#fedora-meeting: (2013-11-26)
Meeting started by mmaslano at 13:00:25 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- init process (mmaslano, 13:01:15)
- http://piratepad.net/PwUiH4MEPR (mmaslano,
- tools for setting up development environments/more automation for packaging/providing stacks (mmaslano, 13:19:58)
- http://ambre.pingoured.fr/cgit/review_srv.git/
- So, my attempt at summarization: one idea
regarding the automatic packaging is to help existing maintainers
see the automatically updated spec file and the generated rpm, so
they have less work updating the packages, and to enable the eager
users to use them AS IS (mmaslano,
- the other idea I saw was: The other idea is to
enable easier/quicker packaging of dependent RPM files by generating
spec files for the packager automatically (mmaslano,
Meeting ended at 14:00:03 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- mmaslano (40)
- juhp_ (36)
- tjanez (35)
- pingou (30)
- sochotni (18)
- hhorak (6)
- samkottler (4)
- zodbot (4)
- bkabrda (3)
- pkovar (1)
- abadger1999 (0)
- juhp (0)
- handsome_pirate (0)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.