01:15:05 <dan408-> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:15:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 12 01:15:05 2014 UTC. The chair is dan408-. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:15:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:15:13 <dan408-> #meetingname FAmNA 01:15:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:15:20 <dan408-> #topic Roll Call 01:15:38 <jsandys> NWLF 01:15:40 <ParadoxGuitarist> I'm here 01:15:43 <wrnash1> here 01:15:59 <dan408-> #chair ParadoxGuitarist wrnash1 jsandys masta Southern_Gentlem kk4ewt nb 01:15:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist Southern_Gentlem dan408- jsandys kk4ewt masta nb wrnash1 01:16:41 <dan408-> #topic Announcements 01:16:52 <dan408-> announcements anyone? 01:17:22 <dan408-> mmk 01:17:26 <dan408-> #topic Tickets 01:17:31 <ParadoxGuitarist> Yay 01:17:37 <ParadoxGuitarist> we didn't skip it this week. 01:17:38 <dan408-> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:17:58 <dan408-> .famnaticket 70 01:17:59 <zodbot> dan408-: #70 (SCaLE 12x Budget - Feb 21-23rd) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/70 01:18:14 <dan408-> so 01:18:17 <dan408-> can we close this ticket out? 01:18:26 <dan408-> did you do a report ParadoxGuitarist or did Scott? 01:18:27 <ParadoxGuitarist> I think so 01:18:35 <ParadoxGuitarist> I didn't. 01:18:50 <dan408-> no biggie 01:18:50 <ParadoxGuitarist> I think Clint was "in charge" 01:19:11 <dan408-> Clint hasnt been attending meetings for a while 01:19:22 <ParadoxGuitarist> Yeah he's been pretty busy. 01:19:37 <dan408-> #topic Tickets 01:19:54 <dan408-> alright im closing this ticket out 01:20:00 <ParadoxGuitarist> Sounds good to me 01:20:02 <wrnash1> +1 01:20:29 <dan408-> .famnaticket 71 01:20:30 <zodbot> dan408-: #71 (Event Box Upgrades-Update) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/71 01:20:42 * masta arrives 01:20:43 <dan408-> so did you want to talk about this one ParadoxGuitarist 01:20:54 <masta> howdy folks 01:20:57 <dan408-> hi masta 01:21:03 <wrnash1> Hi Masta 01:21:08 <ParadoxGuitarist> hey masta 01:21:54 <ParadoxGuitarist> I just thought it would be good to have someone preping the event boxes to make sure they're stocked for what'll be needed at the event. 01:22:09 <dan408-> right 01:22:13 <ParadoxGuitarist> I'm volunteering for this 01:22:29 <ParadoxGuitarist> So not trying to pawn it off on anyone. 01:22:31 <masta> awesome ParadoxGuitarist 01:22:37 <dan408-> you'll own it for westcoast 01:22:38 <dan408-> but 01:22:41 <dan408-> what about the other 2 boxes 01:23:16 <wrnash1> Where are the other boxes located at now 01:23:26 <dan408-> iirc chanchito has the east coast box 01:23:26 <ParadoxGuitarist> Well I'd like to try to contact the other two that own those (masta and Southern_Gentleman I think) 01:23:36 <dan408-> and who has the central box masta? you? or Southern_Gentlem? 01:24:22 <ParadoxGuitarist> Clint suggested a Fedora activity day to get all of them prepped but first things first. 01:24:49 <dan408-> hellooooo masta 01:24:54 <masta> hi dan408- 01:25:05 <dan408-> do you know who has the other 2 boxes? 01:25:24 <masta> I think one of the box was stuck in Boston for a long time, and is on it's way home to Southern_Gentlem 01:25:33 <ParadoxGuitarist> I have the west coast box 01:25:40 <masta> the other box I think nb had... but not sure 01:25:47 <dan408-> alright 01:25:54 <dan408-> nb, ping 01:26:16 <masta> I've got stuff in my garage that belong to one of the box 01:26:27 <dan408-> what do you have? 01:26:32 <masta> had to remove to close the lid and ship to next event 01:27:07 <masta> like power strips, maybe tape... I forgot but it was miscellaneous 01:27:19 <dan408-> ok 01:27:20 <ParadoxGuitarist> Hmmm. I wonder if we need to purchase new boxes... seems like a common theme to not get them to close. 01:27:34 <ParadoxGuitarist> I can look into that. 01:27:34 <masta> not my stuff, and I want it out of my house =) 01:27:40 <dan408-> so ParadoxGuitarist can i put an action on you/Scott to try to get a hold of nb and Southern_Gentlem? 01:27:50 <ParadoxGuitarist> I will 01:27:52 <dan408-> k 01:28:19 <dan408-> #action ParadoxGuitarist will handle the west coast box and try to contact the current holders of the other 2 event boxes 01:28:21 <masta> last year at fudcon Lawrence we got all three box together in one place and did an inventory. 01:28:27 <masta> this was a great thing 01:28:45 <masta> I would say that once in a while we get them all in one place 01:28:59 <ParadoxGuitarist> I agree 01:28:59 <masta> and we normalize them 01:29:10 <dan408-> ok ticket updated 01:29:11 <ParadoxGuitarist> and add anything we think they need to have 01:29:27 <masta> ParadoxGuitarist: yes 01:29:35 <dan408-> .famnaticket 68 01:29:36 <zodbot> dan408-: #68 (FAmNA Meeting Organization) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/68 01:29:38 <wrnash1> what about a inventory sheet. Items that needs to be in the box 01:29:58 <dan408-> "FAmNA meetings have I think become very unproductive and boring leading to attendance problems. I'd like to toss out the idea that we rearrange meetings into a new format as well as possibly reducing frequency. 01:29:58 <dan408-> I'd like to try having working meetings where rather than just talk about tickets we actually actively do something to further the cause. One simple thing we could do as a group during meetings is locate and order swag assuming we don't have any special trademark needs. 01:29:59 <dan408-> Other ideas for how to make meetings more interesting/fun/productive? 01:29:59 <dan408-> " 01:30:09 <dan408-> didn't someone volunteer to come up with a plan? 01:30:12 <dan408-> wrnash1 was that you? 01:30:15 <masta> this year we did not really have a FAD where we could do this again, so maybe we just decide to ship all the box to ParadoxGuitarist and anything else he needs, let the boxes get happy and then disperse 01:30:50 <dan408-> im pretty sure nb and Southern_Gentlem can handle the other boxes ...if they have them 01:30:59 <dan408-> we need to figure out where they actually are 01:31:03 <dan408-> so moving on 01:31:06 <wrnash1> i can come up with a plan. But i do not remember volunteering for it 01:31:13 <dan408-> oh 01:31:16 <dan408-> maybe it was someone else 01:31:26 <dan408-> well does anyone have any thoughts on this? 01:31:52 <dan408-> we know the attendance hasn't been great, and the meeting are rather tedious 01:32:02 <dan408-> but what do we do about it is the question 01:32:27 <dan408-> masta does famsco have any thoughts on this? 01:33:02 <dan408-> wrnash1 maybe it was award3535 that volunteered 01:33:04 <wrnash1> I thought we talk about badges/ or a membership to RHN or Redhat training. 01:33:21 <dan408-> rhn/redhat training was my idea yes 01:33:29 <dan408-> but i dont know how easy that would be to make happen 01:33:38 <masta> +1 badges 01:34:12 <masta> booth work should land people a badge 01:34:15 <dan408-> masta can you try to bring this up with Jiri at the next famsco? 01:34:20 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 badges 01:34:31 <masta> dan408-: sure, but what exactly am I to raise with him? 01:34:38 <dan408-> for badges we can contact threebean in #fedora-apps 01:34:55 <dan408-> masta: See if there's something that can be done on the redhat side, or if he has any ideas 01:35:06 <masta> dan408-: on redhat side regarding? 01:35:11 <dan408-> training 01:35:13 <ParadoxGuitarist> dan408-: What ideas were thrown around for frequency? Every other week? 01:35:15 <dan408-> or an RHEL entitlement 01:35:18 * masta is unclear the specifics being requested 01:35:24 <dan408-> ParadoxGuitarist: don't remember 01:35:33 <dan408-> ParadoxGuitarist: personally i'd like to change the meeting time/date 01:35:49 <masta> dan408-: hrm... maybe training discounts or entitlements ... I'll ask 01:35:50 <ParadoxGuitarist> To sooner or later? 01:35:51 <dan408-> i've brought this up before but nb / Southern_Gentlem shot it down 01:35:55 <dan408-> masta: thanks 01:36:27 <dan408-> #action masta to confer with famsco to see if RH can make the ambassador program more rewarding 01:36:44 <dan408-> ParadoxGuitarist: have it on like on a weekend day, and not at 6PM PST 01:37:00 <jsandys> Ticket 72, LFNW? 01:37:10 <dan408-> jsandys: we'll do that one next 01:37:34 <dan408-> ParadoxGuitarist: I suppose we'll have to take a vote on it 01:38:00 <wrnash1> would we need to verify the time frame to make sure no other meetings are going on. 01:38:19 <wrnash1> is irc the only way we can hold a meeting. 01:38:23 <dan408-> wrnash1: if it conflicts we could always use #fedora-meeting-1 01:39:03 <dan408-> wrnash1: a conference call every once in a while might be cool 01:39:29 <wrnash1> I have a conference bridge we can use. 01:39:40 <dan408-> that's actually really cool 01:39:41 <wrnash1> plus we can use google + video features. 01:40:11 <dan408-> we could do the meeting jointly on IRC and conference call 01:40:18 <dan408-> im not a huge fan of google hangouts 01:40:26 <ParadoxGuitarist> So what's the next step to moving toward voting? 01:40:30 <masta> I'd be fine with changing the meeting time. 01:40:38 <masta> feel free to send out whenisgood 01:40:40 <dan408-> ParadoxGuitarist: well we need some proposals and I can send out an email to the list 01:40:44 <wrnash1> I'm also fine with the time change. 01:40:52 <ParadoxGuitarist> Me too. 01:41:09 <dan408-> i just think tuesday is a really bad day 01:42:13 <wrnash1> i would say monday or wednesdays. 01:43:56 <dan408-> let's update the ticket and move on and revisit this next week, everyone try to think of a date/time you think people might be more available, think about the time zone differences (-3 for PDT and +3 for EDT) 01:44:57 <dan408-> ok ticket updated 01:45:14 <dan408-> .famnaticket 72 01:45:15 <zodbot> dan408-: #72 (LFNW 2014 Budget) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/72 01:45:19 <jsandys> working from my android phone 01:45:23 <dan408-> okay jsandys 01:45:26 <jsandys> need 500 for silver sponsorship and sn event box 01:45:30 <masta> oh cool, this is a great event 01:45:46 <masta> jsandys: is that all? 01:45:51 <masta> seems low 01:46:10 <dan408-> so I see Robyn's name here 01:46:17 <jsandys> I need to reserve the booth 01:46:37 <dan408-> jsandys 01:46:42 <dan408-> i suggest you contact Robyn 01:46:46 <dan408-> she might just go platinum 01:46:51 <dan408-> you never know 01:46:59 <jsandys> Robyn did it lsst yesr when I went to eurpoe 01:47:12 <dan408-> have you spoken with her? 01:47:12 <masta> We need to get ruth or inode0 to use the CC 01:47:19 <jsandys> Ok I'll contact Robyn 01:47:24 <dan408-> masta: not if Robyn owns it 01:47:26 <jsandys> K 01:47:44 <dan408-> #action jsandys to discuss with rbergeron further details 01:48:03 <jsandys> I will take ownership of 2014 01:48:09 <masta> jsandys: lets do this pronto, the faster we get the sponsorship the better for everyone... mostly the event gains the money to take care of event things ahead of time, and Fedora gets the name on the website for longer 01:48:25 <dan408-> also ParadoxGuitarist you will need to get jsandys the box for this one 01:48:37 <jsandys> yes, I missed the last 2 meeti gs 01:49:02 <ParadoxGuitarist> jsandys: I'll email you later and get a list of what you need. 01:49:27 <dan408-> thanks ParadoxGuitarist 01:49:28 <jsandys> K 01:50:18 <dan408-> #topic Open Floor 01:50:30 <jsandys> submitted a badge for "table sitting", and will do more work on it. 01:50:46 <dan408-> nice 01:50:53 <dan408-> i should have that badge :P 01:51:07 <jsandys> All of us 01:51:24 <masta> jsandys: consider having levels, 1st event, 5 events... 10 events... 01:51:33 <jsandys> Yes 01:51:53 <ParadoxGuitarist> 20 events: Buns of steel 01:52:01 <masta> we can tie the badge to event reports 01:52:09 <jsandys> ++ 01:52:13 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 01:52:17 <threebean> best way to get a badge to happen is to campaign in #fedora-design for someone to make the art.. ;) 01:52:30 <adamw> jsandys: i'll probably go to lfnw, yes. 01:52:32 <adamw> didn't get it approved yet, but I was planning. 01:52:39 <dan408-> hola threebean :) 01:52:45 * threebean waves "hello" 01:52:48 <dan408-> also hola adamw :) 01:52:59 <masta> I've got the artwork here already... the inkscape templates anyhoo 01:53:06 <threebean> awesome 01:53:26 <dan408-> was there a trac on that? 01:54:06 <jsandys> I ca add a trac 01:54:15 <dan408-> please do jsandys 01:54:37 <dan408-> jsandys: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/newticket?type=New_badge_idea 01:54:51 <jsandys> masta, artwork or template? Please send to me 01:55:07 <threebean> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/250 ? 01:55:21 <dan408-> yep that would be it 01:55:51 <jsandys> Yes that's it 01:56:48 <masta> jsandys: sure 02:00:03 * masta heads out 02:00:06 <masta> bye 02:00:09 <dan408-> alright gunna end the meeting 02:00:12 <dan408-> thanks for attending all 02:00:13 <dan408-> 5 02:00:14 <dan408-> 4 02:00:14 <dan408-> 3 02:00:15 <dan408-> 2 02:00:15 <dan408-> 1 02:00:17 <jsandys> Made possible by Android in a bar in Wichita, bye. 02:00:25 <dan408-> :) 02:00:26 <dan408-> .endmeeting 02:00:32 <dan408-> #endmeeting