15:00:29 <pknirsch> #startmeeting Fedora Base Design Working Group (2014-03-21) 15:00:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Mar 21 15:00:29 2014 UTC. The chair is pknirsch. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:35 <pknirsch> #meetingname Fedora Base Design Working Group 15:00:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_base_design_working_group' 15:01:05 <pknirsch> alright, so welcome everyone for todays Base Design meeting 15:01:11 <pknirsch> #topic Role call 15:01:17 <pknirsch> who we got today? 15:02:15 * notting is here 15:02:51 * masta looks in 15:04:04 <masta> ping dgilmore haraldh 15:04:05 <pknirsch> #chair notting masta 15:04:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: masta notting pknirsch 15:05:01 <dgilmore> hey 15:05:05 <pknirsch> heya dgilmore :) 15:05:09 <pknirsch> and hey notting and masta! 15:05:16 <pknirsch> #chair dgilmore 15:05:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore masta notting pknirsch 15:05:19 <dgilmore> gday all 15:06:11 <pknirsch> Ok, jreznik is currently in 3 meetings at once, so he's 2/3 excused ;) 15:06:28 <jwb> i'm around 15:06:37 <pknirsch> hey jwb :) 15:06:41 <pknirsch> #chair jwb jreznik 15:06:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore jreznik jwb masta notting pknirsch 15:06:48 <pknirsch> ok, lets get started then 15:07:09 <pknirsch> #topic Discuss draft for Tech Spec for Base Design 15:07:44 <pknirsch> So masta, how's the progress on the document so far? 15:07:51 <pknirsch> anything we can review yet? 15:08:08 <masta> ok so I have the action item to draft the tech spec, but due to busy schedule I was unable to complete the draft by now... so I'm prioritizing the task. =( 15:08:51 <pknirsch> Alright, thanks for the update. Shall we postpone it to next week then? Or do you think you'll need more time? 15:09:16 <masta> I have been making progress, just hung up in the details. Mostly resolving the minor differences on the parts of server & workstation spec's that are effectively the same but with different choice of words. 15:09:49 <masta> also I'm not sure cloud WG has a tech spec yet 15:10:00 <pknirsch> #info Update from masta: Tech Spec doc is in progress but not completed yet. 15:10:54 <masta> I will need more time, and for sure next week we will have something to discuss in the meeting, but my hope is to use the devel list to mention the spec just as soon as it exists, and we can work it out during the week ahead of next meeting. 15:11:07 <pknirsch> sounds good! 15:11:47 <masta> cool 15:12:05 <pknirsch> #action masta finishing draft next week and post it to fedora-devel for further discussion and for review of the WG on Friday 15:12:42 <pknirsch> alright, so not to waste anyones time, lets directly go to open floor, i got actually 2 items for that myself :) 15:12:52 <pknirsch> #topic Open Floor 15:13:02 <pknirsch> but first, anyone else got any topics for open floor? 15:13:23 <dgilmore> I dont have anything today 15:13:44 <notting> i don't have anything either 15:13:55 <jwb> dgilmore, did you ever follow up with workstation on the install thing? 15:14:03 <jwb> it's been a long week and i can't honestly remember 15:14:06 <pknirsch> ah good point jwb 15:16:37 <jwb> we can move on. no need to hold up the meeting for this 15:16:54 <pknirsch> oki, lets get to jreznik's point first: 15:17:19 <pknirsch> #topic Requirements for Doc team from Base? 15:17:48 <pknirsch> jreznik is currently in a meeting with them actually, so he asked me to bring this up for todays meeting. 15:18:01 <dgilmore> jwb: not yet 15:18:05 <dgilmore> jwb: i need to 15:18:42 <pknirsch> From the top of my head i'd see at least 1 major part there: Installation 15:19:10 <pknirsch> maybe Containers at some point as well and i'm not sure if we have rpm/yum use guides in particular 15:21:09 <notting> is it just writing down that we'd need an install guide from docs? doesn't seem like a new requirement 15:21:25 <pknirsch> right, i suppose we already have one for anaconda. 15:21:32 <pknirsch> question is probably more if there is anything new 15:21:40 <pknirsch> which i don't think at the moment 15:22:05 <masta> don't think there is anything new 15:24:29 <pknirsch> alright, then let's close this for now with a no action needed from docs. I case the tech spec review will uncover something we can still inform them about it. 15:25:27 <pknirsch> #info No action needed from docs team as Base doesn't have any new requirements (old ones still remain, e.g. installer etc). Will contact docs in case our Tech spec will show we have something new. 15:25:43 <pknirsch> ok, and last topic quickly from me, but we don't really need a topic for that: 15:26:30 <pknirsch> I'll be on PTO the whole next week and out of the office the 3 days after that. So in case you guys want to do the meeting next week someone would need to volunteer to run that. 15:26:48 <masta> ok, no problem 15:28:21 <pknirsch> alright, so you're going to run next weeks meeting then masta ? :) 15:28:22 <notting> was that a volunteer? if not, i should be able to run it 15:28:27 <pknirsch> hehe 15:28:28 <pknirsch> :) 15:30:29 <masta> pknirsch: I can run it, sure 15:30:33 <pknirsch> oki, great! 15:30:50 <masta> (tentatively yes) 15:30:52 <pknirsch> #info As pknirsch is on PTO next week, masta will run the meeting 15:30:54 <pknirsch> :) 15:31:05 <dgilmore> :) 15:31:26 <pknirsch> ok, that was all from my side as well. I'll be back (Austrian accent) on April 4th 15:31:45 <jwb> heh 15:32:15 <pknirsch> thanks everyone! End of meeting then for today. You all have a great weekend and see you again in 2 weeks! 15:32:35 <masta> thanks pknirsch 15:32:43 <notting> thanks all 15:33:55 <dgilmore> pknirsch: cheers enjoy the time off 15:34:03 <pknirsch> thanks :) 15:34:08 <pknirsch> #endmeeting