22:33:32 <aeperezt> #startmeeting 22:33:32 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 10 22:33:32 2013 UTC. The chair is aeperezt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:33:32 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:33:48 <aeperezt> #meetingname Fedora Ambassadors Latam 22:33:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ambassadors_latam' 22:34:01 <aeperezt> #topic rolcall 22:34:02 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 22:34:03 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 22:34:08 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 22:34:09 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 22:34:10 * echevemaster Venezuela 22:34:12 <mayorga> .fas mayorgalinux 22:34:13 <zodbot> mayorga: mayorgalinux 'Eduardo Mayorga Téllez' <mayorgalinux@gmail.com> 22:34:13 <alexove> .fas alexove 22:34:15 * mayorga NIcaragua 22:34:16 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 22:34:16 * aeperezt Panamá 22:34:20 * alexove Peru 22:34:50 <wolnei> .fas wolnei 22:34:51 <zodbot> wolnei: charged '' <e+charged@wolnei.com.br> - wolnei 'Wolnei Cândido Tomazelli Junior' <e@wolnei.com.br> 22:36:02 <itamarjp> .fas itamarjp 22:36:03 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 22:36:07 * itamarjp Brazil 22:37:04 <wolnei> Brazil 22:37:45 <tatica> .fas tatica 22:37:45 <zodbot> tatica: tatica 'Maria Gracia Leandro Lombardo' <tatadbb@gmail.com> 22:37:52 * tatica = venezuela 22:38:45 <kovalevsky> .fas sophiekovalevsky 22:38:46 <zodbot> kovalevsky: sophiekovalevsky 'Kiara Navarro' <kiarakovalevsky@gmail.com> 22:38:53 * kovalevsky = Panamá 22:40:35 <aeperezt> there any announcement to make 22:40:55 <itamarjp> yes 22:41:08 <aeperezt> #topic announcement 22:41:19 <aeperezt> go ahead itamarjp 22:42:04 <itamarjp> the fisl was a success, the fedora room was full and at same time maddog hall was talking in another room. 22:42:33 <itamarjp> wolnei and lvaz did a great work in fedora meeting at fisl. 22:43:05 <echevemaster> congrats to the brazilian team, Well done 22:43:21 <itamarjp> wolnei, would you like to tell something about fisl ? 22:43:28 <itamarjp> ramilton ? 22:44:05 <ramilton> Foi um sucesso, conseguimos mais pessoas para ajudar a comunidade, tanto na tradução como em empacotamento 22:44:14 <ramilton> foi muito bom. 22:44:18 <wolnei> yes, all the people did a great work, that is why we have the best fisl of Fedora Project 22:44:29 <ramilton> acho que conseguimos atingir os nossos objetivos 22:45:08 <itamarjp> Richard Stallman asked Daniel-Lara in person to change the name of his presentation from "What linux distro to choose? " to "What gnu linux distro to choose? " 22:45:27 <aeperezt> I know everyone is exited for what happend on fisl and it was a great job 22:45:34 <itamarjp> Stallman said, "linux no", GNU Linux 22:45:59 <aeperezt> but we need to get reports specially from all people who attendet and was sponsor to go 22:46:01 <itamarjp> :-) 22:46:08 <ramilton> agora é se preparar para o latinoware, para que possamos repetir o trabalho e obter o mesmo sucesso 22:46:14 <aeperezt> so far I have seem two post on the planet about it 22:46:38 <tatica> awesome :) 22:46:43 <aeperezt> so it was nice you have fun but we need reports. 22:46:45 <ramilton> ok aeperezt, essa semana sai o meu relatorio 22:47:03 <itamarjp> I will ask the people to post in planet. 22:47:38 <aeperezt> thanks itamarjp 22:47:49 <aeperezt> thanks ramilton 22:48:33 <aeperezt> As I underestand by now every one knows. I will share the news here to have it on the logs 22:49:30 <aeperezt> We are really sorry to learn about the passing of Seth Vidal, he was a great contributor and developer. 22:50:30 <aeperezt> And he makes our lives easy with Yum 22:51:33 <aeperezt> so our condolences to his loves ones and all fellow fedorians who had the pleasure to meet him. 22:51:45 <tatica> ! 22:51:55 <aeperezt> tatica, adelante 22:52:06 <aeperezt> #chair ramilton itamarjp tatica echevemaster 22:52:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt echevemaster itamarjp ramilton tatica 22:52:43 <tatica> for those attending to flock there is an idea to have a bicycle small trip in honor of skvidal; those of you who are interested pls, answer on the appropriated mail. eof 22:53:14 <aeperezt> about folck 22:53:26 <aeperezt> *flock 22:53:56 <aeperezt> there is not going to be sponsorship to anyone that is not speaker from the Latam and APAC region 22:54:24 <aeperezt> so if you are specting sponsorship. Do not wait. 22:54:55 <aeperezt> #topic 121 dominio projectofedora.org 22:55:06 <aeperezt> Any new about this 22:55:07 <itamarjp> projetofedora.org ? 22:55:21 <aeperezt> #undo 22:55:21 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x12e490d0> 22:55:31 <aeperezt> #topic 121 dominio projetofedora.org 22:56:04 <aeperezt> itamarjp, do you know anything new about this has anyone talk to Daniel about it lately 22:56:23 <ramilton> É o projeto que estava na mao do Padula? 22:56:26 <itamarjp> Rodrigo Padula comes in person to talk with me about this domain, Ramilton and Raphael Candido was present, Rodrigo told that Daniel Bruno owns the domain and have control of it. 22:58:01 <itamarjp> esta correto ramilton ? 22:58:35 <ramilton> Isso mesmo, aeperezt, o Padula mesmo procurou o itamarjp para falar sobre o assunto 22:59:02 <echevemaster> and the control of domain not are for neville? 22:59:05 <ramilton> Ele mesmo disse que o Daniel Bruno tem todo o controle 22:59:21 <echevemaster> neville was the selected person for that. 22:59:37 <aeperezt> well 23:00:13 <tatica> it should be easy to change the ownership in that case 23:00:24 <tatica> I'm sure Daniel would cooperate 23:00:39 <aeperezt> he may say so but Daniel agree to pass it to Neville and has not done so the only change on the domain is that the owner ship information is now private on the who is 23:00:55 <aeperezt> http://www.networksolutions.com/whois/results.jsp?domain=projetofedora.org 23:01:13 <ramilton> aeperezt, existe um porém ai... 23:01:41 <aeperezt> the request was made over 3 weeks now more that enought time to transfer the domain. 23:01:52 <ramilton> O dominio continua no nome do Padula, o Daniel Bruno tem controle de gerenciar somente o dominio 23:02:09 <echevemaster> I don't agree with that 23:02:21 <itamarjp> ramilton, pelo que eu entendi esta tudo no controle do Daniel Bruno 23:02:29 <aeperezt> therefore my only conclusion is that they don't want to do so rewarless of what they mention on private emails or on the list 23:02:47 <echevemaster> the total control should be to a fedora contributor 23:02:55 <ramilton> itamarjp acho que esta faltando transferir para o nome dele. Não? 23:02:56 <echevemaster> and the selected was neville 23:03:29 <aeperezt> the same with proyectofedora.org still under Rodrigo Padula control http://www.networksolutions.com/whois/results.jsp?domain=proyectofedora.org 23:03:35 <aeperezt> #link http://www.networksolutions.com/whois/results.jsp?domain=proyectofedora.org 23:04:09 <aeperezt> therefore what ever he tell you is just a matter keeping control of it 23:04:12 <echevemaster> I think we are falling into a vicious circle 23:04:24 <kovalevsky> :S 23:04:25 <itamarjp> this is becoming time wasting, should we give up and move forward ? 23:04:35 <itamarjp> plan B ? 23:04:51 <echevemaster> not there a plan b 23:04:56 <aeperezt> itamarjp, he is playing with us and the excuses 23:05:04 <echevemaster> the domain should be for us 23:05:30 <kovalevsky> I agree. 23:05:32 <ramilton> aeperezt, o problema que ele não quer transferir para outra pessoa que não seja do Brasil. O motivo eu não sei... mais a questão é toda essa. 23:05:34 <tatica> plan b should be make that RH legal demands ownership of the domain due trademark violation; however I think that would be completely extreme and unnecesary 23:05:34 <itamarjp> aeperezt, we should move to a jigsaw game, and end this. 23:05:37 <aeperezt> tatica, can we change the page on the site that relate the proyectofedora.org and projetofedora.org as the pages that represent latam and brasil 23:06:12 <tatica> if we have no ownership of the domain we cannot make a DNS redirection or anything 23:06:28 <tatica> besides a friendly intervention OR legal trademark demands we can't do nothing 23:06:42 <aeperezt> tatica, on the fedoraproject.org there is a page that point to those sites 23:06:47 <tatica> so the best would be to ask someone from Brasil to take the domain and then this would transfer it to Neville 23:07:00 <tatica> ah, sure, I could ask nirik to give me a hand on that 23:07:10 <tatica> nirik, ping sweatheart :) 23:07:16 * nirik looks up 23:07:39 <tatica> nirik, thank you dear, remind me to take you a chocolate :) 23:08:04 <nirik> so, whats proposed? 23:08:15 <tatica> aeperezt, changed to what? 23:08:42 <tatica> do we have a paralel non conflictive site to link to? 23:09:00 <aeperezt> tatica, we have fedora-latam.org 23:09:19 <echevemaster> aeperezt: we can use fedora-latam.org, 23:09:21 <aeperezt> it needs some make up but the domain is there 23:09:29 <nirik> the links here: http://fedoracommunity.org/latam ? 23:09:34 <echevemaster> we should not expect more 23:09:35 <nirik> or the domain itself? 23:09:47 <tatica> I could try to help on the makeup for the site, but as you all know I'm planning my wedding, so that could take me at least 2/3 days 23:09:50 <tatica> would that be ok? 23:09:53 <aeperezt> nirik, thanks I was looking for that page 23:10:20 <nirik> thats controlled by websites team, so if you need changes, just put in a ticket for them 23:10:22 <aeperezt> there serveral sites that are not working cose the domain 23:10:30 <echevemaster> aeperezt: so move to fedora-latam.org 23:10:31 <aeperezt> tatica, that is ok 23:10:38 <echevemaster> nirik: thanks 23:10:47 <tatica> great, I would need the admin account, if someone can send it to me could be awesome 23:11:00 <echevemaster> i do it 23:11:00 <tatica> maybe I could use the fedora magazine design which is done and waiting to be used 23:11:06 <aeperezt> all sites under proyectofedora.org on that page are broke 23:11:13 <aeperezt> broken 23:11:19 <nirik> :( yeah, should fix them. 23:11:24 <echevemaster> yes, all the sites 23:11:29 <tatica> http://fedoramagazine.org/ 23:11:40 <aeperezt> and the brazil site us un oficial site 23:12:04 <echevemaster> aeperezt: we will can to do a plan for move the sites at fedora-latam.org 23:12:34 <aeperezt> echevemaster, yes 23:12:45 <aeperezt> we need to have all on a place we can control 23:12:50 <tatica> echevemaster, probably we could ask Richzendy help to migrate the content; he has wide experience with that 23:12:51 <echevemaster> then, is decided 23:13:09 <tatica> and if there is no hosting, we could provide it easily I believe 23:13:10 <wolnei> we can use OpenShift for that 23:13:15 <echevemaster> yes tatica, also gomix and me 23:13:20 <tatica> yup 23:13:25 <echevemaster> wolnei: +1 23:13:28 <Richzendy> o/ 23:13:38 <tatica> so it would be just a matter of organize a task for everyone and do it :) 23:13:56 <tatica> I have some wp themes that i could personalize easily while other take care of the content, that way we can move faster 23:14:17 <echevemaster> we could do a new site. 23:14:18 <wolnei> i had some wp responsive theme too tatica 23:14:28 <tatica> wolnei, great! 23:14:30 <echevemaster> in django and bootstrap 23:14:30 <tatica> yup 23:14:36 * tatica rathers wp :$ 23:14:42 <tatica> just because I'm annoying :D 23:14:45 <wolnei> i work with both 23:14:46 * echevemaster loves django 23:14:53 <kovalevsky> I could help to upload content to the new website. 23:14:54 * tatica hopes that jsmith doesn't show up and claims for drupal! 23:15:00 <tatica> great 23:15:10 * kovalevsky was thinking about implement drupal xD 23:15:22 <tatica> then wolnei and I can take care of the look&feel and kovalevsky , Richzendy and echevemaster of content 23:15:25 <tatica> would that be ok? 23:15:33 <tatica> while nirik help us with the redirection ticket 23:15:43 * kovalevsky thinks that if we're to use the web just only to show content, it's that okey use WP. 23:15:47 <echevemaster> we have do a votation for that. 23:15:51 <aeperezt> tatica, we need to setup a planet not sure if we could wp for that 23:16:01 <nirik> yeah, if you need something just file a ticket and we can get it sorted out. :) 23:16:02 <tatica> aeperezt, we can, we have it for several places 23:16:07 <tatica> is quite easy really 23:16:09 * nirik has to go run to dinner. 23:16:12 <echevemaster> aeperezt: there are a planet written and python 23:16:16 <echevemaster> easy to deploy 23:16:18 <tatica> same with multi-language auto twitter post 23:16:50 <echevemaster> hey, the brainstorming is good, but we have do a votation for that 23:17:02 <tatica> wp +1 :D 23:17:38 <kovalevsky> there is another option or just only wp? 23:17:44 <echevemaster> tatica: i like wp but we have do a site more professional 23:17:56 <tatica> wp is professional 23:18:03 <tatica> besides 23:18:05 <kovalevsky> echevemaster, what should be the features that we're gonna show up? 23:18:08 <echevemaster> a site more extensible 23:18:28 <tatica> to be honest, I rather to have something simple that everyone can help to maintain instead on go to the geekist option that everyone will forget or get tired of mantain 23:18:40 <echevemaster> kovalevsky: if we want to connect with fas, or askbot, then we have an api 23:18:40 <tatica> *maintain 23:18:54 <tatica> well, flock site is a wp 23:18:54 <kovalevsky> tatica, I think that echevemaster is talking about implement more than a blog usually wp is design to create blogs. 23:19:01 <wolnei> more important, is the people to mantain that, so better with people works with wp or django or drupal 23:19:16 <tatica> exactly 23:19:32 <echevemaster> we don't have any site connected with fas 23:19:45 <echevemaster> wp can do that? 23:19:49 <tatica> flock 23:20:07 <tatica> is connected to fas, with the openID 23:20:22 <wolnei> wordpress.org/plugins/openid 23:20:28 <tatica> wolnei, you rock :) 23:20:43 <tatica> I'm not sure who did it for flock, but we could easily ask 23:21:02 <echevemaster> tatica: rmaclen 23:21:10 <aeperezt> if we can do that it seel wp but I'm sure there is a plugin for OpenID for drupal 23:21:17 <echevemaster> or something, don't remember the name 23:21:17 <tatica> I just don't want to waist too much time trying to do a website that will try to conquer the world and then becomes into a kraken 23:21:33 <echevemaster> hahaha tatica ;) 23:21:42 <kovalevsky> For me, it's depend in what we're gonna show to the world, if we need at the future create some feature more complex I think that the best option is drupal 23:21:44 <echevemaster> well, is the people that decide 23:21:48 <tatica> srsly, I have seen websites going and coming too many times 23:22:12 <aeperezt> since the mayority can do wp I think we should use it 23:22:15 <echevemaster> well, wp is easy to deploy, for now 23:22:26 <aeperezt> it is harder to get people to do drupal :-) 23:22:29 <kovalevsky> But it's just only show content and do other features with plugins for WP, then WP. 23:22:32 <tatica> why don't we try to solve the domain issue now and then focus on how complex do we want this new website? 23:22:42 <aeperezt> tatica, +1 23:22:49 <tatica> I would hate to lose such an awesome domain just because someone is too proud or whatever 23:23:00 <kovalevsky> xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 23:23:55 <kovalevsky> For me: drupal or wp it's okey! but as tatica says I prefer wait to solve the problem about the domain 23:24:17 <aeperezt> tatica, yes It is sad to have to chosee that direction but there is no other way we have been over 6 months trying to deal with him but it is more than enougth 23:24:29 <wolnei> i will talk with Padula, but if only agree with transfer to brazilian the projetofedora.org will be ok? 23:24:50 <tatica> sure 23:24:57 <tatica> once a brazilian has the domain we can transfer it to anyone 23:25:07 <tatica> but as long as he doesn't release the domain we can't move forward 23:25:15 <kovalevsky> should be ok, and the the process would be less complicated"! 23:25:18 <aeperezt> wolnei, he already agreed to do that to Neville, why we need to meet his conditions 23:25:31 <tatica> aeperezt, because we had enough controversy 23:25:39 <tatica> lets do it his way, and then move forward 23:25:55 <wolnei> because we need him to transfer 23:26:18 <tatica> wolnei, go for it and let us know once you have it (or someone else different from Padula) 23:26:21 <aeperezt> wolnei, he has already two times agree to transfer and have not done so I simple cannot trust what he say and who talk to him 23:26:29 <echevemaster> wolnei: the wait has been too 23:26:40 <ramilton> aeperezt, o Padula mesmo disse que só transfere para um Brasileiro. Isso ele deixou claro 23:27:00 <kovalevsky> ramilton, isso porque tem que ser asi? 23:27:04 <echevemaster> so, is neccesary that we have move forward 23:27:05 <aeperezt> ramilton, then transfer it to itamarjp 23:27:08 <kovalevsky> ramilton, porque somente tem que ser pra um brasileiro? 23:27:11 <tatica> because.... proud 23:27:11 <wolnei> both proyectofedora.org and projetofedora at the end will be on Neville right? 23:27:22 <aeperezt> wolnei, yes 23:27:42 <ramilton> kovalevsky, ele nao disse o porque, mais disse que transfere só para um Brasileiro 23:27:43 <aeperezt> wolnei, the transfers request are already done 23:27:53 <aeperezt> so he only have to acept them 23:28:00 <ramilton> aeperezt, entao vamos transferir para o itamar 23:28:13 <wolnei> the motive is because that domain is the brazil voice 23:28:20 <aeperezt> ramilton, if he agreed to transfer to Neville 23:28:21 <echevemaster> vicious circle, vicious circle 23:28:37 <aeperezt> let transfer to Neville why he want to change to who now 23:28:37 <tatica> let him transfer to "anyone" and take it from there 23:28:43 <echevemaster> we had not decided yet? 23:28:44 <tatica> we are wasting time 23:28:57 <aeperezt> he is just playing with us 23:29:02 <ramilton> aeperezt, ele deixou isso claro pra mim. Que seria somente um Brasileiro 23:29:06 <echevemaster> aeperezt: correct 23:29:11 <aeperezt> yes wasting our time 23:29:14 <kovalevsky> but then, we should decide what we need to do 23:29:27 <wolnei> the most important will be redirect at end, if him not gives the domain 23:29:38 <kovalevsky> then, could be agree that ramilton is gonna talk with padula and see is he/she do the transfer to itamarjp ? 23:29:39 <wolnei> we redirect to the new infra 23:29:43 <aeperezt> kovalevsky, we already did and he agreed now he changes 23:29:48 <echevemaster> aeperezt: the decision is correct, we will have to move forward 23:30:06 <echevemaster> who votes to move at fedora-latam.org? 23:30:12 <ramilton> +1 kovalevsky 23:30:28 <kovalevsky> who is in charge of fedora-latam.org? 23:30:32 <ramilton> aeperezt, posso falar com o Padula para ele transferir para o Itamar? 23:30:45 <aeperezt> wolnei, infra is not important we have more infra that anything the domain name ownership is what matter at this point 23:30:59 <echevemaster> +1 charge of fedora-latam.org 23:31:05 <aeperezt> we cannot have them on the hands of a a person we cannot trust 23:31:14 <echevemaster> yes aeperezt 23:31:49 <kovalevsky> well, then transfer to fedora-latam.org if we're stilling problem witht he domain name 23:32:06 <echevemaster> I propose vote now for change to the new domain 23:32:23 <kovalevsky> is ramilton could talk with padula and padula make the transfer before we move the site to fedora-latam.org if not, then we should move forward. 23:32:35 <aeperezt> kovalevsky, +1 23:32:39 <aeperezt> let work on that 23:33:01 <ramilton> kovalesvsky, vou conversar com o Padula sobre isso. 23:33:07 <echevemaster> aeperezt: again? 23:33:09 <aeperezt> at then of the day we need to migrate the site to other infra no matter the domain name and we can have both works 23:33:23 <kovalevsky> ramilton, entao nao há mais que dizer =) 23:33:28 <ramilton> itamarjp concorda em ficar com o dominio? 23:33:31 <wolnei> that what i said 23:33:32 <aeperezt> we have over a year with many communities sites down 23:33:36 <ramilton> sim kovalevsky 23:33:41 <kovalevsky> ta bom 23:33:45 <aeperezt> so we need to solve that dirst 23:33:48 <aeperezt> *first 23:34:00 <echevemaster> aeperezt: because i said 23:34:12 <kovalevsky> echevemaster, what do you think, tatica? 23:34:21 <echevemaster> kovalevsky: i don't agreee 23:34:30 <echevemaster> we should move forward 23:34:42 <aeperezt> ramilton, I will not setup my fate on his word he will say yes today and change his mind tomorrow 23:35:07 <echevemaster> kovalevsky: aeperezt we have to decide now, IMO 23:35:08 <tatica> well, I think we could change the domain to fedora-latam while we solve the Padula issue 23:35:13 <ramilton> aeperezt, posso tentar pelo menos 23:35:24 <aeperezt> tatica, +1 23:35:30 <tatica> if Padula, lets see in one or two weeks doesn't send the domain to a brazilian fellow we should call RH legal and claim trademark issues 23:35:33 <tatica> and seal the deal 23:35:43 <tatica> first, democratic, then legally 23:35:55 <kovalevsky> echevemaster, but what i'm saying is that we move forward to migrate the website and if in that moment paudla is haven't give us the domain name, then use the others that we have. 23:35:55 <tatica> is up to brazilian guys to do their best now :/ 23:36:01 <itamarjp> its taking alot of time, +1 for RH legal, 23:36:30 <echevemaster> +1 for RH legal too 23:36:51 <tatica> hint: no idea if they could do anything, but we won't loose anything by asking 23:37:31 <echevemaster> tatica: the name is registered, they can do legal pressure, afaik 23:37:32 <wolnei> the problem is that Red Hat dont have projeto fedora trademark on Brazil 23:37:40 <kovalevsky> +1 to: go ahead and do the migrate of the site, user the other domain name that we have currently avaliable, ask to RH if they could do something about the issue. 23:37:56 <kovalevsky> use* 23:37:56 <echevemaster> kovalevsky: +1 23:38:33 <tatica> I just recommend to avoid the ugly stuff; those of you who have been around here before 2009 know how Padula is 23:38:49 <tatica> so lets try the nice way first, always the nice way first 23:39:20 <aeperezt> tatica, we have been nice for to long now 23:39:28 <tatica> yeap :( 23:40:37 <tatica> I'm just being maternal and trying to avoid nasty insults, which might come ahead :( 23:40:49 <tatica> blame the wedding for having me so emotional and protective :) 23:41:22 <kovalevsky> then, what're we gonna do ? 23:41:48 <tatica> I would say let a week for Brazilian folks do their best, if not, ask RH what to do 23:41:52 <aeperezt> tatica, I may take the bullet then 23:41:56 <tatica> in the mean time, redirect the link 23:42:07 <tatica> aeperezt, oh honey, I like you to much for being there 23:42:30 <itamarjp> I agree with tatica. 23:42:31 <tatica> nobody should take the bullet for a silly stuff like this; it's clearly a childish reaction 23:42:40 <aeperezt> so no resolution for that ticket 23:42:45 <aeperezt> lets move own 23:42:48 <tatica> :) 23:43:01 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 124 23:43:21 <aeperezt> itamarjp, that is done can we close this ticket and the infra ticket about this 23:44:02 <itamarjp> lets close #124 23:44:33 <aeperezt> itamarjp, excelent, thanks prove if things can be solve by talking and emailing 23:45:09 <aeperezt> #ticket 126 mailing list for latam users 23:45:22 <echevemaster> that is made, afaik 23:45:41 <aeperezt> thanks to the infra team that is solve and we have a latam users list https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/latam-users 23:45:44 <aeperezt> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/latam-users 23:46:21 <aeperezt> please join and spread the word about as it will be the mailling list for support and other stuff on spanish and portuguez 23:46:27 <echevemaster> We have invite to the people to use 23:46:41 * echevemaster publishing to G+ 23:46:44 * kovalevsky is so happy to read that 23:47:35 <aeperezt> that will be in use and is one of the things we had to create to replace a list that was on one of the domains with issues and lose around the way 23:48:29 <aeperezt> ramilton, did you get sticker on fisl 23:48:50 <aeperezt> #ticket 129 Adhesives for fisl 23:49:26 <aeperezt> if we are not going to produce Adhesives Stickers we can close the ticket ramilton what do you think 23:49:46 <ramilton> aeperezt, a empresa não me entregou a tempo. Mais o Vaz levou e eu levei os stickers que chegaram pra mim 23:50:22 <ramilton> os stickers foi produzido, mais a empresa não me entregou a tempo.. para levar para o FISL 23:50:35 <ramilton> podemos deixar para levar para o Latinoware 23:50:45 <ramilton> que é outro evento de grande porto 23:50:49 <ramilton> *porte 23:50:50 <aeperezt> ramilton, so lvaz is going to have some already we don't have to make more? 23:51:09 <ramilton> O lvaz já acabou 23:51:16 <ramilton> distribuimos todos no FISL 23:51:24 <ramilton> ficamos sem... 23:51:32 <aeperezt> ramilton, so we need to make them 23:51:45 <ramilton> sim.. aeperezt 23:52:23 <ramilton> e inclusive já estão prontos, eu mesmo vou de carro pegar 23:52:36 <ramilton> para não ter mais problemas 23:52:39 <aeperezt> ramilton, then proceede to order the stickers as we already approve that on a the other meeting but put the production on hold as lvaz was going to provide some others 23:53:06 <ramilton> ok. vou falar com lvaz. 23:53:15 <tatica> is someone from brazil going to flock? 23:53:25 <tatica> probably you could get a better price over there and take it back home 23:53:48 <ramilton> acho que não tem ninguem tatica. 23:54:01 <tatica> :( 23:54:17 <wolnei> no one from Brazil 23:54:28 <itamarjp> eu irei 23:54:36 <itamarjp> I am comming to flock 23:55:20 <aeperezt> #ticket 131 Brazil DVD for f19 23:56:04 <ramilton> nao seria 133 aeperezt? 23:56:17 <ramilton> consegui mais duas cotações 23:56:28 <aeperezt> ok 23:56:37 <aeperezt> that was not on the report 23:56:57 <tatica> itamarjp, ramilton wolnei maybe you could do a fast and short research of prices over there; and then keep with local production just in case 23:56:57 <aeperezt> remember to add the meeting keyword on the tickets so it show on the meeting agenda 23:57:16 <itamarjp> close 133 as dupllicated of 131 23:57:36 <aeperezt> close 131 23:57:43 <aeperezt> valid is 133 23:57:47 <ramilton> ok aeperezt 23:58:06 <ramilton> tatica, inclusive já estão prontos. Só falta eu pegar. 23:58:19 <ramilton> tatica, vou fazer isso sexta agora 23:58:25 <tatica> ahhh, awesome :D 23:58:27 <wolnei> we think do a brasil research with the most brazilian ambassadors 23:58:31 <tatica> then forget what i said :) 23:58:34 <aeperezt> ramilton, based on the experience of the las DVD we produce we should do 1000 instead of 1500 23:58:51 <ramilton> eu fiz a cotação para 2000 como vc pediu. 23:59:09 <wolnei> to create some local distributuion centers, where the most cheap price with transport will atend a region of your conutry 23:59:16 <wolnei> *country 23:59:19 <ramilton> mais acho que 1000 DVDs da para suprir 23:59:42 <ramilton> poderiamos fazer 1000 DVDs 23:59:45 <aeperezt> ramilton, this period we have less events so we don't want to have lots of f19 left over at the start of f20 23:59:57 <aeperezt> ramilton, yes lets do 1000 DVD 00:00:05 <ramilton> sim... com certeza 00:00:12 <ramilton> vamos fazer 1000 DVD.. 00:00:31 <ramilton> vou fazer as cotações novamente 00:00:40 <ramilton> agora para 1000 DVDs 00:00:48 <aeperezt> quote for that and lets review and deside next meeting use as price reference last production 00:01:25 <ramilton> ok 00:01:33 <aeperezt> #topic open floor 00:01:42 <aeperezt> anything else 00:01:57 <aeperezt> tatica, itamarjp 00:02:23 <wolnei> i have a idea to propose for your material 00:02:37 <aeperezt> wolnei, ok 00:02:55 <aeperezt> wolnei, please tell us 00:03:14 <wolnei> why we cant change from dvd-r to dvd-rw with more generic artwork 00:03:27 <wolnei> then we can reburn with last version of fedora 00:03:55 <tatica> that could work 00:04:07 <tatica> and have personalized cases or something 00:04:56 <aeperezt> well lvaz was proposing to have multi version printed dvdr so we can burn the version we need 00:05:31 <aeperezt> I think the Idea could work and we have talk that before we need to work around a design and work on the idea a bit more 00:05:57 <aeperezt> that is why for f19 we will produce the dvd as we did before then 00:06:17 <wolnei> every relase have the both works, one more cuty and another more simpler 00:06:21 <aeperezt> for f20 we will definitive use better option 00:06:31 <wolnei> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/MediaArt/F19 00:06:56 <wolnei> we need only remove the version 00:07:20 <aeperezt> wolnei, righ but lvaz idea was to have some label on the printed dvd so we can mark 20 or 21 00:07:23 <aeperezt> and so own 00:07:36 <wolnei> that can work to 00:08:10 <aeperezt> wolnei, that is why we need to work on the idea and have a better way to produce them 00:08:53 <wolnei> ok tatica and i can do the artwork for that 00:08:54 <aeperezt> wolnei, made on printed generic version dvd so we burn and mark it with the version some how 00:09:03 <aeperezt> wolnei, ok 00:09:16 <tatica> wolnei, would be a pleasure (besides, I could use some help :D ) 00:09:33 <aeperezt> wolnei, ask lvaz he had some previus art that you could use a sample 00:09:39 <tatica> i wouldn't recommend just to take the version away since if we use a version background it wouldn't be consistent with other versions 00:09:40 <wolnei> ok 00:09:52 <tatica> however, I'm sure wolnei and I can sort that out with a standard idea 00:10:00 <tatica> he's quite creative :) 00:10:06 <aeperezt> ok 00:10:10 <aeperezt> any other matter 00:10:21 <wolnei> that a way, some printers can print inside dvds labels 00:10:49 <wolnei> but that its so cheap and not printers have that 00:11:52 <aeperezt> wolnei, great work around that idea with tatica 00:12:03 <wolnei> lightscribe is the name 00:12:09 <aeperezt> tatica, please lets start with the new themes for the domain and all that 00:12:19 <aeperezt> thanks to all 00:12:27 <mayorga> :) 00:12:35 <tatica> sure, once I have admin on the site I will work on it 00:12:42 <tatica> please, send me that asap 00:12:45 <aeperezt> closing the meeting if notting else 00:12:56 <aeperezt> tatica, echevemaster has 00:13:12 <aeperezt> #endmeeting