19:00:31 <suehle> #startmeeting 19:00:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon May 13 19:00:31 2013 UTC. The chair is suehle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:36 <suehle> #meetingname Fedora marketing 19:00:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing' 19:00:41 <suehle> #topic roll call 19:03:23 * jnalley is here 19:05:28 <suehle> I don't know if there's room for everyone. :D 19:05:48 <pingou> we'll squeeze at the back 19:05:57 <suehle> I would be interested in hearing any suggestions for promoting the call for talks for Flock. 19:06:12 <pingou> goodies? 19:06:33 <pingou> speakers gets a t-shirt/mug/tv/playstation4 ? 19:06:42 <pingou> (as in selected speakers) 19:06:46 <suehle> I like that last one ;) 19:07:10 <suehle> I do want to have some fun speaker swag; I just don't know what we can commit to yet. 19:07:15 <pingou> I'd have said hoodies but... :) 19:07:21 <suehle> Any suggestions of lists or people we should email/target that we haven't already? 19:08:04 <pingou> maybe reverse the question as well: ask on devel what people would like to hear about? Infra, ambas, marketing? 19:08:13 <pingou> (on devel or elsewhere) 19:08:41 <suehle> Oh, that's a thought. Maybe it'll inspire somebody. 19:08:43 <pingou> to come up with things like: I'm upstream but I don't know what's the best way to handle translation for my projects 19:09:17 <pingou> I'm interested in gettin more folks aware of what I do, what's the best way to contribute with the doc/marketing people? 19:10:11 <pingou> do we have a nice logo : "I submitted a talk to flock" ? Something we could spam the planet with :) 19:10:11 <suehle> I like it! 19:10:36 <pingou> kinda like the 'I voted' logo that appears once every other elections 19:10:47 <suehle> We easily could. Do people still do that? 19:10:56 <pingou> worth a try :) 19:11:15 * suehle will do it 19:11:29 <pingou> if you, spot, Seth and I do it, once a day, we already have flock on the planet 4 days in the row 19:14:21 * suehle works on an image 19:14:31 <pingou> cool :) 19:15:03 <suehle> oh, sure, NOW the designer shows up ;) 19:19:12 <suehle> I'm also planning to print some flyers to send to pre-Flock conferences, starting with Maker Faire this weekend. 19:20:09 <suehle> ryanlerch, if you have time and want to help with that, I certainly wouldn't object! 19:24:11 * suehle is going to close the meeting if nobody else has questions/thoughts/problems today 19:24:24 <suehle> #endmeeting