18:00:22 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2014-01-09) 18:00:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 9 18:00:22 2014 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:22 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig 18:00:22 <nirik> #topic init process 18:00:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 18:00:45 <nirik> any folks around for a irc support sig meeting? 18:01:14 * Khaytsus burps 18:01:21 <kc8hfi> i'm here, watchin 18:01:50 * nirik will wait a few min for folks. 18:03:39 <nirik> ok, I guess lets go ahead 18:03:52 <nirik> #topic Week(s) in review 18:04:18 <nirik> anything to bring up from over the holidays or recently? 18:04:24 <nirik> common bugs, issues, etc? 18:04:44 <nirik> it seemed overall pretty quiet. 18:04:56 <nirik> f20 went out pretty smoothly aside from a few hiccups right at release. 18:06:30 <nirik> #topic ticket #165: EvilBob excessive complaining about my away nick changer 18:06:32 <triad> hanging around; don't know what the topic means exactly 18:06:54 <nirik> this ties into the next topic as well somewhat 18:07:45 <nirik> triad: well, this group organizes support and management of #fedora... so the previous topic was to see if anyone had issues to bring up that they had seen a lot of recently. 18:08:57 <nirik> anyhow, I spoke my thoughts in this ticket already... I think we just close it at this point peding changes in the overall policy 18:09:03 <Khaytsus> The noise _from_ nick chnages has exceeded the actual nick changes recently. 18:09:14 <nirik> Khaytsus: yeah, thats the next topic. 18:09:22 <nirik> #topic revisit 'excessive' nick change policy 18:09:31 <Khaytsus> Some common sense needs to be employed when giving warnings 18:09:34 <nirik> so, our current policy is somewhat vuage and subjective. 18:09:55 <nirik> in particular some folks feel 'once' is 'excessive and anoying 18:10:17 <nirik> I think thats crazy. :) 18:10:33 <nirik> so, I guess we should draft a change and get folks to discuss/agree with it. 18:10:57 <Khaytsus> If it's happpening frequently, sure, put an end to it. If it happens once or once a day. It's noise, disruption, and just plane looks bad to yell at the user about it. 18:11:02 <nirik> we don't really have enough of us here today to change anything now, but I would like to soon. 18:11:11 <Khaytsus> plain.. ahem 18:11:25 <kc8hfi> plane, plain! 18:11:26 <nirik> I was thinking... 5 times in an hour 18:11:34 <nirik> the plane! the plane! 18:11:43 * Khaytsus walks on his knees 18:11:54 * Khaytsus coughs 18:12:18 <nirik> 5 times -> warn/tell them to stop, another time, kick/temp ban 18:12:59 <nirik> but I can file a ticket on it. 18:13:09 * kc8hfi doesn't see anything wrong with that 18:13:59 <Khaytsus> Everyone 20 minutes seems like it's condusive to auto away nick changes, which we'd ideally avoid. But otherwise tracking frequency isn't easy I suppose. 18:15:04 <nirik> yeah. 18:16:45 <Khaytsus> I'd +1 5/hr over 1 ever, no question :) 18:17:05 <nirik> yeah, 18:17:31 <nirik> #action nirik to write up new plan for nick change policy 18:17:36 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 18:17:42 <nirik> any items for open floor? 18:19:44 <nirik> alright then... will close out in a minute if nothing else. 18:20:38 <Khaytsus> :) 18:24:26 <nirik> #endmeeting