20:00:16 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2013-06-05 20:00:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 5 20:00:16 2013 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:30 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:00:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:38 <sesivany> #topic Roll call 20:00:46 <jonar> .fas jfarcher 20:00:47 <zodbot> jonar: jfarcher 'Jonathan Archer' <jon@rosslug.org.uk> 20:00:48 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 20:00:53 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 20:01:06 <mailga> .fas mailga 20:01:07 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <mailga@fedoraonline.it> 20:01:14 <bookwar> .fas bookwar 20:01:15 <zodbot> bookwar: bookwar '' <alpha@bookwar.info> 20:01:43 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 20:01:44 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 20:02:09 <rgeri77> .fas rgeri77 20:02:12 <zodbot> rgeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com> 20:02:33 <sesivany> hello everyone, let's wait a few more minutes for others. 20:03:21 <jonar> Good evening 20:03:32 <rgeri77> hello 20:04:20 <giallu> .fas giallu 20:04:20 <sesivany> not many ppl today. because of the end of semester at universities? :) 20:04:20 <zodbot> giallu: giallu 'Gianluca Sforna' <giallu@gmail.com> 20:04:32 <NeatBasisM> .fas SebastianMaki 20:04:32 <zodbot> NeatBasisM: sebastianmaki 'Sebastian Maki' <sebastian.maki@gmail.com> 20:05:28 <sesivany> ok, let's start... 20:05:36 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 20:05:46 <sesivany> any announcements? 20:06:27 <sesivany> if not, I've got two. 20:07:19 <sesivany> Flock's call for papers has ended and now there is voting to choose talks for the schedule... 20:08:16 <sesivany> #info Vote to choose talks for Flock: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/voting/vote/flock-2013 20:08:42 <sesivany> even if you don't attend, vote. Because the talks will be streamed and recorded. 20:09:10 <sesivany> another announcement is elections... 20:09:38 <sesivany> we've got 5 candidates running for FAmSCo, 3 from EMEA. 20:09:54 <sesivany> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_nominations 20:10:51 <sesivany> there will be townhalls where you can ask candidates about their plans, visions etc. 20:11:24 <rgeri77> .fas rgeri77 20:11:25 <zodbot> rgeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com> 20:11:39 <sesivany> FAmSCo townhall is scheduled for June 11th. 20:12:18 <rgeri77> hello again. sory my system is absolutelly unstable after the last update...:-( 20:12:19 <sesivany> #info FAmSCo townhall where you can meet the candidates running for FAmSCo is scheduled for June 11th. 20:13:36 <sesivany> the elections are also for the Board and FESCo. Those bodies lead the community, so the elections are quite important. 20:14:38 <sesivany> actually one more announcement. 20:14:41 <robyduck> we will have our next meeting during the elections period 20:15:07 <sesivany> A special remix of Fedora for Raspberry has been released - Pidora. 20:15:17 <NeatBasisM> I will run out of battery soon 20:15:35 <sesivany> I heard the Russians love the name. right, bookwar? ;-) 20:16:11 <jonar> sesivany: pidora is great! runs very well 20:16:24 <sesivany> #info Pidora, a new remix of Fedora for Raspberry Pi has been released: http://pidora.ca/ 20:16:59 <bookwar> sesivany: yes, kind of ) 20:17:16 <sesivany> jonar: I haven't tried it yet, but I'm looking forward to it since it has almost all packages from Fedora. 20:17:39 <sesivany> ok, anything to the announcements? 20:18:26 <jonar> one small one here 20:18:33 <sesivany> jonar: go ahead. 20:18:38 <jonar> Oggcamp dates in the UK have been announced 20:19:01 <jonar> Oggcamp is one of the largest Free software gatherings in the UK... 20:19:41 <jonar> It's set to take place on 19th 20th Oct this year, so a while off... but thought I'd spread the news. I'm hoping to aquire a stand for Fedora 20:19:56 <sesivany> jonar: does it have something to do with the audio format? is it just coincidence? 20:20:12 <jonar> I think the name was taken from it, but I'm not 100% on that 20:20:24 * jamielinux is here, sorry I'm late, had Internet issues... but finished exams now :) 20:20:44 <sesivany> #info Oggcamp, one of the largest free software gatherings in the UK, will be on Oct 19-20th. 20:20:49 * cwickert is here 20:21:00 <sesivany> jamielinux: welcome back, so you're a doctor now? ;) 20:21:08 <sesivany> cwickert: welcome, too! 20:21:14 <jamielinux> sesivany: Heh, not yet, but we find out later this month... 20:21:31 <jonar> jamielinux: fingers crossed then! 20:21:34 <sesivany> ok, let's move on to requests... 20:21:41 <jamielinux> jonar: Thanks :) 20:21:59 <sesivany> #topic Requests 20:23:09 <sesivany> ok, let's start with LinuxTag... 20:23:23 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/246 - LinuxTag 2013 20:23:51 <sesivany> it has already happened, the expenses should be in the limits of what has been budgeted. 20:24:19 <sesivany> cwickert: is it final or there are any other expenses coming? 20:24:50 <cwickert> sesivany: give me a minute and I make it final 20:25:38 <sesivany> btw everyone who was at LinuxTag and got a sponsorship, right an event report (on your blog typically). 20:27:16 <sesivany> does anyone have any objections to the ticket? 20:27:25 <jonar> none here 20:27:40 <NeatBasisM> I'm out of battery sorry bye 20:27:57 <NeatBasisM> No objections 20:28:03 <jamielinux> looks fine to me 20:28:06 <sesivany> neatBasis: see you! 20:28:58 <sesivany> if we don't have any objections, just give it +1 for the sake of protocol. 20:29:04 <cwickert> reload 20:29:04 <sesivany> +1 20:29:10 <jonar> +1 20:29:13 <cwickert> https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/246 20:29:21 <robyduck> +1 20:29:27 <cwickert> as you can see, the final budget is exactly 1999 EUR 20:29:33 <jamielinux> +1 20:29:43 <cwickert> this means USD 2,612.85 20:29:52 <cwickert> even with the travel subsidies were are well below the approved budget of USD 3300 20:29:59 <cwickert> +1, for the record :) 20:30:05 <bookwar> i am not approved ambassador yet, so I'll stay silent :) 20:30:20 <cwickert> bookwar: you count as one I's say ;) 20:30:39 <sesivany> #agreed the ticket #246 has been approved. 20:30:48 <cwickert> ? 20:31:00 <sesivany> cwickert: ? 20:31:07 <cwickert> I wonder why we approve so many tickets lately 20:31:18 <cwickert> I mean, even smaller amounts < 100 EUR 20:31:51 <cwickert> we approved a budget in Rheinfelden, we lowered it by -15% and we are still below that number 20:32:03 <cwickert> why do we need to approve this again in this meeting? 20:32:14 <cwickert> and what happened, if we didnt? 20:32:29 <cwickert> am I expected to pay 2k from my own pocket then? 20:32:30 <sesivany> cwickert: did we approve the Rheinfelden? 20:32:44 <cwickert> well, that was the reason of the exercise 20:33:22 <cwickert> I mean, I propably should have "requested" that money before LinuxTag 20:33:25 <sesivany> cwickert: well, the rule is to approve all expenses over $500 by ambassadors. In some cases, it's just a formality, but I still think it makes sense to do it. 20:33:45 <cwickert> and I am guilty as charged I didn't 20:33:48 <sesivany> at least people look at what we are spending money on. 20:34:02 <cwickert> well, something about 1000k needs to go to FAmSCo anyway 20:34:12 <cwickert> erm, about 1k, not 1000k ;) 20:34:42 <cwickert> It's probably a good idea that we talk about the budget here 20:34:54 <cwickert> but I don't think we need to *approve* everything here 20:34:55 <sesivany> cwickert: it's $2k, fortunately because I've got such ticket to approve here :-) 20:35:04 <cwickert> :) 20:35:18 <cwickert> haha, now it looks as I were cheating ;) 20:35:57 <sesivany> cwickert: one thing is that we've got money in the budget for some event, but I think it's good to have ambassadors look at it and say it's ok how exactly we spent the money. 20:35:57 <cwickert> anyway, for smaller amounts of money, I would like us to get back to a more meritocratic approach 20:36:38 <cwickert> yes, but lets get rid of the "routine" tickets, contributor foo requests 70 EUR for a train ticket 20:36:48 <sesivany> cwickert: yes, anything under $500 can be approved on peer-review basis. 20:36:54 <cwickert> any FAmSCo member or credit card holder can make that call 20:36:58 <cwickert> ok, EOF then 20:37:33 <sesivany> cwickert: if it's a small amount, I usually try to accommodate it ASAP on the peer review basis. 20:37:53 <sesivany> but I also mention it at meetings, so that others are aware of it. 20:38:08 <sesivany> ok, let's move to the next ticket. 20:38:47 <sesivany> F19 media... 20:38:56 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/248 - F19 media 20:39:22 <sesivany> I propose 4000 DVDs, I think it was enough for F18. 20:39:48 <sesivany> the vendor lowered the price and I think we got on a sweet price. 20:40:16 <jonar> seems reasonable to me 20:40:24 <sesivany> I remember we paid over $3000 for media several releases ago. 20:40:47 <jonar> have you ever looked at branded USB drives for media? 20:40:59 <sesivany> nobody really demanded installation DVDs in the last releases. 20:41:09 <jonar> by branded i mean the Fedora logo printed on them 20:41:17 <sesivany> so I don't think we should produce 1000 of them as we used to. 20:42:07 <giallu> sesivany, agreed. Plus, the multi desktop DVD is a huge success 20:42:07 <sesivany> jonar: I look at other options regularly because less and less computers have a DVD drive and the demand for DVDs is going slowly down. 20:42:39 <sesivany> the problem with USB drives is still the price. 20:43:33 <sesivany> we produce DVDs for $.35 each, 4GB USB drives are still about $4 and more. 20:43:49 <jonar> sure, agreed! just wondered if it had been considered at all, I imagine at this point they aren't an option compared to DVD/CD 20:44:55 <sesivany> the vendor we produce DVDs for us also provide all kinds of USB drives and some of them are cool. For example some kind of booklet or flier where there is a USB drive included. That'd be great for us. 20:45:16 <sesivany> I've asked for quotes, but I'm afraid it's still too expensive. 20:46:06 <sesivany> and delivery time is also not very good. They need 3-4 weeks to produce it which is too long for us. We need to get the media to people ASAP. 20:46:18 <sesivany> DVD production usually takes about one week. 20:46:35 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr 20:46:36 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 20:46:44 * jamielinux thinks USB is definitely not where we should be spending money 20:46:49 * thunderbirdtr sorry I'm late 20:46:55 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: no problem 20:47:33 <sesivany> ok, so the price is ok, the quantity, too? 20:47:36 <jonar> jamielinux: Agreed, not while costs are that high anyway... 20:47:54 <jamielinux> sesivany: +1 (great decision to save the surplus money) 20:47:59 <sesivany> based on F18 cycle experience, I think 4000 is enough for us. 20:48:09 <jonar> +1 20:48:29 <thunderbirdtr> +1 20:48:42 <giallu> +1 20:48:53 <sesivany> I'll give it +1, too since it's proposed by me, but not really my expense :) 20:49:16 <robyduck> +1 20:49:47 <sesivany> #agreed Ticket #248 (F19 media production) has been approved. 20:50:31 <sesivany> rgeri77: hi, I see your requests now. 20:51:00 <sesivany> rgeri77: but I'm afraid there is too little time to make it happen :-( 20:51:21 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/250 20:51:23 <sesivany> for others 20:51:44 <sesivany> moreover I've got no F18 media left. 20:52:20 <rgeri7712> .fas rgeri77 20:52:21 <zodbot> rgeri7712: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com> 20:52:48 <sesivany> I think rgeri77 is fighting his unstable system... 20:53:04 <sesivany> ok, let's move on then... 20:53:37 <rgeri7712> sesivany : yes, and i have a talk tomorrow, and saturday :-) 20:53:56 <rgeri7712> it wil be quite interesting... 20:54:01 <sesivany> rgeri7712: I was talking about your request. 20:54:15 <rgeri7712> sounds good..... 20:54:25 <rgeri7712> please tell me something while im here :-) 20:54:30 <sesivany> rgeri7712: I think it's too late to send something to Hungary and have it delivered on Fri. 20:54:47 <sesivany> rgeri7712: moreover I have no F18 media left. 20:54:48 <rgeri7712> okay 20:55:04 <mhroncok> .fas churchyard 20:55:05 <zodbot> mhroncok: churchyard 'Miro Hrončok' <mhroncok@redhat.com> 20:55:15 <mhroncok> sorry for beeing late 20:55:21 <sesivany> rgeri7712: if you can produce something small for the event locally, go ahead, we have some money saved in the budget. 20:55:48 <rgeri7712> okay, thanks i will do 20:56:17 <sesivany> rgeri7712: next time let me know earlier, I could have sent something with the guys who went to the OpenStack event. 20:56:19 <rgeri7712> anyway, i have 3 mugs, 3 hats,balloons, and medias 20:56:45 <rgeri7712> okay, 20:56:57 <sesivany> rgeri7712: ok, that should work for the event. 20:57:07 <sesivany> can we move to the next topic? 20:57:38 <sesivany> I suppose we can. 20:57:52 <sesivany> #topic Ambassador's Schedule 20:58:04 * sesivany is looking for the schedule... 20:58:27 <sesivany> #link http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-19/f-19-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:59:20 <sesivany> I think we got well resupplied with swag for F19. 21:00:26 <sesivany> I received 1000 stickers, 1000 buttons. 21:02:07 <jonar> great! 21:02:41 <robyduck> :) 21:02:50 <sesivany> what about release parties? :) 21:02:55 <sesivany> are you planning any? 21:03:09 <sesivany> it's definitely time to start planning them. 21:03:27 <jamielinux> Yes! I will be able to plan a London release party over the next few weeks. 21:03:28 * mhroncok is planning one in Prague 21:03:29 <jonar> yes, already got one planned and my requests for swag in 21:04:05 <sesivany> mhroncok: so add it to the list even though you don't have a date yet. 21:05:07 <sesivany> ok, let's move to Events... 21:05:48 <sesivany> #topic Events 21:06:46 * sesivany is looking at the schedule... 21:07:14 <sesivany> There is only one event coming besides release parties - Barcamp Blackpool 21:07:22 <sesivany> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events?rd=FedoraEvents#FY14_Q1_.28June_2013_-_August_2013.29 21:08:57 <sesivany> but I'd like to discuss one thing... 21:09:16 <sesivany> and that EMEA FAD... 21:09:26 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/249 - EMEA FAD 21:09:59 <sesivany> it's the event to get together and plan for the next year. 21:10:28 <sesivany> a very important event for us because where the budget and list of events and activities we want to do is done. 21:11:34 <sesivany> it's been traditionally hosted in Rheinfelden, Germany and I'd be glad to have it there again, but if you have a suitable venue, please propose it. 21:11:56 <mhroncok> I'm fine with Brno, can also get venue in Prague for free 21:12:09 <jonar> Sorry had to disappear for a moment, back to Barcamp Blackpool... I'm doubling it up as a release party. 21:13:37 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, for budget looks good happening in Fort Redhat :) at least office has everything in somepoint and prices... looks nice 21:13:38 <sesivany> is late Nov and or early Dec good time for you to travel to EMEA FAD? 21:14:36 <mhroncok> yep 21:14:38 <jamielinux> is it likely to be a weekend thing (as opposed to mid-week)? 21:14:59 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: yeah, but I don't really want to push you to have it in Brno. I'd be more than happy if someone from the community invites us to his/her venue :) 21:15:08 <sesivany> jamielinux: weekend 21:15:43 <sesivany> jamielinux: last year, arrival was Fri afternoon, and departure Sunday about noon. 21:16:02 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, hmm for me I wonder office so anywhere looks good in somepoint for me :) 21:16:20 <jamielinux> sesivany: Ok thanks. It's hard to predict my availability, but I will try to make it. 21:17:25 <sesivany> speaking of gatherings, we're considering to add one day to DevConf.cz which would be devoted to Fedora. 21:18:05 <sesivany> something like a small FUDCon since there is none this year, but mostly focused on technical things. 21:18:31 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, technical you mean ? all devs ? 21:18:52 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, or any hardware works can be there * ? 21:19:00 <sesivany> at DevConf.cz, there are usually dozens of Fedora contributors, so why not to use it for meetings/hackfest/sessions,... 21:20:04 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: if I say focused on technical stuff, I mean no marketing or ambassador sessions and stuff like that, but even that can be possible if there is demand. 21:20:50 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: DevConf.cz is a technical conference (not only development, also QA, documentation,...). 21:21:04 <bookwar> some technical and not so "user experience"-oriented topics would be nice 21:22:06 <sesivany> bookwar: speaking for events, good job with the Fedora virtualization event in Moscow! 21:22:08 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, thanks 21:22:28 <sesivany> bookwar: I hope you'll write some report. 21:22:44 <bookwar> sesivany: yes, it was our biggest event so far, and it was surprisingly good ) 21:22:59 <sesivany> bookwar: I watched some of the videos, but I understand maybe 10 percent of Russian :) 21:23:33 <jamielinux> Is devconf 2014 going to be roughly the same time? (ie, february) 21:24:08 <sesivany> jamielinux: we're just thinking about it... 21:24:43 <sesivany> jamielinux: it will be either on Feb 8-10 or Feb 15-17. 21:25:13 <jamielinux> sesivany: thanks. 21:25:18 <bookwar> sesivany: as a follow-up for virtualization day people started asking us about openstack event. So we will try to organize one together with the openstack community 21:25:42 <sesivany> jamielinux: FOSDEM will be on Deb 1-2 and we actually think it could be good to have it right after it, so that people travelling from overseas can stay for DevConf. 21:26:23 <sesivany> jamielinux: Deb->Feb :-) 21:27:28 <jamielinux> sesivany: But that would mean staying about 10 days? 21:27:34 <sesivany> bookwar: yes, OpenStack is a huge thing now. I think you can actually make Red Hat participate in that. Red Hat is a lot into OpenStack, now. 21:28:28 <sesivany> jamielinux: a lot of redhatters travel to Brno for a whole week to participate in internal meetings and discussions, for them, it makes sense. 21:29:07 <jamielinux> sesivany: OK sure. 21:29:41 <sesivany> ok, anything else to events? 21:30:06 <sesivany> robyduck: ping 21:30:31 <sesivany> giallu: ping 21:30:42 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor 21:30:58 <giallu> we are discussing about a release event for F19 21:30:59 <mailga> sesivany, if you need Robert or Giallu, tell me 21:31:31 <giallu> it's a bit though given the timeframe 21:31:50 <mhroncok> jamielinux: are you Jamie Nguyen <jamielinux@fedoraproject.org> ? 21:32:16 <sesivany> i just wanted to say that the GUADEC organizers have decided they don't want any distribution booths at GUADEC to stay distribution independent. 21:32:16 <jamielinux> mhroncok: Yes :) 21:32:20 <giallu> Then we IIRC have no major events until Linux Day in October 21:32:40 <jamielinux> mhroncok: Did I break something? 21:32:43 <jamielinux> mhroncok: :P 21:32:49 <mhroncok> giallu: Linux Day in October? 21:32:56 <robyduck> sesivany: oh, whata pitty 21:33:26 <mhroncok> jamielinux: no, I just want to categorize people :) If you have nay particular reviews I can take, just hit me 21:33:26 <giallu> sesivany, I'd say wise decision for GUADEC. 21:33:41 <sesivany> robyduck: the only Fedora related booth will be 3D printing booth with mhroncok (he still doesn't know about it ;-) ), it will be a Fedora booth under cover :) 21:33:47 <robyduck> mhroncok: in Italy we have a Linux day every october, in several cities 21:33:57 <jamielinux> mhroncok: Sure, thanks! And thanks for your reviews you've already done :) 21:34:20 <robyduck> sesivany: ok, I see. Thx for info 21:34:24 <mhroncok> sesivany: when, where? me? 21:34:43 <sesivany> mhroncok: Aug 1-4th, get your printer ready ;-P 21:34:55 <mhroncok> robyduck: OK, we have LinuxDays in Prague, so I was wondering, if you ean the same thing, obviously not 21:35:15 <mhroncok> sesivany: GUADEC? me, deinitely not, my printer, feel free to take it 21:35:57 <mhroncok> jamielinux: no problem, I'd love to help nodejs to get to Fedora, I'm just lost in thoseplenty ofstuff, so just tell me, where should I start 21:36:04 <sesivany> mhroncok: looks like you'll have to teach others to operate the printer :) 21:36:10 <robyduck> no mhroncok no printer no party :) 21:36:49 <mhroncok> robyduck: no mhroncok no pary, that I would accept 21:36:57 <robyduck> eheh 21:37:02 <jamielinux> mhroncok: Ok no problem, I'll email/irc you soon and fill you in 21:37:06 <mhroncok> sesivany: everybody knows what to tell about it :d 21:37:22 <bookwar> sesivany: i wanted to ask if i need to do something to get the final approve or should i just wait? 21:37:50 <sesivany> robyduck, giallu: but you're still welcome to Brno. It will be an interesting event even without a Fedora booth. 21:37:55 <mhroncok> jamielinux: feel free to assign bugs directly to me :D 21:38:00 <jamielinux> sesivany: I'll try to get some groundwork for the London release party before the next EMEA meeting. I may contact you or others for advice etc, and I'll do some recruiting. 21:38:32 <giallu> sesivany, I'm sure it would be worth it. 21:38:33 <jamielinux> sesivany: London hackspace looks like it might be a fun venue, so I'll ask some questions on their IRC. 21:38:37 <robyduck> sesivany: sure 21:38:41 <sesivany> jamielinux: I'll be happy to help you, just drop me an email or ping me on IRC. 21:38:53 <jamielinux> sesivany: Thanks :) 21:39:04 <mhroncok> jamielinux: (one by one) 21:39:05 <jonar> jamielinux: are you London based? 21:39:32 <jamielinux> mhroncok: Hah! I'll assign all ~20 of my open reviews to you? (Just kidding..) 21:39:35 <jamielinux> jonar: Yes 21:39:58 * sesivany is going to get another glass of wine, brb ;) 21:40:05 <jonar> jamielinux: ahh cool the southern quota :) 21:40:25 <jamielinux> sesivany: Oh, so that's what ambassadors are using as fuel these days? :P 21:40:25 <robyduck> sesivany: I see Hotel Vista is nearly full of GUADEC people ;) 21:41:23 <jamielinux> jonar: are you UK based? 21:41:43 <jonar> jamielinux: yes, oop north... not too far from Manchester 21:42:09 <jamielinux> jonar: I was born in Manchester, lived there til I was ~6 :) 21:42:18 <mhroncok> jamielinux: feel free to do it, but it will take me a lot of time to finish tem :D 21:42:21 <mhroncok> them 21:42:29 <jonar> jamielinux: cool... 21:42:33 <mhroncok> jamielinux: and I'll again not know here to strat 21:42:42 <jamielinux> mhroncok: Haha no don't worry, I'm not that mean 21:43:05 <sesivany> jamielinux: yes, I've been busy since 9am and it's wine what keeps me running now :) 21:43:50 <sesivany> robyduck: cheap accommodation in student dormitories will be available soon. 21:43:59 <robyduck> sesivany: nice 21:44:38 <robyduck> sesivany: could the Linux Tag budget surplus partially be redirected to GUADEC? 21:45:04 <jamielinux> mhroncok: It's very sunny at the moment in the UK, which doesn't happen often so reviews are taking very low priority until the rain starts again :P 21:45:35 <mhroncok> jamielinux: it's raining here, so hit me with reviews 21:45:41 <mhroncok> jamielinux: until it's sunny 21:46:09 <gnokii> sesivany: should drink more water 21:46:10 <jamielinux> mhroncok: Heh! Sure, but I can't promise I will respond to the flaws you find in a timely manner :P 21:46:28 <jamielinux> gnokii: +1 21:46:46 <jamielinux> Unless it is Fedora branded non-alcoholic wine, in which case make sure everyone can see you drinking it! 21:46:47 <sesivany> robyduck: yeah, but we need a business case for that. There will be no booth, so no work for Fedora ppl. I'd rather support you with that money with your events in Italy or sponsor you for events where we have a booth/talks... 21:47:10 <robyduck> ok 21:47:35 <sesivany> robyduck: btw what are you doing on Aug 9-12? ;-) 21:47:47 <robyduck> eheh... 21:48:01 <robyduck> dunno 21:48:13 <sesivany> robyduck: because if you become a FAmSCo member, I want you at Flock ;) 21:48:24 <sesivany> all FAmSCo members should meet there. 21:48:29 <gnokii> ^^ 21:48:43 <robyduck> I feard that 21:48:45 <robyduck> :) 21:49:46 <robyduck> sesivany: will you talk to my corporal (wife)? 21:50:16 <sesivany> ok, it's getting late and I'm running out of wine :) Let's end the meeting. Feel free to continue the discussion. 21:50:20 <gnokii> robyduck: no problem I outrank her :D 21:50:31 <sesivany> #endmeeting