21:00:01 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2013-03-27 21:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 27 21:00:01 2013 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:04 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors 21:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 21:00:09 <sesivany> #topic Roll call 21:00:15 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 21:00:16 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 21:00:22 <NeatBasis> .fas sebastianmaki 21:00:22 <zodbot> NeatBasis: sebastianmaki 'Sebastian Mäki' <sebastian@tico.fi> 21:00:22 <jamielinux> .fas jamielinux 21:00:25 <zodbot> jamielinux: jamielinux 'Jamie Nguyen' <j@jamielinux.com> 21:00:30 <fedora_richie> .fas fedora_richie 21:00:31 <zodbot> fedora_richie: richardvj11 'Richard Vijay' <richard.vijay@gmail.com> 21:00:34 <puiterwijk> .fas puiterwijk 21:00:37 <zodbot> puiterwijk: puiterwijk 'Patrick "くらとみ" Uiterwijk' <puiterwijk@gmail.com> 21:00:39 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 21:00:40 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 21:01:22 <sesivany> welcome everyone, let's wait a couple more minutes for others. 21:02:08 <mhroncok> .fas churchyard 21:02:08 <zodbot> mhroncok: churchyard 'Miro Hrončok' <mhroncok@redhat.com> 21:02:18 <sesivany> mhroncok: welcome ;-) 21:02:19 <dglaros> .fas dimitrisglaros 21:02:20 <zodbot> dglaros: dimitrisglaros 'Dimitris Glaros' <dimitrisglaros@gmail.com> 21:02:40 <mhroncok> sesivany: thanks 21:02:46 <jamielinux> Hi everyone, just to let you know this will probably be the last meeting I attend until ~June as I have exams coming up and will be buried under several mountains of textbooks. 21:02:46 <cmpahar> .fas cmpahar 21:02:47 <zodbot> cmpahar: cmpahar 'Christos Bacharakis' <cmpahar@gmail.com> 21:02:53 * hhlp Hi good night I'm new here (I'm hector aka hhlp) -> hello @sesivany 21:03:26 <sesivany> mhroncok is on his way to become an ambassador, the same applies to hhlp 21:03:43 <cmpahar> Greetings to all!! 21:04:15 <hhlp> o/ 21:04:18 <sesivany> mhroncok is also behind the 3D printing feature for F19 and you can see him with a 3D printer at the Fedora booth at many events :) 21:04:27 <fedora_richie> welcom mhroncok Greetings everyone :) 21:05:00 <NeatBasis> Welcome :) 21:05:16 <sesivany> jamielinux: no problem, carry on with your exams. You're back in June, you'll be back right for the F19 release ;-) 21:05:23 <mhroncok> hi everyone 21:05:58 <sesivany> ok, let's start, we've got a lot to go through tonight. 21:06:04 <jamielinux> sesivany: Thanks. Yes, exams finish with great timing :) 21:06:12 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 21:06:25 <sesivany> anyone any announcements? 21:06:55 <sesivany> I've got some as always... 21:07:31 <sesivany> you may have read the email about changes in shipping I sent to the mailing list this week. 21:07:51 <hhlp> yep 21:08:06 <robyduck> hi, sorry I'm late 21:08:14 <sesivany> I'm going to use Czech Post as the default option for shipping because it's far cheaper than Fedex or DHL. And our shipping budget is tight. 21:08:46 <sesivany> if you haven't read the email, please do so. 21:09:08 * jamielinux thinks it sounds like a much more sensible use of money 21:09:42 <sesivany> #info Czech Post will be the default option to ship swag from Brno now. Read the email about the change in ambassadors mailing list. 21:10:17 * cmpahar awesome! 21:10:27 <sesivany> yeah, some shippings were just ridiculously expensive, especially the ones to Middle East and Africa. 21:11:28 <sesivany> I've got one more announcement... 21:11:38 <twohot> .fas twohot 21:11:39 <zodbot> twohot: twohot 'Onyeibo Oku' <twohotis@gmail.com> 21:12:21 <rgeri77> .fas rgeri77 21:12:21 <zodbot> rgeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com> 21:12:24 <sesivany> there won't most likely be FUDCon EMEA this year because FUDCon NA and EMEA merged. And the first "superfudcon" will be in the US. 21:12:29 <rgeri77> hello everyone 21:12:47 <sesivany> from what I heard next year, it should be in EMEA. 21:12:55 <robyduck> great news 21:13:14 <gnokii> thats not good news 21:13:26 <sesivany> gnokii: why? 21:13:35 <robyduck> gnokii: I like a superfudcon 21:14:04 <gnokii> robyduck: u will not like it anymore when u find out that they cant ship everyone to US 21:14:22 <robyduck> yes I know that 21:14:47 <sesivany> #info There won't most likely be FUDCon EMEA this year. FUDCon NA and EMEA merged and the first edition will be in the US. The second should be in EMEA. More info is going to revealed soon. 21:14:58 <robyduck> but I like the idea to have the chance to meet EMEA *and* US contributors in one event 21:15:23 <gnokii> robyduck: u had the chance before 21:15:42 <sesivany> gnokii: next year, it will be in Europe. I'd rather have a big event in Europe every second year than a small event with a few contributors every year. 21:15:59 <jamielinux> Making events more rare also usually makes them more special. 21:16:00 <robyduck> sesivany: +1 21:16:19 <robyduck> gnokii: where? 21:16:35 * twohot NA and EMEA merged? 21:16:42 <puiterwijk> But making them more rare also decreases the chance everyone can attend to one 21:16:43 <gnokii> at fudcon 21:16:51 <sesivany> twohot: yes 21:17:43 <robyduck> at least 5 years ago 21:17:47 <nb> twohot, well, for FUDCon they did, not for other stuff 21:17:49 <nb> AFAIK 21:17:57 * cmpahar wishes that there is enough budget to sponsor almost everyone from US to EMEA and the otherway when needed 21:17:58 <sesivany> ok, let's not dig in the discussion too much, it's too early. I just wanted to say that there would most likely be FUDCon EMEA, so don't work on bids or something. 21:18:11 <robyduck> ! 21:18:24 <NeatBasis> We don't have many if any big events here in Finland so a superfudcon next year would be something really cool 21:18:37 <sesivany> cmpahar: the merged fudcon should have much bigger budget than those two combined. 21:18:40 <cmpahar> GUYS please lets follow THE RULES! there is a MESS 21:18:45 <twohot> sesivany: would or wouldn't? 21:18:57 <NeatBasis> Also if the event is big enough you wanna travel from a greater distance 21:19:02 <sesivany> ok, let's move on 21:19:27 <sesivany> #topic Requests 21:19:38 * sesivany is looking at the trac 21:19:54 * cmpahar i have one 21:20:17 <sesivany> cmpahar: a request? 21:20:21 <cmpahar> yes 21:20:33 <sesivany> cmpahar: is it filed in the trac? 21:20:45 <cmpahar> yes, like 10 minutes ago 21:20:49 <cmpahar> number 229 21:20:56 <sesivany> cmpahar: ok, let me reload :) 21:21:23 <cmpahar> sorry it was at last minute because i had to talk on the phone with Giannis, the other Fedorian :) 21:21:55 <sesivany> cmpahar: ok, let's start with yours. 21:22:06 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/229 21:22:14 <cmpahar> sesivany, want to describe it? 21:22:37 * gnokii dont like ~ 21:23:01 <sesivany> gnokii: why? 21:23:19 <cmpahar> i forgot to mention that the the attendances are about 500 people every year 21:23:43 <gnokii> sesivany: because u can check hotels and prizes easy online 21:23:45 <cmpahar> it is a 2 day event with all the communities joining :) 21:24:05 <cmpahar> I updated the cost, its on the comment below 21:24:17 <sesivany> cmpahar: that's something that was supposed to be in the budget, but we didn't get any estimation. But I think the cost is not so high, so budget-wise it should be ok. 21:24:35 <gnokii> with the comment its better 21:24:48 <cmpahar> the budget for the two of us (me and giannis) is 204.2 21:25:08 <sesivany> ok, who is for approving this ticket? 21:25:13 <gnokii> +1 21:25:13 <robyduck> !+1 21:25:14 <sesivany> +1 21:25:15 <cmpahar> yes gnokii sorry for that, i was filing the ticket 10 minutes ago, as Giannis called me and gave me the green light that he is coming 21:25:19 <NeatBasis> +1 21:25:20 <jamielinux> +1 21:25:23 <puiterwijk> +1 21:25:34 <sesivany> ok, great. 21:25:37 <cmpahar> thank you guys :) 21:25:37 <mhroncok> sesivany: should I wote? 21:25:46 <mhroncok> vote 21:25:55 <mhroncok> (as not an ambassador yet) 21:25:57 <sesivany> mhroncok: just ambassadors, sorry. Be patient ;) 21:26:17 <mhroncok> thought that, thanks for info 21:26:26 <sesivany> #info Sponsorship request for FOSSCOMM in Greece (#229) was approved. 21:26:30 <dglaros> +1 21:27:11 <sesivany> another one: 21:27:15 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/224 21:27:49 <sesivany> this event has actually happened. We forgot to approve it, so Christoph approved part of it on peer review level. 21:28:37 <sesivany> Robert goes there every year, the event is in the budget, so there is no problem. It's a formality, but we should approve it. 21:28:53 <gnokii> +1 21:28:55 <twohot> + 21:28:56 <puiterwijk> +1 21:28:58 <sesivany> +1 21:29:00 <cmpahar> +1 21:29:05 <dglaros> +1=1 21:29:06 <jamielinux> +1 21:29:10 <robyduck> +1 21:29:10 <dglaros> sorry!! 21:29:16 <NeatBasis> +1 21:29:32 <sesivany> #info Budget for Open Source Days in March in Copenhagen, Denmark (#224) was approved. 21:30:12 <sesivany> and now my ticket... :-) 21:30:18 <gnokii> -1 21:30:20 <gnokii> :p 21:30:21 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/228 21:30:43 <sesivany> great news is that I received ambassadors polo shirt samples today. 21:30:58 <sesivany> check them out. I put links to pictures in the ticket. 21:30:59 * twohot naughty naughty ... gnokii :P 21:31:31 <mhroncok> I saw them today and I liked Slazenger more 21:31:36 <cmpahar> ! 21:31:44 <sesivany> cmpahar: yes? 21:32:10 <gnokii> ! 21:32:23 <cmpahar> yesterday i discovered a ambassadors polo tshirt in my wardrobe which was for a greek ambassadors you is not in the project 21:32:34 <cmpahar> it is a new XXL polo t-shirt 21:32:54 <cmpahar> just keep it in mind, i will bring it to me in a future event such FUDCon or FOSDEM 21:32:55 <cmpahar> eof 21:33:07 <sesivany> cmpahar: ok, thanks for the notice. 21:33:12 <sesivany> gnokii: go ahead. 21:33:44 <gnokii> before we approve it correct the failure 2+3+10+15+15 isnt 50 21:34:01 <gnokii> eof 21:34:21 <sesivany> gnokii: I'm bad in math apparently :) 21:34:30 <gnokii> no problem can happen 21:34:31 <sesivany> two things: 21:35:35 <twohot> ? 21:35:36 <sesivany> 1. the darker variant is exactly the same shirt we've been using so far, but I've managed to reduce the price from €28 to €15 which allow us to give every active ambassador a polo shirt for free. 21:35:58 * cmpahar finally! 21:36:02 <sesivany> so every new ambassador should get one, but then every other year a new one. 21:36:03 * twohot nice 21:36:08 <puiterwijk> cool! 21:36:25 <sesivany> I think it's a nice present for what you devote to Fedora. 21:37:08 * jamielinux amazing! 21:37:09 * cmpahar I hope the older ambassadors can take a second one for free too. 21:37:43 <sesivany> cmpahar: yes, if your polo shirt is older than two years, we can't give it away every year. 21:38:07 <cmpahar> sesivany, my polo is 3 years old :P 21:38:32 <jamielinux> How will distribution occur? By request? 21:38:50 <sesivany> plus I'd like to distribute polo shirts as cheaply as possible. So it means I'd like to wait until I send a whole package with swag if you already have a polo shirt. 21:40:05 <sesivany> jamielinux: yes, please request it in trac. But as I said, if you already have one, I'd like to wait until I send you a package with media, swag etc., so that we minimize the shipping cost. 21:40:41 <jamielinux> sesivany: Thanks. I don't have one yet, but will be happy to wait until I order some swag (which I'll be doing this summer anyway). 21:41:51 <sesivany> 2. I propose to order a batch of 50, do you think it's enough? And do you think the size distribution is OK (yes, there are 5 shirts missing, but I can add them to L for example)? 21:43:13 <jamielinux> Is L the most commonly ordered? M seems like it could do with a few more. 21:43:24 <sesivany> do you think there is anyone who needs 3XL? Do we have such big fellas? :-) 21:43:55 <sesivany> jamielinux: ok, I'll add 3 to M and 2 to L. 21:44:02 <NeatBasis> I guess we'll see how well the size distribution works when the requests come. Unless we can get shirt size as a profile parameter in FAS 21:44:15 <twohot> ? 21:44:20 <sesivany> twohot: yes? 21:44:47 <twohot> How are the sizes determined? I mean, mine is larger than me 21:45:13 <twohot> these numerals dont seem to agree with what is common here 21:45:15 <twohot> EOF 21:45:24 <puiterwijk> ! 21:46:20 <sesivany> twohot: it's standard European L, but I don't know much about shirt sizes to convert it or say how it's determined. But it should be exactly the same shirt we've been using so far, so the same sizes. 21:47:06 <sesivany> puiterwijk: shoot 21:47:16 * twohot then I should get an M next time 21:47:35 <mhroncok> ! 21:47:52 <puiterwijk> NeatBasis: might have a good idea there: we might be able to add a field for shirt size to the trac or to FAS, so we can estimate it better? (I would be able to realize those if we want to) 21:47:54 <puiterwijk> EOF 21:49:07 <NeatBasis> Cool 21:49:17 <sesivany> puiterwijk: I'm not against the idea, but every idea needs a volunteer to make it happen. So if anyone thinks it's worth the effort, go ahead and do it. I think we'll appreciate it. 21:49:49 <puiterwijk> sesivany: I would volunteer to do this, but we'd have to decide if we want it in FAS or in Trac 21:49:55 <puiterwijk> (trac would be easier to get done) 21:50:01 * jamielinux notes that if there is a shirt size field then it needs to take into accout that S/M/L often differs according to region 21:50:28 * twohot seconds jamielinux 21:50:42 <puiterwijk> jamielinux: +1, but maybe note they're European sizes? 21:51:12 <mhroncok> there's a table with sizes here: http://store.slazenger.com/CustomerServices/OtherInformation/SizeGuide 21:51:14 <sesivany> puiterwijk: bring it up in the ambassadors mailing list, that's something which needs broader discussion. 21:51:50 <puiterwijk> sesivany: ok, wilco 21:51:57 <sesivany> mhroncok: thanks for the link. 21:52:28 <sesivany> #link http://store.slazenger.com/CustomerServices/OtherInformation/SizeGuide - if you don't know what size of ambassador's polo shirt to order 21:52:57 <sesivany> but let's get back to the ticket. 21:53:16 <sesivany> so do we want to stick with the Slazenger polo shirt? 21:53:19 <twohot> ? 21:54:05 <sesivany> twohot: please wait until we get this ticket over with. 21:54:21 <robyduck> +1 Slazenger 21:54:22 <gnokii> we have to the other blue is to different to the used one 21:54:28 <puiterwijk> +1 Slazenger 21:54:41 <jamielinux> +1 slaz 21:54:45 * twohot sweats a lot in those shirts. The question might affect the ticket though 21:54:52 <cmpahar> +1 to the new one 21:55:18 <sesivany> twohot: what do you propose? 21:55:20 <NeatBasis> +1 slazenger 21:55:25 <twohot> +1 to lighter-blue (not sure which is Slazenger) 21:55:53 <cmpahar> 3-2 are the votes 21:55:56 <dglaros> +1 old :P 21:56:06 <cmpahar> sorry 5-2 21:56:09 <twohot> sesivany: that we establish fairly accurate numbers before ordering (poll perhaps). 21:56:33 <sesivany> twohot: you mean sizes? 21:56:38 <twohot> yes 21:57:47 <sesivany> twohot: I don't think it's such a big problem. We will order polo shirts regularly and if we run out of several sizes, we just make another order. And if some sizes dont run out, we keep them until they do. 21:58:26 <twohot> EOF 21:59:06 <sesivany> and I think as I proposed it now, it's fairly accurate, I have experience with making hundreds of shirts for geeks :) 22:00:02 <sesivany> ok, looks like we're for Slazenger. Are we for making 50 of them? Sizes distributed as I proposed + 3 to M and 2 to L? 22:00:41 <robyduck> yes, it's reasonable IMHO 22:00:42 <jamielinux> +1 22:00:43 * twohot wonders if Slazenger is the light-blue one 22:00:44 <cmpahar> 30 medium 20 large? 22:00:49 <mhroncok> twohot: nope 22:00:51 <cmpahar> twohot, no thats the dark one 22:01:11 <mhroncok> twohot: you can see it here https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1309518/P1010006.JPG 22:01:19 <cmpahar> sesivany, or 2 S, 10 M, 15 L, 15 XL, 3 XXL ? 22:01:31 <sesivany> cmpahar: 2 S, 13 M, 17 L, 15 XL, 3 XXL. 22:01:58 <cmpahar> fair enough 22:02:05 <sesivany> cmpahar: the one I proposed plus 3 shirts to M and 2 to L. 22:02:19 <fedora_richie> +1 22:02:25 <sesivany> ok, let's vote about it 22:02:27 <cmpahar> sesivany, thanks for that :) 22:02:28 <cmpahar> +1 22:02:33 <dglaros> +1 22:02:58 <NeatBasis> +1 22:02:58 <jamielinux> +1 22:03:04 <fedora_richie> +1 22:03:10 <gnokii> +1 22:03:15 <sesivany> ok, it got five votes. 22:03:17 <robyduck> +1 22:03:31 <sesivany> thank you, I'll order it ASAP. 22:03:32 <twohot> +1 (if Slazenger makes lighter colours) 22:04:15 <sesivany> #agreed Fedora Ambassador's polo shirt production (#228) was approved. 22:04:37 <sesivany> that's it for requests... 22:04:45 <sesivany> #topic SWAG 22:04:52 <sesivany> here it is again :) 22:05:11 <sesivany> cmpahar created the wiki page for collecting ideas. 22:05:40 <cmpahar> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Swag_ideas 22:05:51 <sesivany> it doesn't make sense to shoot ideas here, we never get to any conclusion this way. 22:06:02 <sesivany> so please if you have an idea, add it there. 22:07:41 <sesivany> I just want to let you know that I'm very low on swag right now. I still have a plenty of mugs and hats, but almost no stickers, buttons, pins,... 22:08:55 <sesivany> the Hungarian guys went ahead and produced Fedora balloons, I told them to make it public and share it with others. 22:09:05 <sesivany> they'd be great for release parties. 22:09:51 <fedora_richie> EU health and safety!! for baloons?! 22:10:27 <sesivany> EU should be fine with balloons. 22:10:41 <fedora_richie> :) 22:11:10 <sesivany> #info Add your ideas about swag at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Swag_ideas 22:11:21 <sesivany> ok, let's move on if there is nothing else to swag. 22:11:27 <NeatBasis> as long as we don't let kid's blow them up :D 22:11:40 <mhroncok> under age of 8 22:12:10 <sesivany> kids under 8 are not typical attendees of our events :) 22:12:48 <sesivany> speaking of events, let's move on to them ;) 22:12:49 <NeatBasis> So we get to have cake and candies when those are banned for kids? 22:13:18 <sesivany> NeatBasis: Fedora cakes are always popular ;) 22:13:24 <sesivany> #topic Events 22:13:45 * sesivany is looking at the Events list. 22:14:31 * mhroncok thinks kids under 8 are typical attendees of our events http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-H0v3qwYSWsQ/UURvlBnyndI/AAAAAAAAEQY/B7qvuF7qOcs/s1600/DSC00725.JPG 22:14:44 <sesivany> gnokii: how was CLT? 22:15:24 <gnokii> nice we had a lot of visitors on the booth thx th mhroncok and the mendel 22:15:39 <gnokii> we gave out nearly all DVD we had 22:15:57 <gnokii> was a little bit more people then last year arround 3.000 22:16:07 <mhroncok> 2 and a half boxes of DVDs to be precise 22:16:16 <sesivany> gnokii: I will have to get to kital and make a final account for CLT for the budget's sake. 22:16:34 <gnokii> ? 22:16:44 <sesivany> gnokii: because now it's not very clear how much was spent. 22:16:58 <gnokii> ooh sure, he can tell u that 22:17:05 <sesivany> gnokii: ok 22:17:30 <gnokii> but he was a little bit angry mhroncok slept in the gym 22:17:45 <sesivany> there is one event in April, it's Alvaro's. I sent him a package today. 22:18:24 <sesivany> gnokii: I didn't tell him we wouldn't pay him a hotel :) 22:18:27 <gnokii> actually there is one more ;) 22:18:44 <sesivany> gnokii: LinuxWochen? 22:18:46 <gnokii> yeah, I tried to ask kital 22:18:54 <gnokii> na April is also LGM 22:19:11 <sesivany> gnokii: yeah, right. 22:19:21 <sesivany> gnokii: what about the Design Suite? 22:19:43 <gnokii> I dont know, I will get them until I leave 22:20:33 <sesivany> gnokii: but please file a ticket when you know the price. 22:20:54 <gnokii> yes, tried to solve other problems this week 22:21:01 <sesivany> gnokii: ok 22:21:39 <sesivany> btw LinuxTag is just 2 months aways. It's probably the biggest Linux event in Europe. We'll need some help there. 22:22:00 <NeatBasis> I think I could participate in LinuxTag 22:22:01 <sesivany> I spoke with cwickert about it the other day. 22:22:19 <cmpahar> sesivany, i am available too :) 22:22:29 * mhroncok too 22:22:35 <NeatBasis> Not sure yet about the flight prices, but I hear there are cheap filghts 22:22:40 <gnokii> sesivany: do u know cwickert set up a hotel for it, becaus I have little trouble with 22:22:41 <sesivany> NeatBasis: it'd be great, you'll meet other fedorans. 22:23:33 <NeatBasis> sesivany: I read your mail just today, it was buried under all the dev mail 22:23:40 <sesivany> cmpahar: our idea is to prefer new ambassadors right now because we want them to experience a bigger event. But if we still have room after that, I don't see a problem. 22:23:57 <puiterwijk> I think I could help as well 22:23:58 <sesivany> cmpahar: but cwickert is the event owner, so it's his say. 22:24:13 <cmpahar> sesivany, ok cool :) 22:24:26 * jamielinux will be deep in exam territory. 22:25:02 <sesivany> jamielinux: I count on you with LinuxCon, that's also a cool event. 22:25:20 <puiterwijk> should check my schedule, but as long as I plan my birthday around it, I should be able to join :) 22:25:22 <jamielinux> sesivany: :) 22:26:01 <sesivany> I'll ask cwickert to create a wiki page for LinuxTag, or I'll do it myself. 22:26:27 <sesivany> gnokii: yeas, the hotel was a problem last year, because we didn't get into the one close to the exhibition area. 22:26:59 <sesivany> gnokii: I'll nag cwickert to book it early if it's not already too late. 22:27:21 <NeatBasis> BTW: Android cake was quite impressive too https://plus.google.com/111828333540057275542/posts/bBbCxnmFdT1 22:27:32 <gnokii> my problem is I have the weekend before LinuxTag a workshop in Berlin so I will not go home, but the hostel I stay is taken if I try to stay longer as the weekend 22:28:06 <sesivany> NeatBasis: please check flight prices and then just file a ticket and once it's approved go ahead and buy it, or ask kital to buy it for you with the community credit card. 22:28:21 <NeatBasis> ok 22:29:10 <Rino> hi 22:29:13 <sesivany> ok guys, it's getting late. Let's move on. 22:30:04 <sesivany> #topic Action items from previous meetings 22:30:28 <sesivany> #done cmpahar to create a wiki page to gather swag ideas and solutions 22:30:39 <sesivany> that's it from action items 22:30:50 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor 22:31:10 <sesivany> btw there is going to be the time change in most European countries this weekend. 22:31:54 <sesivany> if we stay at 21:00 UTC, we'll have a meeting at 23:00 CET. 22:31:56 <robyduck> let's switch to 20:00 UTC then 22:32:10 <sesivany> I propose we move it to 20:00 UTC and keep it at 22:00 CET. 22:32:11 <puiterwijk> +1 for switch to 20:00 UTC 22:32:11 <mhroncok> sesivany: CEST 22:32:31 <NeatBasis> +1 22:32:35 <sesivany> mhroncok: whatever, simply our time :) 22:32:44 <sesivany> +1 22:32:51 <fedora_richie> +1 22:33:49 <cmpahar> generally the time is an issue for me but it doesnt matter if it is one hour earlier after all 22:33:51 <cmpahar> +1 22:34:34 <sesivany> #info From now on, the EMEA ambassadors meeting starts 20:00 UTC which is 22:00 CEST. 22:35:06 <sesivany> cmpahar: the time should stay the same. I suppose Greece also uses the summer time, right? 22:35:10 <cmpahar> oh, its going to be the same for me ! hohoho because its the daylight time change :P 22:35:20 <cmpahar> yes yes totally forgot it 22:35:43 <robyduck> If anyone is interested, Southern_Gentlem today uploaded the live respins of F18: thanks to him :) 22:35:51 <robyduck> http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/live-respins/ 22:36:24 <sesivany> #info New respins of F18 created today: http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/live-respins/ 22:36:55 <sesivany> if you have anything to say, just shoot, otherwise I'll end the meeting in a couple of minutes since it's getting late. 22:37:18 <NeatBasis> what is a respin? 22:37:35 <mhroncok> I suppose a spin with updates 22:37:46 <sesivany> mhroncok: yes 22:37:53 <robyduck> NeatBasis: an unofficial live ISO with the latest updates 22:37:58 <gnokii> mhroncok: dont forget to file a ticket for travel costs for vienna 22:38:10 <NeatBasis> Ok. seems logical 22:38:28 <mhroncok> gnokii: ok 22:39:30 <gnokii> sesivany: reminder dont forget if you want a talk at Linuxwochen this week ends the cfp 22:40:41 <sesivany> gnokii: I have to decide if I go or not, but I know the deadline is about April 1st. 22:41:21 <sesivany> thank you, everyone, for coming tonight! 22:41:31 <sesivany> meet you in two weeks! 22:41:33 <cmpahar> thank you sesivany ! 22:41:40 <mhroncok> thnaks, good night 22:41:41 <gnokii> u have to go u have to bring swag 22:41:48 <hhlp> thx good night 22:41:51 <mhroncok> gnokii: I can do that 22:42:10 <gnokii> mhroncok: but u arrive on 2nd in the evening right 22:43:04 <sesivany> #endmeeting