17:00:23 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2013-01-10) 17:00:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 10 17:00:23 2013 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:23 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig 17:00:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 17:00:23 <nirik> #topic init process 17:00:30 <nirik> anyone around for a irc support sig meeting. 17:00:52 * Southern_Gentlem 17:01:35 <DiscordianUK> i am 17:03:19 <Khaytsus> Je suis la et ailleurs 17:03:28 <nirik> ok, lets dive in then... 17:03:35 <nirik> #topic Week in review 17:03:46 <nirik> anything for the previous week? new trends? bugs? 17:04:35 * nirik listens to the bacon sizzle 17:04:44 <nirik> #topic Release planning 17:04:54 <nirik> ok, f18 comes out next tuesday. (finally). 17:05:03 <nirik> anything folks would like to try and do to get ready? 17:05:09 <nirik> who's going to be around release day? 17:05:41 <Khaytsus> So the G/NG meeting has been final? 17:05:49 <nirik> yep. we are a go 17:06:07 <nirik> tuesday release, then fudcon right after. ;) 17:06:13 <Khaytsus> Here's my release schpeal: Update docs on fedorasolved for F18 17:07:21 <Khaytsus> So is F18-RC4 final? 17:07:44 <Southern_Gentlem> yep 17:08:00 <nirik> yeah. 17:08:02 <Khaytsus> I'll get it installed. how active I'll be on tuesday dunno, work and stuff, but I'll get familiar with it 17:08:07 <Khaytsus> And look at my FS docs 17:08:07 <nirik> we should all try and look over fedup docs. 17:08:42 <Southern_Gentlem> yeah i will be around release day but i am sure i will be busy trying to sync my mirror to fly out wednesday 17:09:16 <nirik> yeah, will be a busy week for sure. 17:09:39 <Southern_Gentlem> i think we will be melting the hotel and schools wifi connections 17:09:52 <DiscordianUK> I'll be around 17:10:29 <Khaytsus> nirik: I see a Live KDE but no Live XFCE? 17:10:35 <nirik> Khaytsus: under Spins 17:11:13 <nirik> I guess we can do a irc release party type thing in social again... 17:11:34 <Khaytsus> Aha, indeed 17:11:53 <nirik> anything else anyone can think of to prep? 17:12:50 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 17:12:56 <nirik> anyone have anything for open floor? 17:13:10 <Khaytsus> Maybe everyone review the known issues etc type docs for 18 17:13:14 <Southern_Gentlem> other than change the topic i think we are good 17:13:30 <Southern_Gentlem> and read the commonbugs 17:14:01 <Southern_Gentlem> of course read the Releases notes 17:15:02 <nirik> yeah, common bugs should be landing in the next few days. 17:15:32 <nirik> ok, if nothing else, will close out in a minute then. ;) 17:16:26 <nirik> oh... wait, one more thing... 17:16:33 <nirik> I will be on the road next thursday. 17:16:51 <nirik> So if we want to meet, someone else will need to run the meeting. ;) 17:17:36 <nirik> anyhow, thanks for coming everyone. 17:17:38 <nirik> #endmeeting