06:01:53 <tagoh_> #startmeeting i18n 06:01:54 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 4 06:01:53 2013 UTC. The chair is tagoh_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:01:54 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:01:54 <tagoh_> #meetingname i18n 06:01:54 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:01:54 <tagoh_> #topic agenda and roll call 06:01:55 <tagoh_> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2013-04-04 06:02:02 <mfabian> hi 06:02:06 <tagoh_> okay, shall we have i18n meeting now 06:02:41 <paragan> hi 06:02:41 <dueno> hi 06:05:02 <fujiwarat> hi 06:05:31 <anish_> Hi! 06:05:36 <pravins> hi 06:06:49 <tagoh_> okay, let's get started 06:07:05 <tagoh_> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:07:06 <tagoh_> #info 2013-04-11 [[Test_Day:2013-04-11_Translation_(l10n)]] 06:07:06 <tagoh_> #info 2013-04-16 Alpha Release 06:07:35 <tagoh_> we have translation test day next Thursday and Printing test day today btw. 06:08:56 <tagoh_> #topic Outstanding topics 06:08:56 <tagoh_> #info #16: Improving testcases/matrix for i18n test day (tagoh) 06:08:56 <tagoh_> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/16 06:09:10 <tagoh_> dueno: thanks for ko test case. 06:09:47 <tagoh_> still need zh-TW I think. also need to review them by test day 06:10:45 <tagoh_> just a reminder, please update your test cases by April 24 06:11:44 <tagoh_> anything else? 06:11:46 <juhp> maybe dingyichen can help with zh_TW next week perhaps 06:12:18 <tagoh_> aha. that would be nice 06:14:07 <tagoh_> if not, let's move on 06:14:24 <tagoh_> #info #18: F19 i18n docbeats (tagoh) 06:14:24 <tagoh_> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/18 06:15:03 <tagoh_> fujiwarat: are there anything we can add about ibus features into relnotes? 06:15:17 <tagoh_> mfabian: how about i-t-b? 06:16:00 <pravins> tagoh_: i will polish lohit and culmus fonts information little bit 06:16:04 <tagoh_> dueno: we may need more details about kkc? 06:16:13 <tagoh_> pravins: cool 06:19:50 <tagoh_> dueno: we should mention there we've changed the default engine for Japanese and what's better than anthy etc. 06:20:55 <dueno> tagoh_, aha, I'll expand the text then 06:21:16 <tagoh_> dueno: thanks! 06:22:04 <tagoh_> fujiwarat, mfabian: ping? 06:22:16 <fujiwarat> ibus 1.5.2 is still under the discussion. 06:23:08 <tagoh_> no changes in ibus between f18 and f19 so far? 06:23:38 <anish_> tagoh_, i will update the test cases for i-t-b 06:23:42 <fujiwarat> Currently no change in ibus. 06:23:52 <tagoh_> anish_: cool. thanks! 06:24:02 <anish_> tagoh_, no problem! 06:24:30 <tagoh_> fujiwarat: okay. and it's up to 1.5.2 then? 06:25:02 <mfabian> tagoh_: wrote that the spell checking suggestions are improved now. 06:25:03 <fujiwarat> I hope phuang is back from his vacation next week. 06:26:25 <tagoh_> I'll ping you again when the deadline for relnotes is coming. if 1.5.2 is ready to go and we have a plan to include it in f19, then please update if you think it's worth adding into relnotes as long as you can. 06:27:10 <tagoh_> mfabian: thanks 06:30:02 <tagoh_> if there are anything else you think/realize during testing etc which would be good to add, even if you don't own those packages, please update... 06:30:07 <tagoh_> anything else? 06:32:12 <tagoh_> #topic Open Floor 06:32:23 <tagoh_> any other topics we want to discuss in this meeting? 06:32:46 <Alam> tagoh_: I have concern for ibus with multi-window input feature 06:33:19 <Alam> ibus removed this feature, now gnome added this, so gnome user can use this, but other DM may need to help 06:33:42 <tagoh_> fujiwarat: any comments? 06:34:56 <fujiwarat> I think it will be discussed again but probably no time in f19. 06:36:33 <Alam> ok 06:36:38 <tagoh_> Alam: maybe good to file a RFE to bz so we can keep it on track. 06:37:54 <Alam> tagoh_: ok, sure I will do 06:38:03 <tagoh_> thanks 06:38:11 <tagoh_> anything else? 06:39:22 <tagoh_> if not, let's stop here then. 06:40:13 <tagoh_> okay, thanks everyone for the meeting! 06:40:18 <tagoh_> #endmeeting