21:00:15 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2014-01-22 21:00:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 22 21:00:15 2014 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:17 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors 21:00:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 21:00:22 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 21:00:28 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 21:00:28 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 21:01:03 <anishjp> .fas anishjp 21:01:03 <zodbot> anishjp: anishjp 'Anish Philip' <anishjp@gmail.com> 21:01:45 <johe2> good evening 21:01:53 <sesivany> let's wait a few more minutes for others... 21:03:13 <johe2> .fas johe.stephan 21:03:14 <zodbot> johe2: johe '' <johe.stephan@googlemail.com> 21:03:59 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 21:04:00 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 21:04:33 <sesivany> oook, not many of us today... 21:04:44 <sesivany> maybe the reminder was really too late. 21:05:20 <sesivany> ok, let's start. 21:05:34 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 21:05:43 <sesivany> anyone any announcements? 21:06:16 <sesivany> I've got a few... 21:06:57 <sesivany> we've got candidates for FAmSCo elections. 21:07:41 <sesivany> #info The nomination period of F22 elections is over. There are 4 candidates running for FAmSCo. 21:07:44 <sesivany> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_nominations 21:08:29 <sesivany> there is no one from EMEA, but EMEA has and is going to have 3 members, so I think we're fine :-) 21:08:45 <johe2> sounds good 21:09:11 <sesivany> one more announcement... 21:09:27 <sesivany> we've got a draft of our budget for the next fiscal year... 21:09:38 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr 21:09:39 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 21:09:46 <thunderbirdtr> hello everyone 21:10:02 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany: I was waiting and wating and I just saw it :) 21:10:29 <sesivany> #info EMEA budget draft for the next fiscal year is on. If you know about funding you'll need in the next year, let me know. 21:10:43 <sesivany> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/Budget:2015 21:11:27 <sesivany> Last year, we asked for $32k because it was cut by 30% it wasn't quite enough, so this year, we're asking for $40k. 21:12:15 <kmf> .fas kmf 21:12:16 <zodbot> kmf: kmfcandu 'Kyle Fletcher' <kyle.fletcher@candu.com> - kmf 'Karl Fischer' <kmf@fischer.org.za> 21:12:31 <gnokii> ! 21:12:36 <sesivany> gnokii: go ahead 21:13:10 <gnokii> can u add the Linuxtag Augsburg it looks some want do it, and there will be a budget needed for accomodation 21:13:54 <sesivany> gnokii: how much would we need? 21:13:54 <gnokii> and for LibreGraphicsMeeting, I need a little bit more 21:14:12 <gnokii> think 250€ should be enough 21:14:29 <sesivany> gnokii: ok, I'll add it. 21:14:49 <sesivany> ok, let's move on. 21:14:54 <sesivany> #topic Requests 21:15:05 * sesivany is looking at the trac. 21:16:15 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?asc=1&page=1&sort=ticket 21:16:35 * sesivany doesn't see any new funding requests. 21:17:47 <sesivany> I think all requests for media and swag should be satisfied, too. 21:18:06 <sesivany> if the package hasn't arrived it's on its way. 21:19:07 <sesivany> johe2: I'll send the ambassador's polo shirt ASAP, too. 21:19:28 <johe2> sesivany, great news, thx 21:20:04 <sesivany> anything else to the requests? did I miss any? 21:21:05 <sesivany> ok, let's move on. 21:21:19 <sesivany> seems to be a quiet meeting tonight :) 21:21:34 <sesivany> #topic Ambassador's schedule 21:21:57 <sesivany> I don't think there is any schedule for F22 published. 21:22:16 <sesivany> but the news is that F22 won't be released earlier than in August. 21:22:24 <gnokii> f22? 21:22:29 <sesivany> sorry, F21 21:22:37 <sesivany> I'm too much in the future :) 21:23:29 <sesivany> #info F21 won't be released before August to give teams enough time to prepare Fedora.Next. 21:24:15 <sesivany> and because there is no main schedule, there can't be a schedule for us which is derivated from it. 21:24:43 <sesivany> #topic Events 21:24:54 <sesivany> ok, let's discuss upcoming events. 21:25:09 <sesivany> There is going to be FOSDEM in 10 days. 21:25:24 <gnokii> ! 21:25:31 <sesivany> gnokii: go ahead 21:25:42 <gnokii> just wanted to know that banner worked 21:26:44 <sesivany> gnokii: when they wrote back they didn't mention any problems, so I hope it worked for them. 21:27:16 <gnokii> ok, whats with the buttons shall I make the 10years motiv? 21:27:46 * robyduck jumps in late today, sorry 21:27:49 <sesivany> gnokii: I haven't heard back from the Greek guys since then. 21:28:01 <sesivany> I wouldn't count much on it. 21:28:06 <gnokii> ok sesivany can we try to find that out? 21:28:35 <sesivany> gnokii: do you remember who promised it. 21:28:54 <gnokii> nope but is in the log 21:30:07 <sesivany> gnokii: ok, I'll check that out, but I'm not promising anything. I'm already preparing too much for FOSDEM, not only for Fedora, but also for CentOS and OSAS. 21:30:32 <sesivany> and just one week later, there devconf where I'm tha main organizer. 21:30:42 <gnokii> sesivany: no problem with me you now, I am on the end of the line ;) 21:31:08 <sesivany> btw accommodation is booked. 21:31:22 <sesivany> we're going to stay in Radisson Blue next to the EU parliament. 21:31:47 <sesivany> it's a really good hotel and it actually turned out to be one of the best options money-wise. 21:32:43 <sesivany> kital booked a ticket for constantindrabo today, so he should be coming as well. 21:33:08 <sesivany> anything else to FOSDEM? 21:34:16 <sesivany> ok, and just a few days after FOSDEM, there is DevConf.cz in Brno. 21:34:43 <sesivany> the schedule is on. 21:35:04 <sesivany> #info DevConf.cz 2014 schedule is published - http://devconf.cz/schedule 21:35:31 <sesivany> the third day of DevConf.cz is devoted to Fedora, called Fedora Day. 21:36:02 <sesivany> the program for Fedora Day was finished just recently. 21:36:59 <sesivany> there will be at least a hundred Fedora contributors from Red Hat. and this year, there are many community members coming. I'm writing letters of invitation pretty much every day for non-EU participants. 21:37:13 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: are you coming, too? 21:38:25 <kubblai> .fas kubblai 21:38:25 <sesivany> ok, enough for DevConf.cz. 21:38:26 <zodbot> kubblai: kubblai 'David Mcnulty' <kubblai@gmail.com> 21:38:51 <sesivany> gnokii: any new about CLT? this is going to be the next big event. 21:38:55 <kubblai> sorry for lateness i thought was at 8 and was idling then forgot :) 21:39:11 <sesivany> kubblai: no problem 21:39:23 <gnokii> no, I dont know anything. Speakers have no notice yet 21:40:11 <sesivany> gnokii: ok 21:40:31 <sesivany> kmf: any updates about IDLELO? 21:40:48 <kmf> no, nothing, nada ... 21:41:38 <kmf> they said they will get back to us ... nothing, it's sad ... I guess things will ramp up as soon as the "call for papers" close at the end of the month 21:42:19 <sesivany> kmf: did they clarify tha price for booths? Is it really 2000 US dollars? 21:42:59 <kmf> at the moment yes ... but I'm sure they'll come back with an adjusted realistic price 21:43:09 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany: sorry for late answer ... mine is "university didn't supported me so mine is canceled" sorry... 21:43:11 <aprigio> kmf is 4650 dol.. 21:43:17 <aprigio> hehe 21:44:11 <sesivany> kmf: I hope so, I mean we're willing to pay even $2000 because IDLELO is maybe the only large FLOSS event in Africa, but it's really expensive. 21:44:20 <kmf> aprigio, :) 21:45:22 <gnokii> sesivany: problem it will be not only 2000$ because the want addional fee for attendees 21:45:27 <sesivany> kmf: if you need any swag and media for IDLELO or other events, just create a ticket. 21:45:43 <thunderbirdtr> ! 21:46:00 <kmf> sesivany, sure we will ... as soon as we get some more clarity 21:46:26 <sesivany> gnokii: we gave it $4500 in the budget. Yes, it's much, but it's the only event in Africa we support next year. 21:46:36 <gnokii> +1 21:46:52 <sesivany> kmf: we recently had one ticket from South Africa. 21:47:04 <sesivany> I think it was anishjp 21:47:20 <anishjp> Yes, I did create one! 21:47:27 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: just speak, there are not many of us today. 21:47:31 <kmf> oh hai anishjp 21:47:31 <aprigio> sesivany Nairobi is a city of high cost? This is only my doubts 21:47:50 <sesivany> anishjp: I think it has already been shipped. 21:48:12 <anishjp> Hello Karl 21:48:15 <sesivany> aprigio: I have no idea. 21:48:25 <anishjp> sesivany: okay, thanks! 21:48:58 <sesivany> aprigio: but we have an ambassador there: Arthur Buliva 21:49:15 <sesivany> he should be our local contact for IDLELO. 21:49:23 <kmf> aprigio ... it's like Brasília ... was there last year :) 21:49:47 <aprigio> sesivany ok. thanks 21:49:50 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany: for devconf sorry again but for next february I will gonna do events in Fırat University approx I'm gonna need swags and preparing events and I will create ticket tomorrow after I ask to my friend over there for help and make fix date and almost we ready to launch and wait for day 21:50:12 <kmf> sesivany, to be honest ... twohot and I haven't heard anything from him. 21:50:49 <aprigio> kmf :) 21:50:49 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: ok, make sure you file a ticket soon enough. 21:51:03 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany: okey sure... 21:51:34 <sesivany> kmf: well, we don't have to rely on him 21:52:18 <aprigio> kmf and rio de janeiro? let's enjoy the olympics games and make a mega event here? 21:52:19 <aprigio> hehe 21:52:27 <sesivany> kmf: just start planning it early. We'll need some time for logistics: shipping swag, figuring out ways to pay the organiters if they don't support credit card payments etc. 21:52:45 <gnokii> guys we are in a meeting 21:52:48 <kmf> sesivany ... will follow up 21:53:41 <sesivany> ok, I think it's enough for IDLELO. 21:53:55 <sesivany> any other event that is coming and we haven't discussed? 21:54:34 <gnokii> sesivany: do u know mailga found out what u could give me for apac? 21:55:06 <sesivany> gnokii: did you write him? 21:55:14 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor 21:55:19 <gnokii> yes I spoke with him, he said he will look 21:56:12 <sesivany> gnokii: this is the only info I have: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F20_anniversary_tshirt 21:56:29 <robyduck> gnokii: I think we need to look if there is anything left only at the very end, now it's too early 21:56:41 <sesivany> gnokii: I'm not involved at all this time, don't have time for it :( 21:56:51 <gnokii> robyduck: well got to know until devconf 21:57:00 <gnokii> sesivany: are some left from f19? 21:57:25 <sesivany> gnokii: yes, but only extra large sizes: XXL, XXXL, I think. 21:57:44 <gnokii> damn normally smaller sizes are left 21:58:40 <johe2> gnokii, well its a normal size :-) 21:58:48 <robyduck> :) 21:58:57 <robyduck> oh Hi johe2 21:58:59 <gnokii> johe: for us yes, but not for apac guys ;) 21:59:07 <johe2> gnokii, true 21:59:13 <johe2> hi robyduck 21:59:39 <robyduck> sesivany: perhaps I missed it, but do we have any update about townhalls? 21:59:58 <gnokii> just wanted to bring them some, if we have small sizes left, tuanta is mega happy we putted together a really nice FAD there 22:00:16 <sesivany> robyduck: no AFAIK 22:01:05 <sesivany> robyduck: frankly I've been very busy due to DevConf.cz and FOSDEM and also private life in the last weeks, so I might not be the best person to ask. 22:01:18 <robyduck> :) ok 22:02:00 <sesivany> cwickert as an election wrangler may know more if he is around by any chance. 22:03:08 <robyduck> what do you all think if we switch back to the old 2 weeks cycle of our meeting? Just to avoid LATAM guys if we have a meeting which is longer as usual. 22:03:48 <sesivany> robyduck: but I think they hold a meeting every week 22:03:58 <sesivany> robyduck: so it wouldn't help us much. 22:04:01 <robyduck> uh? really? 22:04:30 <sesivany> aeperezt: you have LATAM meetings every week, right? 22:04:34 * robyduck didn't know this, sorry 22:05:27 <yn1v> latam meetings are scheduled to start in 25 minutes 22:05:31 <sesivany> robyduck: yes, according to meeting logs, they have a meeting every week. 22:06:02 <robyduck> ok 22:06:13 <sesivany> robyduck: I hoped last time we would avoid the collicision by moving it by one week, but I was proved wrong :) 22:07:20 <sesivany> ok, I think it's all for today. 22:07:37 <sesivany> if we don't have anything else to discuss, let's end the meeting. 22:08:13 <kubblai> ok thanks see you next time nn 22:08:23 <johe2> thx & bb 22:08:27 <sesivany> thank you for attending today and meet you in two weeks! 22:08:27 <anishjp> Bye guys, cheers! 22:08:33 <kmf> bye! 22:08:45 <sesivany> #endmeeting