15:00:48 <pknirsch> #startmeeting Fedora Base Design Working Group (2014-04-25) 15:00:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Apr 25 15:00:48 2014 UTC. The chair is pknirsch. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:56 <pknirsch> #meetingname Fedora Base Design Working Group 15:00:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_base_design_working_group' 15:01:08 <pknirsch> Alright, good morning and good afternoon folks 15:02:02 <jwb> hi 15:02:05 <pknirsch> I hope everyone had a great last weekend (and for those enjoying holidays over Easter an extended weekend :) 15:02:11 <jreznik_q10> Hi guys 15:02:32 <pknirsch> I didn't have a lot for today's agenda, mainly a checkup on the things we discussed 2 weeks ago 15:02:39 <jreznik_q10> weekend is here and it starts raining ;-) 15:02:49 <pknirsch> thanks jwb for already sending the FESCO vote about the securetty feature 15:02:56 <pknirsch> jreznik_q10: same here :) 15:02:56 <jwb> np 15:03:29 <pknirsch> so we can leave that off. so the only official topic for today is the merge reviews. 15:03:35 <pknirsch> #topic Status merge reviews 15:03:52 <pknirsch> jreznik_q10, dgilmore: i think you two wanted to look into that, right? Any news there? 15:03:58 * notting is here 15:04:03 <pknirsch> heya notting :) 15:04:14 <jreznik_q10> for merge reviews FAD, Dennis is going to prepare invitation mails 15:04:20 <pknirsch> #chair jwb jreznik_q10 notting 15:04:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: jreznik_q10 jwb notting pknirsch 15:04:45 <jreznik_q10> we talked about it yesterday 15:06:31 <pknirsch> Alright. Lets keep it on a quick update status then for next weeks, jreznik_q10 ? 15:07:01 <jreznik_q10> Yep, let's try not to forget ;) 15:07:16 <pknirsch> oki, good 15:07:33 <pknirsch> #info Keep reviews in topic section for next meetings. 15:07:40 <pknirsch> #topic Open Floor 15:07:44 <pknirsch> moving to open floor then 15:07:52 <pknirsch> I have one thing that i just remembered today: 15:08:03 <pknirsch> I'll be on PTO next Friday and away for the extended weekend. 15:08:17 <jreznik_q10> Do you want cover? 15:08:26 <pknirsch> So if someone would run the meeting next week that would be awesome 15:08:32 <pknirsch> yes jreznik_q10 :) 15:08:35 <jreznik_q10> I can 15:08:43 * pknirsch think jreznik_q10 is typing faster than himself :( 15:08:46 <pknirsch> thanks! 15:09:03 <pknirsch> #info pknirsch on PTO next Friday, jreznik going to run the meeting. 15:09:06 <jreznik_q10> smartphone with hw keyboard in a tram ;-) 15:09:22 <pknirsch> heh 15:09:48 <jreznik_q10> Btw. one question - we're still behind that decision of no deliverables for Base WG, right? 15:10:26 <jreznik_q10> or are there any requests for releng? And as releng belongs to Base WG 15:10:47 <jreznik_q10> We should review it I'd say 15:10:52 * pknirsch nods 15:11:02 <jreznik_q10> See my email to devel and releng ticket 15:11:23 <pknirsch> Right, just wanted to say, i haven't seen anything there yet 15:11:31 <jwb> i was thinking of something along those lines earlier this morning 15:11:45 <jwb> it seems both Server and Workstation need a basic install tree for fedup to work 15:11:55 <pknirsch> mhm 15:12:04 <jwb> i don't immediately see why they would be different, nor why it couldn't be a Base repo 15:12:19 <jwb> since we have previously talked about doing a minimal boot.iso/netboot thing 15:12:25 <pknirsch> Aye 15:12:26 <jreznik_q10> I was thinking about the same 15:12:49 <jwb> seems like it would be better to do that than to duplicate an install tree for all the products. maybe i'm missing something though 15:12:55 <pknirsch> Does Cloud need/use the same one as well? or does mattdm's group have different requirements there? 15:13:00 <jwb> was hoping dgilmore would be around 15:13:02 <pknirsch> Or do they need that at all? 15:13:12 <jwb> pknirsch, not sure on Cloud. i don't think fedup is really a thing they do? 15:13:18 <jwb> but yeah, could talk to them 15:13:23 <pknirsch> yea, thats why i'm wondering. 15:13:54 <pknirsch> I they "only" do image deployments without major release upgrades inside the images, i don't think fedup is something we need to worry about there then 15:14:11 <jreznik_q10> well, there's no requirement they have to use it, still sharing over the rest products could be nice to have 15:14:13 <notting> jwb: what do you mean by install tree? the stage2? 15:14:57 <jwb> notting, that's part of the problem. i'm not sure what dgilmore is talking about when he says install tree. nirik and i were chatting and thought it was the equivalent of the stuff fedup needs from the existing 'Fedora' repo 15:15:05 <jwb> which is what the Fedora DVD is composed from 15:15:13 <jwb> the repo could still exist, just in a smaller form 15:16:04 <notting> fedup, afaik, needs an upgrade fedup image to boot into, and access to the full repo of packages so it can get everything to upgrade 15:16:44 * dgilmore is here 15:16:45 <jwb> the upgrade fedup image seems like it could be the common part. the repo would point to a product specific repo 15:16:48 <pknirsch> but couldn't that fedup image be the same for everyone? 15:17:07 <pknirsch> and dgilmore already stated we'll have a Everything repo as well 15:17:26 <dgilmore> pknirsch: yes but thats never been installable and its not planned to be so now 15:18:02 <dgilmore> pknirsch: the fedup image may need to be different per product 15:18:05 <pknirsch> sure, but the fedup image could reference to that repo, or? or is there a reason why it couldn't? 15:18:08 <pknirsch> ah 15:18:10 <pknirsch> ok 15:18:11 <jreznik_q10> next tram stop is mine but I'll let yasic running... 15:18:35 <jwb> "may need to be" is the question. i'm not seeing a reason why it would be different 15:19:20 <dgilmore> jwb: if the products diverge in setup etc it may need to be handled in each product having different dracut modules in the upgrader 15:19:48 <dgilmore> that could be passed on via the cli 15:19:51 <dgilmore> or other means 15:20:04 <jwb> dgilmore, or you could create a generic one that has all the modules. 15:20:31 <dgilmore> jwb: depends on implementation 15:20:38 <jwb> which is what we're talking about 15:20:58 <dgilmore> jwb: either way all procucts need an install tree to be able to make images going forward 15:21:32 <dgilmore> and pxe install of all products should be done 15:21:56 <jwb> yes, you've said that. i believe you even without fully understanding why. what i'm driving at is if that install tree can be common and could possibly be the thing we use for Base boot/net iso 15:22:07 <dgilmore> personally I prefer to pxe install, I don't use a livecd other than to test they work 15:22:56 <dgilmore> jwb: that would require anaconda work not scoped 15:23:21 <jwb> ... 15:23:22 <jwb> why? 15:23:25 <dgilmore> jwb: anaconda expects the package set to be part of the install tree where stage2 is found 15:23:55 <dgilmore> pottentially the product trees could be added as second repos 15:24:02 <dgilmore> potentiallhy 15:24:04 <notting> dgilmore: an override can be passed on the commandline, if i'm remembering right, so it's doable. 15:24:07 <dgilmore> gahh i cant spell 15:24:33 <dgilmore> notting: yeah, but ugly and would need all the documentation to change 15:24:54 <dgilmore> doable but harder 15:25:08 <jwb> so instead of changing documentation, we're going to duplicate repos across 3 products unnecessarily? 15:25:58 <dgilmore> jwb: not really 15:26:30 <notting> dgilmore: what i mean to say is that if you can already override the main repo on the commandline or via kickstart, i'm not sure that it's much extra anaconda work to expose it more/better. but probably a question for the anaconda team 15:26:39 <jreznik_q10> we can talk to docs guys 15:27:03 <dgilmore> if products end up offering different anaconda experiences then they ill need to have different contents in the installer/upgrade trees 15:27:22 <jwb> that's not likely for f21 15:27:27 <jwb> given fesco said to not do that 15:27:43 <jreznik_q10> it it ever happens 15:27:44 <dgilmore> jwb: right, but it seems wise to assume it is going to happen 15:27:53 <dgilmore> at some point 15:28:24 <dgilmore> I think some of the answers will be clearer when we do our first test compose 15:28:36 <jwb> why aren't we doing that now? 15:28:50 <jwb> or rather, what is missing that's preventing us from doing that now 15:30:12 <dgilmore> its on myt list to work out next week 15:30:36 <jwb> ok. so we can revisit this in next week's Base meeting i guess 15:30:42 <notting> jwb: believe we're also waiting on the WGs to have alpha-ish kickstarts for their products (rather than just copying over the cloud & desktop ones) 15:30:44 <dgilmore> at some point i want to make the nightly composes be a full compose not partial as we do today 15:30:56 <dgilmore> that too 15:31:23 <jwb> notting, sure. i'm working on WS today. but using the existing desktop ks isn't really a bad start 15:31:32 <jwb> (though apparently it doesn't fit in 4G anymore) 15:31:40 <dgilmore> we need to start with something 15:31:57 <dgilmore> jwb: there is a workstation kickstart for the install tree that will need work also 15:32:27 <jwb> dgilmore, ... that's exactly what i've been driving at above. i don't understand why we need a separate install tree for all 3 products. 15:32:32 <dgilmore> at least today thats how we make the tree that has the workstation package set 15:32:41 <jwb> it seems we could find the superset and create one install tree 15:32:58 <dgilmore> jwb: then we have todays Fedora tree 15:33:05 <jwb> why is that a problem? 15:33:12 <notting> jwb: *nod*. afaik, server doesn't have anything, though 15:33:49 <dgilmore> jwb: the installer would offer the packages in worlkstation, server and cloud 15:34:05 <dgilmore> if so whats the point in doing fedora.next 15:34:16 <dgilmore> as nothing is really changing 15:34:45 <jwb> what do you mean "would offer"? 15:34:55 <nirik> uh... I was operating under the idea that we would use kickstarts for that? 15:34:56 <jwb> anaconda doesn't do on-the-fly package selection anymore 15:35:05 <jwb> nirik, right 15:35:53 <dgilmore> jwb: then every install would be exactly the same. 15:36:27 <dgilmore> jwb: having a seperate install tree Workstation installs without a kickstart would be different to server installs without a kickstart 15:36:35 <nirik> anaconda doesn't let you choose specific packages, but you can choose groups/comps things, no? 15:36:44 <dgilmore> nirik: afaik yes 15:37:32 <jwb> i'm still not seeing a problem 15:38:02 <nirik> if you do a install against the tree with no kickstart, yeah, you would get the superset? 15:39:11 <jwb> discounting that live installs are done from the image, which is created from a KS? 15:39:18 <nirik> so, I guess for server thats not super ideal... since workstation would show up there... 15:39:24 <dgilmore> jwb: since we would hardlink the trees together having seperate trees per product doesnt cost much disk wise 15:39:44 <nirik> dgilmore: does that mean fedup would diverge? which images would we use? 15:39:54 <jwb> nirik, right. i'm more concerned about fedup 15:40:12 <nirik> 3*testing also seems very bad 15:40:31 <nirik> (if we can avoid it) 15:40:35 <dgilmore> nirik: it could diverge 15:41:05 <dgilmore> there is many unanswered questions still 15:41:19 <jwb> so maybe we should ask and get answers 15:41:31 <nirik> so, the only advantage to seperate so far I see is the available groups could be product specific only? 15:41:47 <dgilmore> jwb: i think many answers will come when we have a compose 15:42:02 <dgilmore> as we can then examine and test 15:42:07 <dgilmore> and see whats what 15:42:07 * nirik really thinks we should strive to avoid duplication if there's not really really good reasons for it 15:42:46 <jwb> ok, i guess we can revist next week then 15:43:03 <dgilmore> nirik: available groups would be product specific, and over time there is room for product specific divergance 15:43:03 <pknirsch> sounds good 15:43:48 <nirik> dgilmore: multiplying our qa load by 3 for 'the future' seems bad to me... if there's good reasons for/need for divergence right now, sure... but I am having trouble seeing it. 15:44:55 <dgilmore> nirik: well it also gives each product something to push and advertise 15:45:20 <nirik> well, they have their own images for that... but ok. 15:45:26 <dgilmore> nirik: server doest 15:45:29 <dgilmore> doesnt 15:45:42 <dgilmore> Servers product is an install tree 15:45:42 <nirik> it will. 15:46:06 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Server/Technical_Specification#Supported_Architectures_and_Install_Media 15:46:16 <nirik> and a local install media. 15:46:54 <dgilmore> nirik: yeah thats a install dvd which is the product of creating an install tree 15:47:15 <nirik> well, I would not call the install tree the product. ;) 15:47:25 <nirik> but sure. 15:47:26 <dgilmore> to make that we have to make a product specific install tree 15:47:34 <nirik> why product specific? 15:47:55 <nirik> we can take this off line too if we are de-railing the meeting.... 15:48:05 <dgilmore> nirik: because how pungi works it includes the packages and comps in the install tree on the dvd 15:48:18 <dgilmore> thats how it works 15:48:39 <mjg59> More or less work to fix pungi than to duplicate trees? 15:49:00 <dgilmore> mjg59: much more work 15:49:11 <dgilmore> as its not really pungi but mkisofs 15:49:49 <dgilmore> we would need to have some way to modify comps and tell mkisofs to exclude some contents in the tree 15:49:49 <nirik> humf. ok. 15:50:41 <dgilmore> and as we will hardlink the product trees the cost is low 15:50:43 <jwb> i'm lost. why is mkisofs involved 15:50:52 <dgilmore> jwb: thats what makes the install iso 15:50:54 <nirik> dgilmore: the disk space cost. 15:51:00 <dgilmore> pungi calls it 15:51:03 <dgilmore> nirik: true 15:51:15 <nirik> I think adamw might not like multiplying all the fedup and netinstall test plans X 3 15:52:07 <nirik> jwb: if we make a dvd image (for server) we don't want workstation stuff on it... (no idea on specifically why mkisofs is involved) 15:52:33 <jwb> nirik, that seems solvable with code. 15:52:34 <dgilmore> nirik: mkisofs is involved as its the tool pungi calls to make the dvd iso 15:52:45 <dgilmore> jwb: not simply 15:52:54 <nirik> dgilmore: but pungi feeds it content? 15:52:57 <jwb> why would anyone think this would all be simple? 15:53:09 <nirik> :) 15:53:12 <dgilmore> nirik: pungi lays out the tree and says here make it 15:53:31 <jwb> there's engineering work to be done.. i'm not sure why we'd plan on just reusing existing tools as-is at the cost of duplicating effort for everyone else 15:55:08 <nirik> sure, lets work on solutions. ;) 15:55:15 <dgilmore> there is plans for much work 15:56:02 <dgilmore> anyway lets more on and re-visit when we have a test compose to look at 15:56:16 <dgilmore> move on 15:56:47 <pknirsch> oki, sounds good. 15:56:54 <pknirsch> i had one last short item: 15:59:17 <pknirsch> I've had a quick talk with Florian Weimer today and he was talking to me about automated checks and things we could look at hardening, especially for the Base packages. I've asked him to compile a list of things and we can then see what we can do with them. Probably run it past FESCO and talk with QE and FPC how that could then be implemented/automated. 15:59:37 <pknirsch> but no concrete info yet. I'll also ask him to write up the summary for fedora-devel ofc 15:59:44 <jwb> ok 15:59:45 <pknirsch> so we can disucss this there first as well 15:59:51 <dgilmore> pknirsch: sounds like something for task-o-tron 15:59:56 <pknirsch> aye 16:00:09 <pknirsch> dgilmore: had the same idea there, too 16:01:21 <dgilmore> sounds like a worthwhile task though 16:01:24 <pknirsch> jup 16:01:29 <pknirsch> especially if it can be automated 16:01:32 <pknirsch> which it should be 16:01:43 <dgilmore> indeed 16:02:19 <pknirsch> Oki thats all from me though 16:02:22 <pknirsch> anything else? 16:02:50 <dgilmore> I have nothing 16:03:18 <pknirsch> ok, thanks guys! good discussion today. 16:03:32 <pknirsch> have a great weekend! 16:03:37 <pknirsch> #endmeeting