14:00:02 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 25 14:00:02 2013 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:02 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:00:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:00:03 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:00:18 * jjmcd 14:00:32 <randomuser> good morning, jjmcd 14:00:47 <jjmcd> How is Pete this Monday morning? 14:01:15 <randomuser> optimistic, so far :) 14:01:19 * pbokoc 14:01:29 * yruseva here 14:01:48 <jjmcd> Fresh week, fresh opportunities. But I haven't had enough coffee to be firing on all cylinders yet 14:02:06 * randomuser polishes off his first cup 14:02:39 * pbokoc had about 6 already 14:02:51 <pbokoc> but then again it's 3 PM 14:03:43 <jjmcd> So unfair those Europeans get a head start 14:04:01 <jjmcd> (and generally better coffee, too) 14:04:14 <randomuser> indeed 14:05:24 <randomuser> #topic release notes 14:05:43 <randomuser> jjmcd, are your updates in tx? 14:05:59 <jjmcd> no, been a week of storms and traveling, haven't even looked at it 14:06:27 <randomuser> i can push POTs if you like 14:07:29 <jjmcd> I would appreciate that. It will take me some time as I have some re-learning to do 14:07:50 <randomuser> sure, no problem 14:08:26 <randomuser> I'll probably publish sometime soon as well 14:08:45 * randomuser meant to publish at beta, oops 14:09:17 * jjmcd did grab a beta repodata 14:09:54 <randomuser> ah, that too 14:10:56 <randomuser> moving on, then 14:11:00 <randomuser> #topic Guide Status 14:11:38 <randomuser> #info Pete wants to get some content pumped into the new MultiBoot guide and get it published 14:12:00 <randomuser> as always, the community has lots of questions such a guide could answer 14:13:07 <ciupicri> speaking of booting, it wouldn't hurt if Fedora would clarify how compliant it is with http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/BootLoaderSpec/ 14:13:42 <randomuser> ohhh, good reference, ciupicri ! 14:14:06 <randomuser> i'll make a note of that 14:15:59 <randomuser> this is probably something that should be elaborated on the list, but it might be a good idea to consider some sort of process for stating our intents for a guide in advance 14:16:07 <randomuser> bugs at least 14:16:32 <randomuser> so that people that want to help can have a list of things that need doing 14:16:49 <randomuser> #info Check bugzilla for docs work, and open bugs too 14:17:17 <ciupicri> what about this bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=998327 ? It's been a while and it still hasn't been fixed 14:17:54 <randomuser> ciupicri, can I come back to that under a different #topic? 14:17:57 <randomuser> (i 14:18:01 <randomuser> hrm 14:18:05 <randomuser> i'm sure it won't be long 14:18:29 <ciupicri> sorry, I thought that was on topic, but I'll wait 14:19:00 <randomuser> pbokoc, jhradilek - anything to say under the heading of "guides" ? 14:19:15 * zoglesby has something 14:19:48 * pbokoc doesn't, sorry 14:19:49 <zoglesby> If anyone can help with the ARM getting started guide it would be very helpful 14:19:53 <zoglesby> #link https://git.fedorahosted.org/git/docs/ARM-getting-started-guide.git 14:20:46 <randomuser> zoglesby, jdulaney is into ARM stuff, he might help 14:20:54 <zoglesby> I wanted to get it done by the release of F20, but I will not be able to get it done on my own. 14:21:24 <randomuser> or pwhalen even, iirc he's tasked to arm QA 14:22:06 <randomuser> #info zoglesby needs help with the ARM-GSG 14:22:18 <zoglesby> randomuser: noted, I will reach out to them 14:23:15 * jjmcd doesn't have the "primary" platforms (Panda, TrimSlice, etc.) but does have Beagle and multiple Pis 14:23:37 <pwhalen> zoglesby, I do most of the documentation on the wiki, would be glad to help 14:24:21 * randomuser cheers pwhalen 14:24:31 <zoglesby> pwhalen: thanks! 14:26:33 <randomuser> okay, that probably covers guides for now 14:26:57 <randomuser> #topic BZ tickets 14:27:10 <randomuser> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=998327 14:27:33 <randomuser> #info the script that redirects to a given locale is broken for romanian 14:27:56 <randomuser> ciupicri, sorry that we (we, meaning I) forgot about this :( 14:28:39 <ciupicri> it can happen to anyone 14:29:07 <ciupicri> there's also another tiny bug in the install guide 14:29:27 <pkovar> i suppose this issue will be fixed with the migration to a p3/p4-based platform 14:29:46 <pkovar> for our docs infrastructure 14:30:00 <randomuser> i was hoping that republishing the front page would do it 14:30:10 * randomuser shrugs 14:30:25 <pkovar> not sure 14:30:53 <pkovar> i guess one would need to manually remove the ro subdir from the db? 14:31:10 <pkovar> don't know much about the internals, just guessing 14:31:11 * randomuser shudders 14:31:36 <randomuser> sgordon is good at the internals, maybe he can be wrangled into assistance 14:31:50 * randomuser pings him 14:32:00 <pkovar> good idea 14:32:09 <randomuser> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:32:11 <sgordon> hai 14:32:17 <randomuser> hey there :) 14:32:19 <sgordon> on a call atm but randomuser called 14:32:22 <sgordon> ;) 14:32:48 <randomuser> sgordon, wizard that you are, do you think you can take a look at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=998327 sometime? 14:35:52 <randomuser> well, we don't need to corner him in a meeting about it 14:36:01 <ciupicri> also, could also someone apply this tiny patch ? 14:36:47 <randomuser> ciupicri, iirc, rpcbind should follow nfs in those actions 14:37:03 * randomuser vaguely recalls filing the bug that fixed that relationship 14:37:04 <ciupicri> right 14:37:14 <ciupicri> I fixed only the formatting :-D 14:37:16 <sgordon> randomuser, will look it when i get off these calls :) 14:37:19 <randomuser> ah, ok 14:37:31 <randomuser> thanks sgordon 14:37:55 <pbokoc> that looks like my guide 14:38:03 <randomuser> #info thanks ciupicri for the patch! 14:38:06 <pbokoc> ciupicri, I'll apply it in a sec 14:40:16 <randomuser> we can move on to open floor if there are no other concerning bugs 14:41:27 <randomuser> #topic open floor discussion 14:41:57 <randomuser> did everyone see we're planning a docs FAD? 14:43:06 <jjmcd> in JANUARY. Horrible time to travel 14:43:31 <randomuser> well, iirc the only time a date came up was when I said "no sooner than january" 14:44:09 <randomuser> if there's sometime you'd prefer, jjmcd, do speak up 14:44:15 <jjmcd> Well, here on the tundra travel is iffy until May anyway, but Jan/Feb usually the riskiest 14:44:29 * jjmcd can do it remotely, tho 14:44:48 <jjmcd> Would like to see a push on the ARG and a FAD might make me clear out a couple days 14:45:11 <zoglesby> I also will have to be remote in Jan/Feb 14:45:19 <randomuser> i'm also in a post-glacial wasteland, but have to travel every day anyway so doing so for not-work is meh 14:45:46 <randomuser> jjmcd, zoglesby - you could do march, maybe? 14:46:02 <randomuser> zoglesby, congrats, btw, if I haven't said it :) 14:46:21 <jjmcd> Usually March is a little more sensible. Sometimes it can be bad, but usually not like Jan/Feb 14:46:35 <zoglesby> randomuser: I would rather not hold it up if it is just me. January give us a god lead time for the next release 14:46:43 <zoglesby> s/god/good/ 14:47:09 <jjmcd> Yeah, well, from my standpoint, the advantage to actually being there is minor and somewhat selfish (seeng folks) 14:47:41 <randomuser> zoglesby, sure, but there could be a dozen people thinking that 14:48:31 <zoglesby> randomuser: I also don't know how much leg work Sparks has done to get rooms, etc ready for Jan 14:48:53 <randomuser> me neither - Sparks ? 14:49:59 <jjmcd> The good news here is Jan isn't yet into SKYWARN/Run/Walk/Race/Exercise season 14:50:06 <zoglesby> plus a January meeting keeps the momentum going 14:50:17 <jjmcd> zoglesby, yepper 14:51:30 <randomuser> i like january too, for those reasons and because i'll be ready to get out of town for a few days 14:51:39 <randomuser> just wanted to make sure it was best for all 14:53:09 * randomuser gets ready to wrap it up 14:55:17 <randomuser> okay, thanks for coming, everyone 14:55:19 <randomuser> #endmeeting