04:01:46 <tuanta> #startmeeting 04:01:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Jun 22 04:01:46 2013 UTC. The chair is tuanta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:01:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 04:01:57 <tuanta> #meetingname APAC 04:01:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac' 04:02:07 <tuanta> #topic Roll Call 04:02:11 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 04:02:12 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 04:02:17 <suresht> .fas suresht 04:02:18 <zodbot> suresht: suresht 'Sureshkumar Packiyarajah' <sureshp8@gmail.com> 04:02:22 <tuanta> #chair suresht nangthang 04:02:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: nangthang suresht tuanta 04:02:40 <nangthang> .fas nangthang 04:02:41 <zodbot> nangthang: nangthang 'Thang Nguyen Nang' <thangnguyennang1988@gmail.com> 04:04:20 <tuanta> I see we are all here, just three of us 04:04:35 <tuanta> hi FranciscoD :) 04:04:40 <FranciscoD> .hellomynameis FranciscoD 04:04:41 <zodbot> FranciscoD: Sorry, but you don't exist 04:04:47 <FranciscoD> :o 04:04:52 <tuanta> :) 04:04:55 <FranciscoD> .hellomynameis ankursinha 04:04:56 <zodbot> FranciscoD: ankursinha 'Ankur Sinha' <sanjay.ankur@gmail.com> 04:04:57 <FranciscoD> heya tuanta 04:05:31 <tuanta> #topic Announcements 04:05:42 <FranciscoD> ! 04:05:47 <tuanta> any announcements from you? 04:05:47 <FranciscoD> :D 04:05:52 <tuanta> plz FranciscoD 04:05:55 <FranciscoD> Yep :) 04:06:00 <FranciscoD> Most important: ELECTIONS!!!! 04:06:07 <FranciscoD> If you haven't voted yet, please do 04:06:13 <FranciscoD> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/voting 04:06:20 <FranciscoD> #info Voting ends in a day or two. Please please vote! 04:06:35 <FranciscoD> I've just received the list of approved names from rbergeron too. 04:06:43 <FranciscoD> We'll probably have name voting next week 04:06:48 <tuanta> yes, I did cast my vote 04:06:51 <FranciscoD> #info We'll probably have name voting next week 04:06:58 * FranciscoD thinks of anything else 04:07:03 <FranciscoD> oh yes 04:07:08 <FranciscoD> #info F19 TC6 is out 04:07:13 <FranciscoD> Please test 04:07:22 <tuanta> I am using F19 now 04:07:35 <FranciscoD> info on rc -> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test-announce 04:07:45 <FranciscoD> tuanta: that's all I can think of at the moment. 04:07:48 <FranciscoD> EOF 04:08:22 * suresht voted already 04:08:24 <tuanta> I have got one too 04:08:37 <tuanta> Flock is coming 04:08:55 <tuanta> schedule has been arranged 04:08:58 <tuanta> #link #link http://flocktofedora.org/schedule/ 04:09:41 <tuanta> I also have got a talk there about Regional Ambassadors Annual Planning 04:09:59 <suresht> +1 tuanta good news :) 04:10:15 <tuanta> Hope I can learn much before, during and after the session from other regions 04:10:25 <FranciscoD> Nice! 04:10:30 <tuanta> s/I/We, I mean 04:10:46 <tuanta> eof 04:11:10 <FranciscoD> tuanta: ? 04:11:11 <tuanta> hope to see you all and other interesting people there 04:11:20 <tuanta> FranciscoD, go 04:11:38 <FranciscoD> While I will not make it to flock, I did see a talk on the ambassadors "State of the union" 04:11:45 <FranciscoD> I think that's EMEA related though? 04:11:56 <FranciscoD> Can we, in APAC also start a state of union session per release? 04:12:05 <FranciscoD> I'm not sure of the details 04:12:15 <FranciscoD> but it helps highlight who is active, who isn't etc. 04:12:22 <FranciscoD> (as far as I understand) 04:12:23 <FranciscoD> EOF 04:12:34 <tuanta> I think we can 04:13:27 <tuanta> that session is presented by Jiří Eischmann, current chair of FAmSCo, an EMEA ambassador 04:13:38 <tuanta> nice to see him in person 04:14:20 <FranciscoD> ++ 04:14:31 <tuanta> currently, I am not sure its details too 04:15:41 <tuanta> any other announcements? 04:16:01 * FranciscoD no have any 04:16:06 <suresht> not from me too. 04:16:48 <tuanta> #topic Review action items from last meeting 04:17:31 <tuanta> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2013-05-18/fedora_apac_ambassadors_meeting_2013-05-18.2013-05-18-04.00.html 04:17:45 <tuanta> FranciscoD think of what feedback we can collect from participants in this workshop. 04:17:45 <tuanta> udinnet FranciscoD dramsey Suresht KageSenshi input ideas to #81 04:17:46 <tuanta> tuanta to double check budget updates by Suresht at https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Ambassadors%2FAPAC%2FBudget&diff=337723&oldid=335603 04:17:46 <tuanta> Suresht udinnet dramsey *everyone* volunteer with a comment on ticket 79 04:17:46 <tuanta> KageSenshi will propose the schedule for being the APAC CC holder to #82 04:17:59 <tuanta> we have got five pending actions 04:18:40 <FranciscoD> what are the tickets? 81 and 79? 04:18:46 * FranciscoD goes to check 04:19:36 <KageSenshi> \o 04:19:53 <tuanta> #79 is for getting ones to help me to maintain the Budget page 04:20:04 <FranciscoD> KageSenshi: where is that lightsaber you owe me? :p 04:20:09 <KageSenshi> xD 04:20:18 <tuanta> I got two: suresht and nangthang. That ticket should be closed. 04:20:24 <FranciscoD> ++ 04:20:41 * FranciscoD is happy his ticket helped tuanta 04:20:50 <tuanta> :) 04:21:43 <FranciscoD> 81 04:21:54 <FranciscoD> maybe we can discuss this after flock? 04:23:02 <tuanta> we can discuss it continually 04:23:12 <tuanta> before and after flock 04:23:30 <tuanta> but sure, I will bring it back later 04:23:52 <FranciscoD> (I'm hoping all the ambassador related sessions will give us ideas) 04:24:01 <tuanta> ++ 04:24:42 <tuanta> the pending action #3 has been done. I double-checked all the budget updates 04:24:56 <FranciscoD> my feedback item is still pending 04:24:59 * FranciscoD keeps forgetting about it 04:25:35 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Budget#Q1_.28March_-_May_2013.29 04:26:00 <FranciscoD> tuanta: make that a separate topic? "budget updates"? 04:26:13 <tuanta> yes, we will discuss it later in this meeting 04:26:37 <tuanta> just notice that action has been done 04:26:41 <FranciscoD> ++ 04:27:04 <tuanta> FranciscoD: should we "reopen" your pending action? 04:27:12 <FranciscoD> ++ 04:27:20 <tuanta> please do 04:27:21 <FranciscoD> although I'm not even sure if the event is still to be done 04:27:24 <FranciscoD> or gone? 04:27:47 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD think of feedback: ascertain status of event to start with 04:28:08 <tuanta> nice. next topic? 04:28:27 <FranciscoD> ++ 04:28:36 <tuanta> #topic Trac tickets 04:28:55 * tuanta checking on Trac 04:29:01 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/report/9 04:30:59 <tuanta> how about #59 #65 #66? 04:31:12 <tuanta> all for swag production 04:31:46 <FranciscoD> No comment. Been around quite long, and no progress has been made. 04:32:42 <tuanta> I see not ticket needs to be discussed today 04:32:50 <suresht> +1 04:33:15 <tuanta> would you like to discuss any ticket(s)? 04:34:14 <FranciscoD> negative 04:34:24 <FranciscoD> Let's move on to the budget. :) 04:34:38 <suresht> ok 04:34:38 <tuanta> just #77, but dramsey is not available today 04:35:02 <tuanta> #topic APAC Budget review 04:35:07 <KageSenshi> ok finished skype meeting .. 04:35:09 <KageSenshi> .fas izhar 04:35:10 <zodbot> KageSenshi: izhar 'Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail' <kagesenshi.87@gmail.com> 04:35:18 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Budget#Q1_.28March_-_May_2013.29 04:35:22 <tuanta> hi KageSenshi :) 04:35:25 <KageSenshi> :) 04:35:41 * KageSenshi scrolls up 04:35:44 <tuanta> let me summarize a bit 04:35:45 * FranciscoD stabs KageSenshi with his other lightsaber 04:35:51 <tuanta> about Budget status 04:36:06 <FranciscoD> tuanta: that'll be good. Please use info so it's all in the logs :) 04:36:27 <FranciscoD> s/logs/minutes/ 04:37:03 <tuanta> In my first look, almost scheduled events has not been happened :( 04:37:42 <KageSenshi> FranciscoD, xD 04:38:12 <tuanta> and the total spent for unscheduled items is more than total for schedule ones 04:38:28 <FranciscoD> tuanta: I expect that to happen frequently. Not surprised really. 04:39:28 <tuanta> most in schedule is better 04:40:20 <FranciscoD> I agree. But the smaller events generally happen whenever folks have time to spare 04:40:29 <FranciscoD> "I have a free weekend next month! Let's do a fedora event!" types 04:40:38 <KageSenshi> +1 04:40:46 <tuanta> we just spent $1,060.35 in $3,900 allocated 04:41:18 <FranciscoD> hrm 04:41:21 <tuanta> sorry, $2,755 allocated 04:41:25 <FranciscoD> I felt we had quite a few events though 04:41:47 <FranciscoD> tuanta: would you have a count of events? How many we approved? 04:42:00 <FranciscoD> Around 10? more? 04:42:29 <tuanta> 3 in schedule and 3 unscheduled 04:42:54 <tuanta> you can see all on wiki: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Budget#Q1_.28March_-_May_2013.29 04:43:28 * FranciscoD is looking 04:43:56 <tuanta> exactly, allocation budget for us in Q1 is $2,800 (sorry, it's final number :) 04:44:12 <FranciscoD> XD 04:44:55 <FranciscoD> tuanta: are the figures what kital reimburses? 04:44:56 <tuanta> I would have to report this in the next FAmSCo meeting (next Monday) 04:45:03 <FranciscoD> Or the figures put up by event owners? 04:45:37 <tuanta> I tracked status of all budget requests in APAC Trac 04:45:49 <tuanta> in Q1 04:46:02 <FranciscoD> Ok. 04:46:11 <FranciscoD> Observation: we spend a lot on travel 04:46:13 <FranciscoD> compared to swag 04:46:42 <tuanta> even, expanding to see larger range: from 1-1-2013 to 05-31-2013 04:46:54 <tuanta> then update them all to Budget page 04:47:13 <tuanta> yes, FranciscoD. I think it's normal 04:47:47 <tuanta> in our situation here, we just produce media 04:48:05 <tuanta> no swag is produced 04:48:18 <FranciscoD> tuanta: yeah, but the amount of money remaining means we can afford to request our organizers to use swag 04:48:28 <FranciscoD> as we've been planning 04:48:33 <FranciscoD> (cheat cube) etc 04:48:51 <tuanta> This should be changed, I think. We should produce more swag (T-shirts, caps...) 04:48:58 <FranciscoD> ++ 04:49:00 <tuanta> yes, we can do that 04:49:11 <FranciscoD> KageSenshi: what say? Should we start working towards a standard event box/ 04:49:22 <FranciscoD> Ship it around if possible 04:49:55 <KageSenshi> i'm not sure about the ship it around idea, due to shipment around APAC would probably cost more than building a new one 04:50:09 <tuanta> +1 KageSenshi 04:50:14 <suresht> i do not think so in APAC boz of tax and customs 04:50:14 <FranciscoD> KageSenshi: aye, we can have multiple event boxes then 04:50:17 <KageSenshi> but a standardized event box is good :) 04:50:24 <FranciscoD> that can be reused by various organizers 04:50:32 <FranciscoD> for instance, tuanta can have one in vietnam 04:50:35 <FranciscoD> since he does regular events 04:50:47 <FranciscoD> dramsey could have one, since he almost always does monthly events 04:50:55 <FranciscoD> mbuf could have one in India 04:50:56 <FranciscoD> etc. 04:51:03 <tuanta> shipping cost, fee, tax... a lot; even, we are not saying to wasting time to get it from custom 04:51:23 <KageSenshi> +1 04:51:25 <tuanta> so, multiple ones in each "active" country is better 04:51:29 <suresht> can have per country is good. 04:51:29 <FranciscoD> ++ 04:52:05 <tuanta> I meant, we should send it to ones who really need it 04:52:07 <KageSenshi> i already have a rough eventbox i made quite some time ago 04:52:29 <tuanta> KageSenshi: can you re-share a link? 04:52:34 <KageSenshi> though seldom use it as most of the time only the banner being used 04:52:35 <KageSenshi> xD 04:52:44 <tuanta> :) 04:53:02 <KageSenshi> the box is just a place where i keep the swags .. 04:53:11 <KageSenshi> *is now just a place 04:53:19 <KageSenshi> with random equipment thats rarely used 04:53:44 * KageSenshi goes search the wiki 04:54:16 <KageSenshi> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/MalaysianTeam/EventBox 04:54:18 * suresht will be back in 2 min 04:54:58 <tuanta> it's really nice, KageSenshi 04:55:05 <tuanta> so useful 04:55:07 <FranciscoD> ++ 04:55:31 <nangthang> thanks KageSenshi :) 04:56:03 <FranciscoD> KageSenshi: how about adding swag that can be given away too? 04:56:38 <tuanta> KageSenshi: can you open a ticket to produce this one per country 04:56:47 <KageSenshi> FranciscoD, that list was made a long time ago :) .. swags are basically topped up in it when i have extras from random events 04:56:54 <FranciscoD> KageSenshi: or is that not counted as being part of event box? 04:56:55 <FranciscoD> KageSenshi: aha 04:57:03 <FranciscoD> I propose this box + stuff to give away ;) 04:57:13 <tuanta> each country who needs an event box can add a comment to 04:57:34 <FranciscoD> ++ 04:57:47 <KageSenshi> feel free to copy the table for your own eventbox :) .. though from experience, 80% of the stuff in there are almost unneeded 04:57:48 <KageSenshi> xD 04:58:02 <FranciscoD> KageSenshi: we'll discuss the contents 04:58:07 <FranciscoD> etc 04:58:14 <FranciscoD> before actually approving event boxes 04:58:29 <tuanta> ok 04:58:44 <FranciscoD> For instance, I'd like liveusbs with all the fedora spins ;) 04:58:45 <tuanta> ++ 04:58:48 <FranciscoD> etc 04:58:59 <KageSenshi> ok :) 04:59:03 <FranciscoD> tuanta: I can file the ticket 04:59:11 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD file ticket for event boxes 04:59:16 <suresht> +1 04:59:22 <tuanta> agree. first, bring this on the table to discuss about its content 04:59:35 <tuanta> thanks, FranciscoD 04:59:37 <FranciscoD> tuanta: am I chaired? Do I need to be to use the commands? 04:59:40 <FranciscoD> #undo 04:59:44 <FranciscoD> hrm 04:59:52 <tuanta> #chair FranciscoD KageSenshi 04:59:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD KageSenshi nangthang suresht tuanta 05:00:03 <tuanta> you can try again 05:00:07 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD file ticket for event boxes: stage 1 -> decide contents 05:00:10 <FranciscoD> that should work 05:00:27 * FranciscoD votes for blue light sabers in the event boxes! 05:00:29 <FranciscoD> :D 05:00:38 <tuanta> so, back to our budget status, any questions for me? 05:00:55 <FranciscoD> tuanta: let me think ;) 05:01:03 <FranciscoD> Here we go: 05:01:24 <FranciscoD> 1. Were the reimbursement guidelines followed in general? Do we need to be more strict about it? 05:01:44 <FranciscoD> 2. Does the remaining money get carried forward to next quarter's budget? Or do we lose it? 05:02:02 * FranciscoD scratches head to think of more 05:02:45 <tuanta> Guidelines have been followed. I don't think anything needs to be changed 05:03:11 <FranciscoD> 3. Did we get any new contributors from these events? ;) 05:03:24 <FranciscoD> Anyone can answer the last one, if they know 05:03:30 <tuanta> We can use that left money for the next quarter(s), but it would be clear up at the end of the year 05:03:52 <FranciscoD> tuanta: so we're probably going to be rolling in money in the last quarter then XD 05:04:17 <tuanta> yes, we can. just use it wisely 05:04:52 <FranciscoD> ++ 05:05:15 <FranciscoD> I have nothing else :) 05:05:17 <tuanta> year after year, our schedule would be better, I believe 05:05:35 <tuanta> this year is the first year we try to make a plan 05:05:49 <FranciscoD> Yep 05:06:00 <FranciscoD> That's why I had suggested documenting all budget activities. 05:06:15 <FranciscoD> I hope to do a complete report at the end of the year with your help tuanta :) 05:06:16 <tuanta> everyone should go the the Budget page to "double" check it for me 05:06:30 <nangthang> +1 05:06:37 <tuanta> I will report this to FAmSCo in the next meeting 05:06:47 <tuanta> that's all 05:06:57 <tuanta> any other topic(s) today? 05:07:15 <FranciscoD> I don't think so. The budget was the important topic. 05:07:31 <FranciscoD> tuanta: please do discuss mentoriship at flock if you get the chance 05:07:55 <tuanta> sure 05:08:05 <tuanta> I will mark this noted 05:08:16 <tuanta> anything else today? 05:08:25 <tuanta> or we should end the meeting? 05:08:36 * FranciscoD votes for ending the meeting 05:08:44 <FranciscoD> suresht: will you post the logs for us again?:P 05:08:50 <tuanta> ok, I will end it now 05:08:52 <suresht> sure 05:08:59 <suresht> FranciscoD, :) 05:09:02 <tuanta> #endmeeting