#fedora-meeting: Fedora Base Design Working Group (2014-01-17)
Meeting started by pknirsch at 15:00:56 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Self hosting detailed review & discussion & next steps: http://www.harald-hoyer.de/2014/01/14/self-hosting-fedora-base/ (pknirsch, 15:05:05)
- ACTION: pknirsch
contacting the 65 maintainers of the reduced set packages with the
%bootstrap flag idea (pknirsch,
- Inter WG coordination -> FOSDEM, DevConf? + https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1220 and https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1221 (pknirsch, 15:35:04)
- ACTION: Plan for
meeting at DevConf in Brno in Feburary (pknirsch,
- ACTION: homework for
everyone: Read the PRDs of all other WGs (pknirsch,
- Open Floor (pknirsch, 15:56:39)
- ACTION: dgilmore
putting together a kickstart for Base installation testing
Meeting ended at 16:15:39 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- pknirsch contacting the 65 maintainers of the reduced set packages with the %bootstrap flag idea
- Plan for meeting at DevConf in Brno in Feburary
- homework for everyone: Read the PRDs of all other WGs
- dgilmore putting together a kickstart for Base installation testing
Action items, by person
- dgilmore
- dgilmore putting together a kickstart for Base installation testing
- pknirsch
- pknirsch contacting the 65 maintainers of the reduced set packages with the %bootstrap flag idea
- Plan for meeting at DevConf in Brno in Feburary
- homework for everyone: Read the PRDs of all other WGs
People present (lines said)
- pknirsch (64)
- dgilmore (58)
- haraldh (49)
- jwb (12)
- notting (8)
- sghosh (3)
- zodbot (3)
- jsmith (3)
- masta (2)
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