01:02:53 <dan408> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:02:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 13 01:02:53 2013 UTC. The chair is dan408. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:02:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:03:00 <dan408> #meetingname FAmNA 01:03:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:03:05 <dan408> #topic Roll Call 01:03:10 <award3535> here 01:03:10 <dan408> here 01:03:11 <chanchito> here 01:03:32 <dan408> #chair rbergeron inode0 chanchito award3535 nb Southern_Gentlem 01:03:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: Southern_Gentlem award3535 chanchito dan408 inode0 nb rbergeron 01:03:48 <dan408> anyone else alive? 01:03:54 * dan408 waits 2-3 minutes 01:03:55 <chanchito> elvis, sorry 01:04:02 <chanchito> had ot do it 01:04:09 <chanchito> you left the door open 01:04:09 <award3535> he left the building 01:04:12 * dan408 throws a chair at chanchito 01:04:14 <chanchito> nice 01:04:31 <chanchito> :-) 01:04:34 <lcameron> here, mostly harmless 01:07:04 * lcameron wonders if he killed the conversation... 01:07:16 <dan408> hello lcameron 01:07:21 <dan408> no i wasn't paying attention 01:07:23 <award3535> nope just waiting to see if any one else shows 01:07:25 <dan408> talking to my coworker 01:07:29 <dan408> #chair lcameron 01:07:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: Southern_Gentlem award3535 chanchito dan408 inode0 lcameron nb rbergeron 01:08:19 <dan408> #topic Announcements 01:08:23 <dan408> announcements 01:08:24 <dan408> anyone? 01:08:46 <award3535> The Self link is up and we need some volunteers for the booth and speakers 01:08:55 <dan408> and the link is? 01:09:37 <award3535> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SELF_2013 01:09:59 <dan408> cool 01:10:00 <chanchito> i need help getting my event page straightened out as well 01:10:02 <dan408> i know this is a big event 01:10:18 <dan408> doesn't rbergeron own this event? 01:10:36 <award3535> Southern Gentleman and I 01:10:40 <dan408> k 01:11:25 <dan408> announcement from me: Pycon is starting tomorrow 01:11:29 <award3535> I will be putting trac tickets in this week for the booth and budget once I get some more volunteers and have the travel arrangements 01:11:37 <chanchito> sweet 01:11:41 <dan408> I don't know who/what/where media is but hopefully one of the people flying in will bring some 01:11:48 <dan408> i.e. spot or suehle 01:12:09 <dan408> couldn't get an expo pass 01:12:15 <award3535> I know that souther gentleman usually brings the media and event box etc to the event 01:12:21 <award3535> for Self that is 01:12:24 <dan408> he's not coming to Pycon 01:12:28 <dan408> PyCon is in California 01:12:45 <dan408> https://us.pycon.org/2013/ 01:13:02 <dan408> anyways 01:13:12 <dan408> hello tuanta 01:13:23 <dan408> also another announcement: F19 was branched last night/this morning 01:13:23 <inode0> did abadger1999 get stuff? 01:13:40 <dan408> inode0: i don't know he was branching f19, i didnt get to talk to him 01:13:41 <tuanta> hello dan408 01:13:46 <dan408> #chair tuanta 01:13:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: Southern_Gentlem award3535 chanchito dan408 inode0 lcameron nb rbergeron tuanta 01:14:04 <inode0> that is the most important thing for pycon 01:14:07 <dan408> inode0: i picked up lmacken at the airport today and we got burgers and i dropped him off at the hotel 01:14:15 <dan408> inode0: i know, that's why im bringing it up 01:14:23 <dan408> i dont know if he got it or not 01:14:28 <dan408> if not someone should overnight some to me 01:14:32 <dan408> or the hotel 01:14:36 <inode0> so I asked, maybe he will tell us :) 01:14:43 <dan408> he's probably not online 01:14:46 <dan408> or in a car 01:14:46 <inode0> no one should overnight anything 01:15:01 <award3535> looks like a media burning party 01:15:04 <inode0> we've known about this forever 01:15:09 <dan408> abadger1999 has been idle 2hrs 11mins 31secs, signed on Tue Mar 12 15:53:14 01:15:23 <dan408> i'll ping lmacken i dont have his number 01:16:28 <dan408> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:17:03 <dan408> #topic Tickets 01:17:46 <award3535> everything on track for pycon except media? 01:18:05 <dan408> yeqah 01:18:07 <dan408> yep* 01:18:42 <dan408> .famnaticket 48 01:18:43 <zodbot> dan408: #48 (PyCon 2013 March 13 - 21, Santa Clara, CA) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/48 01:18:51 <award3535> cool 01:19:04 <dan408> yeah we just talked about this 01:19:05 <dan408> moving on 01:19:23 <award3535> +1 01:19:35 <dan408> hey lh 01:19:47 <dan408> #chair lh 01:19:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: Southern_Gentlem award3535 chanchito dan408 inode0 lcameron lh nb rbergeron tuanta 01:19:59 <dan408> .famnaticket 49 01:20:00 <zodbot> dan408: #49 (Northeast LinuxFest 2013, March 16 - 17, Harvard) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/49 01:20:09 <lh> dan408, greets 01:20:11 <chanchito> yay 01:20:13 <dan408> chanchito, talk about NELF? 01:20:27 <chanchito> hopefully the event box and banners arrive on time 01:20:49 <chanchito> i had trouble copying last year's event page on th ewiki 01:21:00 <chanchito> i need to find out who will pay the 500 fee 01:21:03 <dan408> who is shipping them? 01:21:04 <chanchito> i have the pay pal info 01:21:15 <dan408> please update the track ticket 01:21:32 <chanchito> the paypal invoice was sent as email 01:21:33 <dan408> trac* 01:21:40 <dan408> no worries 01:21:42 <dan408> put it in the ticket 01:21:43 <chanchito> it needs to be sent to someone's email 01:21:51 <chanchito> ok ill try 01:22:02 <dan408> i updated the ticket 7 days ago 01:22:04 <dan408> asking you for status 01:22:06 <dan408> another thing 01:22:10 <dan408> trac really blows imo 01:22:17 <chanchito> i know 01:22:20 <dan408> is it even sending email? 01:22:20 <chanchito> huge pain 01:22:27 <chanchito> not sure 01:22:44 <dan408> k save it for o/f 01:23:03 <dan408> just please update the ticket if you can chanchito 01:23:08 <chanchito> i need to know if i should email the paypal invoice to inode0 or rbergeron 01:23:14 <chanchito> ok i will 01:23:18 <dan408> email it to both 01:23:21 <chanchito> i did post some info there last week 01:23:25 <dan408> as you can see 01:23:25 <chanchito> ok cool beans 01:23:28 <chanchito> thx dan 01:23:28 <dan408> both are busy busy people 01:23:38 <dan408> email to both, update the trac ticket 01:23:40 <dan408> .famnaticket 50 01:23:42 <zodbot> dan408: #50 (LinuxFest NorthWest 2013, Apr 27-28, Bellingham, WA) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/50 01:24:08 <dan408> #action rbergeron to update the trac ticket on this 01:24:35 <dan408> .famnaticket 52 01:24:37 <zodbot> dan408: #52 (Sponsorship for Hotel at PyCon) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/52 01:24:41 <dan408> i totally forgot herlo was coming 01:25:04 <dan408> herlo are you there? 01:25:28 <dan408> guess not 01:26:41 <dan408> #topic Open Floor 01:26:44 <dan408> so 01:26:47 <dan408> as you can see 01:26:51 <dan408> these meetings have been dead as of late 01:27:03 <dan408> i'd like to vote on a new meeting time 01:27:16 <award3535> what do you have in mind 01:27:19 <dan408> i dont know 01:27:23 <dan408> sometime during non business hours. 01:27:37 <dan408> it's tuesday 6PM PST for me 01:27:37 <chanchito> it depends on time zones 01:27:37 <dan408> again 01:27:37 <dan408> we'll vote 01:27:43 <dan408> and whatever gets voted gets voted 01:27:44 <award3535> well for you on the west coast its work, me its late 01:27:47 <dan408> as of right now nobody's here 01:27:53 <chanchito> true 01:27:53 <dan408> well 01:28:07 <dan408> i was proposing either friday night or saturday mid morning/afternoon 01:28:10 <chanchito> lately there have been fewer attendees 01:28:14 <dan408> or sunday midmorning/afternoon 01:28:23 <chanchito> some of my groups meet on saturday mornings 01:28:26 <award3535> no sat or friday 01:28:31 <chanchito> so i am used to saturday as well 01:28:32 <dan408> i dont want to stay an extra hour at work to run a meeting that no one is attending 01:28:40 <dan408> literally 3 or 4 active people here 01:28:44 <dan408> which is terrible 01:28:51 <chanchito> i will follow whatever works for everyone else, no preference for me 01:28:56 <dan408> that brings me to trac 01:29:07 <dan408> which i dont know if my preferences are off but im not getting emails from it 01:29:09 <award3535> normally its not that way, usually I cant get a word in 01:29:10 <dan408> and it just kind of sucks 01:29:24 <dan408> award3535: it's been this way for a few weeks 01:29:55 <chanchito> yeah i do agree, we need tools that aren't a problem to work with, or have a curve, we're all busy at jobs, etc 01:30:10 <inode0> what we need is a regular committed host and an agenda with real things to accomplish IMO 01:30:25 <dan408> well that was you 01:30:34 <dan408> but i cant commit to this at this time 01:30:41 <dan408> and masta has been busy too 01:30:41 <inode0> yeah, I need a break 01:30:51 <award3535> I can take over, just need more practice with the commands 01:31:34 <dan408> no 01:31:37 <dan408> this time needs to change 01:31:41 <dan408> nobody's here. 01:31:58 <inode0> no one will be here at 1am eastern either 01:32:01 <dan408> ill start an email thread about it 01:32:05 <dan408> everyone can propose a time 01:32:08 <dan408> and it can voted on 01:32:10 <chanchito> well perhaps we need to poll/survey the famna collectively and see what we get for responses 01:32:13 <dan408> and we'll see if it works better 01:32:22 <dan408> just like you guys did for elections 01:32:24 <inode0> we have done this over and over but go ahead and try again 01:32:25 <award3535> yes a poll 01:32:27 <dan408> "what time is good" 01:32:27 <chanchito> i agree time must be a factor 01:32:40 <chanchito> we used to have more 01:32:48 <dan408> inode0: im not doubting you 01:32:49 <inode0> but only if someone is really willing to run it at a different time 01:32:51 <chanchito> last 4-5 months have been slow 01:33:05 <chanchito> can we setup a rotation? 01:33:09 <award3535> I can do just about everything except weekends, I usually travel out of town to visit family 01:33:16 <dan408> maybe a rotation wouldn't be a bad idea either. 01:33:24 <award3535> +1 01:33:30 <chanchito> +1 01:33:38 <dan408> cool 01:33:41 <inode0> rotations don't work - that is what we have been doing now 01:33:43 <award3535> rotation as long as the schedule gets out and stays that way 01:33:50 <chanchito> we can put up a wiki schedule too 01:33:53 <dan408> inode0: rotating times/days 01:33:58 <chanchito> yeah 01:33:59 <dan408> inode0: not rotating meeting runners 01:34:31 <inode0> propose something and deal with the backlash :) 01:34:36 <dan408> k 01:34:39 <award3535> go 01:34:54 <dan408> apparently my full name and email address got removed from trac 01:35:06 <dan408> so everyone please check your trac preferences 01:35:09 <chanchito> let's be pleasant and accommodating and tactful about it 01:35:16 <dan408> https://fedorahosted.org/famna/prefs 01:35:46 <dan408> looks like my prefs got wiped completely 01:35:50 <chanchito> wow 01:36:14 <dan408> yours too? 01:36:23 <dan408> or are you mobile? 01:36:25 <chanchito> not sure i have to check 01:36:29 <dan408> can you? 01:36:31 <dan408> please? 01:36:33 <chanchito> sure 01:36:40 <inode0> chanchito: you need to work with someone, the wiki works the same as it has for years too 01:36:45 <award3535> page errors out 01:36:54 <dan408> award3535: login? 01:37:04 <dan408> https://fedorahosted.org/famna 01:37:06 <award3535> did, still errored 01:37:10 <dan408> then click on preferences? 01:37:18 <dan408> so that errors out? 01:37:20 <dan408> wtf? 01:37:25 <dan408> inode0: who admins trac? 01:37:53 * nb is kind of here 01:37:54 <chanchito> i will, i just need don't have the time to mess around with wiki, i need tools that are quick, easy and fast, so we can get onto business, not spend 3-4 hours playing webmaster with wiki edits, it is frustrating, 01:37:56 <inode0> trac works for me 01:38:11 <chanchito> these tools work well for senior veterans 01:38:12 <dan408> nb: do you know if any media mate it to california for pycon? 01:38:21 <chanchito> who have been using them for a very long time 01:38:38 <inode0> no idea about preferences, not sure I ever set any - doubt it 01:38:39 <dan408> chanchito: well im just asking you to login right now if you can 01:38:53 <chanchito> i am logged in to FAS 01:38:55 <dan408> no. 01:38:56 <chanchito> that worked 01:38:56 <dan408> trac. 01:39:00 <nb> inode0, i express mail'ed a box of swag to abadger1999 at his hotel 01:39:01 <chanchito> ok let me check trac 01:39:02 <nb> should arrived today 01:39:05 <dan408> chanchito: https://fedorahosted.org/famna 01:39:11 <dan408> nb: the hyatt? 01:39:32 * nb would like our meeting time to stay the same 01:39:45 <nb> dan408, suehle was going to ship some to pycon 01:39:51 <nb> dan408, yes, the hyatt 01:39:53 <dan408> sigh 01:39:56 <chanchito> worked, it says im logged in as chanchito 01:39:59 <nb> dan408, why sigh? 01:40:09 <dan408> chanchito: click on preferences 01:40:39 <inode0> my preferences aren't set but I don't know that they ever were set 01:40:52 <dan408> when was the last time you received an email from trac? 01:40:58 <chanchito> i clicked on preferences, i see mine 01:41:05 <dan408> you see name and email? 01:41:11 <chanchito> let em check 01:41:16 <dan408> ........ 01:41:29 <chanchito> yes 01:41:33 <dan408> interesting 01:41:35 <chanchito> name and email - check! 01:41:45 <inode0> today 01:41:53 <inode0> not from that trac though 01:42:02 <inode0> not sure I ever received email from that trac 01:42:09 <dan408> chanchito: now go here https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/49 and update this please 01:42:22 * inode0 must have 01:42:32 <dan408> inode0: ditto but i noticed my name/email was blank and i do remember getting email from it before 01:43:31 <chanchito> yeah all my preferences are there, still saved 01:43:41 * nb gets emails from trac 01:43:44 <nb> lots of emails from tracs 01:43:46 <award3535> I was able to get in 01:44:02 <dan408> obviously there are some issues here 01:44:08 <dan408> who's adminning the trac? 01:44:11 <dan408> #fedora-admin staff? 01:44:14 <chanchito> i dont have any updates to post in the ticket dan 01:44:15 <nb> dan408, what's wrong with the trac? 01:44:31 <nb> yes, file a ticket at fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure if you have problems 01:44:48 <dan408> nb: i just noticed my name/email was missing from preferences and im not getting email from it, and other people are noticing that they haven't been getting email 01:44:51 <dan408> i'll work with infra 01:45:59 <award3535> so do we need an action for meeting time 01:46:14 * inode0 has admin access to it 01:46:14 <dan408> let's get trac working properly first 01:46:17 <dan408> i'll start a thread 01:46:23 <dan408> and i'll take whatever backlash 01:46:33 <dan408> otherwise someone needs to step up to commit to this time 01:46:44 <award3535> cool looking forward to it 01:47:00 <dan408> i have this meeting on my work/personal calendar 01:47:05 <dan408> so it always alerts me 01:47:07 <inode0> appears to be set to only notify the updater 01:47:12 <dan408> at like 5 oclock when im getting ready to go home 01:47:32 <dan408> inode0: explains a lot 01:47:36 <award3535> I did earlier, but will need commit to this time but will need a little practice 01:48:22 <award3535> I can even go as far as starting the meeting at 10pm EST 01:48:40 <inode0> not sure what any of that has to do with preferences 01:49:01 <dan408> well i dont have admin 01:49:04 <dan408> so i cant look at it 01:49:27 <dan408> award3535: that would be a lot better actually for me 01:50:14 <inode0> some other time is always better for some people 01:50:15 <chanchito> ok invoice emailed to inode0 and rbergeron and ticket updated 01:50:33 <inode0> and if we change it someone else will remind us of that every week 01:50:47 <nb> #proposal leave meeting time the same 01:50:48 <dan408> chanchito: thx 01:50:49 <nb> +1 01:51:02 * dan408 notes that he was not notifed that the ticket was updated 01:51:10 <inode0> discuss a proposal on the list, that is only fair 01:51:14 <nb> ok 01:51:19 <dan408> i will start the thread 01:51:24 <dan408> not now 01:51:26 <inode0> only the updater gets notified 01:51:32 <dan408> inode0: can you change that? 01:51:39 <award3535> do we have anything else on the table tonight to discuss 01:51:42 <inode0> yes, if people want it different 01:51:47 <dan408> yes 01:51:54 <dan408> i want to be notified that chanchito replied to my question 01:51:58 <inode0> who do you want notified when? 01:51:59 <dan408> i.e. here https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/49 01:52:11 <dan408> everyone on the ticket, participating or otherwise should be notified 01:52:25 <inode0> if you don't own the ticket I'm not sure how that would work 01:52:35 <dan408> then what's the point of the cc field 01:52:49 <dan408> and if i comment on a ticket why wouldnt i want emails with updates about it? 01:53:24 <inode0> owner, reporter, and updater are the options 01:53:29 <dan408> all 3 01:53:57 <inode0> done 01:54:45 <dan408> thanks 01:55:35 <inode0> seems like cc should get them all but I don't know 01:56:48 <award3535> shall we go to open floor 01:57:55 <dan408> we are on open floor 01:57:58 <dan408> see topic 01:58:09 <award3535> sorry must have missed that 01:58:10 <dan408> inode0: okay well at least that's somewhat sorted now 01:58:27 <dan408> award3535: anything you'd like to add to the open floor? 01:58:31 <chanchito> ambassador polo shirts 01:59:02 <award3535> Just a question for the floor about upcoming events 01:59:09 <chanchito> ok sorry 01:59:12 <dan408> not today 01:59:19 <chanchito> apologies 01:59:33 <dan408> create a ticket 01:59:35 <award3535> Linux Con New Orleans, does Red Hat attend 01:59:38 <dan408> hopefully people get emailed about it 01:59:41 <dan408> cc me or assign it to me 01:59:45 <chanchito> wait, about events, do we have a library with talks/presentations? 01:59:47 <dan408> so we can test that trac email works 01:59:53 <dan408> and we'll put it on the agenda for next week 01:59:55 <chanchito> or do i design my own? 02:00:28 <dan408> chanchito: should also be saved for the next meeting, all the google hangouts from fudcon/fadna should be kept somewhere 02:00:34 <dan408> and another trac ticket there 02:00:38 <dan408> and we're out of time 02:00:40 <chanchito> ok sounds good 02:00:45 <dan408> 5 02:00:47 <dan408> 4 02:00:50 <dan408> 3 02:00:51 <dan408> 2 02:00:52 <dan408> 1 02:00:54 <dan408> #endmeeting