19:00:01 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2013-02-28) 19:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 28 19:00:01 2013 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:01 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 19:00:01 <nirik> #topic welcome to all 19:00:01 <nirik> #chair smooge skvidal CodeBlock ricky nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean 19:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 19:00:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: CodeBlock abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik ricky skvidal smooge threebean 19:00:05 * abadger1999 here 19:00:10 * puiterwijk around 19:00:18 * Adran is alive 19:00:19 * maayke is here 19:00:26 <smooge> is here 19:00:29 * relrod is here 19:00:31 <relrod> kind of 19:00:40 * mdomsch 19:00:59 * pingou is here 19:01:19 * G is lurking 19:01:43 <abadger1999> G: Hey, welcome! 19:01:46 * skvidal is here 19:01:51 * rossdylan is here 19:01:52 * threebean is here 19:01:52 <nirik> hey G. Long time no see. ;) 19:02:03 <nirik> ok, lets go ahead and get started. 19:02:10 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks. 19:02:23 <nirik> any new folks or apprentice questions or comments? 19:03:19 <nirik> ok then... 19:03:27 <nirik> do chime in anytime with questions or comments. ;) 19:03:33 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion 19:03:41 <nirik> Any application / development news? 19:03:47 <skvidal> coprs is back up and running 19:03:51 <pingou> \ó/ 19:03:59 <pingou> pkgdb-cli got a couple of releases 19:04:00 <skvidal> it is building - but still generating some instance-creation errors 19:04:04 <skvidal> which I'm trying to resolve 19:04:06 <puiterwijk> yes, if I do not find any new bugs, I will be declaring FAS-OpenID production-ready in five days from now 19:04:10 <abadger1999> Yay! 19:04:10 <skvidal> as always help on copr devel is quite welcome 19:04:14 <pingou> puiterwijk: cool! 19:04:38 <threebean> skvidal: getting closer to coprs+fedmsg here. phx2 is almost ready to receive. 19:04:41 <nirik> #info coprs is back up. One outstanding instance bug being worked. 19:04:48 <pingou> I worked on the api for the next generation pkgdb this week-end 19:04:48 <skvidal> threebean: great 19:04:50 <nirik> #info pkgdb-cli has had some new releases. 19:04:54 <nirik> puiterwijk: cool! 19:05:08 * cyberworm54 is here sorry 19:05:10 <abadger1999> fas update today. 19:05:13 <nirik> #info fas-openid is going to production in 5 days if no new stoppers found. 19:05:15 * SmootherFrOgZ is around 19:05:26 <pingou> pkgdb2-api got the "abadger1999 approved" stamp 19:05:28 <nirik> #info fas update planned for later today 19:05:43 <nirik> excellent 19:05:49 <abadger1999> I hope to get both a python-fedora nad a pkgdb update into stg sometime next week. 19:05:59 * abadger1999 crosses fingers that that isn't too ambitious :-) 19:06:22 * pingou is late on the jenkins stuff 19:06:36 <pingou> but jenkins has been running fine on the new cloud skvidal :) 19:06:54 <nirik> I've not noticed any issues with our apps from the rhel6.4 updates so far... 19:07:09 * mdomsch has more testing to do on MM1.4. Due to work and spring break, I likely won't get back at it much before 3/18 19:07:11 <skvidal> pingou: we will need to talk about that htis week - as I need to trade out the images it is running under 19:07:17 <skvidal> pingou: err - next week - not this week 19:07:27 <pingou> skvidal: sure 19:07:42 <nirik> #info fedocal has finished review 19:07:53 <nirik> mdomsch: :( anything we can do to help out there? 19:07:58 <pingou> oh yeah, that too thanks to threebean 19:08:10 <threebean> :) 19:08:30 <nirik> so we should look at a stg one soon... 19:08:39 <pingou> yup that would be very nice 19:08:45 <nirik> also, we can add it to the list of things to fedmsg... or is it already? 19:08:55 <mdomsch> nirik: I have 3 items left to check: 19:08:58 <threebean> nope, not on the list. 19:09:14 <nirik> we should make sure it's fedmsg aware before it goes to prod. 19:09:25 <nirik> also, should fas-openid have some fedmsg love? 19:09:26 <mdomsch> a) any changes to the apache config files that I don't have in master 19:09:32 <pingou> but we should stg it before :) 19:09:35 <mdomsch> b) test the database migration once again 19:09:40 <threebean> pingou: cool :) 19:09:47 <mdomsch> 3) test the location= code in the mirrorlists. That is brand new, straightforward, but never exercised 19:09:49 <puiterwijk> nirik: I can't see anything that we should do with fedmsg in fas-openid 19:09:52 <pingou> threebean: "we need to talk" 19:09:55 * mdomsch counts like click and clack 19:10:25 <threebean> "yes, we do" 19:10:33 * pingou scared of threebean 19:10:36 <mdomsch> all 3 can be done on app01.stg where it's installed now 19:10:37 <nirik> mdomsch: if you can send something to the list, we could try and find folks to work on those things... 19:10:38 <threebean> no! 19:10:38 <puiterwijk> threebean: you have any ideas for fedmsg in FAS-OpenID? I'd think not, because of the nature of the details 19:10:41 <mdomsch> k 19:11:16 <threebean> puiterwijk: yeah.. I had some "so and so logged in" message types in the very beginning, but we ended up throwing them out 19:11:25 <abadger1999> puiterwijk: yeah... I think we want to log to syslog but not fedmsg 19:11:37 <puiterwijk> abadger1999: it does log to syslog 19:11:41 * nirik is fine with that, just wanted to bring it up. 19:11:41 * threebean nods 19:12:02 <abadger1999> so that infra admins could review if there was some sort of security issue but not so that $random contributor can see who's logging in to where 19:12:15 <abadger1999> puiterwijk: Cool. 19:12:23 <puiterwijk> abadger1999: yep. it logs who logs in to which account, and which openid they claim, etc 19:12:25 <nirik> the only use case I can think of is: 19:12:51 <nirik> if we wanted to give a badge for using fas-openid X times... so we would need a message: user foo used fas-openid 19:13:28 <nirik> but we can always look at that down the road. 19:13:32 <nirik> there's much lower fruit 19:13:32 * threebean nods 19:13:38 * puiterwijk doesn't know if that's a good idea... 19:13:58 <puiterwijk> it might promote the use, but we do provide info that might be considered private 19:14:07 <puiterwijk> (not sure, just thinking out loud) 19:14:14 <nirik> sure, I would think it wouldn't say anything about what it was used for. but anyhow... 19:14:19 <nirik> any other application news? 19:14:37 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion 19:14:43 <nirik> we did mass reboots last night... 19:14:50 <skvidal> and they mostly worked :) 19:14:51 <nirik> things went long sadly for a few reasons. ;( 19:14:59 <skvidal> *cough*log02*cough* 19:15:15 <nirik> I think the lv and guest renaming took a bit more time too. 19:15:19 <abadger1999> nirik, puiterwijk: If we did that badge, I'd store number of times X user logged into fas-openid in its db. then emit that after a set point is met. 19:15:27 <skvidal> nirik: but is fantastic that it got done 19:15:35 <nirik> yes, I agree. 19:15:42 <puiterwijk> abadger1999: yeah, agreed on that. but I don't like to announce every signon 19:15:51 <nirik> anyhow, everything should mostly be upgraded to rhel 6.4, so do shout if you see any problems. 19:16:28 <puiterwijk> also, the lb repo has been added. if anyone finds a host that has haproxy, but doesn't have the rhel6-lb repo, also shout please 19:16:37 <nirik> upcoming I do hope to work on ansible promoting. :) If fires would stay out for a while. 19:16:39 <puiterwijk> (it should be on proxy0* and busmon0*) 19:16:43 * nirik nods. 19:17:29 <skvidal> nirik: question - have we had any progress on fas-clients PUSH? 19:17:39 <nirik> not sure. abadger1999 / SmootherFrOgZ ? 19:17:46 <abadger1999> SmootherFrOgZ: ^ 19:18:01 * abadger1999 guesses SmootherFrOgZ has been working on the fas otp stuff, though. 19:18:15 <nirik> no worries. 19:18:25 <SmootherFrOgZ> skvidal: yeah, I'm working on it. Actually I thinking on rewriting fas-client 19:18:48 <skvidal> SmootherFrOgZ: ok 19:19:11 <SmootherFrOgZ> skvidal: you will be able to fas-client against specific group as well 19:19:18 <nirik> so that would push out via ansible? or fas would push it? 19:19:51 <skvidal> nirik: I was thinking it would generate what a host set needs 19:19:56 <skvidal> and shove it via ansible on change 19:20:01 <SmootherFrOgZ> yeah 19:20:02 <skvidal> that was the idea, I think 19:20:12 * nirik couldn't recal the details. 19:20:15 <nirik> sounds reasonable. 19:20:57 <nirik> ok, any other sysadmin news? 19:21:11 <nirik> #topic Private Cloud status update / discussion 19:21:25 <skvidal> moving persistent instances over to openstack 19:21:27 <skvidal> that's moving apace 19:21:31 <nirik> cool. 19:21:33 <skvidal> and we may have a fix for the resizing issue in qcow 19:21:40 <skvidal> I've not tested it yet - yesterday kinda went sideways 19:21:53 <skvidal> however, it looks promising 19:21:54 <nirik> yeah, hopefully that will work for us. 19:22:03 <skvidal> I'm working on cleaning up the playbooks for them 19:22:09 <nirik> it's a package that does resize in initramfs 19:22:23 <skvidal> and all the keys/access codes needed for openstack are on lockbox 19:22:34 <skvidal> that piece works now for transient and persistent instances 19:22:42 <skvidal> coprs is building there and generating instances as well 19:22:57 <nirik> excellent. 19:23:00 <skvidal> if/when the ec2 tagging api for openstack starts working/existing - we'll take that on 19:23:07 <skvidal> I talked to some folks about setting up a second cinder service 19:23:10 <skvidal> on another server 19:23:14 <skvidal> for having more persistent volume space 19:23:21 <skvidal> and the general answer is 'yes should work, not tried it' 19:23:24 <skvidal> which is quaint :) 19:23:30 <brundlfly> Hi, sorry that I am late but can I still introduce myself? 19:23:33 <nirik> we seem to get that a lot. ;) 19:23:42 <nirik> brundlfly: sure, welcome. ;) Chime right in. 19:23:59 <skvidal> but once I get things off of fed-cloud03 - I think bringing it up as a new compute node and cinder volume server would be a good test for us 19:24:14 <nirik> sounds good . 19:24:21 <brundlfly> My name is Daniel and I am currently a second year University student in 19:24:21 <brundlfly> a Computing and Information systems program. What I can offer is basic 19:24:22 <brundlfly> scripting in Bourne, Bash, and Python. I have more advanced skills in 19:24:22 <brundlfly> Java programming since this is the main language is used in my 19:24:22 <brundlfly> University program. I spend additional time with reading Linux related 19:24:22 <brundlfly> literature such as "The Linux Administration Handbook" and the "Linux 19:24:24 <brundlfly> Programming Interface". The latter inspired me learn the C language so I 19:24:28 <brundlfly> can apply the concepts I have learned and experiment with kernel system 19:24:30 <brundlfly> calls. I also work part time as Technical Support Representative in a 19:24:32 <brundlfly> Cable/Internet Company. 19:24:34 <brundlfly> My goal for the next 3 years is to become a Software Developer with good 19:24:36 <brundlfly> coding practice and a solid foundation in algorithmic computation and 19:24:38 <brundlfly> design patterns. I have a keen interest in the kernel structure and the 19:24:40 <brundlfly> lower level aspect of hard- and software communication. I want to 19:24:42 <brundlfly> contribute to the team that provided me with an operation system that 19:24:44 <brundlfly> gave me possibilities to be as creative as I wanted to be - and that is 19:24:46 <brundlfly> for free. I want to become a valuable member of this community and I 19:24:48 <brundlfly> want to be known for my commitment and skill. I will join the fedora 19:24:50 <brundlfly> meetings on a regular basis to get the big picture of what is going on 19:24:52 <brundlfly> right know. I cannot always attend the meeting since I work and 19:24:54 <brundlfly> day/night shift rotations, but I'll do my best. 19:25:06 * pingou has read this somewhere before :) 19:25:17 <threebean> brundlfly: cool, welcome. 19:25:23 <pingou> welcome brundlfly :) 19:25:29 <brundlfly> thanks you guys 19:25:31 * cyberworm54 waves 19:25:33 <nirik> brundlfly: just FYI, on irc folks typically use pastebins and provide a link. :) 19:25:36 <nirik> but welcome. 19:26:06 <nirik> and if you have questions do ask. ;) 19:26:15 <brundlfly> as soon as I know what a pastebin is I will stop pasting 30 lines into the chat :) 19:26:19 <abadger1999> brundlfly: Are you interested in working on sysadmin stuff or programming (mostly python) stuff? 19:26:23 <brundlfly> IRC is still somewhat new to me 19:26:43 <brundlfly> Both programming and sys admin are my focus 19:26:51 <nirik> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/ <- paste your content there, submit and then just paste the url it gives to the channel, then everyone can load it and see it. ;) 19:27:01 <skvidal> brundlfly: #fedora-apps is a great place - lots of programming tasks that interact with systems stuff 19:28:04 <nirik> brundlfly: cool. Do look at our apprentice program and see if thats something you might be interested in, if so, see me after meeting in #fedora-admin: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure_Apprentice 19:28:06 <brundlfly> Right know I study the C language to get a better understanding of memory allocation, my plan was to move on to Python (Shouldn't be that hard to switch) since it it very popular in open source 19:28:24 <abadger1999> brundlfly: <nod> You can talk to nirik/skvidal/smooge about straight sysadmin stuff in #fedora-admin and #fedora-noc #fedora-apps and #fedora-admin for more of the apps/programming lmacken. pingou, threebean, puiterwijk, SmootherFrOgZ, and I are all available there. 19:28:25 * nirik nods. python is very popular around here. 19:28:50 <brundlfly> I would like to learn more about the apprentice program 19:29:27 <abadger1999> brundlfly: relrod is currently probably doing the most splitting of his time between sysadmin and apps side. 19:29:28 <nirik> excellent. 19:29:39 <nirik> shall we move on to upcoming items? 19:29:49 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items 19:29:50 <relrod> abadger1999: :) 19:30:01 <nirik> (get ready for info dump) 19:30:03 <nirik> #info 2013-02-28 end of 4th quarter 19:30:03 <nirik> #info 2013-03-01 nag fi-apprentices 19:30:03 <nirik> #info 2013-03-07 remove inactive apprentices. 19:30:03 <nirik> #info 2013-03-19 to 2013-03-26 - koji update 19:30:03 <nirik> #info 2013-03-29 - spring holiday. 19:30:04 <nirik> #info 2013-04-02 to 2013-04-16 ALPHA infrastructure freeze 19:30:05 <nirik> #info 2013-04-16 F19 alpha release 19:30:07 <nirik> #info 2013-05-07 to 2013-05-21 BETA infrastructure freeze 19:30:09 <nirik> #info 2013-05-21 F19 beta release 19:30:11 <nirik> #info 2013-05-31 end of 1st quarter 19:30:13 <nirik> #info 2013-06-11 to 2013-06-25 FINAL infrastructure freeze. 19:30:15 <nirik> #info 2013-06-25 F19 FINAL release 19:30:17 <nirik> is there anything folks would like to schedule or note? 19:30:26 <abadger1999> threebean, lmacken, and I are going to be at pycon us march 12 through the 21st. network was pretty good last year but of course, we'll all be busy with lots of other stuff so you probably don't want to count to heavily on us for that week and a half 19:30:29 <puiterwijk> #info 2013-03-05 Maybe FAS-OpenID release 19:30:38 * nirik adds those things. 19:31:22 <nirik> anything else pending? 19:31:27 <nirik> well, that we can schedule... ;) 19:31:36 <pingou> fedocal? :) 19:31:38 <threebean> lots of unscheduled good stuff :) 19:31:47 <nirik> yeah, lots of irons in the fire. ;) 19:31:58 <nirik> pingou: I can make a stg anytime, unless you want to wait for ansible... 19:32:28 <pingou> nirik: well my puppett isn't great but if we team up let's go for it 19:32:37 <nirik> sure, it should be pretty simple... 19:32:40 <nirik> I would think 19:32:45 <puiterwijk> pingou: I can help with the puppet part 19:33:00 <puiterwijk> (I already did FAS-OpenID in puppet, which is also flask) 19:33:19 <nirik> cool. 19:33:21 <pingou> it is pretty simple, the rpm and 2 files basically (and generating the DB) 19:33:22 <nirik> we can get it done. ;) 19:33:38 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 19:33:51 <nirik> anyone have anything for open floor? general questions, comments? 19:34:12 <pingou> I found back what I wanted to talk about last week 19:34:15 <pingou> GSoC 19:34:32 <nirik> #topic GSoC 19:34:38 <pingou> Do we want? Do we have ideas? Do we have someone looking at this? 19:34:48 <nirik> There's often lots of ideas related to infrastructure put forth. 19:34:54 <nirik> but some of them are... not things we want. ;) 19:35:20 <nirik> I mentored last year, I think I would prefer to not this year... it was a fair bit of time. 19:35:29 <nirik> but if any others would like to, please do. 19:35:46 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GSOC_2013 19:35:57 <pingou> last year with abadger1999 we teamed up 19:36:03 <pingou> so that's always an option 19:36:09 * abadger1999 would rather not mentor (at least full time) either. I'll definitely help integrate anyone into infra/answer questions/ review pull requests. 19:36:10 <pingou> and it does reduces the load a bit 19:36:37 <abadger1999> yeah, teaming with pingou was good. 19:36:42 <nirik> we could discuss on list perhaps? and then find out who is interested? 19:36:49 <pingou> +1 19:37:29 <threebean> mizmo might be organizing for Fedora OPW candidates for this summer again too 19:37:30 <nirik> pingou: you want to send an email on that? 19:37:37 <threebean> I think the time slot coincides with GSOC 19:37:45 <pingou> nirik: sure I can do that 19:38:04 <nirik> threebean: ok, good to know. We shouldn't over subscribe ourselves. 19:38:08 * threebean nods 19:38:34 <skvidal> nirik: question for the future 19:38:44 <skvidal> nirik: daylight savings time is coming up soon 19:38:50 <skvidal> what time will this meeting be? 19:39:03 <nirik> good question. 19:39:13 <nirik> I don't personally care. We can move with the time change or not. 19:39:16 <puiterwijk> same time UTC? 19:39:34 <nirik> I'd think sticking to the same time utc would be least confusing 19:39:48 <pingou> I'd go for let's just keep it at the current time 19:39:58 <pingou> there will be one week of confusion, then it's back on track 19:40:21 <puiterwijk> pingou: but the confusion is only for those who change times soon 19:40:36 <pingou> puiterwijk: us :) 19:40:38 <nirik> the only problem with keeping it the same is that it may mess with people's lunch schedules. 19:40:39 * skvidal has no idea what time it is in the next couple of weeks 19:40:42 <nirik> but I'm flexable. 19:40:44 <puiterwijk> pingou: no, we were in December, weren't we? 19:40:48 <smooge> it is already on my lunch 19:41:04 * cyberworm54 missed lunch for the meeting :) 19:41:23 <pingou> puiterwijk: I must miss-knowledge there 19:41:35 <puiterwijk> pingou: I believe our times change in December and June, and US is coming up soon? 19:41:36 <pingou> err lack* 19:41:36 <nirik> so, sticking with same time might be good for folks. ;) 19:41:48 <pingou> puiterwijk: afaik in the US it is one week after us 19:42:02 <puiterwijk> pingou: oh? /me is checking now... 19:42:11 <skvidal> we're march 10th, I think 19:42:12 <nirik> pingou: how does fedocal handle things? ;) 19:42:13 * skvidal googles 19:42:22 <pingou> nirik: all times are stored in UTC 19:42:32 <skvidal> yah march 10th 19:42:43 <nirik> pingou: excellent. 19:42:44 <pingou> nirik: but I must say, I do wonder how that will go :) 19:42:45 <puiterwijk> pingou: you are correct... we change march 31th 19:42:54 <skvidal> for the US - except for AZ and indianna? and parts of NM? and hawaii? 19:43:00 <nirik> right. 19:43:02 * skvidal cannot even remotely recall the ass-brained exceptions 19:43:07 <nirik> not indiana anymore. 19:43:10 * cyberworm54 live in indianapolis... 19:43:15 <pingou> Dr jones 19:43:17 <nirik> just az and hawaii. 19:43:30 <nirik> anyhow. 19:43:35 * puiterwijk hates timezones, and also changing of timezones... 19:43:38 <skvidal> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84aWtseb2-4 19:43:40 <skvidal> there you go 19:43:42 <nirik> #topic Open Floor redux 19:43:45 <smooge> oooh a reason to move to hawaii 19:43:49 <skvidal> that explains it in copious details 19:43:52 <nirik> anything further for open floor? 19:43:53 <skvidal> smooge: couldn't you just move to AZ 19:43:58 <nirik> smooge: fudcon hawaii! 19:44:00 <pingou> skvidal: +1000!! 19:44:04 <skvidal> nirik: I'd like to recommend repealing daylight savings time 19:44:05 <smooge> the politics gives me a rash 19:44:05 <pingou> nirik: +1000²! 19:44:20 <skvidal> nirik: could we get that started here? 19:44:28 <nirik> sure, all in favor? :) 19:44:33 <skvidal> aye 19:44:35 <pingou> oeuf corse! 19:44:39 <cyberworm54> yes! 19:44:42 <G> Just a quick re-introduction from myself that I'm thinking of lurking around again :) 19:44:47 <nirik> #agreed daylight savings time is repealed. 19:44:49 <pingou> spot is in as well! 19:44:59 <pingou> nirik: I was voting for the FUDCon in Hawaii 19:45:04 <nirik> G: welcome back, go ahead. 19:45:19 <G> nirik: can we amend the proposal that timezones be repealed? :) 19:45:38 <nirik> when it's high noon there, it's high noon everywhere! :) 19:45:39 <smooge> G is the best guy ever 19:46:18 <smooge> actually G I think you would have been able to answer our problems with the bnfs(old bkoji) storage... 19:46:32 <G> So for those that don't remember me from back in '08/'09-ish my name is Nigel, I'm back out in New Zealand, main interests are in Adminish stuff (although I'm now working on development stuff) 19:46:42 <G> err development stuff = dayjob :) 19:46:46 * pingou remembers G 19:47:31 <G> smooge: hmmm bnfs sounds like a vaguely familiar hostname :) 19:47:35 <nirik> anyhow, welcome back G. 19:47:52 <skvidal> die bnfs, die 19:47:55 <skvidal> oh, sorry 19:47:57 <abadger1999> :-) 19:48:28 <nirik> speaking of bnfs01... it's copying along: 12T 8.0T 3.7T 69% /mnt/kojibackup 19:48:35 <skvidal> yay? 19:48:41 <nirik> yep. yay. 19:48:50 <nirik> ok, if nothing else will close out the meeting in a minute... 19:49:25 <nirik> thanks for coming everyone. 19:49:32 <nirik> #endmeeting