#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2013-03-27)

Meeting started by t8m at 18:02:10 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (t8m, 18:02:19)
  2. #896 Refine Feature process (t8m, 18:03:35)
    1. AGREED: The merged template for Change proposals is approved as per jreznik's proposal. (t8m, 18:26:44)

  3. #1103 Release names should not include shell metacharacters (t8m, 18:33:09)
    1. AGREED: Release name must not contain any shell metacharacters. (+5, -3, 0:1) (t8m, 19:05:24)
    2. ACTION: pjones will reopen bug #923462 (t8m, 19:08:42)
    3. ACTION: t8m will update the naming rules (t8m, 19:10:02)

  4. Next meeting time (t8m, 19:10:57)
    1. AGREED: FESCo meeting will continue to be at 18:00 UTC on Wednesdays (t8m, 19:19:58)

  5. Next week chair (t8m, 19:20:10)
    1. ACTION: sgallagh is the next week chair (t8m, 19:21:12)

  6. Open Floor (t8m, 19:21:24)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1104 - do we just redirect to FPC? (mitr, 19:23:49)
    2. https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/93 (nirik, 19:25:58)

Meeting ended at 19:35:34 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. pjones will reopen bug #923462
  2. t8m will update the naming rules
  3. sgallagh is the next week chair

Action items, by person

  1. pjones
    1. pjones will reopen bug #923462
  2. sgallagh
    1. sgallagh is the next week chair
  3. t8m
    1. t8m will update the naming rules

People present (lines said)

  1. t8m (63)
  2. pjones (53)
  3. nirik (39)
  4. abadger1999 (38)
  5. mitr (37)
  6. sgallagh (19)
  7. jreznik (17)
  8. notting (11)
  9. mmaslano (8)
  10. zodbot (6)
  11. jwb (5)
  12. mjg59 (2)

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