20:00:51 <suehle> #startmeeting 20:00:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 4 20:00:51 2013 UTC. The chair is suehle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:55 <suehle> #meetingname Fedora marketing 20:00:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing' 20:00:59 <suehle> #topic roll call 20:01:15 * croberts waves 20:01:45 <croberts> .ping roshi 20:01:45 <zodbot> pong 20:02:07 <suehle> And I see john_terrill 20:02:19 <john_terrill> I'm here - sorry! 20:02:26 <suehle> it's ok :) 20:02:36 <croberts> roshi must have stepped away 20:02:39 <suehle> #topic Happy birthday, Fedora! 20:02:53 <suehle> john_terrill has helped us get an awesome video for the anniversary. Expected to go up Wednesday? 20:03:18 <john_terrill> Correct - we'll have a YouTube link and an embedded video, along with a blog post 20:03:29 <croberts> Awesome :) will it be posted to the Facebook page as well? 20:03:37 <suehle> When that happens, I'll post it on Fedora Magazine and all the social media. 20:03:40 <suehle> so yes :) 20:03:44 <croberts> very nice 20:04:07 <suehle> #topic Fedora 20 20:04:23 <suehle> I think we're on track here, but I just thought I'd open the topic in case anyone has items... 20:04:28 <suehle> I think it'll be a short meeting. 20:04:45 <croberts> I created a trac ticket for the screenshots it looks like ankur has made some as well 20:04:45 <john_terrill> Are we still looking at next Tuesday for beta availability? 20:04:54 <croberts> I will be uploading mine this week to the wiki 20:05:45 <suehle> john_terrill, atm yes http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/20/Schedule 20:06:07 <john_terrill> great 20:07:08 <suehle> #topic open floor 20:07:46 <croberts> I dont have anything, I am still working with roshi on screenshots 20:08:29 <suehle> Super short meeting woo! 20:08:30 <suehle> :) 20:08:34 <croberts> :) 20:08:40 <suehle> Anything else for today? Going, going... 20:08:44 <john_terrill> I'm good! 20:08:51 <suehle> #endmeeting