01:00:01 <masta> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 15 01:00:01 2013 UTC. The chair is masta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:00:02 <masta> #meetingname FAmNA 01:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:00:07 <dramsey> ;) 01:00:14 <masta> Hello NA Ambassadors 01:00:31 <masta> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:00:35 <nb> hi 01:00:36 <suehle> . 01:00:38 <nb> .fas nick@bebout 01:00:39 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 01:02:03 <inode0> award is trying to join us 01:02:20 <masta> we can wait a bit 01:03:01 * inode0 thinks we can begin anyway and has one topic to slip in before tickets if possible 01:03:21 <masta> ok so moving on to Announcements 01:03:42 <masta> #topic === Announcements === 01:04:41 <inode0> apparently there will be an announcement regarding elections soon :) 01:05:26 * rbergeron just sent it - wonders if maybe nirik is around to move it through queues by chance 01:05:32 <inode0> so if anyone is so inclined please start thinking about offering to serve on an elected body this cycle 01:05:40 * nirik can 01:05:53 * dan408- is here 01:06:20 <masta> mosscon.org 01:06:34 * inode0 has a feeling there are exciting times ahead 01:06:41 <masta> new con in Lousiville 01:07:38 <dan408> neat 01:07:39 <masta> ok, so moving on... 01:07:40 <inode0> I wish we could help gent go there but he apparently can't make it 01:07:42 <MarkDude> .fas mark dude 01:07:43 <zodbot> MarkDude: 'mark dude' Not Found! 01:08:02 <MarkDude> .fasinfo markdude 01:08:03 <zodbot> MarkDude: User: markdude, Name: Mark Terranova, email: mark@gidgetkitchen.org, Creation: 2010-02-01, IRC Nick: MarkDude, Timezone: America/Los_Angeles, Locale: en, GPG key ID: CA804B47, Status: active 01:08:06 <zodbot> MarkDude: Unapproved Groups: campusambassadors 01:08:09 <zodbot> MarkDude: Approved Groups: marketing cla_fedora cla_done ambassadors gitbeefymiracle cla_fpca 01:08:19 <masta> #chair inode0 nb suehle dan408 MarkDude 01:08:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: MarkDude dan408 inode0 masta nb suehle 01:08:25 <masta> #topic === Tickets === 01:08:32 <masta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:08:38 * kk4ewt here 01:08:41 <nb> rbergeron, i can go check 01:08:48 <nb> rbergeron, where did you send to? announce@? 01:08:58 <inode0> so much for my topic before tickets :) 01:09:02 <dan408> kk4ewt: sorry for waking you :P 01:09:04 * MarkDude is using silly tablet, typing is not easy 01:09:21 <nb> rbergeron, someone already got it apparently if you sent to announce@ 01:09:24 <kk4ewt> dan408: i have been here 01:09:42 <masta> inode0: sry... 01:09:56 <dan408> oh ok so you got that 01:09:58 <dan408> nm 01:10:08 <inode0> May I squeeze it in, won't take long 01:10:16 <kk4ewt> masta please put it on the event page so we know to look at it next year please 01:10:22 <inode0> #topic FAmNA Q1 Expense Report 01:10:43 <inode0> We've been asked by FAmSCo to report on our expenses 01:11:13 <inode0> I'm willing to show up with the data but I need help figuring out some things. 01:11:25 <masta> sounds good, what can we do to help? 01:11:42 <inode0> I believe we paid $2,000 in event sponsorships to NELF, LFNW, TXLF, and SELF in Q1 01:11:53 <suehle> Yes 01:11:58 <inode0> suehle can confirm or deny that :) 01:12:23 <inode0> Expenses for shipping aren't settled yet but appear to be under $500 01:12:36 <masta> #info NA paid $2,000 in event sponsorships to NELF, LFNW, TXLF, and SELF in Q1 01:12:56 <rbergeron> I think that is correct as well. 01:13:03 <inode0> We authorized some travel expenses to LFNW and PyCon at least but there is nothing I can find about what they actually were or whether any were paid. 01:13:36 <dan408> i didn't report my expenses.. they were mostly just gas 01:13:36 * suehle will see what I have 01:13:44 <dan408> so i didnt bother 01:13:52 <suehle> to be more specific, I asked the Texas person to call me because I wasn't going to email a credit card number and never heard from him 01:14:01 <inode0> I hope for the future anyone getting expenses paid will report back post-event with the final totals of those expenses even if someone from Red Hat picks them up at the event. 01:14:42 <suehle> Kushal Das Reimbursements PyCon $542.49 01:14:43 <inode0> herlo was approved for a substantial pycon subsidy iirc 01:14:45 <rbergeron> suehle: i'm ont sure what the 1894 is from LFNW but if that includes ianweller's plane ticket it shouldn't be included in that bucket - i will take a look at things tonight if i get a momento 01:15:14 * inode0 doesn't believe FAmNA approved anything for Kushal - wasn't that APAC? 01:15:23 <suehle> yeah, sorry 01:15:33 * suehle was sorting by event 01:16:33 <suehle> I paid herlo's hotel, but I don't remember him submitting gas receipts or anything fo rPyCon 01:17:04 <dan408> suehle: i picked herlo up from the airport and lmacken 01:18:09 <dan408> i dont know how they got back though 01:18:11 <dan408> probably toshio 01:18:39 <abadger1999> Yeah, I took herlo back to the airport 01:18:53 <dan408> and lmacken? 01:18:57 <masta> so from what I have seen so far we are right around $ 2542.49 01:19:00 <inode0> ok, I appreciate the help everyone. We don't need to sort it all out now. But if people could let me know roughly so I don't look like a complete idiot at the FAmSCo meeting I'd appreciate your help in trying to fool them. 01:19:44 <abadger1999> dan408: He might have gotten a cab (or a ride from someone else) can't remember... if he got a cab, it probably went to spot's budget.... 01:20:03 <dan408> abadger1999: word. 01:20:23 <inode0> Shall we return to tickets since there are important events to discuss? 01:20:36 <masta> yes 01:20:57 <masta> #topic === Tickets === 01:21:54 <masta> .famnaticket 56 01:21:55 <zodbot> masta: #56 (Indiana LinuxFest) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/56 01:22:08 <masta> Anything to say about Indiana Linux Fest? 01:22:27 <masta> no owner yet 01:22:29 <masta> any takers? 01:22:47 <inode0> yes 01:22:51 <MarkDude> I will contact LordD 01:22:58 <wrnash1> Sorry I'm late 01:23:03 <MarkDude> he is Ambassador 01:23:06 <dan408> that's award3535's event. 01:23:22 <inode0> award isn't here but I would move that we approve the requested $500 for sponsorship and roughly $600 for his travel expenses 01:23:58 <masta> hrm.... if he can setup the event page, I would then +1 01:23:59 <rbergeron> +1 01:24:03 <inode0> I'm planning to submit a talk and hope to be able to join him 01:24:12 <rbergeron> oh, +1 to the event page as well :) 01:24:21 <inode0> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ILF_2013 01:24:46 * masta +1's 01:24:47 <inode0> it isn't polished yet but exists :) 01:25:05 <masta> #info the event pages is setup 01:25:13 <masta> #link ttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ILF_2013 01:25:32 <dan408> +1 01:26:02 <MarkDude> +1 01:26:25 <masta> #info 4 people +1 to approve $500 sponsorship + $600 travel. 01:26:37 <inode0> and me 01:26:48 <masta> #undo 01:26:48 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x283201d0> 01:26:54 <masta> #info 5 people +1 to approve $500 sponsorship + $600 travel. 01:27:10 <masta> moving on 01:27:21 <masta> .famnaticket 58 01:27:22 <zodbot> masta: #58 (Texas Linux Fest 2013, May 31 - June 1, Austin TX) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/58 01:27:48 <masta> nb: are you capable of sending me swag and event box? 01:28:13 * rbergeron has to depart to go feed people... sorry. will be back in an hr or soish 01:28:21 <rbergeron> masta: did you get the tablecloth and banners? 01:28:33 <masta> rbergeron: thanks for sending the left over LFNW swag to me 01:28:41 <inode0> nb: we just need your help at this point and we'll be all set 01:29:00 <rbergeron> masta: don't thank me, thank ian and davdunc and spevack for dealing with it, i was on a plane when they did so :) 01:29:12 <masta> rbergeron: yes, got the stuff =) 01:29:19 <rbergeron> masta: good, just double checking :) 01:30:03 <rbergeron> food 01:30:04 <masta> nb: ping 01:30:04 <rbergeron> oops, sorry 01:30:13 * masta tickles nb 01:30:19 <MarkDude> lol 01:31:15 <kk4ewt> ok told me he was shipping stuff today to masta 01:31:33 <masta> kk4ewt: ah! thanks for the info 01:31:51 <masta> we will just follow-up after the meeting 01:31:56 <masta> moving on.... 01:31:57 <kk4ewt> i asked him to include labels for everything to be shipped to me immediately after TLF 01:32:30 <masta> kk4ewt: good idea 01:32:44 <masta> .famnaticket 54 01:32:46 <zodbot> masta: #54 (Southeast Linux Fest Budget) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/54 01:33:41 <masta> we looks to have excellent coverage for thsi event 01:33:47 <inode0> hey award3535 made it! 01:34:01 <inode0> SELF is always well covered 01:34:07 <award3535> barely had to figure out how to direct connect 01:34:11 * nb around 01:34:39 <inode0> nb: we just wanted to confirm you could ship stuff to masta soon for TXLF 01:34:50 <nb> yes 01:35:01 <inode0> danke 01:35:25 <masta> does anythign from TXLF need to ship to SELF? 01:35:37 <inode0> pretty much everything 01:35:48 <kk4ewt> event box table cloth and banners 01:36:40 <masta> acknowledged 01:36:55 <inode0> east coast event box is awol for a while so we're sending the midwest one to the east 01:36:59 <masta> will ship the previous Sunday or Monday 01:37:49 <kk4ewt> masta good from there i will have it wednesday ground shipping thursday at the latest then i will restock and go to SELF 01:38:07 <nb> and then ship back to me? or do you want to keep it 01:38:29 <dan408> im guessing the tablecloth and banners from west are in masta's posession now 01:38:40 <masta> kk4ewt: so I'm shipping to you or the event location, or there abouts? 01:38:49 <masta> [just curious] 01:38:51 <inode0> I'm thinking send it from SELF with award3535 to take to ILF maybe?! 01:38:56 <nb> masta, i'll give you a label to ship it to him at work at VT 01:39:03 <nb> s/give/send/ 01:39:06 <nb> inode0, makes sense 01:39:17 <kk4ewt> when is ILF 01:39:21 <inode0> July 01:39:27 <award3535> Yes since its only a month away 01:39:28 <kk4ewt> ok 01:39:34 <inode0> then it goes to fosscon in august I think 01:39:40 <kk4ewt> yep 01:39:58 <inode0> ok, we have a plan 01:40:14 <award3535> +1 01:40:15 <dan408> we're gunna need everything back by september for puppetconf 01:40:32 <kk4ewt> inode0: we alway work out logistics on this very well 01:40:38 <award3535> what about Linuxcon in sept 01:40:54 <award3535> its at the end of the month 01:40:59 <inode0> sept is so far away I'd rather not worry about it yet 01:41:03 <nb> dan408, did you get the laptop sent to you from MarkDude yet? 01:41:04 <award3535> roger 01:41:06 <nb> or does he need a ups label? 01:41:14 <dan408> nb: no i did not receive anything. 01:41:14 <inode0> the east coast box should be back in circulation by then 01:41:39 <MarkDude> VW and I have talked shipping Thur 01:41:42 <inode0> the laptop return is arranged, let's not digress into that again 01:41:51 <MarkDude> +1 01:41:58 <nb> inode0, oh ok 01:42:02 <dan408> email me the tracking # please 01:42:08 <masta> #topic === Open floor ==== 01:42:09 <MarkDude> np 01:42:22 <MarkDude> .famnaticket 61 01:42:24 <zodbot> MarkDude: #61 (BAMF Pi FAD - Silicon Valley) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/61 01:42:43 <MarkDude> the name was changed there is a redirect 01:42:51 <MarkDude> more organizers 01:42:58 <masta> this ticket is not on the meetign agenda 01:43:11 <masta> sry I missed it 01:43:12 <nb> i think FADs need to go to suehle and rbergeron 01:43:15 <nb> afaik? 01:43:22 <MarkDude> last week I was told to bring it here 01:43:26 <nb> oh 01:43:36 <MarkDude> and get more people 01:43:41 <nb> oh ok 01:43:45 * nb thought you were asking about the funding 01:43:50 <MarkDude> quaid is arranging location 01:44:07 <MarkDude> yes $170 for flight 01:44:12 <suehle> Have you come up with a deliverable that doesn't sound like duplicating the Seneca work on the Pi remix? 01:44:16 <inode0> this isn't my recollection of last week 01:44:18 <MarkDude> $50 for food 01:44:24 <MarkDude> yes 01:44:54 <nb> suehle, what is the current procedure for requesting funding for FADs 01:44:59 <MarkDude> a remix is not Seneca 01:45:17 <MarkDude> fad name was REMOVED 01:45:24 <nb> oh 01:45:25 <MarkDude> only on redirect 01:45:33 <suehle> nb, good q... I thought the ambassadors got to review it, but I think it's usually been up to the FPL 01:45:42 <suehle> I didn't even know the last one happened until I saw it had been paid for 01:45:43 <MarkDude> willing t o do fad but higher specs 01:45:51 <masta> MarkDude: what are you going to do with RasPI ? 01:46:09 <MarkDude> headless boxes on Fri 01:46:25 <MarkDude> Its not all Pi on Sat 01:46:27 <suehle> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BAMF_Pi_Fun 01:46:33 * kk4ewt has an event to propose if we get time 01:46:38 <MarkDude> quaid has goal o programming :-) 01:47:03 <MarkDude> there are 3 pages there 01:47:19 <MarkDude> wondering if geeknic should b removed 01:47:29 <inode0> ambassadors really haven't had anything to do with them so far as I know 01:47:35 * suehle doesn't see changes in deliverables 01:47:40 * suehle punts to rbergeron then 01:47:40 <dan408> to quote suehle from last week 01:47:40 <MarkDude> 3 pages meaning hue will be split 01:47:50 <dan408> 01:58:12 <suehle> MarkDude, reiterating dan's question -- how does your first deliverable work with Seneca's work, or are you trying to reinvent the wheel? 01:47:58 <MarkDude> well this is a local Fedora group 01:48:02 <dan408> it is? 01:48:09 <MarkDude> metrics on local groups 01:48:09 <dan408> hmm 01:48:20 <dan408> seems like we have 2 local fedora groups 01:48:29 <nb> if it is local why are we paying for plane? 01:48:37 <MarkDude> does Seneca include diagrams? 01:48:51 <dan408> nb, suehle, fly me to canada, i'll get more done 01:48:52 <dan408> EOF 01:48:56 <MarkDude> expert Ambassador from Latam 01:48:56 <masta> well I'm not sure what is going to come out of this Pi FAD, but it looks like fun... I'm mention it to the Seneca folks 01:49:21 <MarkDude> Dan you could relax a bit bro 01:49:28 <dan408> no 01:49:35 <dan408> because you need to coordinate this with the right people. 01:49:37 <MarkDude> part of tis isPi 01:49:43 <dan408> and you are not doing this. 01:49:45 <inode0> please, sniping about this isn't helping 01:49:48 <dan408> i told you this many many times. 01:49:51 <MarkDude> quaid is NOT Dan? 01:50:17 * MarkDude thinks tat say a bit. at least 01:51:05 <masta> the Fedora Rasp PI community could use a FAD like this, but i'm not sure of these deliverables 01:51:06 * inode0 suggests we table this for a week and move on to fosscon where we can do something productive tonight maybe 01:51:14 <nb> inode0, +1 01:51:16 <masta> and I'm not sure this is an ambassador related 01:51:19 <MarkDude> ifs a local group that needs a expert Fedora 01:51:30 <MarkDude> Grand Strategy 01:51:35 <MarkDude> it is 01:51:40 <MarkDude> IMHO 01:51:56 <masta> MarkDude: I'd like to chat to you after the meeting on the raspi fad 01:52:04 <masta> +1 indo (table this for a week) 01:52:10 <masta> err.. +1 inode0 01:52:37 <MarkDude> plane ticket prices are going up 01:52:59 <MarkDude> without a communications protocol person..... 01:53:08 <inode0> doesn't change my mind 01:53:39 <MarkDude> again as quaid said programming 01:53:40 <inode0> someone needs to figure out who should be dealing with this 01:53:47 <dan408> if i may 01:53:48 <MarkDude> not on a pi 01:53:54 <MarkDude> no Dan 01:53:59 <masta> I will ask some of the folks in the secondary arch SIG about possibly funding this 01:54:10 <MarkDude> ty masts 01:54:11 <dan408> and masta can attest to this, we have an entire group, a university, dedicated to this 01:54:37 <dan408> you should coordinate with them. 01:54:42 <MarkDude> masts its part of a Grand Strategy 01:54:42 <dan408> otherwise i am -1 01:54:51 <inode0> let's move on to fosscon please 01:54:58 <suehle> Whose "Grand Strategy"? 01:54:59 <MarkDude> OK 01:55:03 <suehle> +1 inode 01:55:17 <award3535> +1 01:55:21 <masta> +1 01:55:21 <MarkDude> of 01:55:37 <masta> FOSSCON! 01:55:45 <masta> [that is all I got] 01:55:59 <MarkDude> we have a lead for Fosscon so I am off hook I assume :-) 01:56:28 <inode0> Southern_Gentlem: fosscon is up 01:56:30 <MarkDude> kk4ewt: you are right? 01:56:42 <kk4ewt> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FOSSCON_2013 01:57:41 <award3535> I will be attending Flock 01:57:42 * inode0 thinks this event looks great and moves that we approve the requested budget for sponsorship and kk4ewt's travel tonight ($900) 01:57:45 <kk4ewt> i want to propose a budget of $1000 $500 sponsorship and my room and extra to make f19 media 01:58:04 <inode0> happy to change it to $1000 01:58:21 <award3535> +1 01:58:58 <kk4ewt> award if you can handle ILF i can handle FOSSCON OLF and SELF with you 01:59:28 <award3535> not a problem, Will handle ILF 01:59:33 <MarkDude> have fun folks I need to go see if I can find the Fedora visitig from Burkina Fasso 01:59:51 <masta> am I reading that flock and FOSSCON overlap? 01:59:58 <inode0> yes 02:00:04 <award3535> yes that is true 02:00:09 <inode0> fosscon is the saturday of flock 02:00:28 * dan408 will try toget company to approve flock attendance 02:00:29 <inode0> but it is well worth having someone from Fedora attend if possible 02:00:40 <kk4ewt> masta same distance for me to travel 02:01:10 <masta> hrm... 02:01:11 <kk4ewt> so i think i can do more for Fedora at FossCon than attending Flock 02:01:28 <dan408> kk4ewt: nonsense. who will keep me in line? 02:01:34 <dan408> you can't trust that nb guy 02:01:38 <award3535> I can try 02:01:52 <inode0> can we get more +1's on the motion? 02:02:02 <nb> which motion? 02:02:04 <dan408> what motion? 02:02:05 <inode0> and get finished up here 02:02:08 <nb> kk4ewt, funding for fosscon? 02:02:09 <nb> +1 02:02:15 <kk4ewt> 1000 for fosscon 02:02:15 <inode0> approve $1000 funding for fosscon 02:02:26 <masta> +1 02:02:27 <kk4ewt> thats 2 02:02:29 <kk4ewt> 3 02:02:40 <kk4ewt> dan408: ? 02:02:41 <dan408> +1 02:02:45 <kk4ewt> 4 02:02:52 <dan408> kk4ewt on your merits 02:02:54 <inode0> well I am obviously +1 02:02:57 <dan408> have a good night 02:02:58 <kk4ewt> i dont think i should vote 02:03:11 <inode0> done 02:03:15 <dan408> kk4ewt: no i meant i trust you so im +1ing with just barely glancing at the site 02:03:43 <masta> #info 5 votes for $1000 funding approved for fosscon 02:03:46 <inode0> folks from fosscon attended our meetings the past two weeks - I'm really confident it will be a nice event 02:04:52 <inode0> anything else open floorish? 02:05:51 <award3535> now that I got the direct connect down, I wont be late again.... 02:05:53 <dan408> no have a good night all 02:06:10 <dan408> GO SHARKS 02:06:12 <masta> ok 02:06:14 <kk4ewt> suehle: http://fosscon.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Fosscon-2013-Sponsorship-details.pdf please arrange sponsorship please 02:06:20 <dramsey> 8-) masta, thank you for chairing. 8-) 02:06:26 <masta> nini all 02:06:40 <award3535> I am a season ticket holder for the jacksonville sharks, and yes go sharks 02:06:41 <masta> #endmeeting