17:08:24 <aeperezt> #startmeeting 17:08:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 5 17:08:24 2012 UTC. The chair is aeperezt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:08:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:08:24 <nb> aeperezt, are you able to chair, i may have to leave early depending on how long we last 17:08:38 <aeperezt> #char nb bckurera sesivany 17:09:00 <aeperezt> #chair nb bckurera sesivany 17:09:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt bckurera nb sesivany 17:09:39 <aeperezt> #topic presents 17:09:49 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 17:09:51 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 17:10:03 <nb> .fas nick@bebout 17:10:04 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 17:10:05 <Southern_Gentlem> aeperezt, #meetingname FAMSCO 17:10:16 <nb> #meetingname famsco 17:10:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 17:10:21 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 17:10:21 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 17:10:23 * herlo is here 17:10:28 <aeperezt> #chair Southern_Gentlem 17:10:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: Southern_Gentlem aeperezt bckurera nb sesivany 17:10:37 <aeperezt> #meetingname FAMSCO 17:10:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 17:10:59 * nb throws herlo a chair 17:11:01 <nb> #chair herlo 17:11:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: Southern_Gentlem aeperezt bckurera herlo nb sesivany 17:11:10 <herlo> lol 17:11:14 <Southern_Gentlem> lol 17:11:15 * herlo might need it 17:11:23 <aeperezt> lol 17:12:18 <aeperezt> is there any ticket we need to approve ? 17:12:23 <nb> yes 17:12:30 <nb> .famsco 330 17:12:30 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/330 17:12:47 <nb> approval for a PO for Fedora 18 media for FAmNA 17:12:57 <nb> 5,000 multi-arch live media for $5,500 17:13:08 * herlo approves 17:13:09 <nb> we don't plan to order install media this time 17:13:47 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 330 17:13:59 <aeperezt> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/330 17:14:05 <nb> we might order less depending on when the release actually comes out, but we would like to go ahead and get the purchase order made for the 5k media 17:14:51 <nb> bckurera, current topic is https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/330 17:15:24 <bckurera> ok thanks nb 17:15:53 <aeperezt> sesivany, have you order media before I'm lost on the matter 17:16:12 <nb> aeperezt, sesivany orders EMEA 17:16:13 <nb> I order NA 17:16:18 <sesivany> just for the curiosity, I have no problem to +1: what makes media in NA so expensive? We produce them 3 times cheaper in EMEA. Do you have to pay some extra fee on storage? 17:16:44 <bckurera> ok I have no idea about the prices but $1.1 per DVD seems quite nice 17:16:55 <nb> sesivany, you order dual later dvds for 3 times cheaper? 17:16:59 <Southern_Gentlem> sesivany, double sided dvds 17:17:03 <herlo> sesivany: multi-dvd? 17:17:18 <herlo> yeah, with double sided dvds? 17:17:29 <nb> s/double sided/dual layer/\ 17:17:29 <aeperezt> nb that was my point to me it looks ok on price but as I never order media no idea sesivany perspective is appreciated in this case 17:17:47 <bckurera> nb, should be use a cover for that? 17:17:55 <herlo> nb: oh... 17:17:58 <sesivany> not double-sided, but multilayer, for cca $.35. If it's double-sided, it may explain the difference in price. 17:17:59 <herlo> bckurera: it includes a cover 17:18:10 <nb> FWIW this is about 20-30 cents per unit cheaper than our previous supplier 17:18:32 <bckurera> so DVD + Printed cover . USD 1.1 per unit ? sounds good :) 17:18:32 <herlo> nb: although, they started out much less expensive. 17:18:37 <herlo> bckurera: right 17:18:59 <herlo> nb: sesivany: it might be good to discuss your production offline from this meeting. 17:19:00 <aeperezt> sounds good to me to 17:19:07 <nb> bckurera, yes, printed cover and dvd 17:19:14 <bckurera> here is my +1 17:19:27 <sesivany> I'm not complaining, I was just curious. You can simply compare prices in different places in the world. For me, it's OK. 17:19:28 <herlo> nb: sesivany: sounds like we could possibly get lower pricing in NA even. 17:19:44 * nb would suggest we go ahead with this for F18, and possibly research more suppliers for F19 17:19:48 <sesivany> can->can't 17:19:56 <herlo> sesivany: aye 17:20:07 <herlo> nb: +1 to the PO 17:20:14 <sesivany> +1 17:20:17 <nb> +1 to the PO from me (of course) 17:20:17 <aeperezt> +1 17:20:37 <herlo> bckurera: ? your vote? 17:20:41 <herlo> oh, you did 17:20:58 <bckurera> +1 17:21:07 <bckurera> casted 2 times :) 17:21:10 <herlo> lol 17:21:52 <aeperezt> ok 17:22:14 <aeperezt> so it is approved by all presents 17:22:15 <nb> #agreed FAmNA quote for 5,000 multi-live DL dvd's for $5,500 is approved 17:22:38 <aeperezt> lets move to other ticket 17:23:05 <aeperezt> bckurera, do you want to discuss ticket 326? 17:23:13 * herlo notes the agenda is here: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/report/9 17:23:22 <herlo> .famsco 326 17:23:22 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/326 17:23:24 <bckurera> 329? 17:23:28 <herlo> .famsco 329 17:23:28 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/329 17:23:56 * herlo whistles while he helps 17:23:57 <bckurera> shall we take 329 and get back to 326 please? 17:24:36 <aeperezt> herlo 329 is a fpl famsco don't work on FADs 17:25:08 <herlo> aeperezt: I was just showing links 17:25:18 <aeperezt> herlo, ok 17:25:20 <herlo> aeperezt: and I agree 17:25:32 <herlo> this should go to fudcon-planning trac 17:25:45 <herlo> or something similar 17:25:45 <aeperezt> so we can change topic to 326? 17:26:11 <herlo> aeperezt: wait, topic change for 329 or 326. We aren't done with 329 yet. 17:26:12 <bckurera> Is this required? 17:26:15 <herlo> We need an action 17:26:28 <herlo> bckurera: is what required? 17:26:36 <nb> to pay in advance requires someone to pay out of their pocket 17:26:42 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 329 17:26:45 <nb> pay in advance can not be done by red hat credit card (AFAIK 17:26:57 <bckurera> no I mean cannot we approve this? 17:27:08 <herlo> okay, before we go down this path, we *cannot* approve this 17:27:16 <bckurera> we can talk with a credit card holder and ask for that if there is a approval 17:27:22 <herlo> FAD is a premeir fedora event 17:27:27 <herlo> and comes out of that budget 17:27:31 <herlo> we can give our blessing 17:27:34 <herlo> and pass it on 17:27:39 <herlo> but that is not an approval 17:27:49 <herlo> *premier 17:27:50 <aeperezt> herlo, +1 17:27:59 <sesivany> bckurera: we can approve it, but that approval wouldn't matter because we're no supposed to decide about premium events. 17:28:00 <nb> bckurera, as far as i know, paying in adance can only be done if someone personally pays for it with their own money 17:28:02 <nb> not with a credit card 17:28:10 <nb> but we can't approve FAD anyway 17:28:22 * herlo notes however that there is no need for us to discuss it beyond that, and not waste time on it since we don't have a say. 17:28:37 <nb> rue 17:28:38 <aeperezt> bckurera, you need approach that to FPL 17:28:39 <nb> true 17:28:44 <bckurera> ok then will show our bless on that :) 17:28:52 * herlo suggests that we close #329 with forward to FPL / fudcon / premier events trac. 17:29:05 <aeperezt> herlo, +1 17:29:12 <herlo> and let famsco wish them the best :) 17:29:25 <bckurera> ok then I ll follow it up 17:29:53 <bckurera> we can keep it on the trac and get the FPL attention on that 17:30:08 <bckurera> like #302 and #312 17:30:10 <herlo> #proposal Close ticket #329 with famsco blessing, but inform ticket must be filed with premier events budget and famsco does not approve. 17:30:21 <herlo> #info proposal Close ticket #329 with famsco blessing, but inform ticket must be filed with premier events budget and famsco does not approve. 17:30:26 <nb> +1 17:30:30 <aeperezt> +1 17:30:30 <herlo> +1 17:30:33 <sesivany> +1 17:30:58 <Southern_Gentlem> herlo maybe a rewording 17:31:14 <herlo> #agreed ticket #329 will be closed with famsco blessing, and add information to ticket to be filed with premier events budget. 17:31:18 <Southern_Gentlem> famsco doesnt have approval for premier events 17:31:21 <herlo> Southern_Gentlem: right, a bit better? 17:31:24 <Southern_Gentlem> yep 17:31:30 <herlo> Southern_Gentlem: I realized. 17:31:44 <aeperezt> moving to ticket 326 17:31:48 <herlo> bckurera: I just realized you didn't vote. 17:31:58 * herlo apologizes 17:32:10 <bckurera> I dont vote for the closure of the ticket 17:32:28 <bckurera> we can keep it as it is and take FPL attention like #302 and #312 17:32:34 <herlo> okay, so four +1s and one -1, motion carries. 17:32:48 <herlo> bckurera: yes, I think the ticket will be used. 17:33:06 <bckurera> ok then will pass it with out closing it +1 17:33:08 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 326 17:33:09 <herlo> whether it's open or closed, the ticket is still valuabe. 17:33:16 <herlo> valuable. 17:34:10 <bckurera> #info bckurera will follow up #329 from famsco trac 17:34:15 <herlo> aeperezt: is this 'per region' or one winner from all of fedora? 17:34:24 <herlo> bckurera: awesome 17:34:25 <bckurera> ok shall we take #326 then 17:34:31 <herlo> bckurera: we're there now :) 17:34:36 <aeperezt> bckurera, you own ticket #326 17:34:51 <bckurera> ahh yes 17:35:04 <aeperezt> herlo, I think it's per region 17:35:16 <bckurera> So what I was thinking is per region we select some winners and offer them a dinner 17:35:34 <bckurera> we need to decide how many winners per region and what is the maximum per team 17:36:06 <sesivany> bckurera: last time, I think we paid $80-100, right? 17:36:21 <bckurera> yes $80 right? 17:36:49 <aeperezt> bckurera, I think it should be 1 per region 17:36:54 <herlo> aeperezt: seems to me that if the region wants to do the challenge, I'm all for that. 17:36:57 <bckurera> Is it ok with all region, NA and EMEA specially? 17:37:12 <herlo> I would say that some regions may not wish to, or not have a champion to run it, however. 17:37:27 * Southern_Gentlem thinks $80 is too much but that is up to committee members 17:37:36 <sesivany> do we really want to do it per region? I mean some regions might be very active and I don't want to disqualify them... 17:38:05 <aeperezt> sesivany, we can do 1 per region and 1 over all 17:38:08 * herlo was saying that he thinks the competition if run, should be challenged within a region. 17:38:21 <bckurera> that is the reason to select winners from each region, not taking fedora as a whole 17:38:57 * herlo thinks the 1 overall should probably be removed. 17:39:13 <bckurera> aeperezt : this varies region to regionmpare events in two regions I think 17:39:18 <sesivany> ok, let's go with 1 per region. And I think $80 is reasonable prize. 17:39:48 <herlo> sesivany: care to make an #info proposal ? 17:39:54 <aeperezt> sesivany, +1 17:40:23 <sesivany> one more thing: do we have any criteria for choosing the best party? 17:40:33 <bckurera> If we take $80 then for all regions it would be $320 17:40:45 <aeperezt> every regions can choose their winner or we should choose? 17:41:07 <sesivany> aeperezt: yes, that's the point. Who will make the decision. 17:41:44 <herlo> probably recommend criteria, but let the regional judge/champion decide the final criteria as long as it's transparently available 17:41:48 <herlo> ? 17:42:31 <bckurera> agreed 17:42:57 <aeperezt> herlo, agreed 17:43:04 <sesivany> agreed 17:43:21 <bckurera> anyone to draft a proposal and present in the next meeting then? 17:43:44 <sesivany> and I wouldn't even specify the criteria. Just let the regions handle it. 17:43:47 <bckurera> We can agree with the no of prices and $80 today 17:44:08 <herlo> sesivany: fine with me, the criteria is semi-specific to region anyway, or at least could be. 17:44:32 <herlo> bckurera: up to 4 prizes, each of $80, right? 17:44:45 <herlo> seems pretty straightforward. 17:45:04 * herlo notes he has a hard stop at the top of the hour. 17:45:15 <bckurera> herlo ok 17:45:51 * herlo waits for someone to make a formal proposal we can all vote on... 17:45:53 <bckurera> what about other, shall we agree on that! 17:46:16 <bckurera> herlo I ll do it and next meeting will conclude it\ 17:46:28 <sesivany> let's vote for $80 per region to reward the organizers of the best F18 release party in the region. 17:46:46 <herlo> +1 17:46:54 <sesivany> +1 17:47:19 <aeperezt> +1 17:47:21 <herlo> sesivany: with one minor change s/the region/each region/ 17:47:27 <bckurera> Yes that seems good, it is upto regions to select the winner and determine the criteria and deadline and all 17:47:29 <bckurera> +1 17:47:36 <herlo> yay! 17:47:50 <herlo> #agreed $80 per region to reward the organizers of the best F18 release party in each region 17:48:07 <herlo> nb: feel free to add your vote. I'm impatient, apparently. 17:48:23 <sesivany> bckurera: can you update the ticket? 17:48:33 <bckurera> I ll do it for sure 17:48:47 <bckurera> both ticket #329 and #326 17:48:51 <herlo> #action bckurera to update ticket #326 with details regarding release parties 17:49:25 <herlo> #action bckurera to update ticket #329 with information to follow up with fedora premier events budget people. 17:49:35 <herlo> bckurera: sound good? 17:49:49 <bckurera> yeah will move :) 17:50:04 <herlo> cool, next topic? 17:50:11 <bckurera> yes please 17:50:59 * herlo is not seeing much left, reimbursement guidelines is one, I suppose. 17:51:05 <sesivany> is there anything else to discuss? 17:51:07 * herlo just has an update on it, from NA anyway. 17:51:10 <aeperezt> herlo, yes 17:51:36 <herlo> .fas 281 17:51:36 <zodbot> herlo: junior1281 'Luke' <junior1281@gmail.com> - at528168 '陈贤学' <cxx528168@126.com> - st52813 'samarpal' <tomar.samar@yahoo.com> - mansoor2818 'Mansoor Shahid' <mansoor2818@gmail.com> - d281864209 'wdmuuaps' <281864209@qq.com> - yanghubin 'yanghubin' <857632811@qq.com> - lbenitez 'Luis Benitez' <luiswazhere281@yahoo.com> - jinger7281 'Xiaojing' <jinger7281@gmail.com> - a3325682 'haoyuan' <281615005@qq.com> - (1 more message) 17:51:39 <herlo> ugh 17:51:42 <herlo> .famsco 281 17:51:42 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/281 17:51:50 <herlo> nothing new on the ticket 17:52:01 <aeperezt> #topic famsco ticket #281 17:52:10 <herlo> just an update that the NA guidelines will be discussed at our regional meeting tomorrow night 17:52:30 <bckurera> that is good herlo 17:52:35 <sesivany> herlo: good to hear that. Fingers crossed :) 17:52:37 <herlo> we've made quite a few changes and our going to encourage other regions to use the NA guidelines as a template once approved. 17:53:14 <bckurera> APAC is up and running now 17:53:18 * herlo notes one big change in the NA guidelines that the other regions should consider. Removing anything that isn't speicfic to reimbursement. That is the goal of this guideline, not for prepayment, not for direct payment. Just reimbursement 17:53:33 <aeperezt> LATAM is also up and running now 17:53:46 <herlo> if you are already running, great! No need to adjust unless things really don't make sense for you. 17:53:50 <bckurera> aeperezt that is great 17:54:03 * herlo is done. 17:54:31 <bckurera> herlo we can see it, normally every guideline need to be changed when it is running, then only we see holes and improvements 17:54:41 <herlo> bckurera: yep. Good plan! 17:54:41 <bckurera> specially when it deal with money :) 17:54:49 <sesivany> herlo: we adopted the APAC draft, but made it much simpler. But we're open to new ideas. 17:55:13 <herlo> sesivany: so did we, and then we stripped it down down down. It's a very minimalist document now. 17:55:29 <herlo> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAMNA_Reimbursement_Guidelines <-- for reference 17:55:36 <herlo> still more to go, probably. 17:55:40 <sesivany> herlo: that was our goal, too. Looking forward to your results. 17:55:45 <herlo> sesivany: thanks 17:56:02 <bckurera> great ! 17:56:07 * herlo would like to discuss a couple outstanding tickets that are still sitting there, and seem relevant 17:56:12 <herlo> can we move to that? 17:56:17 <sesivany> yes 17:56:39 <herlo> #topic ticket #302 and #312 FADs requested on famsco trac 17:56:55 <herlo> should we not do the same thing with these two tickets as we just discussed above? 17:57:04 <herlo> .famsco 302 17:57:04 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/302 17:57:08 <herlo> .famsco 312 17:57:08 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/312 17:57:30 <herlo> or maybe they just need to be closed? 17:57:43 <sesivany> herlo: I thought #302 was solved. At least, Robyn paid it AFAIK. 17:57:52 <aeperezt> herlo, I think we could close them 17:57:58 <herlo> yeah, I'm seeing that now, and wondering why they are on our meeting agenda 17:58:06 * herlo wants to take the meeting keyword off at least 17:58:22 <herlo> #info proposal remove meeting keyword from tickets 302 and 312 17:58:42 <sesivany> herlo: #312 was also solved. 17:59:05 <sesivany> herlo: the decision was forwarded to the regional meeting and we approved it. 17:59:07 <herlo> sesivany: yes, so let's vote to remove the meeting keyword, then we don't have to have them on our agenda next week :) 17:59:15 <herlo> +1 17:59:22 <sesivany> +1 to remove it 17:59:22 <herlo> to my proposal above 17:59:32 <herlo> nb: aeperezt bckurera ? 17:59:35 <aeperezt> herlo, +1, but I think they should be closed 17:59:50 <bckurera> yup will close them 17:59:51 <herlo> aeperezt: sure, someone can close them, just not me 18:00:19 <herlo> that's four votes for removing meeting keyword. If someone wants to close them, feel free. 18:00:46 <herlo> #agreed removing 302 and 312 from meeting agenda in the future. Likely closing of ticket as well. 18:01:18 <herlo> okay, I need to head off. Open floor? 18:01:23 <sesivany> herlo: I've closed #312 because it has already taken place and it's solved for sure. 18:01:24 <aeperezt> bckurera, ticket 311 is solve? 18:01:48 <herlo> great! 18:01:56 <bckurera> not yet aeperezt 18:01:58 <herlo> aeperezt: 311 is not on the meeting agenda.... 18:02:08 <bckurera> anyway it will be followed up in apac tract 18:02:11 <bckurera> i ll update it 18:02:14 <herlo> woot 18:02:28 * herlo likes smaller agendas 18:02:34 <herlo> open floor okay now? 18:02:39 <sesivany> bckurera: just close it if you solved it in your region. 18:02:40 <aeperezt> ok 18:02:45 <herlo> #topic Open Floor 18:02:48 <sesivany> herlo: ok 18:02:49 <bckurera> yeah open floor 18:03:01 <bckurera> herlo any update about the FAm program? 18:03:14 <herlo> bckurera: FAm program? 18:03:19 <herlo> you mean FAMA? 18:03:27 <bckurera> yeah 18:03:44 <herlo> bckurera: sure, here's the latest: http://sexysexypenguins.com/2012/11/04/fedora-ambassadors-update-october-2012/ 18:03:51 <herlo> I emailed this out yesterday 18:04:28 <herlo> bckurera: unless you are referring to the software I just requested hosting for, ftl. (FAS trac link) 18:04:52 <bckurera> herlo I was thinking for the plans, if there is any changes and kid of things 18:05:16 <sesivany> aeperezt: btw don't you know what happened to dbruno? He hasn't been present at our meetings for very looong time. Is he still active? 18:05:32 <herlo> it's uses fedmsg, fas.client (I think) and trac apis to automate tickets when a fas user requests membership in ambassadors 18:05:57 <herlo> bckurera: only big change is that I do tickets once a week. Otherwise, it's pretty much the same as when kital ran fama. 18:06:06 <aeperezt> sesivany, well I have been wandering the same he has not been active on latam 18:06:25 <herlo> bckurera: however, when ftl is in place, it will be more automatic with me just cleaning up things once a week and doing reporting once a month. 18:06:44 * herlo does need to step away. thanks everyone.... 18:06:47 <bckurera> ok thanks a lot herlo youa re doing it good 18:06:55 <herlo> bckurera: thx! :) 18:06:59 <aeperezt> sesivany, he send an email rewarding some latam matter this weekend but basically has not been active, on the email he mention he was busy and plans to reactivate him self 18:07:41 <bckurera> yesh dayjob is killing us :) 18:07:47 <aeperezt> if nothing else should we close the meeting 18:07:52 <aeperezt> bckurera, same here 18:07:54 <sesivany> btw everyone, are you ok with the meeting time after the time change? I'm OK with that, but I heard some teams moved their meeting times. 18:08:21 <bckurera> shall we discuss this on the mailinglist since all are not here 18:08:23 <aeperezt> sesivany, I'm ok 18:08:29 <bckurera> i m ok too ! 18:08:49 * bckurera just less than 4-6 meetings to go :) 18:08:52 <herlo> no moving, it's better for me... 18:09:16 <sesivany> ok, no need to bring it up in mailing list from my side. 18:10:19 <aeperezt> ending the meeting if nothing else 18:10:51 <aeperezt> thanks everyone 18:10:57 <aeperezt> #endmeeting