19:04:50 <croberts> #startmeeting 19:04:50 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 21 19:04:50 2013 UTC. The chair is croberts. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:04:50 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:05:04 <croberts> #meetingname Fedora Marketing Meeting 19:05:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing_meeting' 19:05:15 <croberts> #Topic Roll Call 19:05:20 <croberts> .fas chrisroberts 19:05:20 <zodbot> croberts: chrisroberts 'Chris Roberts' <croberts@cintrixhosting.com> 19:05:33 <croberts> sorry for starting late i was caught up in PM's 19:06:03 <mitzie> Howdy all 19:06:10 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 19:06:10 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@outlook.com> 19:06:25 <croberts> lets give people a few mins 19:06:28 <croberts> #chair mitzie 19:06:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: croberts mitzie 19:06:38 <handsome_pirate> .fas jdulaney 19:06:40 <zodbot> handsome_pirate: jdulaney 'John Dulaney' <j_dulaney@live.com> 19:07:31 * jsmith lurks 19:07:41 <mitzie> Hey jsmith 19:08:05 <croberts> hey guys 19:08:44 <mitzie> We will keep it short today guys, as suehle and jzb are away 19:09:42 <croberts> ok lets start 19:09:55 <croberts> #topic Fedora Magazine 19:10:42 <croberts> So again I wanted to thank all the contributors, the magazine site looks amazing back when I joined marketing in August this thing was dead 19:10:56 <croberts> We should have more videos ready to upload soon 19:11:13 <croberts> if anyone has any suggestions for the site please let us know :) 19:12:06 <mitzie> Although I just realised the bug gnokii mentioned about the slideshow 19:12:24 <mitzie> I will try to fix it, I know what's causing it 19:12:25 <croberts> I have been very active in posting the minutes for each meeting so everyone can view them there. Also I am going to start posting the "This week in Fedora" as well. Some of you probally have seen the awesome email I have been putting together the last few weeks for that 19:13:05 <mitzie> +1 Croberts! 19:13:44 <croberts> Anyone have anything to say about the magazine before we move on to the next topic 19:14:59 <croberts> ok next topic 19:15:32 <croberts> since we are keeping the meeting short we are just going to open floor 19:15:39 <croberts> #topic openfloor 19:16:07 <jreznik_> just reminder - readiness meeting is this week - on Thursday 19:16:16 <croberts> I will be there :) 19:16:40 <mitzie> For beta? Great! 19:16:46 <jreznik_> yep, for Beta 19:17:06 <jreznik_> but it does not look like we will be able to say go this week, but readiness is still scheduled 19:17:31 <croberts> Yes I will make a great post on the magazine for this and sticky it to the front so other people who are not in marketing can attend. Will you let me know if the date is changed? 19:17:50 <croberts> I am working on trying to finish up my release marketing tasks 19:18:00 <croberts> 10 years of Fedora and the Firefox bookmarks 19:18:27 <croberts> I know jzb was working on a few things, but he is out of the country atm 19:19:42 <croberts> jreznik_: do you have the link to the release tasks 19:19:46 <jreznik_> I'm not going to move it :) but in case of emergency, I'll ping everyone involved :) 19:19:53 <croberts> i had to reinstall fedora and lost a few of my bookmarks 19:19:57 <jreznik_> croberts: http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-20/ 19:19:59 <croberts> ok sounds good :) 19:20:31 <croberts> I should get both of those tasks done today especially the bookmark task 19:20:52 <croberts> me and jzb have started to use the Marketing Trac to keep tabs on the tasks at hand 19:21:05 <croberts> anyone is free to comment or help with them :) 19:21:31 <croberts> me and jzb went through and closed a lot of the old outdated marketing tickets so it should only be current info in there 19:21:31 * mitzie will take a look ;) 19:22:20 <croberts> I would bring up flyers but jzb and suehle are not here. 19:22:31 <croberts> does anyone have any other info about flyers they would like to share? 19:23:17 <croberts> I am hoping to start working on some flyers come Dec, I think suehle said nov/dec is when we will start needing more flyers 19:24:27 <croberts> anyone have anything else to add? 19:25:21 <croberts> Will close in 1 19:25:53 <nirik> oh, I have a thing to bring up... 19:25:59 <croberts> hi nirik 19:26:03 <croberts> sure :) 19:26:04 <nirik> back to magazine... :) 19:26:11 <croberts> ok :) 19:26:14 <mitzie> Hey nirik! 19:26:16 <croberts> #topic Fedora magazine 19:26:34 <nirik> I see you're posting meeting minutes, but is that much value add? I mean people can subscribe to the meetingminutes mailing list? 19:26:54 <nirik> I like the idea of a weekly wrap up tho, or some kind of summary of what happened or something value add. ;) 19:27:10 * roshi is finally here 19:27:11 <croberts> +1 nirik 19:27:17 <roshi> I concur with Nirik 19:27:20 <croberts> I do like that idea actually better 19:27:33 <croberts> it would make posting everything easier too since there are lot of meetings 19:27:37 <nirik> but of course it's more work 19:27:39 <croberts> just have 1 post which highlights the week 19:27:47 <roshi> everything is always more work nirik 19:27:48 <roshi> :0 19:27:52 <nirik> yeah, so very true 19:27:52 <roshi> ;) 19:27:55 <croberts> hi roshi 19:27:58 * croberts waves 19:28:04 * roshi waves back 19:28:19 <nirik> anyhow, just thought I would bring it up... I think the magazine should strive to add value, not just repeat stuff 19:28:52 <nirik> thats all I had, just a side note. ;) 19:28:52 <croberts> I would perfer a weekly wrapup kinda of like this week in fedora 19:29:40 <croberts> I will bring it up to the mailing list and get the rest of the community's oppinion but i +1 this idea 19:29:52 <croberts> opinion* 19:30:07 <croberts> #topic openfloor 19:30:26 * robyduck has to add something too 19:30:29 <croberts> roshi since you just joined did you have anything to bring up from the QA side of things 19:30:34 <croberts> hi robyduck 19:30:38 <robyduck> hi croberts 19:30:43 <roshi> not atm 19:30:50 <croberts> feel free to chime in robyduck :) 19:30:58 <roshi> I'm drafting a blog post for this weeks test days 19:30:59 <mitzie> Hey guys! Sorry I was away a bit 19:31:10 <roshi> gfx test week - so I can put that on the magazine if you like 19:31:13 <robyduck> we have an open ticket for the websites for long time now, and we really need to update the using and features pages 19:31:19 <croberts> roshi: yes please :0 19:31:21 <croberts> :) 19:31:23 <roshi> ok 19:31:32 <robyduck> just yesterday I had to drop another feature because it links into nothing 19:31:44 <croberts> robyduck: can you link the ticket 19:32:04 <robyduck> so, if anyone has time to put something together (mizmo did it in the past) would be fine 19:32:11 <roshi> I was also thinking maybe this group could select poignant posts from planet.fedora and put them on the magazine 19:32:12 <robyduck> .webticket 164 19:32:13 <roshi> or something 19:32:13 <zodbot> robyduck: #164 (http://fedoraproject.org/using/ "Too old usage") – fedora-websites - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites/ticket/164 19:32:45 <robyduck> croberts: I can also open another ticket on mktg track, but there would be too much tickets 19:33:15 <croberts> +1 roshi I like this idea as well some of the planet posts do have some value which would be nice to have on the magazine 19:33:29 <croberts> robyduck: i will take a look at it 19:33:33 * croberts goes and looks real quick 19:33:57 <robyduck> nice, ping me if you want, will help you if needed 19:34:31 <croberts> will do robyduck: I will 19:34:38 <robyduck> great :) 19:35:02 <robyduck> thank you, sorry for interrupting you 19:35:12 <croberts> #action chrisroberts to work with robyduck on webticket 164 19:36:00 <croberts> #action chrisroberts to send email to marketing mailing list about having a weekly recap instead of posting meeting minutes 19:36:15 <croberts> Anyone have anything else to add :) 19:36:58 <croberts> ok closing in 1 19:37:16 <croberts> roshi: did you want to pick a few posts 19:37:19 <croberts> from planet 19:37:37 <roshi> I could look through and nominate some - send it to the list 19:37:46 <croberts> +1 19:37:56 <croberts> #action roshi to pick a few posts and send to marketing list 19:38:06 <roshi> also - if this becomes a thing, there could be badges created out of this 19:38:17 <roshi> might be a little bit of an incentive 19:38:24 <croberts> +1 I like that idea 19:38:30 <mitzie> Great! We couls add a new category roshi in the mag and put it on the main menu 19:38:34 <roshi> but that would take more thought than what I just put into it :p 19:38:38 <croberts> suehle submitted 2 badges for contributors to the magazine site 19:38:51 <roshi> cool 19:38:55 <croberts> yep :) 19:39:16 <croberts> ok everything thanks for coming 19:39:18 <croberts> #endmeeting