18:59:59 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2013-06-06) 18:59:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 6 18:59:59 2013 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:59:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:59:59 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 18:59:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 19:00:00 <nirik> #topic welcome y'all 19:00:00 <nirik> #chair smooge skvidal CodeBlock ricky nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean 19:00:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: CodeBlock abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik ricky skvidal smooge threebean 19:00:17 * abadger1999 here 19:00:19 * lmacken 19:00:22 * skvidal is here 19:00:25 <oddshocks> ack 19:00:31 * framew0rk here 19:00:32 <kc4zvw> is here 19:00:50 * pvod here 19:01:03 * pingou here 19:01:07 <smooge> here 19:01:27 <nirik> morning everyone. ;) 19:01:38 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks 19:01:44 * mdomsch 19:01:49 * puiterwijk here 19:01:56 <nirik> any new folks like to introduce themselves? or apprentices witch questions ? 19:02:14 <mtsil> me 19:02:24 * threebean is here a little late 19:02:48 <nirik> welcome mtsil. Can you provide a short bio/background and if you are interested in sysadmin or application devel type things? ;) 19:02:53 * bitlord here (watching) 19:03:44 <mtsil> hi folks, my name is Matheus Silva, I am just another RHCSA guy wanting learn more about the project and sysadmin 19:04:25 <nirik> excellent. Welcome. see me in #fedora-admin after the meeting and I can see about getting you started. 19:04:38 <framew0rk> quick question re: apprentice group 19:04:40 <mtsil> ok, thanks nirik 19:04:46 <nirik> framew0rk: fire away. ;) 19:05:05 <framew0rk> how do i get a public key to ssh in? i am just now getting around to using my membership :) 19:05:25 <nirik> framew0rk: hang on, there's a guide on our wiki... 19:05:39 <bitlord> framew0rk, http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cryptography#Creating_SSH_Keys 19:05:51 <nirik> yeah, that one. ;) bitlord is faster than I. 19:06:12 <framew0rk> thanks guys :) 19:06:22 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion 19:06:29 <nirik> any applications news this week? 19:06:34 <nirik> I have one bit... 19:06:44 <nirik> #info geoip service moved to production. 19:06:54 <nirik> thanks for mdomsch for working on that geoip stuff. ;) 19:07:09 <mdomsch> happy to. Thanks for cleaning up the mess I left it in. 19:07:17 <oddshocks> Badges/Tahrir work is progressing 19:07:29 <mdomsch> #info Fedora content dropped from S3 mirrors 19:07:34 * pingou worked more on fedocal and provided a couple of patches to packages and datagrepper 19:07:38 <mdomsch> #info EPEL remains 19:08:16 <mdomsch> we didn't have enough users of Fedora in EC2 to justify continually pushing Fedora content into each of the S3 regions 19:08:29 * nirik nods. 19:08:49 <nirik> So final freeze is not starting next week, but the week after. Do we have anything we want to get in before final freeze? 19:08:53 <smooge> all the regions or just a couple? 19:09:06 <mdomsch> smooge: all regions 19:09:13 <smooge> ok np 19:09:14 <nirik> As usual I'd like to get things so we drop all the hotfixes we are carrying, but not sure how practical that is. 19:10:10 <threebean> On getting stuff ready before the freeze, having the badges machines ready would be nice -- nirik has already been asking about details for that in #fedora-apps. 19:10:31 <nirik> yeah, I am hoping to have those before too long. 19:10:40 * threebean nods 19:10:52 <nirik> we will need to work through some workflow with ansible and staging, as I would like to make them in ansible instead of puppet if possible 19:10:52 <threebean> not as much of a rush as I'd thought. Sorry for that false alarm. ;) 19:11:02 <threebean> +1 19:11:10 <skvidal> nirik: post-meeting let's talk staging 19:11:19 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/report/15 19:11:22 <skvidal> to see what needs to happen for that happiness 19:11:29 <nirik> (that is the list of current hotfixes) 19:11:30 <threebean> nirik, skvidal: thanks both. 19:11:31 <nirik> skvidal: sounds good. 19:12:31 <nirik> anything else on the application side of things? 19:13:31 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion 19:13:44 <nirik> #info lots of ansible work in progress, check the git repo for details 19:13:44 <skvidal> lots of ansible ports this week 19:13:45 <skvidal> lots and lots 19:13:47 <nirik> :) 19:14:03 <skvidal> tested fireball mode 19:14:10 <threebean> skvidal is on fire! 19:14:10 <skvidal> other minor things 19:14:21 <skvidal> mostly just playing with the mirrorlist stuff 19:14:28 <skvidal> which has allowed porting a ton of stuff over 19:14:31 <nirik> skvidal: how far are we from the hook to do playbook runs? we should try and get that before long so more folks can work on converting things. 19:14:50 <skvidal> nirik: I agree 19:15:01 <nirik> #info revamped our sign-vault machines this week (not a very visible change, but needed) 19:15:02 <skvidal> we're going to get a lot of bogon runs when we touch stuff in tasks, of course 19:15:06 <nirik> yeah. 19:15:21 <skvidal> and I was kinda delaying on purpose 19:15:27 <skvidal> b/c I wanted to talk to some people at ansiblefest next week 19:15:44 <skvidal> to see if there are other more graceful solutions that I just haven't read about 19:15:57 <skvidal> is that silly? 19:16:04 <nirik> not at all. completely fair. 19:16:17 <nirik> do you know if any of the ansiblefest stuff will be online? 19:16:38 <skvidal> I dont think so 19:16:42 <skvidal> maybe I'll sneak in a camera 19:16:50 <nirik> #info our koji data sync has completed it's first 2 passes to netapp... 3rd in progress. 19:17:55 <nirik> #info we have an outage scheduled for monday for mass rebooting. 19:18:15 <smooge> wear your google glasses 19:18:51 <skvidal> hah 19:19:07 <nirik> indeed. 19:19:29 <nirik> #info still need to write up/implement new backup plan. 19:19:48 <nirik> any other sysadmin items? 19:20:36 <nirik> #topic Private Cloud status update / discussion 19:20:43 <nirik> not much to report here again I don't think... 19:20:53 <nirik> people are using the cloud and it's working along ok for now. 19:21:02 <skvidal> on the minus side 19:21:17 <skvidal> we've had it explained that all of our assumptions are wrong 19:21:22 <skvidal> and we have to rebuild it eventually 19:21:54 <nirik> yeah, I still want to rebuild 01/03 nodes with the next version and done more like "they" want us to. 19:22:04 <nirik> but thats a good thing for when we are in freeze. ;) 19:22:25 <smooge> oh dear 19:22:30 <skvidal> nirik: +1 19:22:31 <smooge> that sounds like an entire session of flock 19:22:42 <skvidal> smooge: let's put it this way 19:22:56 <skvidal> smooge: there are a lot of...... perspectives that the openstack devels have 19:23:00 <smooge> cloud putting the F in Flock 19:23:02 <skvidal> that are not the most obvious choices 19:23:09 <skvidal> at least from my perspective 19:23:16 <smooge> i don't doubt. 19:23:42 <nirik> yeah. 19:24:01 <skvidal> like 'quotas should work' 19:24:05 <nirik> I think over time they are adding things that everyday sysadmins would want to do, but there's still a lot of weird assumptions, IMHO 19:24:09 <skvidal> or 'failing commands should tell you something about it' 19:24:19 <nirik> or 'you should be able to change your password' 19:24:20 <skvidal> like that they failed, at all 19:24:54 <skvidal> or 'setting quotas in one place should, theoretically, impact the rest of the places using that quota' 19:25:03 <nirik> anyhow, we will continue to push for our uses and hopefully make things better. ;) 19:25:06 <smooge> it is only counted a failure if the command crashed. otherwise the command did execute to the best of its ability and left without a coredump 19:25:06 <skvidal> indeed 19:25:22 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items 19:25:28 <nirik> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/infrastructure/ 19:25:36 * skvidal looks 19:25:37 <nirik> I finally did fill this in more. :) 19:25:51 <skvidal> it's nice 19:25:53 <skvidal> lovely 19:25:58 <nirik> anything anyone would like to note or plan for? 19:26:00 <skvidal> hmm 19:26:06 <skvidal> how come our reboot-a-thon isn't on there? 19:26:20 <nirik> I should add it, also to the outage one. ;) 19:26:31 * skvidal checks if he has the outage one on his list 19:28:18 <nirik> added to both 19:28:26 <nirik> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/infrastructure-outages/ 19:28:30 <nirik> is the outage one 19:29:00 <nirik> we may schedule a outage to move koji storage before final freeze, not sure yet... 19:29:37 <nirik> #topic Flock 19:29:49 <nirik> voting for flock talks is open... everyone should go vote. ;) 19:30:17 <nirik> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/voting/about/flock-2013 19:30:58 <nirik> Do we want to do any more planning for flock? I'm sure we will gather and discuss various things, but is there specific things we want to try and do/plan? 19:31:15 <nirik> it's still a ways out, but something to think about. 19:32:00 * abadger1999 thinks he'll have too little infra time to do much :-( -- have python sig and fesco stuff to work on 19:32:36 <nirik> yeah, it's always easy to get pulled in several directions. 19:32:50 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 19:33:03 <abadger1999> But if some of that doesn't happen -- there's a lot of discussions to be had around auth in the next year. 19:33:04 <nirik> Anyone have anything for open floor? general comments, questions, observations? 19:33:26 <nirik> abadger1999: yeah, I'd like to talk oauth for sure... try and hash out how best to use it. 19:33:36 <smooge> rebuild devel and staging of flock onto the Clooooud <cloud, cloud, cloud> should be a flock thing 19:35:16 <nirik> all cloud all the time. ;) 19:35:34 <nirik> ok, if nothing else will close out the meeting in a minute or two 19:35:37 <skvidal> though to be fair 19:35:49 <skvidal> I would like to see all of our dev instances diaf 19:35:53 <skvidal> and move to the cloud space 19:36:14 <skvidal> only b/c it feels like they'd be better off there 19:36:22 <mdomsch> If I get some time next week before freeze, I may finish up MM 1.4. No promises, but I can wish... 19:36:27 <nirik> yeah, dev seems like a great fit for cloud... 19:37:05 <smooge> mdomsch wishes cann come true 19:37:06 <nirik> mdomsch: that would be great. 19:37:35 <skvidal> mdomsch: so - not sure if it matters to you - but with the mirrorlist boxes split out 19:37:52 <skvidal> mdomsch: testing out a box should involve less 'where is all this crap' than it does now 19:37:58 <skvidal> or 'is this other app molesting mm' 19:39:03 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone. Do continue in #fedora-admin, #fedora-apps and #fedora-noc. 19:39:03 <nirik> #endmeeting