02:05:03 <masta> #startmeeting FAmNA 02:05:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 13 02:05:03 2013 UTC. The chair is masta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:05:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 02:05:03 <masta> #meetingname FAmNA 02:05:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 02:05:03 <masta> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 02:05:12 <masta> hello all 02:05:18 <masta> sorry for the late start 02:05:53 <wrnash1> hi 02:06:13 <inode0> hey 02:07:28 <masta> howdy folks 02:07:42 <dgilmore> inode0: hola 02:07:51 <dgilmore> inode0: i was telling masta about bbq 02:08:08 <inode0> now I'm thinking about my empty freezer again! 02:08:23 <inode0> that was the best year 02:08:39 <dgilmore> :) i need to cook some soon 02:09:37 <masta> #chair inode0 wrnash1 dgilmore 02:09:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore inode0 masta wrnash1 02:09:42 <masta> #topic === Announcements === 02:10:52 <masta> any announcements? 02:11:08 <masta> cool, moving on... 02:11:36 <masta> There is just one ticket, LISA 02:11:40 <masta> which is over 02:12:07 <masta> not worth much discussion, just waiting on the report 02:12:22 <inode0> I don't know what exactly was sent there but if the event box was we should close the ticket once we get it back 02:12:34 <masta> #info LISA happened - waiting for event report 02:12:36 <inode0> Since only RHT people went there probably won't be a report 02:13:01 <masta> inode0: that is a good point, but perhaps we can ask nicely 02:14:05 <masta> #action - masta to ask nicely for LISA report 02:14:47 <masta> ok, so moving on... 02:15:14 <masta> .famnaticket 68 02:15:15 <zodbot> masta: #68 (FAmNA Meeting Organization) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/68 02:15:42 <masta> #topic #68 (FAmNA Meeting Organization) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/68 02:15:54 <masta> inode0: you have the floor 02:16:32 <inode0> Ticket should say it all - I'd like to try something different to get out of our rut 02:17:02 <inode0> We keep talking about swag but not arranging it so let's just do it at a meeting 02:17:27 <inode0> We could do one or two things a month for the rest of the year 02:18:14 <masta> I agree 100% 02:18:35 <masta> the meetings are not very effective anymore, and the attendance is probably just an effect 02:19:52 <inode0> We could do something easy next week, like buttons 02:19:57 <masta> so we can make the meeting be less frequent, or perhaps trigger a meeting if there are meeting tickets that require a vote or whatever... 02:20:15 <masta> yea... so that is cool, we can switch to talking about swag 02:20:54 <masta> #idea - next meeting to be about swag, particularly buttons. 02:20:58 <masta> +1 02:21:17 <inode0> Can be anything but will include actually ordering buttons 02:21:55 <inode0> It is easy because we can re-use our old vendor and artwork for those 02:22:15 <masta> sounds good 02:22:26 <inode0> Some research before the meeting finding those two items would be good 02:22:29 <masta> I'd like to be shown the process to purchase stuff 02:22:54 <inode0> I used to go through it privately with people who helped out, let's just do it in public 02:23:54 <inode0> Can we make a short list of the most desired stuff so we can start working through it? 02:24:02 <masta> yes 02:24:17 <masta> you mean desired swag, right? 02:24:21 <inode0> Some things like pens/stickers are things StabbyMc will re-order on the side as needed. 02:25:00 <inode0> Others like case badges we need to decide if we want the pain of POs in exchange for larger orders 02:25:17 <inode0> Same would go for t-shirts now I guess 02:26:04 <inode0> Still no one has told me anything about a limit I am expected to follow so I'm not really sure it applies to me but for now I'd like to keep mine under $1k just in case. 02:26:04 <masta> yea... those weird RH rules on POs is unfortunate. 02:26:36 <masta> inode0: under 1k is probably good idea 02:26:46 <masta> 999.99 02:27:34 <inode0> So another item will be push the PO process forward with our t-shirt and case badge vendors 02:27:54 <inode0> Those are the most common $1k+ items we purchase without POs currently 02:28:13 <masta> ok so I suggest we urge Ruth to join next week if we decided to chat about the POs and the process to add a vendor 02:28:34 <inode0> I think she just needs to do it but sure 02:28:51 <masta> we can gently nudge 02:28:55 <inode0> we'll need to let her know who to do it for though 02:29:39 <masta> indeed 02:29:57 <inode0> we should have that on the wiki somewhere now 02:30:00 <masta> ok, so this sounds like next week meeting will be fun 02:30:11 <masta> is there any action items we need to work on in the mean time? 02:30:30 <masta> (to get ready) 02:30:45 <inode0> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Swag_vendors 02:31:00 <inode0> Pure Buttons is our button vendor 02:31:03 <masta> would be kind of nice to know where our budget stands in respect to what we have left to order things with 02:31:14 <inode0> LUSTRE-CAL is our case badge vendor 02:31:29 <inode0> we have gobs'o'funds 02:32:22 * inode0 thinks Screen Printed Products is our t-shirt vendor but would like to check a receipt for that to make sure 02:33:11 <inode0> I do have some small items planned but delayed from staples too 02:33:29 <inode0> delayed by my not getting to them for months it seems 02:34:39 * masta remembers some thing about hats & visors 02:34:59 <inode0> yeah, visors/coffee cups/something else 02:35:05 <inode0> stress balls 02:35:30 <masta> cool 02:35:49 <masta> welp... sounds like a plan 02:35:49 <inode0> I started but got bogged down on artwork - will try to get back to that 02:36:17 <inode0> one of those I don't have artwork in an acceptable format for them 02:36:40 <masta> sounds like an easy fix 02:36:48 <inode0> not for me unfortunately 02:37:39 <inode0> mizmo is always willing to help me - I dropped the ball 02:37:49 <inode0> and I really need stress balls 02:40:23 <masta> if you want I can help 02:40:37 <masta> (not with stress - image formats) 02:40:50 <dgilmore> inode0: we need fedora stress balls 02:40:58 <inode0> dgilmore: I know I do 02:41:00 <dgilmore> inode0: i cold do with 20 of them right now 02:41:04 <dgilmore> could 02:41:18 <dgilmore> inode0: just to throw at someone 02:41:32 <masta> lol 02:41:33 <inode0> masta: ok, we can talk, I can show you the stuff 02:41:56 <inode0> artwork in hand it is all ery easy 02:42:33 <inode0> I would put this vendor on the bad list but that might be objected to 02:42:52 <inode0> my one experience with them so far was not good 02:43:15 <masta> hrm... welp plenty of fish in the sea 02:43:30 <inode0> this is RHTs vendor now :) 02:43:32 <masta> I'm sure others would be happy to accept our payment instead 02:44:00 <masta> oh! gotcha... well not sure that means anyting... Fedora should be free to choose 02:44:20 <masta> but yea... probably easy to just fall in line 02:44:27 <inode0> oh, we are, but they are easy so I am hoping my first experience was the exception 02:45:06 <inode0> but for the record here is what happened 02:45:16 <inode0> they took my order and gave me a delivery date 02:45:38 <inode0> a few days later they sent me mail saying they couldn't deliver what I ordered on time 02:45:47 <inode0> but if I paid more they could 02:46:06 <dgilmore> inode0: :( thats lam 02:46:07 <dgilmore> e 02:46:30 <inode0> they claimed to be out of stock but could order more stock fast from someone else 02:46:59 <masta> geez! that is border line unethical... kinda... 02:47:17 <inode0> they also gave me the option of changing colors to deliver on time without extra cost 02:47:28 <inode0> but I did not want purple pencils 02:47:56 <masta> yeah, understandable... 02:48:39 <inode0> anyway, it was a bit of a rush order - and they may well have just been doing their best to accommodate 02:49:04 <inode0> we'll find out 02:50:58 <masta> alrighty... welp I'm going to move to open floor now 02:51:17 <masta> #topic === Open floor === 02:52:25 <masta> so here we are 02:52:33 <masta> Open Floor! 02:52:40 <jsandys> How about a badge for 'booth sitter'? 02:52:52 <masta> jsandys: great idea! 02:53:00 <masta> booth worker 02:53:31 <wrnash1> number of years as a Fedora Ambassador badge 02:53:59 <masta> or number of events managed 02:54:16 <masta> chair a meeting 02:54:30 <wrnash1> you can earn your 5 event badge. 02:54:30 <inode0> meeting already have them don't they? 02:54:49 <masta> inode0: probably 02:55:39 <inode0> https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/secretary-general 02:56:13 <inode0> https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/speak-up! 02:56:19 <jsandys> thanks 02:56:46 <masta> jsandys: I think the booth worker/sitter badge is a great idea 02:57:06 <masta> jsandys: are you going to request that badge be created? 02:57:15 <jsandys> I'll submit it 02:57:20 <masta> perfect! 02:57:59 <masta> we should think of more 02:58:15 <masta> feel free to mention more at other meetings (next week or beyond) 02:58:18 <inode0> deleting wiki pages! 02:58:39 <masta> haha 02:59:09 <masta> ok folks, this meeting is almost over 02:59:25 <masta> thanks so much for attending! 02:59:35 <masta> #endmeeting