18:01:59 <StillBob> #startmeeting 18:01:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 7 18:01:59 2013 UTC. The chair is StillBob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:59 <StillBob> #meetingname irc-support-sig 18:01:59 <StillBob> #meetingtopic IRC Support SIG Meeting 18:01:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 18:02:18 * Davros is N3LRX 18:03:04 <StillBob> We don't have much of an agenda today but please allow us to complete that and bring up additional topics in the "Open Floor" section of the meeting. 18:03:20 <StillBob> #topic Week in review 18:03:24 <DiscordianUK> Sounds like a plan 18:03:49 <StillBob> We still don't have stats available. It seemed like a pretty sane week to me. 18:04:13 * nirik is here. 18:04:23 <nirik> yeah, just pretty normal overall. 18:04:24 * DiscordianUK is here 18:04:46 <DiscordianUK> Nothing special new kernel 18:04:50 <StillBob> There were a couple "problem children" but it seems they may have moved on in the last day or so. 18:05:24 <StillBob> #topic Meetings... why and when 18:05:55 <StillBob> We have been skipping meetings because we have no new tickets to discuss. 18:06:13 * nirik nods. 18:06:14 <DiscordianUK> Moving to 18:00 UTC would be in keeping with our normal practice 18:06:20 <StillBob> I think we need to have meetings from time to time anyhow, tickets or not. 18:06:25 <nirik> StillBob: I agree. 18:06:35 <DiscordianUK> I'd agree too 18:07:07 <StillBob> It gives us a chance to toss things around and a chance for our "users" to bring things up that are not ticket worthy. 18:07:16 <nirik> yep. 18:07:38 <Davros> I think 2 meetings a month with/or without tickets is reasonable. 18:07:57 <StillBob> Davros: OK, but what weeks do we choose? 18:08:17 <Davros> 2nd and 4th thurs 18:08:26 <StillBob> Davros: I suggested in a discussion we meet the first Thursday of the month, that is easy to track 18:08:49 <nirik> or... we could do: it's ok to skip 1 week if there are no tickets, but meet the week after. 18:09:04 * StillBob nods 18:09:07 <nirik> but then we have to remember why we skipped I guess. 18:09:17 <StillBob> right... 18:09:20 * nirik doesn't care too much, as long as we meet in a way where people know when we do. ;) 18:10:04 <StillBob> What if we met in the middle, First Thursday and skip no more than 2 meetings in a row? 18:10:20 <Davros> 1st and 3rd thursday of each month. (I've been out of the loop since I'm not at home right now. ) 18:10:30 <StillBob> First thursday being our anchor meeting 18:11:11 <nirik> sure, works for me. 18:11:15 <DiscordianUK> +1 18:11:47 <StillBob> "works for me" and a +1 for what? 18:11:51 <StillBob> ;) 18:12:03 <StillBob> My suggestion or Davros? 18:12:29 <DiscordianUK> +1 to first thursday as an anchor 18:12:41 <StillBob> K 18:12:51 <nirik> I was going with yours, but I'm fine with Davros's idea too. I just don't care too much. ;) 18:13:42 <StillBob> I'll file a ticket about that then. Also at the same time we should look at the "time" we meet as we are going in to "summer" in the north and times are changing relative to UTC. 18:13:58 <StillBob> I'll try to create a "when is good" for us. 18:14:32 <StillBob> Could end up being that "Thursday" is not the best day for us. 18:14:37 * nirik nods. 18:14:59 <nirik> I'm fine moving days too, but of course I have other meetings, so might be unavailable other days. 18:15:53 <StillBob> So meet and vote on this stuff in 2 weeks, that will allow at least a week for discussion outside of a meeting 18:15:58 <nirik> sounds great. 18:16:10 <StillBob> anything else on this Why and When topic? 18:16:29 <StillBob> Davros: When are you heading home? next week you said? 18:16:56 <Davros> I'll be home Tues 18:17:18 <StillBob> Nice, will be good to have you back. 18:17:27 <StillBob> You have been missed. 18:17:34 <StillBob> #topic Open Floor 18:17:35 <StillBob> Does anyone have anything to add? 18:18:02 <DiscordianUK> Not I 18:18:17 <StillBob> I'll keep the floor open until at least 18:30UTC for anyone to throw anything in. 18:19:03 * nirik has nothing off hand. 18:20:20 <StillBob> Yeah... I ran the meeting so I put my stuff in the agenda... 18:20:23 <StillBob> ;) 18:20:30 <nirik> well done. ;) 18:24:48 <Khaytsus> Still going or did I miss it 18:25:01 <StillBob> Still going 18:25:09 <StillBob> Technically anyhow 18:25:11 <Khaytsus> Do I need my waders? 18:25:16 <StillBob> Open floor 18:25:59 <StillBob> nah knee high rubber boots should be fine... 18:26:43 * Khaytsus queues up Janitor by Toad the Wet Sproket 18:27:29 <mattrose> Don't let the name throw you Jimmy. It's not really a floor, it's more of a steel grating that allows material to sluice through so it can be collected and exported. 18:33:58 <StillBob> OK, time to close this up I think 18:34:07 <StillBob> Thanks everyone for coming. 18:34:07 <StillBob> #endmeeting