15:00:30 <pknirsch> #startmeeting Fedora Base Design Working Group (2013-11-22) 15:00:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Nov 22 15:00:30 2013 UTC. The chair is pknirsch. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:42 <pknirsch> #meetingname Fedora Base Design Working Group 15:00:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_base_design_working_group' 15:00:55 <pknirsch> hello and welcome everyone to our weekly meeting! 15:01:04 <jwb> hi 15:01:05 <pknirsch> who do we have today? 15:01:11 <pknirsch> #chair jwb 15:01:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwb pknirsch 15:01:16 <pknirsch> heya jwb :) 15:01:19 <jreznik> hi guys! 15:01:20 * notting is here 15:01:31 <pknirsch> #chair jreznik notting sghosh_ 15:01:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: jreznik jwb notting pknirsch sghosh_ 15:02:24 <pknirsch> haraldh, dgilmore, masta ? 15:02:49 <pknirsch> dwalsh: ? 15:02:58 <dgilmore> pknirsch: im here 15:03:01 <pknirsch> okidokie 15:03:08 <pknirsch> #chair dgilmore 15:03:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore jreznik jwb notting pknirsch sghosh_ 15:03:24 <pknirsch> we got 6, so lets get started 15:04:21 <pknirsch> i've sent out the meeting agenda yesterday with just a few topics today as i wanted to give us a bit more time to talk about what Base is and it's relation to other products 15:04:49 <pknirsch> and as sghosh mentioned last week, talking about the specifics more first will be key to defining the release cycle and lifetime 15:04:53 <pknirsch> not the other way round :) 15:04:59 <pknirsch> but first topic: 15:05:04 <pknirsch> #topic - FESCO release cycle decision (common release cylce for all products, need justification and resources to deviate): https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1202#comment:12 15:05:05 * masta looks in 15:05:08 <masta> hello 15:05:11 <pknirsch> #chair masta 15:05:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore jreznik jwb masta notting pknirsch sghosh_ 15:05:14 <pknirsch> hey masta :) 15:05:31 <masta> sry for being late 15:05:31 <dgilmore> pknirsch: i put my thoughts on it into the ticket 15:05:35 <pknirsch> I hope i summarized that relatively correctly, jwb ? 15:05:52 <pknirsch> dgilmore: ok, let me check 15:06:05 <dgilmore> pknirsch: im all for changing the supported length, but products really can not have different releases and support cycles 15:06:24 <jwb> pknirsch, i think so. 15:07:01 * jreznik likes fesco agreement - it let open possibility for the future but based on realistic expectations 15:07:01 <notting> dgilmore: hm. i could see if we commit to support cycle X, a product could chose < X. 15:08:27 <notting> dgilmore: but that still causes update push issues, and implies separate repos (if not exactly streams) 15:08:27 <sgallagh> Product release cycle could also be N * Base Release Cycle. 15:09:07 <dgilmore> notting: right 15:09:08 <sgallagh> I.e. Server might only want to release on ever fourth Base release. 15:09:09 * pknirsch finished reading 15:09:09 <dwalsh> Can N be a fraction? 15:09:15 <dgilmore> notting: its doable but messy and confusing 15:09:17 <jreznik> sgallagh: and if you want shorter, you can release several times with same base platform as we talked last time 15:09:18 <sgallagh> dwalsh: Let's assume integers :) 15:09:26 <sgallagh> jreznik: True enough 15:09:31 <jreznik> dwalsh: last time we said yes 15:09:55 <jreznik> (if I understand what you mean aka 3 month cloud so N=1/2) 15:10:03 <notting> my base (argh) assumption is that we're likely to end up with separate *repos* for the different products, even if they may be sharing separate builds. but i'm willing to see other proposals 15:10:19 <notting> (oof, that's 'sharing the same builds') 15:10:46 <jwb> so Base repo, Server repo, Workstation repo, etc? 15:10:56 <dgilmore> notting: there will be differet repos for each product, with different installer images 15:11:07 <notting> jwb: not convinced base needs a end-user repo 15:11:07 <pknirsch> that brings us back to dgilmores point though, how DO we envision the builds/products to look like in relation to one another? 15:11:08 <sghosh> notting - perhaps a virtual repo, but the package content is one 15:11:12 <sgallagh> Suggestions came up in other forums that base might want to consider a release cycle triggered around the Linux kernel release cycle. 15:11:17 <pknirsch> mhm 15:11:34 <jwb> notting, i'm concerned how we'd do any form of testing on Base without a repo 15:11:39 <sgallagh> jwb: I need to write up a full response on your email about that, but I haven't had a chance yet. 15:11:47 <jreznik> sgallagh: but you should be able to override the content with your custom packages that diverges from base 15:11:48 <sghosh> agree base does not need its own enduser repo 15:11:54 <Viking-Ice> 3 core release per year is what's doable since the kernel is on a 3month-is release cycle and we in QA + other teams ( marketing docs etc ) would have an month to prepare each release 15:11:55 <jwb> sgallagh, about what? (which email) 15:11:58 <pknirsch> jwb: couldn;t we provide a repo for base, too? 15:12:00 <sgallagh> jreznik: I'm not sure about that 15:12:15 <dgilmore> Viking-Ice: that would be 4 a year 15:12:16 <jwb> pknirsch, that's what i just said and notting said not sure it needs one 15:12:16 <sgallagh> jreznik: If we're overriding Base, then I think we have poorly-identified what "Base" means 15:12:23 <pknirsch> oh 15:12:30 * pknirsch needs to read faster 15:12:33 <jreznik> sgallagh: I understood it as part of that rings plan 15:12:40 <dgilmore> Viking-Ice: which would require we double or tripple resources in releng and QA 15:12:44 <notting> jwb: what i mean is i doubt it needs one that's publicized, on the web site, listed as an instalable thing that someone would run. it may still be a repo somewhere 15:12:52 <sghosh> sgallagh: one case - the installer UI is customized for each product 15:12:53 <sgallagh> jreznik: I've never been fond of that particular part of the plan... 15:12:57 <Viking-Ice> dgilmore, no we utilize the resources better 15:13:18 <dgilmore> Viking-Ice: we do but we have to get there and we have to have constant development 15:13:21 <notting> jwb: but it does depend a lot on how we decide the products fit together 15:13:22 <jwb> notting, oh, sure. i don't care about that. i do care about having a repo that people can test with or even base a product on 15:13:23 <sgallagh> sghosh: It's arguable if the installer actually needs to be in Base, since I doubt very much that Fedora Cloud will use it... 15:13:26 <dgilmore> Viking-Ice: which means we need more resources 15:13:43 <jwb> for the record, i'm still not convinced basing a release on the kernel cycle is a great idea 15:13:46 <sgallagh> A good first question might be: is it necessary for Base to be independently installable? 15:13:51 <Viking-Ice> dgilmore, or free resources ( think Anaconda here in QA ) 15:14:09 <dgilmore> sgallagh: its an option 15:14:36 <Southern_Gentlem> ?? why can not base be the common stuff for all three 15:14:37 <Viking-Ice> jwb, expand explain why that would be a bad idea? 15:14:43 <jreznik> sgallagh: that's the problem - first we should agree on what actually we want - completely separate products, spins like products, rings as I think at least now, everyone thinks we are doing something different and someone should clearly state that (the same question was raised on the last fesco meetings - how much rings? how much products?) 15:14:48 <jwb> we've got like 3 parallel conversations going on right now 15:14:49 <sghosh> sgallagh: without Anaconda in Base - it will be bad. 15:14:51 <jwb> it's confusing 15:14:55 <dgilmore> sgallagh: if it was i would imagine its a pxe tree and boot.iso 15:15:08 <dgilmore> sgallagh: anaconda is in base 15:15:21 <dgilmore> sghosh: ^ 15:15:21 <Viking-Ice> anaconda and core need to be on same but seperated release cycle then the rest 15:16:03 <jwb> Viking-Ice, because it's actually closer to 2 months for the kernel, and everything else i'd think would be in base is using a 6mo cycle 15:16:04 <jreznik> it's hard to follow all wgs - do we have initial PRDs ready for all products so we can try to get the info from there first? 15:16:19 <jwb> so it seems basing it on the kernel release cycle just introduces a lot of unncessary churn 15:16:24 <Viking-Ice> core = something like comps minimal ( from my point of view ) 15:16:25 <jwb> i'd rather focus on glibc or something 15:16:48 <Viking-Ice> jwb, I'm thinking core here not base from my point of view base is something each WG decide for themselves 15:17:08 <jwb> i can't even follow what you just said because there's too many conversations happening 15:17:26 <jwb> and people are bringing in ideas discussed elsewhere that i haven't been able to follow so i have no context 15:17:38 <jwb> let me know when we get organized again 15:17:42 <pknirsch> so lets focus on one topic at a time 15:18:04 <pknirsch> First up: Should anaconda be in base, yes or no? 15:18:04 <jreznik> yes please 15:18:22 <jreznik> (yes for focus on one topic) 15:18:31 <jwb> pknirsch, for some version of anaconda, probably. like the common backend 15:18:38 <jwb> but i can be convinced it doesn't need to be 15:18:45 <pknirsch> mhm 15:18:46 <masta> I thought anaconda installer is to be considered a spin? why should it be in Base? 15:19:29 <dgilmore> pknirsch: anaconda needs to be in base 15:19:35 <pknirsch> thats the question here, masta. there are pros and cons for having anaconda in Base, so lets get them all together 15:19:39 <jwb> i'm not concerned as much about anaconda the program itself. i am concerned about all the things that program uses 15:19:48 <notting> pknirsch: i think that base should likely at least extend to cover both the installer backend and the image compose tools 15:19:56 <jwb> notting, agreed 15:19:57 <sghosh> need anaconda core logic in base. Need to work with anaconda folks to split up UI to allow other to customize UI 15:19:57 <dgilmore> the definition of what the base was was settled two weeks ago 15:20:24 <dgilmore> minimal install, anaconda and deps, and compose tolling, along with things the majority of Working groups wanted 15:20:24 <notting> or image/distro compose tools, if you prefer 15:20:26 <sghosh> dgilmore: was that written down? 15:20:30 <dgilmore> i could drop off teh last bit 15:20:39 <dgilmore> sghosh: it was, in the first meeting 15:20:53 <jreznik> dgilmore: +1 for that minimal install, anaconda and deps 15:21:20 <pknirsch> ok, lets make a proposal from all that, i like the points notting and sghosh bought up, too 15:21:23 <dgilmore> all products have to have an install tree 15:21:26 <pknirsch> so how about: 15:22:07 <jreznik> at least as current anaconda works, it should be part of base as it's pretty tied to base too... but maybe standalone installer that would not depend so much on base would be preferable, flexible enough to install anything served to it 15:22:35 <pknirsch> Base needs to cover installer backend and image compose tools + the already defined minimal install and deps along with the components the majority of the other products need 15:22:46 <jwb> jreznik, i think anaconda tried that in the past and it didn't work out very well because it leads to duplication of the very things it's trying to depend on 15:23:25 <notting> pknirsch: that seems like a good start. what about build chain? 15:23:36 <dwalsh> pknirsch, Sounds good to me. 15:23:37 <jwb> i'd really like to include the toolchain 15:23:37 <notting> i.e., do we want to be standardizing on gcc version? 15:23:48 <pknirsch> notting: you mean self hosting? 15:24:19 <pknirsch> i think it would be very hard if we didn't include them 15:24:20 <notting> pknirsch: i'm not sure about self-hosting -self-hosting explodes the dependency tree 15:24:35 <notting> but... i'm also not sure how we get away with not having the base be self-hosting 15:24:42 <pknirsch> so votes on my proposal? 15:24:49 <pknirsch> aye 15:24:55 <jwb> pknirsch, your proposal doesn't include toolchain 15:25:02 <pknirsch> good point 15:25:21 <pknirsch> toolchain for now would be binutils, gcc and maybe python? 15:25:27 <jwb> from this point of view, i kind of see Base as the minimal SDK you need to develop other things/products. you can't really do that without a toolchain 15:25:33 <pknirsch> with python hopefully going away with dnf in C at some later point 15:25:40 <pknirsch> aye 15:25:41 <sghosh> I would rather start without the the following: components the majority of the other products need 15:25:45 <jreznik> could we have base + "base plus" with toolchain and stuff like that makes together base self hosting? 15:25:51 <jwb> pknirsch, if we're including the anaconda backend, python is already there 15:25:54 <sgallagh> pknirsch: I have a separate proposal I'd like to make about Python, but that's off-topic for this question 15:25:57 <jwb> and it isnt' going away 15:26:11 <pknirsch> true 15:26:12 <notting> jwb: hm. i could see a handwavy future where base is self-hosting, but the things used to build base aren't necessarily provided to the other products 15:26:24 <dgilmore> jwb: well glibc gcc and python fall into base 15:26:27 <notting> jwb: that obviously gets complex 15:26:32 <jwb> notting, er... what? 15:26:37 <dgilmore> jwb: as they are needed in a minimla install 15:26:53 <pknirsch> sghosh: reason being to keep base as small as possible? 15:26:54 <jwb> notting, let's keep it simple... 15:27:21 <sghosh> pknirsch: yes, and avoid dumping ;) 15:27:25 <pknirsch> which would give other producs more freedom in what they choose to do 15:27:28 <pknirsch> aye 15:27:46 <masta> my fear is the kitchen sink approach here is too bulky. 15:27:48 <pknirsch> ok, new proposa;l then: 15:28:00 <masta> but at least the idea preserves the minimal install 15:28:11 <pknirsch> Base needs to cover installer backend and image compose tools + the already defined minimal install and deps and toolchain in form of binutils, gcc and python 15:28:15 <jwb> masta, it's not bulky. we talking about the things we care about in Base, not what gets installed 15:28:36 <sghosh> pknirsch: agree 15:28:36 * notting deletes and just says 'what jwb said' 15:29:03 <jwb> pknirsch, sure +1 15:29:16 <pknirsch> #Proposal Base needs to cover installer backend and image compose tools + the already defined minimal install and deps and toolchain in form of binutils, gcc and python 15:29:19 <notting> pknirsch: is 'needs to' implying 'not limited to'? 15:29:50 <dgilmore> pknirsch: indeed, which we already had in the proposal from 2 weeks ago 15:29:55 <dwalsh> dgilmore, glibc gcc and python (Eventually) should not be required for minimal install. 15:30:16 <dgilmore> pknirsch: though we didnt explictly call out "toolchain in form of binutils, gcc and python" 15:30:24 <notting> dwalsh: i think what jwb and i are saying is the 'Base' design should cover more than just 'the minimal install' 15:30:31 <jwb> correct 15:30:33 <dwalsh> notting, I agree 15:30:39 <sghosh> dwalsh: minimal install is different that whats included in the scope of base 15:30:39 <pknirsch> right 15:30:40 <dwalsh> dgilmore, Asked above. 15:30:41 <jwb> though i don't see how you get away without having glibc in the minimal install 15:30:44 <dgilmore> dwalsh: thats irrelevant to what we want to be covered in the base product 15:31:00 <sgallagh> Are we differentiating base install vs. "offered by base"? 15:31:03 <dgilmore> dwalsh: whats in the product and whats in an install are two different things 15:31:16 <jwb> sgallagh, we've not even decided if there's a "Base install" 15:31:31 <jwb> sgallagh, so yes, we're talking about "Things we care about in Base" 15:31:35 <jwb> completely separate from install 15:31:44 <dgilmore> jwb: indeed 15:31:52 * pknirsch nods 15:31:56 <sgallagh> Well, my thought is that we probably want to have a runtime environment (glibc/libstdc++, etc), but that the compiler and toolchain should be part of Stacks/Envs 15:32:08 <jwb> i disagree 15:32:12 <dgilmore> sgallagh: base compiler no 15:32:21 <dgilmore> sgallagh: but add on ones yes 15:32:29 <pknirsch> env/stacks can provide different versions of the toolchain 15:32:32 <jwb> alternative compilers and toolchains can be 15:32:36 <dgilmore> compat-gcc-34 belongs in stacks/env 15:32:37 <sgallagh> dgilmore: Well, I was more thinking that Base could just define which Stack was the one it used. 15:32:44 <dgilmore> sgallagh: no 15:32:45 <sgallagh> Rather than necessarily offering it directly 15:32:45 <pknirsch> but i'd much prefer base to provide it 15:32:48 <dgilmore> seriously no 15:32:52 <jwb> base is the root of the proverbial tree 15:33:15 <pknirsch> sgallagh: then every product would have to include env/stack product for development 15:33:24 <pknirsch> that sounds complicated 15:33:25 <sgallagh> env/stack isn't a producy... 15:33:28 <sgallagh> *product 15:33:37 <sgallagh> It's a toolbox. 15:34:10 <pknirsch> sure, but so is base :) 15:34:11 <jreznik> how are env/stacks defined in fedora now? 15:34:15 <jwb> they aren't 15:34:21 <jwb> WELCOME TO DEFINING THE FUTURE 15:34:26 <pknirsch> heh 15:34:47 <notting> hm. i could see pushing the SDK to env&stacks. creates a circular dep loop, of course 15:34:58 <pknirsch> aye 15:35:12 <pknirsch> base needs env which needs base which needs env which... 15:35:25 <sgallagh> notting: This would be the same approach taken by the other major operating systems, I would note. 15:35:52 <jwb> i really think we need to have a base defined toolchain here. alternatives can be handled by env/stacks 15:35:59 <notting> sgallagh: but i think in that case that what the system uses is not necessarily what the end user is provided 15:36:06 <sghosh> another way to look at it is base always contributes the build toolcahin as one env - remove the circular dep 15:36:44 <sgallagh> sghosh: Thanks; that's kind of what I was trying to say. 15:37:05 <pknirsch> so you mean that Base defines and provides the default toolchain as a Env/Stack toolbox? 15:37:23 <sghosh> yes 15:37:24 <jwb> i'm confused as to how that isn't "base defines the toolchain base uses" 15:37:42 <sghosh> jwb - it is 15:37:45 <pknirsch> ye, thats what i was trying to get to, jwb 15:37:54 <jwb> then why with just extra words on the end that don't actually change anything? 15:38:23 <jwb> it leaves the toolchain choice in the Base group, and alternativs can be done by env/stacks 15:38:29 * pknirsch nods 15:39:10 <dwalsh> When base updates its version of GCC requiring a rebuild, does that require products to rebuild to use the base? 15:39:46 <sghosh> dwalsh not if don't want to, 15:39:57 <dgilmore> sghosh: disagree 15:40:03 <dgilmore> dwalsh: i think so 15:40:24 <pknirsch> that depends on the change that the new version of GCC comes with 15:40:26 <notting> dwalsh: well that's the whole 'coordinated release or not' question 15:40:32 <pknirsch> if it's incompatible, there is no way around it 15:40:54 <pknirsch> and changing the version of GCC for a released version of base is a nogo imho 15:41:13 <dwalsh> I am also thinking of security changes like the one being proposed in changes right now. 15:41:19 <pknirsch> and for a new version of base, i'd agree with dgilmore to require rebuilding 15:41:29 <jwb> dwalsh, i don't think that specific one would require products to rebase, no 15:41:48 <dgilmore> pknirsch: right we bump gcc and set flags in rawhide and rebuild the world there 15:41:52 <jwb> it's adding compile-time build error flags. not impacting the output of the binaries 15:42:04 <notting> for reference, a self-hosting tree of @core + anaconda + @anaconda-tools + gcc + binutils + python + kernel is 2240 source packages, from a test pungi run. 15:42:05 <dwalsh> Might not but it would make it harder to claim that "Fedora" has new security feature if only base was compiled that way. 15:42:14 <pknirsch> notting: O_O le fu? 15:42:34 <dgilmore> notting: thats about what i expected 15:42:36 <pknirsch> notting: so much for a self hosting small base then :/ 15:42:40 <pknirsch> ye 15:43:14 <dgilmore> systemd and other parts of the core have huge deps 15:44:03 <jreznik> that's bigger than I thought but not much bigger 15:44:06 <pknirsch> anaconda itself, too 15:44:36 <notting> including, but not limited to... kdelibs, gnome-bluetooth, texlive... 15:44:56 * pknirsch nods 15:45:11 <jwb> anaconda depends on NM. NM depends on lots of stuff. plus there's weird stuff like kernel having a BR on asciidoc and ncurses for tools and documentation 15:46:17 <pknirsch> jup. can someone put this info together please and add it to the Wiki? so we can refer to it for other WGs as well 15:47:01 <pknirsch> if no volunteers i'll try to get to it next week 15:47:11 <jreznik> could be one part of WG job to triage deps for base? 15:47:20 <pknirsch> good idea 15:47:21 <jwb> triage? 15:47:34 <notting> jwb: 'figure out if things can be made simpler' 15:47:40 <jwb> oh, ok 15:48:04 <notting> i.e., "i'm sure buildrequiring inkscape is nice and all, but..." 15:48:24 <pknirsch> #action pknirsch to summarize in wiki info about self-hosting tree of @core + anaconda + @anaconda-tools + gcc + binutils + python + kernel is 2240 source packages, from a test pungi run. 15:48:54 <pknirsch> #info jreznik idea about WG job to triage deps for base? 15:49:19 <jwb> notting, i'd love to drop some of the kernel BRs, but to do that would mean splitting those packages out into separate SRPMs. that's a lot of duplicate source for relatively minor things, plus extra maintenance burden 15:49:26 <pknirsch> alright, that got us drifting off from the FESCO ticket to the definition again 15:49:31 <jwb> i'd think we'd run into a lot of those cases 15:49:43 <dwalsh> Does splitting apart anaconda help with this, or are all these dependencies in the back end? 15:49:49 <dgilmore> jwb: indeed 15:49:57 <dgilmore> dwalsh: I dont think so 15:50:14 <jreznik> also fesco touched soft deps... 15:50:21 <pknirsch> jwb, dwalsh: But i think it's still worth looking into it for someone of our team 15:50:32 <dgilmore> dwalsh: you could say enterprise storage support belongs in server but i dont think spliting that off gives us much 15:51:03 <pknirsch> true 15:51:17 <dwalsh> I would figure gnome-bluez and kde stuff belong in workstation. 15:51:37 <notting> dwalsh: as an example: gcc (build) -> dblatex (bin) -> texlive (bin), ImageMagick (bin) -> djvulibre (bin) -> inkscape (build) -> a-bunch-of-desktop-stuff (bin) 15:51:38 <dwalsh> What about sshd? Does that belong in base? 15:51:39 <pknirsch> I'll see if i can manage to get a dep tree of the set that notting created 15:51:42 <dgilmore> we would need to talk to anaconda devs 15:51:53 <dgilmore> the pain to split that support out may be huge 15:52:11 <Southern_Gentlem> anaconda has a long history of breakage over time so maybe a separate anaconda would help (anaconda can be constantly updated) 15:53:14 <pknirsch> #topic Continued discussion of Base Design 15:53:30 <pknirsch> #info previous 40 minutes :) 15:53:32 <haraldh> meh 15:53:48 <pknirsch> good morning haraldh ;) 15:53:51 <haraldh> :) 15:54:19 <pknirsch> there was one subtopic in the discussion i quickly wanted to get addressed: PRD for Base 15:54:25 <pknirsch> #topic PRD for Base? 15:54:40 <pknirsch> I would personally say not needed. We need a definition, but it's not a product per se 15:54:54 <pknirsch> and we've defined quite a lot of it already 15:55:35 <pknirsch> any comments? 15:55:51 <pknirsch> I'd especially like to hear sghosh and sgallagh on this 15:56:09 <notting> hm. our statement of purpose is "provide the common basis so the other products can exists" . that leads to either a really short meta-PRD, or a frighteningly exhaustive specific one 15:56:14 <jwb> i think it really depends on what "PRD" was intended to mean 15:56:16 <sghosh> agree - no PRD - but scope and definitions 15:56:44 <jwb> scope, definitions, maybe some goals. but we don't need e.g. user stories, or branding, etc 15:56:49 <pknirsch> aye 15:56:50 <sgallagh> sghosh: I was typing that exact phrase. 15:56:54 <pknirsch> heheh 15:56:55 <pknirsch> ok 15:57:05 <jwb> i think we can just point the the base wiki page and call it good. 15:57:20 <pknirsch> #Proposal Base doesn't need a classic PRD, but rather scope and definitions and goals 15:57:23 <sgallagh> Probably a definition of interdependencies on the other groups as well 15:57:40 <notting> in terms of 'user stories' - do we want to ask the other WGs what they want from us? 15:57:54 * sgallagh likes action-adventure stories. 15:57:58 <pknirsch> good point notting 15:58:12 <pknirsch> I'll reach out to other WGs about that 15:58:15 * pknirsch makes a note 15:58:25 <sgallagh> Yes, we in the Server group are trying to come up with a list of requirements we have on the base. 15:58:38 <pknirsch> #action pknirsch to reach out to other WGs to collect input of what they want from Base 15:58:55 <jwb> the Workstation group is more interested in the APIs the base is going to provide 15:59:06 * jreznik has to end now 15:59:15 <pknirsch> aye 15:59:30 <pknirsch> #topic Open Floor 15:59:41 <pknirsch> one last question for open floor that came to me just this morning: 16:00:02 <pknirsch> Next week is Thanksgiving in the US, so i expect a lot of the US folks will be away on Friday 16:00:28 <pknirsch> I'd still like to hold the meeting, but with lighter topics and info sharing mainly 16:00:45 <pknirsch> which would then be recorded in the meeting minutes 16:01:36 <pknirsch> Anything else for today? 16:01:55 <jwb> we didn't really decide anything on release cycle, right? 16:01:58 <dgilmore> pknirsch: reminder ill be in oz for the next 4 meetings, will attempt to particiate. meetings ar 1-2am friday night sat morning 16:02:00 * dwalsh will be decorating for Chrismas and drinking Pina Coladas. 16:02:08 <dgilmore> jwb: we decided nothing 16:02:31 <jwb> sounds like a typical meeting 16:02:36 <pknirsch> dgilmore: right. Shall i send you the meeting agenda separately or do you read the ones on fedora-devel? 16:02:49 <dgilmore> pknirsch: devel@ is fine 16:02:53 <pknirsch> dgilmore: alright 16:03:03 <dwalsh> I got to go. 16:03:56 <pknirsch> jwb: Let me kick of a release cycle discussion then on fedora-devel for Base. I think this 1h here is too short with as you mentioned too many tangents going on at the same time 16:05:51 <jwb> pknirsch, sure 16:06:09 <notting> that sounds good 16:06:59 <pknirsch> alright. if nothing else, lets close the meeting for today. Thanks everyone! and for the US folks if i don't see/hear you till then, happy thanksgiving! 16:07:41 <pknirsch> #endmeeting