16:01:26 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 16:01:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 4 16:01:26 2013 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:30 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 16:01:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 16:01:33 <adamw> #topic roll call 16:01:45 * satellit listening 16:01:53 * nirik is lurking in the back 16:02:01 * mkrizek is here 16:03:05 <adamw> where in tarnation is everyone else? 16:03:14 * pschindl is here 16:03:20 * jreznik is here 16:04:11 * Martix is here 16:04:22 * Viking-Ice joins in 16:04:53 <keramidas> #help 16:05:03 <adamw> we all feel like that sometimes' 16:05:26 <keramidas> sorry first time 16:05:32 <adamw> pschindl: any idea where kparal is? 16:05:35 <adamw> keramidas: just kidding :) 16:05:59 <adamw> #chair satellit pschindl 16:05:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw pschindl satellit 16:06:00 <pschindl> adamw: kparal is ill, so probably at home in the bed 16:06:01 <adamw> oh there you are viking 16:06:17 <adamw> ah, so we're missing kparal and tflink. okay 16:06:30 <pschindl> and jskladan is also ill 16:06:38 <Viking-Ice> does not look like a long meeting agenda anyway 16:06:47 <adamw> wow, the plague's hit brno 16:06:53 <jreznik> everyone will be ill in the end of meeting 16:07:06 <Viking-Ice> except those that had the shark 16:07:25 <pschindl> I missed it :( 16:07:49 * jreznik missed it too, maybe that's the reason pschindl and /me are not ill :D 16:07:59 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 16:08:00 <adamw> heh 16:08:32 <adamw> sigh. i hate mondays. juggling qa meetings and vomiting cats 16:08:37 <adamw> so easy to mistake one for the other 16:08:53 <adamw> "adamw to push 'automatic blocker' proposal to production" - did that 16:08:54 <Martix> adamw: I may be ~5-10mins late each time from now for next 3 months 16:08:59 <adamw> .fire martix 16:08:59 <zodbot> adamw fires martix 16:09:38 <Martix> adamw: biking between university faculties 16:09:44 <adamw> #info "adamw to push 'automatic blocker' proposal to production" - done: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2013-February/114004.html 16:09:57 <jreznik> thanks! 16:10:05 <Viking-Ice> hurray! 16:10:11 <adamw> Martix: c'mon, call up lance armstrong, he has some stuff to help you with that :) 16:10:22 <adamw> yay automatic blockers indeed 16:10:33 <adamw> should reduce the load some for alpha 16:10:55 <keramidas> #commands 16:10:55 <zodbot> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #rejected #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk 16:11:02 <adamw> "adamw to try and gather a bit more feedback on blocker process changes this week" - well, I poked dgilmore and he didn't object 16:11:36 <adamw> i guess at this point we can put those into production, i'm just surprised there were no proposed changes from the tentative ideas from the meeting 16:11:53 <adamw> so anyone have any thoughts on those before i go ahead and stick an action item in? 16:13:00 <Viking-Ice> do you have a link to that discussion so it can be refreshed in peoples mind again 16:13:58 <jreznik> adamw: I like the idea, the description sounds good for me too 16:14:13 <adamw> Viking-Ice: just lemme grab it 16:14:19 <adamw> Viking-Ice: it' 16:14:24 <adamw> it's the stuff about capping at 3hrs etc 16:14:41 <adamw> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2013-February/113910.html 16:15:38 <Viking-Ice> there is nothing i think to add to that from us anyway 16:16:15 <Viking-Ice> did you get anyfeed back from -devel/fesco ? 16:16:55 <Viking-Ice> which are probably the only wildcard since releng did not object 16:17:12 <adamw> it's kinda hard to define 'devel' 16:17:32 <adamw> the mail went to devel@ , and no-one said anything 16:17:47 <adamw> so we can count that as acceptance, i think :) 16:17:58 <Viking-Ice> yup ;) 16:18:06 <jreznik> I don't see a reason for objections from devels/fesco 16:18:26 <jreznik> all these automatic blockers would end up on the list 16:19:02 <jreznik> I hope nobody will abuse the system... to propose other bugs this way (and block the meeting again ;-) 16:19:02 <adamw> okay 16:19:27 <adamw> let's go ahead and push the button then 16:19:51 <Viking-Ice> we can always revisit this stuff anyway 16:20:00 <jreznik> yep 16:20:04 <adamw> #info "adamw to try and gather a bit more feedback on blocker process changes this week" - dgilmore seems okay with the changes, no objections from devel or fesco 16:20:16 <adamw> #action adamw to push the blocker meeting changes live this week 16:20:39 <adamw> "viking-ice or adamw to file a trac ticket for the smoke-test-for-spins idea" 16:20:44 <adamw> did you do that, viking? i didn't 16:21:43 <Viking-Ice> nope not yet 16:22:54 <adamw> well, we fail 16:23:04 <adamw> #info "viking-ice or adamw to file a trac ticket for the smoke-test-for-spins idea" - not done yet, back on for next week 16:23:07 <adamw> #action viking-ice or adamw to file a trac ticket for the smoke-test-for-spins idea 16:23:27 <adamw> "tflink to take a look at the question of tracking qa tool discussion and bugs/tickets and make a broad proposal about what to do" 16:23:40 <adamw> so, tim did do that - i was hoping to continue the discussion here, but without tim and kamil it seems a bit pointless 16:24:00 <tflink> I'm here - late but here 16:24:34 <adamw> #info "tflink to take a look at the question of tracking qa tool discussion and bugs/tickets and make a broad proposal about what to do" - proposals made: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2013-February/113997.html and discussion is underway 16:24:35 <Viking-Ice> is there anything left to discuss seperated qa-devel mailing list which is up and running and a seperated trac instance 16:25:40 <adamw> i thought we hadn't made a decision between options 1 and 2 yet. 16:26:13 <Viking-Ice> I'm planning on replacing the fedora-qa trac instance with an actual request tracker 16:26:35 <Viking-Ice> which scales well and is 21 century mobile friendly 16:27:35 <adamw> that would be nice, but we can still improve the trac setup as things stand 16:28:03 <adamw> tflink: did you have any further thoughts on option 1 vs. option 2? 16:28:09 <jreznik> Viking-Ice: that's that "actual request tracker"? 16:28:34 <Viking-Ice> jreznik, not a bug tracker an request tracker there is a difference 16:28:49 <jreznik> specific one? 16:29:20 <tflink> adamw: not a whole lot - it's a question of how much effort separation is worth 16:29:26 <Viking-Ice> jreznik, best practical rt 16:29:27 <tflink> jreznik: I think he's talking about RT 16:31:22 <Viking-Ice> http://www.bestpractical.com/rt/ 16:32:11 <adamw> god, they lose many points for me - how can you scare people with an example ticket like "There is no coffee to be found anywhere in the office"? *shivers* 16:32:48 <jreznik> do we have any running instance? 16:32:53 <tflink> with as close as we are to starting up F19 testing, I'm leaning more towards "leave them in fedora-qa trac" at least until F19 is over 16:32:57 <Viking-Ice> jreznik, nope not yet 16:33:04 <tflink> jreznik: there are several internal instances, I think 16:33:26 <Viking-Ice> tflink, yeah this is F20 item 16:33:39 <adamw> looking back over the thread, it looks like there's no real strong objections to going with the 'keep sharing qa trac for now but direct blocker app ticket mails to the qa-devel list' option 16:33:40 <Viking-Ice> not that it actually matters 16:33:44 * nirik has about 0 desire to support another ticketing system. :) 16:33:54 <jreznik> the thing is with fesco, we are looking for a better way for tracking features, egh. changes 16:33:55 <Viking-Ice> nirik, I will be maintaining this one 16:34:00 <nirik> Viking-Ice: cool. 16:34:06 <adamw> i think we reassured you that the defaultcc plugin wouldn't affect your migration idea, right viking? 16:34:11 <Viking-Ice> had anticipated we dont have knowledge or resource for anything else but trac 16:34:21 <Viking-Ice> from infra 16:34:43 <Viking-Ice> adamw, no I needlessly worried there 16:34:47 <adamw> okay 16:35:00 * jreznik is interested in that wokflow part, should check it 16:35:19 * nirik is also interested in anything we can do to improve trac to meet folks needs better. 16:35:36 <adamw> so i think for now we can just use defaultcc to send the blocker bug tickets to qa-devel , and we can revisit this topic in future a) if anyone is still unhappy with devel tickets being in the QA trac and/or b) when viking's ready to formally propose RT 16:35:47 <jreznik> nirik: that's another option but you know how guys react on just mentioning trac... 16:35:55 <adamw> nirik: the idea of a usable mobile interface is kinda nice. 16:36:00 <tflink> adamw: works for me 16:36:02 <adamw> but not any super high priority for me. 16:36:46 <nirik> sure, can look into it. 16:37:43 <adamw> #agreed for now we will go with the least-invasive option 1: use the defaultcc plugin to send blocker bug app ticket mails to the qa-devel list. 16:37:47 <Viking-Ice> trac is less then optimal as an request tracker 16:37:55 <Viking-Ice> it should die ;) 16:38:14 <adamw> #agreed we can revisit the topic if there turn out to be problems with that, or if someone is unhappy with the volume of development tickets in qa trac, or when viking is ready to propose RT as an alternative tracker 16:38:53 <adamw> okay - so martix has to go do his Tour de University Campus, so I said i'd move open floor up the agenda and the Test Day topic down the agenda to give him time 16:38:58 <adamw> so: 16:39:01 <adamw> #topic open floor 16:39:11 <adamw> anyone have anything to bring up that isn't on the agenda? preferably not involving martix? :) 16:39:41 <Viking-Ice> how does killing that stupid test day schedule involve him 16:39:51 <jreznik> adamw: have you seen my reply to scheduling blocker bug meetings? 16:40:00 * jreznik changed the day to Wed 16:40:10 <adamw> Viking-Ice: he's doing the test day co-ordination for this cycle 16:40:14 <adamw> he actually added the topic 16:40:45 <Viking-Ice> adamw, I assume on your authority as the team leader for RH Fedora QA 16:40:46 <adamw> #info jreznik changed the QA calendar for F19 to show blocker meetings on wednesdays: http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-19/f-19-quality-tasks.html 16:40:57 <adamw> Viking-Ice: nope, on his authority as 'just decided to go do it' 16:41:01 <jreznik> so another topic - scheduling test composes and blocker bug meetings - at least the first ones 16:41:09 <adamw> no-one else volunteered, and it doesn't need any authority, so hey 16:41:28 <adamw> jreznik: ayup? 16:41:42 <jreznik> ? 16:41:49 <adamw> oh, i see. 16:42:07 <adamw> well, first blocker meeting should be wednesday, i guess. 16:42:12 <jreznik> for example test composes are in TJ tight to submission deadline 16:42:20 <jreznik> adamw: agree :) 16:42:33 <adamw> you're suggesting moving TC1 back a week? 16:42:34 * Viking-Ice points out last release cycle we more or less had blocker bug meetings everyday ;) 16:42:37 <adamw> er, forward? 16:42:40 <adamw> er, making it earlier? :) 16:42:44 <adamw> Viking-Ice: let's hope that doesn't happen again ;) 16:42:55 * adamw is generally always in favour of earlier TCs 16:43:36 <jreznik> adamw: well, currently it's Thu 2013-01-17 ;-) as it's scheduled based on feature submission deadline for some reason 16:43:54 <adamw> hm? qa calendar has Test Alpha 'Test Compose' on 03-26 16:44:08 <adamw> releng calendar has "Create Alpha Test Compose (TC)" on same date 16:45:03 * satellit is there something to test atm? (f19) latest smoke netinstall fails http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/rawhide-20130301/Fedora/ 16:45:03 <jreznik> ah, you're right - I was confused by Create Installable Images for QA testing #1 during the schedule cleanup 16:45:22 * jreznik is trying to cleanup non-senses in the schedule... 16:45:39 <adamw> that's for the RATS stuff i believe 16:45:45 <adamw> which is still hanging around the schedule... 16:45:52 <satellit> ok 16:46:00 * tflink needs to update the BBA so that it's working with the new naming convention and has F19 milestones 16:46:15 <tflink> the production instance, anyways - the code is all there 16:46:17 <jreznik> RATS? 16:46:30 <adamw> Rawhide Acceptance Test Suite or something like that 16:46:36 <jreznik> but I expect I can get rid of it? 16:46:50 <adamw> where we run some (supposedly) automated tests on an iso build 16:46:51 * jreznik has never heard about rats... 16:46:55 <satellit> https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/anaconda/ work for f18 16:47:02 <adamw> (but in fact it winds up being some poor intern doing them all manually, so it's like a TC but worse) 16:47:29 <jreznik> ok 16:47:37 <jreznik> sorry for confusion 16:47:38 <adamw> i think last cycle we left one 'rats' run in there as a kind of sanity check 16:47:49 <adamw> just for someone to go through some basic smoke tests on a boot.iso, ahead of tc1 16:48:04 <jreznik> so do we want to continue with that? 16:48:21 <jreznik> (with a different schedule of course) 16:48:58 <jreznik> there's really a lot of stuff nearly nobody has a clue what does it mean anymore... polluting useful milestones 16:49:02 <adamw> yeah, i'm thinking 16:49:14 <adamw> TC1 03-19, RATS 03-12 ? 16:49:30 <adamw> where 'rats' would just be twu or someone going over a boot.iso 16:49:44 <adamw> what do people think of that? 16:49:50 <Martix> back 16:50:07 <adamw> http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-19/f-19-quality-tasks.html is the reference for anyone who doesn't have it 16:50:07 <jreznik> it makes sense on 03-12 16:51:02 <adamw> i always wonder why we have the release notes stuff on our schedule, but hey. 16:51:06 <Martix> adamw: historical data states that schedule could be slipped aprox. 2-3 weeks at least :-) 16:51:26 <adamw> Martix: historical data bedamned! 16:51:36 <Martix> but I hope F19 won't :-) 16:52:00 * adamw starts poking people at random and saying 'feedback, damnit' 16:52:06 <Martix> adamw: wiki-history? :-D 16:52:10 <jreznik> adamw: if you don't want RN in a schedule, np 16:52:21 <adamw> jreznik: well i mean, maybe someone knows why it's there 16:52:24 <adamw> viking, any idea? 16:52:55 <jreznik> adamw: that's why I try this cleanup round - it's huge and half of schedule does not make sense even for related teams :) 16:53:01 <adamw> heh :) 16:53:03 <adamw> good idea 16:53:05 <tflink> yeah, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have RN in the quality schedule 16:53:22 <adamw> i'm guessing maybe we're supposed to help them go over new features? or something? hell if i knoiw. 16:53:34 <adamw> anyway, we're running short on time here 16:53:55 <adamw> jreznik: can you pencil it in as i suggested (03-19 and 03-12) and i'll try and get more feedback on the list? 16:54:10 <adamw> #action adamw to propose RATS/TC1 dates on the list 16:54:27 <adamw> #action tflink to announce first blocker meeting for wednesday, and get blocker bug tracker app ready 16:54:30 <Viking-Ice> adamw, you mean with RN? 16:54:35 <adamw> Viking-Ice: yeah 16:54:42 <adamw> thought you might remember why it's in our schedule 16:55:26 <Viking-Ice> because we are usually those that needed to fill out those "workarounds" ;) 16:55:37 <Viking-Ice> or had to in the past 16:55:40 <adamw> ah 16:55:44 <adamw> seems kinda obsolete now? 16:55:50 <jreznik> adamw: you can action me too :) 16:55:54 <adamw> or maybe we just forgot :0 16:56:11 <adamw> #action jreznik to pencil in QA changes as discussed 16:56:18 <jreznik> (not to feel bad in the beginning of the meeting for not having any single follow up ;-) 16:56:36 <adamw> #info viking-ice says release notes stuff is in QA's schedule "because we are usually those that needed to fill out those "workarounds" ;) or had to in the past" 16:56:39 <adamw> #topic Test Days 16:56:48 <adamw> sorry for the railroad, just wanted to get onto this before we run out of time 16:57:08 <adamw> so martix says we're nearly out of thursdays but people still want test days 16:57:17 <Martix> yep 16:57:36 <Martix> going to add Tuesdays 16:57:37 <Viking-Ice> kill testday schedule 16:57:45 <pschindl> I don't see any problem with other days 16:57:48 <adamw> we can open up tuesdays, or make it a free-for-all, or allow any day but wednesday, i guess... 16:58:05 <Martix> and Mondays, Fridays... 16:58:05 <Viking-Ice> the period opens at branch time and closes before we start composing final 16:58:13 <adamw> i'm not really opposed, but just for the record, the idea of doing it on thursdays was to try make it a kind of regular 'tune in next week!' thing - get people to come back for more 16:58:14 <Viking-Ice> that's how we intended test day to work 16:58:31 <Viking-Ice> when we set it of 16:58:36 <adamw> i'm not sure we ever quite got people onto that schedule, though, which may be why no-one but me really minds losing it 16:58:37 <pschindl> on TD page is said that Thursdays are only recommended 16:58:39 <jreznik> if Martix is willing to spend the time, I'm ok with any day... 16:58:55 <jreznik> and it's great there's such demand for test days 16:58:59 <adamw> true 16:59:25 <Martix> jreznik: I'm just going to add Tuesday to schedule, I run only Desktop-related Test Days :-) 16:59:28 <adamw> Viking-Ice: i just copy/paste the schedule from release to release, basically - do yell if you see any errors in it 16:59:41 <Viking-Ice> adamw, yes there being schedule et al 16:59:49 <Viking-Ice> we only put one to start with something 16:59:57 <jreznik> any help with schedule needed? ;-) 17:00:04 <Viking-Ice> but already knew if it would take of ( as it has ) it would outgrow it self ;) 17:00:14 <Martix> jreznik: I'm glad we got so many proposals, now we need to do better marketing and attract more users to attend 17:00:21 <adamw> Viking-Ice: well, we need to have the calendar of test days, of course 17:00:34 <jreznik> it's not a bad idea to add test days period to the main schedule 17:00:39 <adamw> it seems like there's a consensus to let test days be any time, so let's go with that 17:00:44 <adamw> jreznik: sure 17:00:59 <pschindl> maybe there shouldn't be anything like "free slot" 17:01:02 <adamw> #agreed let's let test days happen any day the proposer wants 17:01:08 <adamw> pschindl: right, that's what viking is suggesting 17:01:16 <Viking-Ice> what we discussed in the past 17:01:21 <jreznik> (and when it works for QA) 17:01:22 <Viking-Ice> before you guys got all hired 17:01:23 <adamw> and everyone seems fine with it 17:01:41 <adamw> so i just 'agreed' it - we can figure out the details later 17:01:57 <adamw> Martix: do you want an action item to draft up changes to the test day process docs, or shall i? 17:02:09 <Martix> sure, you can 17:02:49 <jreznik> just make sure we do not "over test day" people in one week etc. 17:02:57 <adamw> right 17:03:04 <adamw> but up to the test day co-ordinator to ensure that 17:03:15 <jreznik> some distribution over time makes sense, and yes, it's for coordinator 17:03:26 <Viking-Ice> fyi test event can span more then single day and arguable should ( even thou maintainer can only be present on one single day ) 17:03:26 <adamw> #action adamw to draft up changes to the test day process docs to accommodate test days being on any day, test day co-ordinator to ensure they're balanced out 17:03:46 <adamw> Viking-Ice: we have been scheduling more 'test weeks' lately 17:03:55 <adamw> it used to be just graphics, but now we have i18n and networking ones too i think 17:04:03 <Viking-Ice> and there can be more then single test event on the same day 17:04:09 <jreznik> Viking-Ice: it can but it's better for feedback and even marketing to market 1 day with all maintainers around 17:04:40 <Viking-Ice> jreznik, we actually planed to host those days without requiring the presence of an maintainer 17:05:19 <jreznik> Viking-Ice: well, the main marketing around test days is always - somebody would listen to you and it will be developer (in the best case) 17:05:38 <keramidas> may i say something? 17:05:46 <adamw> keramidas: sure, you don't need to ask permission 17:05:48 <jreznik> but even without devs it makes sense and I like more flexibility up to coordinator 17:06:01 <keramidas> hello, i am new here 17:06:05 <adamw> hi, welcome 17:06:17 <Viking-Ice> jreznik, for what purpose is that coordinator ping marketing? 17:06:27 <keramidas> My name is Vasilis ( Bill if you prefer) 17:06:38 <Viking-Ice> we need a calender 17:07:24 <Viking-Ice> for the QA community 17:07:49 <tflink> weren't people working on fedocal stuff for QA? 17:08:08 <keramidas> I am from Greece. I am planning to host a presentation at the Univesity on how to contribute to open source communities. So far i have find a lot of people who are willing to participate 17:08:23 <pschindl> yes. Lukas is working on QA calendar 17:08:26 <adamw> tflink: i poked at the test deployment a bit, it works fine, but the data gets wiped every so often so there's no way to use it for 'production' 17:08:35 <adamw> keramidas: great 17:09:13 <keramidas> I am going to present the Fedora QA. And i believe this is a good way to attract a lot of people to participate at test days 17:09:23 <adamw> keramidas: that would help for sure 17:09:28 <adamw> when is your presentation? 17:10:14 <keramidas> Basicaly how i started to contribute to the QA 17:10:25 <keramidas> and how easy it is 17:10:34 <keramidas> and that anyone should do it 17:11:16 <keramidas> most of the persons i talked think that you have to be a "rocket scientis" 17:11:24 <keramidas> t 17:11:32 <adamw> well, that's a shame 17:11:45 <adamw> let us know if you have any feedback on how to make it less scary 17:13:07 <keramidas> read the wiki, go to the fedora-qa irc and say " Hi, i am new here. How i can help?" 17:13:20 <keramidas> that's how i started 17:13:32 <adamw> yup, that's what we hope people do! 17:13:41 <adamw> okay, we're getting past time now 17:13:57 <adamw> thanks for the feedback everyone 17:14:07 <jreznik> time to play angry birds for adamw? :) 17:14:13 <adamw> #endmeeting