19:03:45 <Croberts> #startmeeting 19:03:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 7 19:03:45 2013 UTC. The chair is Croberts. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:03:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:03:51 <Croberts> #chair jzb 19:03:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: Croberts jzb 19:03:54 <Croberts> #chair mitzie 19:03:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: Croberts jzb mitzie 19:04:02 <Croberts> #topic Fedora Marketing Meeting 19:04:18 * Mitzie says hi 19:04:48 <Mitzie> #meetingname Fedora Marketing Meeting 10/7/13 19:04:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing_meeting_10/7/13' 19:04:55 <Croberts> #topic Roll Call 19:04:59 <Croberts> .fas chrisroberts 19:05:00 <zodbot> Croberts: chrisroberts 'Chris Roberts' <croberts@cintrixhosting.com> 19:05:06 <Mitzie> .fas mitzie 19:05:07 <zodbot> Mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@outlook.com> 19:05:22 * Mailga is on the phone, trying to follow the meeting 19:06:02 <Mitzie> Glad you made it either way ;) 19:06:12 <Croberts> suehle said she could not make it but sent out an email of what she was going to cover 19:06:14 <jzb> I'm here, but also on a call too 19:06:24 <jzb> so my attention may be divided. 19:06:29 <Croberts> no worries 19:06:40 <Croberts> .ping Tatica 19:06:40 <zodbot> pong 19:07:27 <Croberts> ok lets start shall we 19:07:33 <Croberts> #topic Fedora Magazine 19:07:56 <Croberts> So the magazine is growing and we have starting to get more people interested. 19:08:18 <Croberts> I just got an email from someone last night saying that want to join 19:08:50 <Croberts> So as the magazine grows, it needs more resources, jzb has talked to openshift and they upgraded our account. 19:09:03 <jzb> yeah 19:09:22 <jzb> we have access now to medium gears, so at some point, we need to take a snapshot and try restoring it to a new gear 19:09:22 <Mitzie> nice job jzb! 19:09:31 <Croberts> +1 jzb 19:09:42 <Mitzie> yes, cause I noticed it is not scalable 19:09:43 <jzb> I have never done that with OpenShift before, so I need to test that out on a dummy app before doing it with the live app. 19:09:55 <jzb> Mitzie: yeah, I wonder if in the process we can make it scalable. 19:10:01 <Croberts> sounds good jzb 19:10:16 <jzb> Mitzie: I need to play with OpenShift more. It may be that we can upgrade to medium and make it scalable. Maybe. 19:10:29 <jzb> If so, that'd be great b/c we'd get load balancing + more resources == WIN 19:10:41 <Mitzie> When making a new app, you have to make it scalable with on the begining 19:10:50 <Croberts> That would be awesome if we could make the current one scaling 19:10:53 <jzb> Mitzie: right. 19:11:19 <Mitzie> So ye, the only solution would be making a new app 19:11:41 <jzb> Mitzie: right, but I don't know if restoring the snapshot to a new gear counts as a "new" app or not. 19:11:55 <jzb> Mitzie: anyway, I need to research this (unless we have an OpenShift expert on hand) 19:12:15 <jzb> and then will start getting it upgraded 19:12:20 <Mitzie> Sorry jzb, I would do it but I don't have much experience 19:12:20 <jzb> but for now, the major problem is solved. 19:12:34 <Croberts> #action JZB to research openshift and work on upgrading the magazine to a medium gear 19:12:37 <jzb> Mitzie: no worries 19:13:09 <Croberts> for the time being, I am wanting everyone's oppinion on this, I am hoping to keep jetpack off until we get upgraded 19:13:21 <Croberts> I have noticed since that has been removed the site is working a little better 19:14:33 <Mitzie> we could keep it off for some time I supose 19:14:40 <Croberts> once jzb gets the site upgraded then we can put it back on. Any thoughts? 19:15:04 <Mitzie> +1 from me 19:15:29 <jzb> Croberts: what do we need Jetpack for? 19:15:46 <Croberts> jzb: it was used to get the stats for the magazine ie hits and such 19:15:55 <Croberts> Infranstructure was curious about the vists and such 19:16:26 <Mitzie> And also is a helpfull plugin in general, it has many usefull features 19:16:38 <Mitzie> except the stats 19:17:31 <jzb> gotcha 19:17:39 <Croberts> What are your thoughts jzb? 19:17:59 <jzb> Let's leave it off for the time being. I will try to find time to do the upgrade stuff this week/weekend. 19:18:12 <jzb> My plate is pretty full this week, but will try to make it a priority. 19:18:33 <Mitzie> Also jzb can I close the ticket on infra I opened for the magazine storage issues? 19:18:46 <jzb> Mitzie: yes, thanks! 19:19:22 <Croberts> Awesome :) ok on to the next matter regarding the site 19:19:56 <Croberts> Mitzie and I have created a wiki page on how to make posts and I added pictures. It is very helpful, Mitzie and me are going to make a video as well to go along with that 19:20:02 <Croberts> +1 mitzie 19:20:19 <Mitzie> +1 for you too Chris! 19:20:45 <Croberts> I have been working with Nitesh in Video to get alot more videos on the magazine site 19:20:53 <Croberts> he has about 15 ready for us to post 19:21:00 <Croberts> maybe some work for new people? 19:21:28 <Croberts> Mitzie also wanted to bring up something regarding the magazine 19:21:35 <Mitzie> With what subject croberts? 19:21:38 <Mitzie> (the videos) 19:23:34 <Mitzie> Anyway 19:23:34 <Croberts> the content of the videos is all sorts of topic 19:23:49 <Croberts> from interviews to topics related to Fedora and open source 19:24:11 <Croberts> and a few videos from the RedHat channel. Nitesh said these meet his approval and are on his wiki page 19:24:14 <Mitzie> So croberts thought of creating a new mentor Category, mentors for the magazine 19:24:27 <Croberts> I will send his wiki page to the video mailing list 19:24:57 <Mitzie> Mentors for the magazine could help you get started on writing posts and help you in a anyway you want on the magazine 19:25:15 <Mitzie> Because we have seen some low quality posts in the past few days/weeeks 19:25:18 <jzb> Croberts: do we have any kind of review process for videos? 19:25:26 <jzb> e.g., quality, content, etc.? 19:26:31 <Croberts> jzb: I believe Nitesh has a process or is working on one. I have been talking to him, and he categorized the videos on his wiki page, on which ones were able to be uploaded and which ones need to be looked at 19:26:55 <Croberts> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Niteshnarayan 19:27:16 <Croberts> wrong link let me look 19:27:16 <Mailga> I think you should create a "task force" for video quality and topics. Maybe a approval before is due. 19:27:49 <jzb> Mailga: yeah. I want to make sure we have a minimum quality / messaging standard before things go up on an "official" account 19:27:52 <Croberts> ok here is the right one 19:27:53 <Croberts> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Niteshnarayan/AvailableVideosList 19:28:13 <Mailga> +1 jzb 19:28:36 <Croberts> I do agree in a review process 19:28:40 * jzb has seen some pretty iffy videos produced in the past (not for Fedora) and don't want to see shakycam become our standard. ;-) 19:29:25 <Croberts> ok we will hold off on posting videos to the magazine untill we have a review process 19:30:05 <Mailga> jzb, yes fedora on the top of everything :-) 19:30:56 <Croberts> until* 19:31:07 <Mitzie> review from who? Definitely aggre with mailga on this 19:31:56 <jzb> Mitzie: suggest send to mailing list and get a +1 from some minimal number of people who are on the marketing FAS group. 19:32:31 <Croberts> sounds good, before posting the videos to the magazine site we will get approval on them 19:32:37 <Mitzie> +1 jzb 19:32:52 <Mailga> why not trac approval in the meetings? 19:32:53 <Mitzie> and even upload them on youtube I would say, not only the magazine 19:33:07 <Croberts> mailga: can you explain further 19:33:37 <Mitzie> I mean we have to review them before we upload them on youtube, not only the magazine 19:34:40 <Mailga> Croberts, each people fill his proposal on the mktg trac, and in the next meeting this will be discussed for agreement. 19:34:40 <Croberts> I think I know what mailga is getting at 19:34:51 <Croberts> +1 mailga 19:35:03 <Croberts> for the videos we create a trac ticket and have people review them 19:35:09 <Croberts> and bring that ticket up at the meeting 19:35:29 <Mitzie> I think just an email on the mailing list would do, and it could be further discussed on the next meeting 19:35:47 <Croberts> jzb: what are your thoughts 19:36:14 <Mailga> Croberts, yes. and people who submitted the ticket have to be present in the meeting, for explanation. 19:36:30 <jzb> Croberts: a ticket might be over-engineering it, I think discussion on the ML should be sufficient. 19:36:38 <jzb> depends on how many videos we're talking, though 19:37:29 <Croberts> my thoughts are we just use the ML for now and if there suddenly becomes a lot of videos then look at trac 19:37:37 <Croberts> the ML is fine 19:37:40 <jzb> Groovy 19:38:11 <Mailga> jzb, think that are not so much, in a week. A ML is not so immediate as a meeting. IMHO 19:38:53 <Mitzie> yes, but nott everyone can make it on the meeting, while in the ML everyone can comment 19:39:33 <Mailga> Yes but this can be a reason to get people in the meetings. :-) 19:39:34 <jzb> Mitzie: exactly +1 19:39:42 <jzb> Mailga: yeah, but some folks just can't make it. 19:39:52 <jzb> this time may be unreasonable for someone in Australia, for example. 19:40:17 <Mailga> ok, it makes sense. 19:40:47 <Mailga> Sometimes is difficult also for me. 19:40:52 <Mailga> EOF 19:41:54 <Croberts> ok sounds good we will use the ML for videos until we get overloaded with reviews 19:42:10 <Croberts> anything else before moving on to the next topic? 19:42:53 <Mitzie> the mentors thing chris? 19:43:03 <Croberts> Ah yes, Mitzie please bring that up 19:43:19 <Mitzie> so I will copy-paste the thing I posted 19:44:44 <Mitzie> So croberts thought of creating a new mentor Category, mentors for the magazine Mentors for the magazine could help you get started on writing posts and help you in a anyway you want on the magazine Because we have seen some low quality posts in the past few days/weeeks. And therefore (judging from the stats) a lot of people visits the magazine daily (more than I thought) and we definitely need to keep the mistakes down to a min 19:44:45 <Mitzie> imum 19:45:18 <Mitzie> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mentors 19:45:29 <Mitzie> thougths/flames? 19:46:06 <Croberts> +1 19:46:16 <Mailga> a question 19:46:20 <jzb> makes sense to me 19:46:30 <Croberts> yes Mailga 19:46:35 <Mailga> mentors only for the magazine? 19:47:05 <Mailga> and not for whole mktg? 19:47:06 <Mitzie> If you see the link I posted, there are several mentors for many sub-projects 19:47:18 <Mitzie> There are mentors for the marketing as well 19:47:34 <jzb> OOh, can I get a marketing mentor? 19:47:45 <Mitzie> why not, check the link :) 19:48:40 <Mailga> but so it seems that mktg and magazine are separated things. 19:49:18 <Mitzie> To be honest, I have little experience to Marketing rather than Magazine.. 19:49:29 <Croberts> Mailga they are in a way but magazine is still part of Marketin 19:49:31 <Croberts> g 19:49:32 <Mitzie> I wouldn't qualify for a Marketing Mentor ;) 19:50:12 <Croberts> Fedora Weekly News - became Fedora Magazine which is part of the Marketing group, from what I understand. 19:50:52 <Mailga> Croberts, I know but for new contributors? they can understand that? 19:51:05 <jzb> Mailga: If we get the references on the wiki correct, I think so. 19:51:20 <Croberts> +1 jzb 19:51:38 <Croberts> #action croberts to go through and check references on wiki pages 19:51:52 <Mitzie> croberts changed all the wiki references to FWN and changed them on the magazine 19:51:52 <Mailga> jzb, this would be good. 19:52:22 <jzb> We might also even think about a footer for each article 19:52:57 <Mitzie> Anyway, since suehle is absent we will have to email her about the mentors thing, and get an opinion from her too 19:53:00 <jzb> "Like this post? Have something you'd like to add? See Page Foo for more information on joining the Magazine team. (A fully owned subsidiary of Fedora Marketing)" 19:53:12 <Croberts> +1 jzb 19:53:27 <Mitzie> That would be nice :) 19:54:33 <Croberts> We can add that to the posts 19:54:49 <Croberts> anything else before we move on 19:55:42 <Croberts> #topic Open Floor 19:55:42 <Mailga> not by my side. 19:55:52 <Mailga> ups sorry:-) 19:56:10 <jzb> I got nothin. 19:56:11 <Croberts> Since Suehle could not make it I wanted to bring up what she wanted to say. 19:56:25 * roshi waves 19:56:34 <Croberts> Cloud brochures are finished and on their way to LinuxCon Europe. 19:56:37 <roshi> I have something when there's a chance 19:56:44 <Croberts> yes roshi 19:57:01 <roshi> well, first off, I'll introduce myself :) 19:57:15 <roshi> I'm roshi and I've been working on QA things 19:57:35 * Croberts waves hi to Roshi 19:57:42 <roshi> helping to coordinate test days, prune the wiki, among various other things 19:58:29 <roshi> I wasn't sure what the relationship was between the QA team and marketing for publicizing test days and such? 19:59:06 <roshi> I've been working with adamw, but from reading the wiki - I wasn't sure how involved this team was or if they wanted to be :) 19:59:46 <adamw> historically not too much, it'd be great if they wanted to be, though! 20:00:01 <Mailga> roshi, IMHO it would be great if mktg should be involved in QA. 20:00:13 <Croberts> I think we can publish test days on the magazine for you guys :) I am sure we can help in alot of other ways too 20:00:33 <jzb> +1 20:00:37 <jzb> I'd love to see us doing more there. 20:00:40 <roshi> :) 20:00:41 <Croberts> I would be open and I am sure others would be to work with QA 20:00:43 <jzb> it's a two-way street, though 20:00:48 <roshi> for sure 20:00:54 <jzb> QA needs to say "hey, help us publicize this!" 20:01:00 <jzb> with some lead time, preferably ;-) 20:01:02 <Mailga> adamw, I'd like to see also comment of QA about tests results. 20:01:09 <roshi> that's what I think I'll be doing jzb 20:01:24 <jzb> yeah, a follow-up post about the results of test days is also key 20:01:37 <Croberts> That would be awesome to have 20:01:38 <jzb> that way people see "hey, there was a test day, but I missed it." 20:01:49 <roshi> follow ups from test days is in the works for sure 20:01:57 <adamw> jzb: people who run the test days are supposed to post a recap, but they don't always seem to 20:02:01 <adamw> it is in the SOP, though 20:02:03 <jzb> adamw: but where? 20:02:23 <jzb> adamw: part of Fedora's problem is putting all the nifty stuff where it's visible. 20:02:25 <roshi> at the bottom 20:02:27 <adamw> the SOP recommends test@ and blog, iirc 20:02:29 <adamw> heh 20:02:31 * roshi searches for link 20:02:56 <roshi> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/SOP_Test_Day_management#Do_a_post-event_review 20:03:06 <adamw> jzb: the thing with test days is that they're not always of interest to everyone 20:03:13 <adamw> and we often have two a week, so i never wanted to over-spam 20:03:25 <jzb> "Contact the Fedora Weekly News QA beat author to get news about your event added to FWN. FWN is written over the weekend, so make sure to make contact before the weekend before your event" 20:03:33 <roshi> there could be a digest, potentially 20:03:40 <jzb> so FWN is defunct - we need to change that to Fedora Magazine... 20:04:11 <jzb> well, we can work on figuring out the appropriate level of coverage 20:04:20 <jzb> I am guessing some are more open to participation than others? 20:04:36 <adamw> yeah, fwn being defunct also kind of my fault, sigh. 20:04:48 <adamw> right 20:04:55 <roshi> if someone wants to talk after the meeting we can - I'll be available. I just wanted to touch base 20:05:00 <adamw> something like GNOME or Graphics test day/week is more or less general interest 20:05:04 <roshi> see if there was some coordination we could do :) 20:05:15 <adamw> Fibre Channel Over iSCSI Over Carrier Pigeon, not so much 20:05:26 <roshi> lol 20:05:40 <jzb> roshi: might be good for the mailing list 20:05:45 <jzb> if you're subscribed 20:06:05 <roshi> I haven't yet - but I just started digging into this avenue recently 20:06:11 <roshi> it's on my list of things to do today :) 20:06:23 <jzb> roshi: we're very polite and promise not to spam you, much ;-) 20:06:48 <roshi> haha - you all seem polite; I wasn't worried about that 20:07:34 <Croberts> Awesome, I am looking forward to your posts roshi 20:07:47 <roshi> well, I'll write something up and send it in here this week 20:07:58 <Croberts> anything else before we close the meeting out, we are little over on time 20:08:13 <Croberts> closing in 1 20:08:14 <roshi> the most recent "news" thing we had was this: http://roshi.fedorapeople.org/heroes-of-fedora-hof-f20-alpha.html 20:08:21 * roshi shuts up so you can finish the meeting :) 20:08:31 <Mitzie> I am looking for your posts roshi as well :) 20:08:34 * Croberts looks at roshi's link after the meeting 20:09:10 <Croberts> ok thanks for coming everyone, talk to you all later 20:09:12 <Croberts> #endmeeting