20:11:00 <cmpahar> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2013-05-22 20:11:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 22 20:11:00 2013 UTC. The chair is cmpahar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:11:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:11:17 <cmpahar> Heeeeeeellloooo Fedora EMEA ambassadors 20:11:20 <cmpahar> #topic Roll Call 20:11:38 <cmpahar> please, introduce yourself 20:11:41 <cmpahar> .fas cmpahar 20:11:43 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 20:11:44 <zodbot> cmpahar: cmpahar 'Christos Bacharakis' <cmpahar@gmail.com> 20:11:47 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 20:11:48 <geleimate> .fas geleimate 20:11:50 <zodbot> geleimate: geleimate 'Máté Gelei' <mategelei91@gmail.com> 20:12:09 <bookwar> .fas bookwar 20:12:09 <zodbot> bookwar: bookwar '' <alpha@bookwar.info> 20:12:14 <twohot> .fas twohot 20:12:16 <zodbot> twohot: twohot 'Onyeibo Oku' <twohotis@gmail.com> 20:12:26 <cmpahar> hey twohot ^^ 20:12:40 <twohot> hi cmpahar 20:13:03 <cmpahar> so lets move on :D 20:13:10 <cmpahar> #topic Announcements 20:13:35 <cmpahar> I have two announcements for tonight 20:13:38 <robyduck> ! 20:13:44 <cmpahar> yes robyduck 20:13:54 <robyduck> Elections are open :) 20:13:57 <rgeri77> .fas rgeri77 20:13:58 <zodbot> rgeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com> 20:14:16 <cmpahar> robyduck, yes that is my second announcement :) 20:14:17 <robyduck> and we have still 2 hours to propose the name of F20 20:14:23 <robyduck> ^^ 20:14:37 <cmpahar> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Name_suggestions_for_Fedora_20 20:15:00 <cmpahar> robyduck, eof? 20:15:04 <dglaros> .fas dimitrisglaros 20:15:05 <zodbot> dglaros: dimitrisglaros 'Dimitris Glaros' <dimitrisglaros@gmail.com> 20:15:06 <rgeri77> hello Ambassadors of EMEA 20:15:17 <cmpahar> hello rgeri77 hello dglaros 20:15:23 <robyduck> yep cmpahar sorry 20:15:27 <robyduck> eof 20:15:29 <dglaros> hello! 20:15:31 <cmpahar> thank you robyduck 20:15:42 <ardian> hi 20:15:57 <cmpahar> The nomination period for elections for the Fedora Board, FAmSCo (Fedora Ambassador Steering Committee), and FESCo (Fedora Engineering Steering Committee) is also open, and will conclude at the end of day, May 25, 2013 (23:59:59 UTC). 20:16:03 <cmpahar> hey ardian 20:16:06 <cmpahar> .fas ardian 20:16:07 <zodbot> cmpahar: gunma 'Mardian Gunawan' <gunawanmardian@gmail.com> - dwreski 'Dave Wreski' <dwreski@guardiandigital.com> - ardiansyahy 'ardiansyah' <ard14nsyah@yahoo.co.id> - ardian 'Ardian Haxha' <ardian.haxha@gmail.com> - btxaja 'Arief Mardianto' <arief.mardianto1@gmail.com> - n00b1 'Steven Toth' <dragondungeonguardian@hotmail.com> - syahmare 'Andi Mardiansyah' <syahmare@gmail.com> - guardian 'Stephan Kürpick' (1 more message) 20:16:25 <cmpahar> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections 20:16:53 <cmpahar> if you are interested please nominate yourself till May 25 20:17:12 <cmpahar> ardian, please specify your FAS account 20:17:33 <ardian> .fas ardian 20:17:34 <zodbot> ardian: gunma 'Mardian Gunawan' <gunawanmardian@gmail.com> - dwreski 'Dave Wreski' <dwreski@guardiandigital.com> - ardiansyahy 'ardiansyah' <ard14nsyah@yahoo.co.id> - ardian 'Ardian Haxha' <ardian.haxha@gmail.com> - btxaja 'Arief Mardianto' <arief.mardianto1@gmail.com> - n00b1 'Steven Toth' <dragondungeonguardian@hotmail.com> - syahmare 'Andi Mardiansyah' <syahmare@gmail.com> - guardian 'Stephan Kürpick' (1 more message) 20:17:49 <cmpahar> ardian, which is your FAS username?! 20:17:58 <ardian> cmpahar, ardian 20:18:00 <cmpahar> are you Ardian Haxha? 20:18:08 <ardian> cmpahar, yes 20:18:28 <cmpahar> so, except election its time to organize Fedora 19 release events! 20:18:54 <cmpahar> this time we dont have a period in which we have to register and announce that we are going to have a Fedora 19 release event 20:19:05 <robyduck> +1 20:19:51 * twohot wonders how ardian ended up with so many names and emails 20:19:54 <cmpahar> here is the detailed info that jiri sent in the Ambassadors mailing list 10 days ago 20:19:59 <cmpahar> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ambassadors/2013-May/021164.html 20:20:07 <cmpahar> twohot, +1 20:20:28 <cmpahar> anyone else who wants to make an announcement? 20:20:56 <cmpahar> so moving one! 20:21:07 <cmpahar> oh! i forgot to paste you the meetings agenda. sorry 20:21:19 <cmpahar> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:EMEA_Ambassadors_2013-05-22#Agenda 20:21:40 <cmpahar> so moving on 20:21:43 <cmpahar> #topic Requests 20:21:47 * cmpahar looking on the trac 20:23:07 <cmpahar> ok nothing new on the trac 20:23:27 <cmpahar> moving on 20:23:29 <cmpahar> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:23:31 <robyduck> ! 20:23:41 <cmpahar> yes robyduck 20:24:04 <robyduck> remember to file a swag ticket for the release parties 20:24:08 <cmpahar> #link http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-19/f-19-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:24:19 <robyduck> if more than one event Jiri will send 1 package 20:24:22 <cmpahar> oh yes of course! we will mention it during events ;) 20:24:27 <robyduck> ok 20:25:19 <cmpahar> as according to the schedule the Fedora 19 Release event call is out 20:25:57 <cmpahar> and also there are some Test Days happening in the upcoming days 20:26:25 <cmpahar> if you like to participate. its always fun and interesting 20:26:41 <cmpahar> so lets move on events 20:26:44 <cmpahar> #topic Events 20:26:52 <cmpahar> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events?rd=FedoraEvents#FY14_Q1_.28March_2013_-_May_2013.29_2 20:27:17 <cmpahar> So as I told you before its time to start organize your release events 20:27:24 <cmpahar> the sooner you register for your event 20:27:32 <cmpahar> the sooner your request swag or budget 20:27:55 <cmpahar> the sooner and easier you are going to receive all these necessary staff 20:28:34 <cmpahar> Gentlemen, start preparing and organize your event ! ;) 20:28:41 <cmpahar> its going to be an awesome reelease ;) 20:29:16 <bookwar> btw, we will organize the event in moscow https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Offline_Test_Day/2013-06-01_Virtualization should I add it to the table? 20:29:41 <cmpahar> Unfortunately the events page is empty. so please fill it up with aaaawesome events ;) 20:29:48 <cmpahar> yes bookwar of course 20:30:21 <cmpahar> anyone who organized or willing to organize a Fedora related event / or fedora 19 release event? 20:30:24 <cmpahar> please step up! 20:31:21 <cmpahar> no one? 20:31:25 <rgeri77> Yes, we'll 20:31:31 <cmpahar> oh, it's going to be a fast meeting 20:31:36 <cmpahar> rgeri77, please tell us more :) 20:32:13 <rgeri77> here is the wiki page for the F19 release party : https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F19_Budapest 20:32:51 <robyduck> cmpahar: we will have the event in Ivrea and organize also the Suisse Lugano RP 20:33:13 <rgeri77> and we'll have approx. 5 events. lets see: CLoud Conference at 29 May 20:33:16 <cmpahar> rgeri77, robyduck have you filed swag requests ? 20:33:36 <rgeri77> i will, maybe at the weekend 20:33:58 <robyduck> no, we are still getting the informations needed to define all the steps 20:34:13 <cmpahar> good good AWESOME :D 20:34:34 <rgeri77> Opensource conference 8. Jun 20:34:38 <robyduck> no worries, we will do it soon 20:35:17 <cmpahar> great work guys, keep it up! 20:35:38 <cmpahar> anyone else for events? 20:36:12 <bookwar> we (as Russian group) will not participate in swags because of troubles with russian customs, but we definitely will organize the release party ) 20:36:36 <cmpahar> bookwar, whats your problem? 20:37:23 <bookwar> the problem is that to receive smth by post you need a lot of docs and time and patience 20:37:27 <rgeri77> bottom of the page you can find the events : https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Rgeri77 20:37:42 <cmpahar> thank you rgeri77 please filled them up all in the events table :) 20:38:32 <cmpahar> i see bookwar maybe we can give you some swag when we meet in a conference 20:39:05 <bookwar> yes, i am coming in berlin for this weekend for the linux tag, and maybe take some to moscow with me 20:39:14 <cmpahar> awesome! 20:39:18 <cmpahar> yes please do that :) 20:39:24 <cmpahar> so anything else on events? 20:39:47 <cmpahar> if not, moving one :) 20:39:49 <cmpahar> on* 20:40:03 <cmpahar> #topic Action items from previous meetings 20:40:10 <cmpahar> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2013-05-08/emea_ambassadors.2013-05-08-20.00.html 20:40:26 <cmpahar> there are no action item from the previous meeting :) 20:40:35 <cmpahar> #topic Open floor 20:40:55 <cmpahar> do you want to discuss a topic which is not in the agenda? 20:41:01 <cmpahar> please step up now :) 20:41:51 <cmpahar> if not we can end this meeting in 1' 20:42:56 <cmpahar> so thank you guys 20:43:01 <cmpahar> and see you in 2 weeks from now! 20:43:03 <cmpahar> good night! 20:43:07 <cmpahar> #endmeeting