18:00:08 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2013-04-11) 18:00:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 11 18:00:08 2013 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:09 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig 18:00:09 <nirik> #topic init process 18:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 18:00:19 <rbergeron> Guys: I'm going to point everyone towards #fedora-meeting-2 it looks like, for the Board Meeting 18:00:24 <rbergeron> FYI 18:00:32 <nirik> oh yeah, so many meetings. 18:00:42 <nirik> we will probibly be pretty quick 18:01:38 <nirik> or very quick if I am the only one. ;) 18:01:43 <nirik> oh DiscordianUK is here too. cool. 18:01:44 <DiscordianUK> Hello sorry I'm late 18:01:49 <frankly3d> me too 18:02:13 * StillBob 18:02:42 <nirik> no worries. 18:02:55 * Southern_Gentlem 18:02:58 <nirik> frankly3d: this is the irc support sig meeting. If you want the infra meeting it's an hour in this same channel. ;) 18:03:05 <nirik> #topic Week in review 18:03:10 <DiscordianUK> I think we are quorate 18:03:14 <frankly3d> ok, 18:03:24 <nirik> anything folks would like to note about the last week? common problems or issues users are hitting? 18:03:42 <StillBob> Nothing fancy 18:04:13 <DiscordianUK> Generally f18 just works 18:04:17 <nirik> yeah, I've not noticed any particular theme in the last week 18:04:46 <StillBob> BUS! 18:05:04 <Southern_Gentlem> ?? 18:05:04 <nirik> magic bus? 18:05:06 <DiscordianUK> Lots of people have angst about impeding 19 18:05:20 <DiscordianUK> which is all I see 18:05:33 <Southern_Gentlem> DiscordianUK, well there was against f18 18:05:44 <Southern_Gentlem> tickets ? 18:05:56 <nirik> yeah, we have 1 ticket: 18:05:58 <nirik> #topic ticket #142 absusive user 18:06:06 <DiscordianUK> we have a ticket I think 18:06:18 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/142 18:06:42 <nirik> so, I get the feeling this user might have a language barrier. Did anyone inquire what their native lang is? 18:07:02 <DiscordianUK> The user mentionned therein was abusive 18:07:13 <nirik> additionally, I haven't seen them around in a few days. 18:07:24 <DiscordianUK> and sexist and the other stuf 18:07:35 <Southern_Gentlem> said problem was notified of said ticket 18:07:42 <DiscordianUK> they seem to have left 18:07:53 <StillBob> their response was "foff" 18:08:49 <DiscordianUK> I suggest no action is needed now 18:08:53 <nirik> personally, I'd propose they just be handled as normal if they come back. With possibly a quicker response... 18:08:53 <Southern_Gentlem> at this point i think we thank the person for the report and keep the ticket open for a couple of weeks to observe is behavior continues 18:09:00 <StillBob> They are using a Pakistani IP 18:09:46 <StillBob> Last we we had a ticket because someone reacted too quickly, this week not quick enough... 18:09:53 <DiscordianUK> That isn't a contraband IP 18:09:59 <nirik> yeah, it's a hard balance. 18:09:59 <StillBob> Can't have one with out the other 18:10:04 <StillBob> without 18:10:28 <DiscordianUK> i say wait and watch 18:10:38 <nirik> yeah, same here. 18:10:52 <nirik> shall we close the ticket? or leave it open? 18:10:56 <nirik> we can always reopen it. 18:10:59 <StillBob> That is agreeable to me 18:11:02 <Southern_Gentlem> i think the said user has had the 15min timeout 18:11:08 <StillBob> leave it open for 2 weeks 18:11:20 <DiscordianUK> so it will escalate 18:11:22 <DiscordianUK> open 18:11:30 <StillBob> If nothing negative happens, we can close it 18:11:39 <DiscordianUK> +1 sir 18:11:45 <StillBob> if you have to manage the user... note the ticket 18:11:45 <Southern_Gentlem> +1 18:11:47 <nirik> sure, wfm 18:12:07 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 18:12:13 <nirik> Any items for open floor? 18:12:18 <StillBob> that way we can keep track of "where" they are at on our system 18:12:19 <DiscordianUK> I have nothing 18:12:37 <nirik> StillBob: yeah 18:13:27 <nirik> ok, if nothing else will close out in a minute then. 18:14:31 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone. 18:14:33 <nirik> #endmeeting