20:59:55 <dan408^> #startmeeting FAmNA 20:59:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 14 20:59:55 2014 UTC. The chair is dan408^. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:59:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:08 <dan408^> #meetingname FAmNA 21:00:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 21:00:30 <dan408^> #chair award3535 jsandys rbergeron nb 21:00:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 dan408^ jsandys nb rbergeron 21:00:38 <wrnash> hi 21:00:41 <dan408^> #chair wrnash 21:00:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 dan408^ jsandys nb rbergeron wrnash 21:00:43 <dan408^> hey 21:00:44 <nb> #info 1-800-451-8679, conference code 9543115545 21:00:55 <wrnash> I'm on the bridge 21:00:59 <nb> oh ok 21:01:05 <dan408^> #topic Roll Call 21:01:11 <award3535> here 21:01:28 <dan408^> #topic Announcements 21:01:39 <dan408^> announcements anyone? 21:03:50 <jsandys> Jeff here 21:04:01 <nb> jsandys, can you call in 1-800-451-8679, conference code 9543115545 21:04:26 <dan408^> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 21:04:32 <dan408^> #chair jsandys 21:04:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 dan408^ jsandys nb rbergeron wrnash 21:04:48 <dan408^> #topic Tickets 21:05:02 <dan408^> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 21:05:09 <dan408^> .famnaticket 77 21:05:13 <zodbot> dan408^: #77 (Georgia Tech Highschool Installfest 4/26) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/77 21:05:37 <nb> who all is on the call? dan408^ wrnash nb? or are there more? 21:05:46 * nb is not sure about award3535 or jsandys 21:07:22 <nb> who is this that is talking? andrew? 21:07:26 <nb> that is going to the event? 21:07:44 <award3535> nb, its andrew 21:07:48 <nb> ok 21:07:59 <nb> award3535, do you need media or anything? 21:08:34 <dan408^> so in regards to this ticket we are going to reimburse award3535 for a hotel 21:08:38 <nb> +1 reimburse you for buying blank media if you wnat to burn the gaming spin 21:08:38 <dan408^> nb: he says he has media 21:08:59 <dan408^> he's not too worried about that 21:09:12 <dan408^> .famnaticket 72 21:09:13 <zodbot> dan408^: #72 (LFNW 2014 Budget) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/72 21:09:45 <dan408^> So I haven't heard back from Ruth regarding playing cards, but she said she was working on it. 21:11:12 <dan408^> jsandys: we havent heard anything from the design team regarding https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/325 21:13:12 <nb> rsuehle@redhat.com or rsuehle@gmail.com 21:13:14 <nb> is ruth's email 21:13:25 <nb> dan408^, jsandys ^ 21:13:47 <dan408^> my email dan.mashal@gmail.com 21:14:47 <nb> one of them got broken 21:15:06 <nb> has anyone sent paradox a label to ship it to jsandys yet? 21:16:40 <dan408^> vwbusguy should have done that 21:16:51 <nb> yes ruth is a red hat employee. she is Fedora Project Manager 21:19:30 <dan408^> so in regards to LFNW I will try to attend the design team meeting and ask about our tickets which havent been responded to. Jeff is going to email Robyn and see if Robyn has any supplies she can bring with her for LFNW 21:19:44 <dan408^> .famnaticket 73 21:19:45 <zodbot> dan408^: #73 (Fedora T-Shirt design contest) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/73 21:20:35 <dan408^> no response really from design team here 21:20:38 <dan408^> moving for next week 21:20:57 <dan408^> .famnaticket 74 21:20:58 <zodbot> dan408^: #74 (FAmNA budget for 2014) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/74 21:21:21 <dan408^> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/2014_FamNA_Budget 21:21:44 <dan408^> #link https://fedoraproject.org/w/uploads/f/fc/FAMNA_2014_budget_4.7.2014.ods 21:26:02 <wrnash> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Individual_sale%3F 21:26:30 <dan408^> #info In regard to the $2,550 we have for "infrastructure" We would like to look at spending that on new banners, new laptops, new olpcs and new tablecloths 21:28:05 <dan408^> masta: ping 21:28:31 <dan408^> masta: ping 21:29:33 <dan408^> linuxcon is in Chicago this year http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-north-america 21:29:41 <dan408^> we're not doing Red Hat Summit 21:29:45 <dan408^> we're not doing Pycon 21:29:52 <dan408^> there might not be an ILF 21:30:52 <dan408^> so that's $2,500 we just freed up 21:32:15 <dan408^> award3535: so please remove RH summit, Pycon and ILF from the budget and create a separate line item of $2,500 saying we can use that for something else since we aren't doing those events this year 21:32:32 <dan408^> .famnaticket 75 21:32:33 <zodbot> dan408^: #75 (Swag for 2014) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/75 21:32:34 <dan408^> let's talk swag 21:34:28 <nb> yes, yes we do 21:35:01 * nb can try 21:35:15 <dan408^> #action nb to look into lanyards with breakaways 21:35:25 <dan408^> tshirts pending a design contest 21:35:31 <dan408^> headphones too pricy 21:36:01 <dan408^> .famnaticket 76 21:36:02 <zodbot> dan408^: #76 (Joining forces with CentOS?) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/76 21:36:46 <dan408^> So this is inode0's ticket and he's not here. Quite frankly I don't think this is going to pan out since CentOS has their own swag person 21:36:52 <dan408^> we'll leave this for when he's back 21:41:49 <dan408^> #action nb to follow up with Southern_Gentlem to see what is up with the east coast box 21:43:47 <dan408^> jsandys: can you email ParadoxGuitarist for media? briancmonroe@gmail.com, 21:45:56 <dan408^> #topic Open Floor 21:46:12 <dan408^> anyone have anything for the open floor 21:46:20 * nb likes open floors 21:46:23 <nb> but i dont have anything 21:46:43 <nb> need to get the crap back from mario 21:46:51 <dan408^> yeah we do 21:47:20 <dan408^> if we cant track anything down by next week we're just going to order a new set of banners and table cloths 21:47:24 <dan408^> ^^ 21:47:43 <nb> .fasinfo chanchito 21:47:44 <zodbot> nb: User: chanchito, Name: mario juliano grande balletta, email: mario.balletta@gmail.com, Creation: 2011-05-22, IRC Nick: , Timezone: UTC, Locale: en, GPG key ID: 86782D33, Status: active 21:47:47 <zodbot> nb: Approved Groups: ambassadors marketing cla_fpca cla_done 21:48:26 * nb just emailed mario 21:48:36 <dan408^> thanks 21:49:31 * nb wishes our other shippers could attend meetings 21:49:39 <dan408^> yeah 21:49:40 <dan408^> :( 21:49:46 * nb nominates dan408^ to be a shipper 21:49:51 <nb> for west coast 21:49:53 <dan408^> lol 21:49:55 <nb> since he actually comes to meetings 21:50:19 <nb> its not that simple 21:50:22 <nb> famsco has to approve 21:50:34 <nb> then someone will upgrade you to a sponsor in FAS 21:50:46 <dan408^> hmm interesting 21:51:44 <nb> although we don't really have a east coast persona ttending meetings 21:51:47 <nb> the idea was to save shipping cost 21:51:55 <dan408^> eh a few bucks 21:52:44 * nb is southwestern indiana 21:53:15 <nb> some people mentioned they would have liked someone who has been around longer 21:53:24 <nb> than paradox 21:53:26 <dan408^> thats true 21:53:44 * nb doesn't call award3535 new 21:53:57 <nb> yeah true 21:54:10 <nb> yeah 21:54:25 <nb> for now the idea is just to have him ask scott to make labels when he needs them 21:54:30 <nb> him being paradox 21:54:41 <dan408^> yep 21:55:17 <nb> too late to propose sessions 21:55:22 <dan408^> is it? 21:55:23 <dan408^> damn 21:55:23 <nb> Prague, Czech Republic 21:55:44 <nb> i prpoposed session for Yubikeys and for GPG Smart Cards 21:56:15 <dan408^> so 21:56:20 <dan408^> i think we're going to wrap up 21:56:33 <dan408^> i'll try and follow up with design tomorrow 21:56:40 <dan408^> have a good week everyone! 21:56:45 <dan408^> 5 21:56:45 <dan408^> 4 21:56:46 <dan408^> 3 21:56:47 <dan408^> 2 21:56:47 <dan408^> 1 21:56:49 <dan408^> #endmeeting