01:03:52 <masta> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:03:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 5 01:03:52 2013 UTC. The chair is masta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:03:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:03:52 <masta> #meetingname FAmNA 01:03:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:03:52 <masta> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:03:52 <zodbot> dan408_: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. 01:04:01 <masta> #chair dan408_ 01:04:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: dan408_ masta 01:04:02 <dan408_> you suck 01:04:07 <masta> you can have it 01:04:14 <dan408_> no you 01:04:18 <dan408_> you started it you're stuck with it 01:04:19 <dan408_> :P 01:04:21 <dan408_> hi 01:04:21 * j_dulaney is here 01:04:22 <kk4ewt> geez 01:04:28 * kk4ewt here 01:04:42 <dan408_> well it's better than no enthusiasm! 01:04:53 <masta> #chair kk4ewt j_dulaney 01:04:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: dan408_ j_dulaney kk4ewt masta 01:04:55 <dan408_> #chair kk4ewt j_dulaney 01:04:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: dan408_ j_dulaney kk4ewt masta 01:05:07 <dan408_> #topic Roll Call 01:05:14 <dan408_> #chair rbergeron inode0 01:05:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: dan408_ inode0 j_dulaney kk4ewt masta rbergeron 01:05:15 * inode0 waves 01:05:29 <HannahEeps> hello 01:05:30 <dan408_> hello 01:05:37 <dan408_> hello HannahEeps 01:05:39 <dan408_> #chair HannahEeps 01:05:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: HannahEeps dan408_ inode0 j_dulaney kk4ewt masta rbergeron 01:05:50 <dan408_> sorry about the tardyness, talkin with some coworkers 01:05:54 <dan408_> shall we? 01:07:03 <dan408_> #topic Announcements 01:07:07 <dan408_> anyone? 01:07:34 <inode0> townhall fun scheduled for next week 01:07:36 <dan408_> so voting has opened for flock talks 01:07:49 <dan408_> #link http://flocktofedora.org 01:07:52 * inode0 is curious how long that took for you? 01:08:02 <kk4ewt> if someone needs an updated mutli-live iso contact me 01:08:17 <dan408_> please click on propose a talk and you'll get linked to vote, everyone can vote, you can vote 125 votes for anything, if anything just get a kick out of some of the proposals 01:08:38 <kk4ewt> i voted for all 01:08:51 <dan408_> Fedora 19 Beta is officially out 01:08:52 * j_dulaney has two proposed talks, one of which seems right popular 01:09:05 <dan408_> j_dulaney please remain anonymous about your talk :) 01:09:44 <dan408_> so if you're not going to flock or haven't thought about it you should! looks like another crazy fun time! 01:09:57 <dan408_> im excited for it and it's August 8-12 in Charleston, South Carolina 01:10:01 <kk4ewt> cant i am going to fosscon 01:10:15 <dan408_> with lots of funny, interesting talks proposed by nobody knows who! it's a surprise 01:10:16 <kk4ewt> charleston in aug yeah no thanks 01:10:24 <dan408_> kk4ewt: dont you want to grill me about the event box? 01:10:33 <kk4ewt> nope 01:10:38 <dan408_> cool 01:10:44 <kk4ewt> why should I 01:11:09 <dan408_> i dunno i kinda felt like a kid that was late for class 01:11:09 <dan408_> haha 01:11:14 <dan408_> moving on 01:12:23 <dan408_> #topic tickets 01:12:29 <dan408_> ssame 3 tickets we have 01:12:39 <dan408_> self, tlf, indiana linux fest 01:12:44 <dan408_> anyone have any updates on any 3? 01:13:08 <dan408_> wait 01:13:11 <dan408_> tlf happened already 01:13:14 <dan408_> where's your blogs! 01:13:15 <dan408_> :P 01:13:23 <inode0> we should talk about self, someone (looking at masta) might report a bit about txlf 01:13:34 <dan408_> uh huh 01:13:58 <dan408_> can we just do away with the stupid blog posts? 01:13:58 <dan408_> does anyone really care? 01:14:08 <kk4ewt> nope 01:14:10 <dan408_> or event reports as we call them 01:14:14 <j_dulaney> They're for RH accountability 01:14:20 <kk4ewt> because the bean counters do care 01:14:21 <dan408_> i know 01:14:21 <inode0> redhat cares but you are really just expected to get word out somehow 01:14:32 <dan408_> well 01:14:49 <dan408_> i could have live media'd the entire 2000 attendee pycon in the lunchroom in 5 minutes 01:14:59 <dan408_> is that worth not having to write a report? 01:15:10 <dan408_> just a thought 01:15:25 <inode0> yes, blogging about all the great stuff you do is welcome 01:15:30 <kk4ewt> not that is very worthy of having to write 01:15:33 <kk4ewt> one 01:15:34 <dan408_> required* 01:15:48 <inode0> it is never required 01:15:54 <dan408_> oh, odd 01:15:57 <dan408_> i thought it was 01:16:04 <dan408_> well thanks for letting me know 01:16:05 <inode0> only if redhat is paying your bills 01:16:13 <inode0> which is never required 01:16:17 <dan408_> lol 01:16:19 <dan408_> chicken, egg 01:16:26 <kk4ewt> move on 01:16:36 <dan408_> i am 01:16:43 <dan408_> let's see 01:16:44 <dan408_> so 01:16:48 <inode0> since kk4ewt is speaking lets do SELF 01:16:54 <dan408_> SELF? any updates? 01:17:01 <dan408_> kk4ewt the floor is yours 01:17:57 <dan408_> nothing? 01:17:59 <kk4ewt> well yes we need to raise the budget to cover sponsorship of people attending and also possible room cost 01:18:22 <kk4ewt> so i want to make a motion to raise the budget to 2300 01:18:43 <inode0> +1 01:18:47 <dan408_> +1 01:18:57 <dan408_> how much was actually approved kk4ewt ? 01:19:02 <masta> +1 01:19:05 <inode0> probably less than we spent last year 01:19:11 <j_dulaney> +1 01:19:20 * j_dulaney notes that he has one spare bed 01:19:31 <dan408_> #agreed SELF needs a higher budget 01:19:34 <j_dulaney> I do not have a room mate, and do not mind one 01:20:07 <dan408_> kk4ewt: can you please update the event wiki page or contact suehle.. whatever is easier for you? 01:20:18 <kk4ewt> already done 01:20:28 <dan408_> alright so how much do you need? 01:20:34 <dan408_> or did i not read properly 01:20:40 <inode0> I think we approved 1700 or so earlier 01:20:47 <kk4ewt> to raise the budget to 2300 01:20:52 <dan408_> which is definitely not enough looking at the attendee list 01:20:53 <dan408_> okay 01:21:12 <dan408_> i thought this was like one of our "premier" events or whatever we approved at fadna 01:21:21 <inode0> it is 01:21:22 <dan408_> like we had pre allotted budget for this 01:21:37 <kk4ewt> dan408_: and this is higher than that budget as well 01:21:57 <dan408_> well obviously we underbudgeted such an important event 01:22:04 * inode0 notes we appear to be in good budget shape 01:22:29 <dan408_> cool 01:22:39 <dan408_> he's taken care of anyways 01:23:07 <kk4ewt> how did my changes get nuked again 01:23:17 <dan408_> kk4ewt: yeah that's why i was confused 01:23:20 <dan408_> i saw nothing up there 01:23:24 <inode0> we also only got about 2/3 of what we asked for in that budget 01:23:31 <dan408_> probably better put it in trac, kinda harder to edit ;) 01:24:00 <kk4ewt> dan408_: somethings have been paid for and i am not sure if its coming out our budget or not but i want to money allotted just in case 01:24:23 <inode0> so weird, I saw the changes on saturday 01:25:20 <dan408_> welp y'all are big boys 01:25:22 <dan408_> you know what to do 01:26:18 <inode0> oh no, that was TXLF I'm thinking of 01:27:49 <inode0> anyway 01:28:09 <inode0> #agreed $2300 approved for SELF funding 01:29:11 <dan408_> anything else? 01:29:16 <dan408_> otherwise im going to move to open floor 01:29:57 <kk4ewt> stuff from TLF is enroute to me, and i will hand off to Award for ILF 01:30:14 <dan408_> #openfloor 01:30:19 <dan408_> #topic Open Floor 01:30:25 <dan408_> is any of that stuff from the westcoast box? 01:30:39 <kk4ewt> nope 01:30:40 <dan408_> I received a package from MarkDude that is supposed to have alaptop and working OLPC 01:30:49 <dan408_> so all I'll be missing is banners, and a tablecloth 01:30:51 <inode0> the banners and spotty tablecloth are I believe 01:30:59 * j_dulaney gave a talk on Raspberry Pi yesterday at NC State 01:31:07 <dan408_> can we get those box after ILF? 01:31:20 <dan408_> j_dulaney: nice. are you running pidora? 01:31:21 <kk4ewt> dan408_: whoa do what 01:31:37 <inode0> yes, assuming the other box resurfaces at least 01:31:38 <dan408_> kk4ewt: we are missing the tablecloth from the west coast box. 01:31:45 <dan408_> and banners, i dont know if they go together or not 01:32:04 <kk4ewt> dan408_: no they are not missing, we know exactly where they are 01:32:08 <inode0> I'm pretty sure we had the tablecloth and banners from the west coast in Texas 01:32:21 <dan408_> i mean they are missing as they are not IN the box 01:32:32 <dan408_> the other box IS missing apparently 01:32:42 <kk4ewt> dan408_: sorry and that is new? 01:32:55 <kk4ewt> no we know exactly where everything is 01:32:56 <inode0> we know where it is, we just can't get it for a couple of months 01:32:57 <dan408_> well i take care of only my box, not saying it's news 01:33:12 <dan408_> just trying to keep the one im currently responsible together 01:33:16 <dan408_> is that okay with you? 01:33:16 <j_dulaney> dan408_: Indeed 01:33:27 <dan408_> j_dulaney: i would like to remix pidora 01:33:33 <kk4ewt> dan408_: yes you will get table cloth and banners back after ilf 01:33:40 <inode0> that is great, but the banners should go to the events regardless 01:33:53 <dan408_> meh 01:34:00 <dan408_> the banners are just becoming an annoyance 01:34:09 <dan408_> and they are falling apart 01:34:20 <inode0> then arrange new ones 01:34:27 <dan408_> i dont really want new ones 01:34:33 <kk4ewt> dan408_: i will take a look them hen i get them thursday 01:34:34 <dan408_> use that money for something better 01:34:39 <dan408_> aight 01:34:40 <kk4ewt> when 01:34:41 <dan408_> thanks 01:34:51 <inode0> how does whining about their condition help in any way then? 01:34:58 <dan408_> im not whining. 01:35:31 <kk4ewt> from what i have heard the is wrong is they need a tack weld to hold the screw on 01:35:42 <dan408_> yep 01:35:49 <inode0> they functioned just fine in Texas 01:36:05 <dan408_> only thing im saying is, they dont fit in the box, they're heavy and really what's the value add 01:36:27 <inode0> ok, you don't need to deal with - consider it taken care of 01:36:47 <dan408_> dont we have 3 sets? 01:36:53 <inode0> no 01:36:57 <dan408_> oh i thought we did 01:36:59 <dan408_> one for each box 01:37:05 <dan408_> and it was united like the trifecta 01:37:10 <kk4ewt> no only 2 sets 01:37:14 <dan408_> sorry my mistake 01:37:17 <dan408_> just keep it 01:37:17 <inode0> the central box never had banners but now does 01:37:19 <dan408_> annoying 01:37:21 <inode0> problem solved 01:37:31 <dan408_> thank you 01:37:45 <dan408_> the box is enough when trying to go through SF 01:37:55 <dan408_> we just got a laptop and OLPC back for it 01:38:06 <dan408_> supposedly it's a working OLPC, i'll report back on that next week 01:38:56 <dan408_> aaaaaaaaaaanything else? 01:39:16 <inode0> I've had enough 01:39:26 <kk4ewt> me too 01:39:27 <dan408_> yeah im tired 01:39:30 <dan408_> i think we all are 01:39:33 <kk4ewt> bye another eeting time 01:39:43 <dan408_> see ya'll 01:39:45 <dan408_> thanks for coming 01:40:20 <dan408_> 5 01:40:21 <dan408_> 4 01:40:21 <dan408_> 3 01:40:22 <dan408_> 2 01:40:22 <dan408_> 1 01:40:24 <dan408_> #endmeeting