20:01:09 <suehle> #startmeeting 20:01:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 11 20:01:09 2013 UTC. The chair is suehle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:01:15 <suehle> #meetingname Fedora marketing 20:01:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing' 20:01:21 <suehle> #topic roll call 20:01:27 * roshi is here 20:02:11 <croberts> croberts is here 20:02:24 <suehle> I don't have any real agenda today, and it's obviously a small group, so let's just leave it to open floor for a bit. 20:02:29 <suehle> #topic open floor 20:03:31 <croberts> I am going to get my screen shots submitted by tomorrow I had some personal things come up 20:03:38 <suehle> cool 20:03:42 <nirik> I have a quick item... ;) 20:05:23 <croberts> ok :) 20:05:35 <suehle> nirik, what's that? 20:06:04 <nirik> is anyone policing the comments on the fedora magazine site? I see some spam appearing... might be good to nip that in the bud? 20:06:50 <Mitzie> Sorry for the delay guys 20:06:52 <croberts> hmm askimet is supposed to be blocking them 20:06:55 <Mitzie> .fas mitzie 20:06:55 <suehle> no, I think we just set up Akismet not long ago, but stuff slips by, or it could be old stuff 20:06:55 <zodbot> Mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <zacharias.mitzelos@gmail.com> 20:07:24 <nirik> I subscribed to the comments rss and saw a few 'questionable' ones go by 20:07:33 <suehle> We'll take a look 20:07:45 <croberts> when in making posts i should check comments, i was so used to askimet catching them that i just have not looked in a while 20:08:01 <suehle> Yeah, it's usually really good at it. Sometimes overly good. 20:08:06 <nirik> yeah, might subscribe to the feed just to watch it 20:09:12 <nirik> just wanted to bring it up 20:09:18 <nirik> thats all I had. ;) 20:09:19 <Mitzie> Yeah I have noticed it as well that a kismet has a problem, and I have been deleting some spam comments myself 20:09:54 <croberts> thank you nirik :) 20:10:16 <croberts> I would have never known i think the last time i checked the comments was back when i made the event post for ohio linux con 20:11:11 <Mitzie> I have something to say about the magazine as we'll 20:11:23 <croberts> Did you want us to make posts on who got badges this week? I 20:11:27 <Mitzie> We'll 20:11:37 <croberts> wanted to run that by you to see if that was something we can post about? 20:11:40 <Mitzie> Damn autocorrect 20:12:23 <Mitzie> so croberts discussed on the list about the meeting minutes we post on the magazine 20:13:15 <suehle> croberts, If you'd like to keep up with doing that weekly, sure 20:13:16 <Mitzie> And he suggested to make something like liaisons between the specific sub project and the magazine who will write a small summary of the meeting 20:13:22 <suehle> as long as the list doesn't get ridiculous 20:13:33 <suehle> Mitzie, that would be great 20:13:54 <Mitzie> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/magazine 20:14:07 * jreznik is around, just on the another call 20:14:11 <Mitzie> And we build the tables to the liaisons 20:14:56 <suehle> Go for it. 20:14:58 <croberts> I signed up for Infrastructure since I am part of that group as well 20:16:34 <croberts> Welcome back Mitzie 20:16:35 <Mitzie1> Sorry disconnected 20:16:48 <jreznik> btw. where we are with f20 beta release announcement? is it finished, do we have email formatted version already? 20:17:30 <suehle> jreznik, I believe it is finished but not email formatted? jzb was working on it. I'll ping him. 20:17:52 <suehle> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F20_Beta_release_announcement 20:18:16 <jreznik> looks ready, so we need that email version, thanks 20:18:25 <suehle> k 20:18:29 <suehle> jreznik, send it to you? 20:18:51 <suehle> (Do I ask this every 6 months? Yes, yes I do.) 20:19:03 <jreznik> suehle: releng :) 20:19:31 <jreznik> but if you cc fedora-logistic, it would be nice so it won't be lost anywhere in case it would be needed 20:19:34 <Mitzie1> About the beta, I also set-up the countdown in the magazine, and when it finishes, we replace it with the beta banner to point in the download link 20:19:35 <nirik> as far as I know dgilmore will be sending this time. 20:19:36 <suehle> can do 20:19:42 <nirik> you can cc me tho in case 20:19:42 <jreznik> nirik: yep, dgilmore 20:20:00 <jreznik> final is robyn 20:23:14 * dgilmore is here and will be sending 20:23:31 <jreznik> thanks dgilmore 20:23:51 <jreznik> we need it first from jzb 20:24:19 <suehle> jzb says he'll do the email version this afternoon 20:24:31 <jreznik> suehle: great 20:24:32 <dgilmore> coolio 20:25:48 <suehle> Anything else today? 20:27:22 <suehle> #endmeeting