02:02:24 <inode0> #startmeeting famna 02:02:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 8 02:02:24 2014 UTC. The chair is inode0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:02:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 02:02:25 <ParadoxGuitarist> your ears must have been burning 02:02:37 <inode0> #meetingname famna 02:02:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 02:02:46 <inode0> #topic Roll Call 02:02:55 <ParadoxGuitarist> here 02:02:56 <award3535> present, and welcome back 02:03:22 <inode0> masta: ping 02:05:01 <inode0> nb: ping 02:05:05 <inode0> Southern_Gentlem: ping 02:06:12 <inode0> #topic Announcements 02:06:48 <award3535> inode0 you mentioned TLF 2014 02:06:52 <award3535> in the email 02:07:22 <inode0> Yes, that is the main course tonight I think. 02:07:39 <award3535> okay, I am able to attend this year 02:08:13 <award3535> do we need someone to setup the wiki page, requests etc..... 02:08:33 <inode0> We'll get to TXLF in a minute I promise 02:08:42 <award3535> ok 02:09:30 * kk4ewt 02:09:35 <inode0> I would really like to round up a few more people ... masta and nb in particular since they have budget related stuff 02:09:37 <award3535> otherwise nothing from me 02:10:39 <kk4ewt> i gotbusy and didnt have time to look into the vbanner replacement 02:10:44 * rbergeron can pipe in perhaps.... 02:11:02 <inode0> rbergeron: you want to make an announcement before I move on? :) 02:11:14 <dan408_> hello 02:11:17 <inode0> rbergeron: nice to see you again too 02:11:33 <inode0> and dan408_ as well 02:11:45 <dan408_> good to see you inode0 kk4ewt award3535 rbergeron 02:11:47 <rbergeron> inode0: was just thinking of you the other day - i got a new flashlight ;) 02:11:54 <inode0> #chair rbergeron dan408_ award3535 kk4ewt ParadoxGuitarist 02:11:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 dan408_ inode0 kk4ewt rbergeron 02:12:16 <inode0> four sevens I hope :) 02:12:52 <dan408_> what's new everyone? 02:13:05 <award3535> not much on my end 02:13:08 <rbergeron> re: announcements... i dont have much, unless you mean the centos/red hat announcement. http://wordshack.wordpress.com/2014/01/07/centos-welcome/ for details :) 02:13:21 <award3535> yes saw that! 02:13:29 <dan408_> nice 02:13:39 <inode0> #topic Agenda 02:13:46 <inode0> https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 02:13:52 <ParadoxGuitarist> That's great! 02:14:11 <inode0> .famnaticket 69 02:14:14 <zodbot> inode0: #69 (Texas Linux Fest - June 13-14, 2014) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/69 02:14:37 <dan408_> where are we with f20 media? 02:14:38 <inode0> been so long I'm not sure I remember what I'm doing here 02:14:58 <inode0> dan408_: let's come back to that if nb shows up later 02:15:02 <dan408_> k 02:15:27 <award3535> I am interested to hear about TLF 02:15:38 <inode0> #chair suehle 02:15:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 dan408_ inode0 kk4ewt rbergeron suehle 02:15:40 <dan408_> where's masta 02:16:11 <suehle> afaik F20 media was ordered. I'll go double check on the POs. 02:16:16 * handsome1pirate waves 02:16:26 <dan408_> thanks suehle 02:16:26 <handsome1pirate> Apologies for tardiness; time slipped away 02:16:35 <inode0> ok, so I'm proposing we do up TXLF bigger this year in part because it has been a wonderful growing event and in part because it will be twice as long this year 02:16:42 <dan408_> hey handsome1pirate we're just getting started 02:16:42 <inode0> #chair handsome1pirate 02:16:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 dan408_ handsome1pirate inode0 kk4ewt rbergeron suehle 02:17:02 <handsome1pirate> Ahoy, me hearties! 02:17:20 <inode0> Have people had time to read the ticket? 02:17:22 <award3535> TLF, It has been growing the past three years 02:17:22 <handsome1pirate> No masta for TXLF? 02:17:29 <rbergeron> inode0: +1 - i think its def become one of the best community events, from what i've heard. 02:17:31 <dan408_> inode0: looks good. +1 02:17:38 <award3535> +1 02:17:42 * handsome1pirate is +1 02:17:43 <ParadoxGuitarist> I'm all for it. +1 02:17:46 <award3535> I can attend this year 02:17:56 <inode0> Are we voting on the entirety of the ticket? 02:18:21 <dan408_> yes 02:18:34 <award3535> I see 1500 before any travel stuff is that correct 02:18:40 <inode0> There will be more coming later as the event gets planned but we'd like to sponsor now to get the most benefit from doing that. 02:19:04 <award3535> I agree +1 02:19:12 <kk4ewt> inode0: what is the total you are looking for 02:19:27 <inode0> $1500 for sponsorship 02:19:43 <rbergeron> i am +1 to the ptoposed sponsorship levels, and also to the idea of gettinng speakers there. that's something we could really push more and offer up to folks - encourage them to submit. 02:19:55 <inode0> That covers a booth, a bag insert, and sponsoring one track (room/talks). 02:19:59 <award3535> then what for travel do you propose 02:20:10 <inode0> award3535: we aren't to that point yet 02:20:24 <award3535> ok, just getting ahead of my self 02:20:44 <inode0> The event will be a full two days this year for exhibitors 02:21:02 <handsome1pirate> Sounds like it's almost as big as SELF 02:21:05 <award3535> 13 and 14th of june I believe 02:21:10 <handsome1pirate> Aye 02:21:41 <inode0> I really hope to get a couple of really good speakers, with at least one talk about the progress Fedora is making in its new direction. 02:22:48 <award3535> that sounds fantastic 02:22:55 <dan408_> i wanna go 02:23:11 <inode0> masta, maxamillion, and others will be there for the booth at least 02:23:13 <award3535> count me in for attendance and booth ops 02:23:35 <inode0> we have plenty of time to sort out ambassador attendance I think 02:23:44 <inode0> for now submit talks! 02:24:04 <kk4ewt> hmm we could also possible have a VE Session 02:24:43 * handsome1pirate checks on SELF daate 02:24:46 <handsome1pirate> date, even 02:25:00 <inode0> kk4ewt: very possible 02:25:03 <award3535> june 7th 02:25:12 <award3535> for self 02:25:37 <handsome1pirate> nope 02:25:42 <handsome1pirate> June 20-22 02:25:50 <kk4ewt> that was last years date 02:26:09 <handsome1pirate> SouthEast LinuxFest 2014 .:. Sheraton Charlotte Airport .:. June 20-22, 2014 .:. 02:26:10 <award3535> I believe it is 7 through 9 June this year 02:26:20 <award3535> hummm 02:26:20 <handsome1pirate> Copied and pasted 02:26:39 <kk4ewt> award3535: that was last year 02:27:20 <inode0> so any objection/concern before I #agree this 02:27:28 <award3535> nope\ 02:27:30 <handsome1pirate> None here 02:27:37 <kk4ewt> nope 02:27:40 <kk4ewt> +1 02:27:52 <dan408_> +1 02:28:16 <inode0> #agreed Initial funding for TXLF 2014 as described in ticket 69 approved. 02:28:28 <handsome1pirate> ack 02:28:43 <inode0> Thank you all for that. 02:28:49 <award3535> no problem 02:28:58 <inode0> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/TXLF_2014 02:29:17 <inode0> The starter wiki page is there - add info as it becomes available 02:29:51 <inode0> .famnaticket 67 02:29:55 <zodbot> inode0: #67 (Fedora booth at USENIX LISA) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/67 02:30:11 <inode0> I just don't know why this is still here but it says it is critical :) 02:30:15 <inode0> Can I close it? 02:30:21 <kk4ewt> yes and no 02:30:45 <inode0> Did we get everything back from it? 02:31:02 <kk4ewt> we had an issue with vbanners coming back from LISA 02:31:22 <kk4ewt> the box broken in half and ups lost an banner 02:31:29 <inode0> Want to make a quick proposal we can approve regarding that? 02:31:29 <dan408_> whoa 02:31:41 <suehle> Banners are cheap. Let's just replace it. 02:31:42 <handsome1pirate> Was it insured? 02:31:49 <handsome1pirate> +1 02:31:53 <award3535> +1 02:31:54 <suehle> The last one I ordered was <$150 02:32:08 * suehle chimes back in... The media purchase has clearly been made, but I don't know any status other than that. 02:32:17 <suehle> Case badge order is also finally in process. 02:32:19 <kk4ewt> me and j brockheimer both filed claims vs ups and that is still in the works 02:32:27 <rbergeron> ...maybe with hard cases instead of cardboard boxes... 02:32:47 <kk4ewt> suethe from my memory they were cheaper than that 02:33:01 <suehle> kk4ewt, I think closer to $100, but I didn't want to under-remember. :) 02:33:04 <rbergeron> suehle: nb asked me for a mailing address so i assume its .. getting closer. 02:33:21 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 on the banners. 02:33:36 <award3535> +1 banners also 02:33:39 <dan408_> +1 02:33:46 <inode0> Anyway we all are going to agree to replacing lost/damaged banners ... 02:34:01 <award3535> yes +1 from me 02:34:01 <inode0> #agreed Get a new set of vertical banners for events. 02:34:06 <kk4ewt> +1 02:34:34 * inode0 wonders where is Mario? 02:34:42 <ParadoxGuitarist> If we're shipping it across the country often we should invest in something heavy duty like Pelican cases 02:34:49 <kk4ewt> link to the thing we used to for credit card purchases 02:35:08 <inode0> ? 02:35:19 <kk4ewt> ParadoxGuitarist: we have shipped them all over the country for years and this is the first issue 02:35:37 <inode0> We definitely got our money's worth out of them. 02:35:48 <kk4ewt> inode0: the last banners was bought with max or mels creditcard 02:36:12 <kk4ewt> so there was a ticket for it 02:36:21 <ParadoxGuitarist> What's the total cost of the materials in a box? 02:36:24 <handsome1pirate> dang, that's been a while 02:36:36 <kk4ewt> 600 maybe 02:36:41 <handsome1pirate> Like, seriously, a long time 02:36:51 <handsome1pirate> The old banners didn't owe us anything, for sure 02:37:29 <inode0> suehle: so there is going to be a PO ready for case badges? nb was just talking to me yesterday about ordering a small amount?! 02:37:44 <kk4ewt> ok mario has surfaced and i did email him earlier today about getting the event box and the other set of vbanners 02:38:00 <kk4ewt> when is scale 02:38:22 <suehle> Feb 22-23 02:38:33 <suehle> inode0, we fixed the problem 02:38:48 <suehle> Long story short, the PO system has been borked for a while, so they're going to do it manually for us. 02:38:59 <inode0> suehle: great, should I ask about our t-shirt vendor and POs for them too? 02:39:06 <inode0> oh 02:39:14 <suehle> inode0, a vendor who isn't already in there? 02:39:20 <ParadoxGuitarist> Feb 21-23 02:40:39 <inode0> We just always paid by CC as far as I know in the past. 02:40:51 <ParadoxGuitarist> kk4ewt: I know vwbusguy was working on getting everything ready for SCaLE, and he got accepted to speak on a topic for one of the discussion times. 02:42:28 <inode0> #topic Open Floor 02:42:51 <inode0> dan408_: please try to make it to the summit this year 02:42:52 <suehle> inode0, they're getting a lot more particular about finances. If it's over 1k, we must do a PO. 02:43:11 <inode0> yeah, so they wouldn't be in any system as far as I know 02:43:13 <dan408_> inode0: red hat summit? 02:43:25 <inode0> dan408_: yes, it is in SF 02:43:35 <dan408_> can i get sponsored? 02:43:56 <inode0> I don't think we are that far along but I'm sure we can get you sponsored in some way 02:44:03 <dan408_> ill be there. 02:44:12 <ParadoxGuitarist> When is it? 02:44:27 <suehle> Easter/Passover week... the 14thish 02:44:28 <suehle> April 02:44:30 <inode0> rh.c/summit 02:44:54 <dan408_> April 14-17 02:46:09 * handsome1pirate waves at pwhalen 02:46:13 <inode0> ok, that was more a personal aside to dan408_ since I knew it would be convenient for him this year 02:46:14 <dan408_> I might just need to get a hotel up there 02:46:25 <dan408_> thanks inode0 for the heads up 02:46:51 <inode0> there will be a big whoop when the summit planning gets going 02:47:13 <inode0> Anything else on anyone's mind for tonight? 02:47:16 <ParadoxGuitarist> There's a chance I might be able to make it. I'd be in a similar way to dan408 02:47:24 <dan408_> lots of interesting power training tpics 02:47:42 <inode0> I took the performance tuning class last year, it was fun 02:48:29 <dan408_> word 02:49:05 <dan408_> got a new boss now so it'll be easier for me to attend conferences this year 02:49:13 <inode0> nice 02:49:19 <handsome1pirate> Any word on Flock? 02:49:30 <suehle> handsome1pirate, there's currently a date discussion on the planning list 02:49:37 <inode0> discussion ongoing on the planning list 02:49:38 <inode0> yeah 02:49:50 * handsome1pirate will check it out 02:49:51 <kk4ewt> inode0: we had another trac instance and i cant remember where it is 02:50:00 <inode0> famna and famnarequests 02:50:44 <inode0> ok, thank you all very much for coming tonight 02:51:02 <kk4ewt> link to requests? 02:51:08 <dan408_> thank you inode0 for running the meeting 02:51:32 <ParadoxGuitarist> thanks for running things inode0 =) 02:51:41 <award3535> ditto 02:51:46 <inode0> https://fedorahosted.org/famnarequests/ 02:52:08 <inode0> #endmeeting