#fedora-meeting: Env and Stacks (2014-02-18)
Meeting started by bkabrda at 13:02:21 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- init process (bkabrda, 13:03:08)
- additional repository - fedora-{incubator,ugly} (bkabrda, 13:05:15)
- AGREED: only one repo
should be created at the start (mmaslano,
- does malware automatic check exist?
- ACTION: bkabrda will
talk to msuchy about his thoughts on providing github-like frontend
for copr (implement in copr itself vs. do it as a standalone app)
and post discussion result on our mailing list (bkabrda,
- ACTION: all: discuss
policies/procedures for accepting copr repo into "fedora-ugly" on
our ML (bkabrda,
- ACTION: all: propose
better names for "fedora-ugly" on our ML (bkabrda,
Meeting ended at 14:42:05 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- bkabrda will talk to msuchy about his thoughts on providing github-like frontend for copr (implement in copr itself vs. do it as a standalone app) and post discussion result on our mailing list
- all: discuss policies/procedures for accepting copr repo into "fedora-ugly" on our ML
- all: propose better names for "fedora-ugly" on our ML
Action items, by person
- bkabrda
- bkabrda will talk to msuchy about his thoughts on providing github-like frontend for copr (implement in copr itself vs. do it as a standalone app) and post discussion result on our mailing list
- all: discuss policies/procedures for accepting copr repo into "fedora-ugly" on our ML
- all: propose better names for "fedora-ugly" on our ML
People present (lines said)
- juhp (112)
- mmaslano (71)
- tjanez (71)
- bkabrda (49)
- pingou (35)
- samkottler (27)
- hhorak (26)
- jreznik (25)
- zodbot (5)
- handsome_pirate (2)
- abadger1999 (0)
- pkovar (0)
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