thank you graphite6 01:11:59 <graphite6> #link http://plus.google.com/u/0/117676046064764850842/posts/Re4dRGCJseL 01:12:09 <graphite6> #link http://plus.google.com/u/0/117676046064764850842/posts/YHePnFcRzb9 01:12:16 * graphite6 phew 01:12:35 <graphite6> other notes: the organizers say 1000 people registered for OLF 01:12:49 <masta> \u200 01:12:58 <masta> :) 01:13:03 <graphite6> and we distributed all our media (200) and all the pens in the event box 01:13:43 <graphite6> as for expenses, mojavelinux put them all on his Red Hat card and I get to sort that out tomorrow :P 01:13:58 <graphite6> okay, we can hit the next ticket 01:14:23 <chanchito> nice photos! 01:14:27 <inode0> .famnaticket 43 01:14:28 <zodbot> inode0: #43 (PuppetConf, San Francisco, September 27-28 2012) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/43 01:14:32 <farmerrob> yes nice photos 01:14:55 <inode0> I'd like to just close this one too but I don't know if (a) we paid for anything or (b) event reports are coming?! 01:14:59 <graphite6> thanks chanchito and farmerrob! I got some great ones of Ben 01:15:27 * masta pokes rbergeron 01:15:38 <inode0> she is busy tonight 01:15:48 <inode0> dan408 or jds2001 might be able to tell us 01:15:53 <chanchito> ben looks like he was having fun 01:16:32 <masta> jds2001: any expenses for this one we shoudl know about, or haven't approved previously? 01:17:12 <dan408> sorry what? 01:17:24 <inode0> ok, I am going to close it but please add reports to the event page if possible 01:18:21 <inode0> since jds2001 doesn't seem to be here we'll skip cposc unless someone has something on it tonight 01:19:43 <inode0> .famnaticket 33 01:19:45 <zodbot> inode0: #33 (2012 Fedora Merchandise Order) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/33 01:20:23 <inode0> Brian is checking on a quote for a new shirt order - so I'm just waiting on that now 01:20:56 <inode0> .famnaticket 36 01:20:58 <zodbot> inode0: #36 (Fedora Ambassador Day North America (FADNA)) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/36 01:21:22 <inode0> nothing seems to be happening here either - at least I haven't had time or energy to work on it 01:21:26 <inode0> anyone else? 01:21:48 <masta> yea... same situation here 01:22:00 <masta> have some notes that need to go into the wiki 01:22:25 <inode0> We do need to seriously make an effort to have a relatively good guess at the budget for next fiscal year by December 01:22:25 <masta> was there somebody that wanted to be the editor for the wiki, funnel all the edits through... or is it open to all? 01:22:41 * inode0 thinks everyone should just make edits directly 01:22:51 * masta nodes 01:23:16 <chanchito> john, do you want us to include quotes for items we have not purchased yet? 01:23:29 <chanchito> as part of a budget 01:23:37 <inode0> So here are two things someone could help get done or at least started that we need before we can work on a budget 01:23:46 <chanchito> all ears 01:24:17 <inode0> First we need to develop a list of events we want to consider for March 2013-February 2014 01:24:48 <graphite6> inode0: +1 01:24:49 <inode0> This should include all our normal events but also any and all other events people think Fedora should go to 01:24:58 <chanchito> +1 01:25:14 <dan408> sorry 01:25:16 <chanchito> inode0: +1 01:25:18 <dan408> puppetconf i didnt take pictures 01:25:24 <dan408> i was at the booth all day pretty much 01:25:35 <inode0> So CES was recently bounced around and that might be a great idea but we'll need to plan ahead to do a good job there I think 01:25:56 <dan408> well 01:26:02 * inode0 did hear through the grapevine that dan408 did a great job at puppetconf representing Fedora 01:26:03 <dan408> CES is at the same time as fudcon almost 01:26:09 <dan408> thank you inode0 01:26:13 <chanchito> yay dan! :-) 01:26:16 <chanchito> kudos 01:26:18 <dan408> and thanks to whoever said that 01:26:46 <MarkDude> Yay dan408 01:26:51 <inode0> so let's look at CES in 2014 - that is when it would fall in the next budget 01:27:22 <inode0> and it will give us plenty of time to plan, plot, persuade funding sources of value, etc. 01:28:04 <inode0> Ok, let's get some events that aren't typical geek/tech in nature too 01:28:16 <chanchito> ces 2014 is from jan 7 - jan 10 01:28:33 <inode0> One thing that would help here is if people could aggregate some event lists sites for us to comb through 01:28:54 * inode0 knows of some tech ones, but not much beyond that 01:28:57 <chanchito> i'll take that task john, if you need a volunteer 01:28:58 <dan408> sounds good inode0 that way we dont have a fudcon at the same time 01:29:00 <graphite6> lanyrd.com is great for finding new conferences 01:29:04 <masta> #info We need to start thinking of future events that would be nice to have a budget in 2013, and of course all the current events. 01:29:24 <inode0> second point is more to chanchito's question 01:29:36 <dan408> +1 chanchito 01:29:44 <inode0> let's develop a list of swag to produce in that same time period 01:30:03 <MarkDude> +1 swag 01:30:04 <inode0> think big, we should propose more than we currently do 01:30:13 <graphite6> _1 01:30:13 <chanchito> would 2013 budget include stuff that wasn't purchased/approved back in 2012? that was my question 01:30:21 <graphite6> oops +1! 01:30:28 <farmerrob> :-) 01:30:30 <inode0> but we really need someone to find time to start making lists of these things 01:30:48 <inode0> we can approximate costs, we'll need to do that anyway 01:30:49 <chanchito> for example, i know the mini frisbees were a little pricy, over 1$ each, but they were really slick 01:30:59 <chanchito> i can do the event list 01:31:00 <inode0> but we need to know roughly what we want 01:31:02 <chanchito> hey ben! 01:31:05 <masta> #info if you have ideas for swag, we want to heard about them. Please research the costs and make a proposal in upcoming meetings. 01:31:09 <chanchito> good job in ohio! 01:31:11 * kk4ewt 01:31:15 <chanchito> nice pictures! 01:31:19 <inode0> #chair kk4ewt 01:31:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: MarkDude chanchito dan408 farmerrob graphite6 inode0 kk4ewt masta wrnash1 01:31:20 <kk4ewt> ??? 01:31:39 <farmerrob> I know a good swag producer 01:31:49 <graphite6> should the list of possible events and possible swag with estimates be put on the FADNA wikipage? 01:32:01 <chanchito> there are so many swag items i wish we had a budget for 01:32:14 <inode0> graphite6: that would be great but I don't care too much where it lands 01:32:24 <masta> any other ideas for the FADNA ? 01:32:34 <inode0> to wrap up my point on this 01:32:46 <kk4ewt> graphite6: my rule of thumb 10-20% of attendance 01:32:49 <chanchito> for activity day, i think a short class on using the wiki tools would be nice 01:32:52 <chanchito> for newer people 01:33:04 <farmerrob> I would like that 01:33:05 <inode0> we need these two lists before December in order for us to estimate a budget for it to present in December 01:33:14 <chanchito> how to request things, how to order, how to create tickets, how to add pages, etc 01:33:27 <inode0> that isn't very far in the future - we need to get moving now in order to get it done 01:33:36 * inode0 steps down from his soapbox 01:33:37 <chanchito> how to vote, how to create events, etc etc 01:33:51 <chanchito> ok sorry 01:34:14 <kk4ewt> ok also can we put the request swag back on the wiki 01:34:30 <kk4ewt> its spot got replaced by the meeting tac 01:34:34 <kk4ewt> trac link 01:34:46 <inode0> chanchito: that would be a good FUDCon hackfest I think 01:34:52 <masta> #info wiki update and hackathon durring FADNA, improve the wiki. 01:35:00 <inode0> FADNA isn't really intended for people who don't know what they are doing yet 01:35:02 <kk4ewt> and the way the wiki is written it is confusing 01:35:31 <chanchito> well, maybe not improve it so much, but quick class on how to use all the tools and features and then maybe it wont need to imptove once everyone knows how to use it better 01:35:43 <graphite6> kk4ewt: +1 01:35:58 <farmerrob> +1 01:36:03 <inode0> kk4ewt: after discussing it with cwickert we decided to change the trac there on purpose 01:36:06 <MarkDude> +1 01:36:10 <chanchito> kk4ewt: +1 01:36:14 <wrnash1> +1 01:36:17 <inode0> the general trac has a link to the requests trac on its front page 01:36:30 <kk4ewt> inode0: and it there is no link to the other trac instance at all now 01:36:36 <kk4ewt> and it is causeing issues 01:36:43 <inode0> what? 01:36:47 <masta> #info we need some figures ready by december to give to the benefactors - cannot wait for FADNA - people needs to get the swag figured out, and a general idea of events. 01:37:17 <chanchito> ok i will submit the estimates i have so far for a few items, hopefully they get some consideration 01:37:36 <kk4ewt> no where on the wiki is the link to the other trac so how are we suppose to instruct new ambassadors on its use 01:38:02 <chanchito> imagine gently tossing fedora frisbees at events, across a conference hall, to happy users waiting to catch them, 01:38:04 <MarkDude> great point kk4ewt 01:38:06 <kk4ewt> and there are tickets that are not getting filed for events as far as needs for shipping 01:38:07 <inode0> masta: we can hammer out details at fadna but we need a budget earlier (the budget can be a bit rough) 01:38:29 <kk4ewt> inode0: we will discuss this after the meeting 01:38:37 <inode0> thank you 01:38:38 <chanchito> good point, we either do a video tutorial, record it, or we do a short class at FADNA 01:39:39 <chanchito> i think the wiki intimidates until you get familiar and gain confidence, a class would help IMHO 01:39:58 <kk4ewt> ok on the Budget 01:40:00 <inode0> chanchito: you really should drop your swag ideas into the pile because they are always great 01:40:00 <kk4ewt> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApBrbq5j6NbOdG0zQzVvR3VqQ05NaE5xaDdLOWh3a0E#gid=0 01:40:01 <chanchito> i like it now because i know how to use the main features 01:40:03 <farmerrob> It would help me 01:40:10 <chanchito> ok thx john 01:40:12 <chanchito> i will 01:40:58 <kk4ewt> ok guys i went through the wiki pages on the events on FY12 and i came up with the following 01:41:13 <kk4ewt> we need to go through and update for FY13 01:41:16 <kk4ewt> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApBrbq5j6NbOdG0zQzVvR3VqQ05NaE5xaDdLOWh3a0E#gid=0 01:41:45 <masta> kk4ewt: thanks for putting that together 01:42:11 <kk4ewt> so anyone with the link can edit and add to as nessassary 01:42:14 <graphite6> kk4ewt: awesome! thank you 01:42:41 <kk4ewt> so someone needs to go through and add the expenses for the fy 13 stuff so far 01:43:08 <masta> wow sxsw is a big cost center 01:43:10 <kk4ewt> for the New People Redhat starts its fiscal year on June 01:43:21 <kk4ewt> masta yea it was 01:43:21 <chanchito> thx changes added ! 01:43:38 <chanchito> kk4ewt: thx a million! 01:43:41 <inode0> sxsw was an experiment that had some funding issues - that was not the plan 01:44:06 <chanchito> i only added events from my region 01:44:11 <kk4ewt> also if you had an event in f12 and the expenses are not there (exclude shipping and swag) 01:44:19 <inode0> and for the record our approved budget was 3k which is still a lot but nothing like what we ended up paying 01:44:20 <kk4ewt> please update the page 01:45:42 <masta> so any event that had shipping expense 01:46:14 * masta is not sure what the ups label cost kk4ewt to ship things to dallas 01:47:01 <inode0> all the ups charges are on my credit card wiki page 01:47:02 <chanchito> updated 01:47:11 <kk4ewt> masta no dont count shipping 01:47:27 <inode0> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Inode0/community_credit_card_report 01:47:36 <kk4ewt> but like what the total budget apprved and spent 01:48:14 <inode0> I don't itemize shipping by event there - the totals spent are good enough for our budgeting needs 01:48:17 <masta> wait... fy13 started in june? 01:48:33 <inode0> the fiscal year is March through February 01:48:34 <kk4ewt> masta yep look at the event page 01:49:07 <masta> ok, so just to disambiguate... events after june.... are going on the fy13 column? 01:49:47 * kk4ewt stands correct it is march 01:49:58 <kk4ewt> yes please 01:50:50 <masta> ok so we can address that later 01:51:12 <masta> kk4ewt: great gdoc... will be lookign that over more later 01:51:39 <masta> do we want to move on? 01:51:55 <kk4ewt> i had asked past event owners back in augest to fill in and no one did anything 01:51:55 <inode0> yeah, thanks for this discussion - made the meeting worthwhile 01:51:57 <chanchito> so i need to move my events into the other column 01:52:06 <masta> I believe #33 is still on the list 01:52:29 <inode0> we covered 33 briefly 01:52:39 <inode0> #topic Open Floor 01:52:40 <masta> oh, must have blinked 01:52:45 <kk4ewt> i do have some event questions 01:53:59 <kk4ewt> cposc do we know where we are shipping stuff yet ? 01:54:06 <wrnash1> Masta and I where invited to teach a class on Fedora at the local college. 01:54:08 <kk4ewt> like the event box and vbanners 01:55:03 <dan408> wrnash1: that sounds fun 01:55:05 <inode0> jds2001 is probably watching baseball instead of filling us in :) 01:55:07 <dan408> wrnash1: what school? 01:55:21 <masta> wrnash1: yea, we need to pull the presentation template and get started 01:55:27 <wrnash1> Denton 01:55:31 <dan408> denton what 01:55:42 <kk4ewt> jds2001: ping 01:56:03 <wrnash1> Denton Technical College. I believe the name is 01:56:05 <masta> dan408: it's one of the local area community college 01:56:08 <dan408> gotit 01:56:22 <masta> it's follow up from the SFD event 01:56:57 <masta> we would love to see presentations any of you have done previously 01:57:03 <masta> any slides, etc 01:57:59 <farmerrob> Is there a place where people put there presentations? 01:58:24 <kk4ewt> there is suppose to be on the wiki 01:58:45 <kk4ewt> but very few are ever put up 01:58:50 <inode0> there is but the stuff there is very old 01:59:02 <farmerrob> It would be a great resource 01:59:13 <inode0> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Presentations 01:59:27 <farmerrob> Ty :-) 01:59:33 <inode0> canned presentations have some limitations though 01:59:43 <inode0> which is why none of my presentations are there 02:00:08 <farmerrob> true but they are good for Ideas 02:00:34 * MarkDude has more details on OLPC event https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OLPC_San_Francisco_Community_Summit_2012 02:01:20 * MarkDude can put more info on it- at least one Ambadassador is a student- so they get in for $25 instead of $40 02:01:59 <inode0> who is that? 02:02:13 <MarkDude> Sexycatsinhat 02:02:21 <MarkDude> Chris Whitehorn 02:02:55 * inode0 is 100% behind the $40x4 and moves that we approve that much 02:03:17 * MarkDude is assuming there is enough info on the page 02:03:26 <inode0> well, for that 02:03:47 <MarkDude> I told 3 people they could get travel up to $10 02:04:03 <MarkDude> it is a 3 day event, so its not like it covers it all :) 02:04:28 <inode0> while that isn't any big deal it seems sort of bothersome to mess with such small amounts for reimbursement though 02:05:10 * MarkDude will make it easier, Chris and mine will be the same bill 02:05:18 <inode0> anyone else want to +1 attendee fees? 02:05:23 <MarkDude> Grantbow is separate 02:05:43 <MarkDude> They have been making an effort to get Fedora involved 02:05:43 <kk4ewt> markdude what is the total budget amount 02:05:49 <wrnash1> +1 02:06:03 <MarkDude> Prof Verma is an Open Source God 02:06:13 <MarkDude> No more than $300 02:06:28 <inode0> my proposal tonight is to agree to fund $145 ($40x3 plus $25) for the four listed attendees 02:06:33 <MarkDude> that would be if 2 other attendeees are able to cancel other stuff to make it 02:06:53 <kk4ewt> +1 inode 02:07:18 <MarkDude> Fair enough- the student has very little money- lives 60 miles away from SF 02:07:31 <MarkDude> We can cover him :) 02:07:37 * inode0 is sympathic to provide bart for him 02:07:53 <inode0> but let's do that next week if we can - when is this thing? 02:07:59 <kk4ewt> this weekend 02:08:09 <MarkDude> we are talking 10 here. The others will most likely not go for travel expense :) 02:08:28 * inode0 doesn't understand that 02:08:51 <MarkDude> At issue is $10 travel - for a student 02:09:08 <MarkDude> That also helped as the Fedora table at OSCON last 2 years 02:09:17 <kk4ewt> so lets go back to the $160 total at the beginning 02:09:31 <MarkDude> Perfect :) 02:09:35 <inode0> +1 02:09:40 <MarkDude> eof 02:10:00 <MarkDude> +1 02:10:05 <inode0> #agreed $160 for OLPC community summit expenses 02:10:08 <graphite6> +1 $160 for Mark's event 02:10:18 <farmerrob> +1 02:10:22 <kk4ewt> i really like to see budget stuff done a month before an event if at all possible 02:10:33 <MarkDude> True 02:10:34 <inode0> you people are supposed to vote before I announce it was agreed to :) 02:10:40 <kk4ewt> +1 02:10:49 * graphite6 types slow :P 02:11:19 * inode0 would document this in the ticket but there isn't one :) 02:11:37 <MarkDude> Thats for anohter day 02:11:52 <inode0> ok, I'm going to end the meeting at 9:15 so if there is anything else let's do it fast 02:12:11 <MarkDude> Its rather maddening to create a ticket- thaat distapeared 02:12:23 <MarkDude> SCALE? 02:12:31 <MarkDude> IS Scott taking lead there? 02:12:45 <MarkDude> We were approached by Gareth 02:12:59 <kk4ewt> ok shipping updates beefy miracle on way to California , ec event box on way to makers fare in norfolk 02:13:07 <dan408> +1 02:13:11 <kk4ewt> with the vbanners 02:13:49 <MarkDude> Much appreciated all. 02:14:01 * inode0 doesn't know who is leading scale 02:14:07 * MarkDude will make sure to create a *real ticket* next time :D 02:14:11 <dan408> markdude fix your phone 02:14:15 <inode0> like always whoever steps up 02:14:28 <kk4ewt> inode0: hopefully someone soon 02:14:29 <MarkDude> It is dan408 - like the song--- Call me .... maybe 02:14:45 <dan408> Aadityha said he had a donation for you 02:14:47 <MarkDude> dan408, <cough> dan408 02:14:59 <inode0> ok, thanks for all the help tonight 02:15:02 <kk4ewt> kill it inode0 02:15:05 <inode0> nice to see everyone 02:15:06 <MarkDude> Great meeting 02:15:10 <inode0> #endmeeting