18:00:02 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2014-05-08) 18:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 8 18:00:02 2014 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:02 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 18:00:02 <nirik> #topic welcome starfighters 18:00:02 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk 18:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:00:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean 18:00:42 <abadger1999> hola 18:00:49 <janeznemanic> hi 18:00:49 * tflink is lurking 18:00:52 * adimania is here 18:00:54 * threebean is here 18:00:56 * lmacken 18:00:58 * nj0y wink 18:00:58 * webpigeon waves 18:01:30 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks 18:01:47 <nirik> Any new folks like to introduce themselves? or apprentices with questions, comments, suggestions? 18:02:18 <ootbro> I'll jump on the "apprentice" part..... 18:03:10 <ootbro> I'm still trying to get settled in to the Project, but I'm trying to figure out how to proceed. The web site has helped some, but I think I'm still missing an unknown something 18:03:38 <ootbro> If this is best for a one-on-one session off-line, I'm ok with that. 18:04:08 <nirik> well, we are pretty self driven for good or ill... so usually it's best to find some task/ticket/issue and just start working on it... asking questions along the way. 18:04:20 <nj0y> I worked on my ticket, syslog to webapps. some apps in ansible done. I upload the patches to the ticket and ask for a commit :) 18:05:10 <ootbro> that helps a little.... thanks 18:05:39 <nirik> or watching things in our usual channels and chiming in offering to help with something thats ongoing. ;) Sometimes that doesn't work because it needs access, but sometimes you can pick up a fun task that way. 18:06:07 * docent is late 18:06:33 <nirik> thats the biggest problem we have onramping new folks I think... the gap between being ready to work on something and not being clear on what to work on... but I am not sure how to easily make it better. ;( 18:07:01 <threebean> ootbro: have you seen https:/fedoraproject.org/easyfix ? 18:07:28 <ootbro> let me think about that part, since I'm in the middle of it.... see if I can come up with anything that can help onramp the newbies :D 18:07:34 <docent> nirik: afair Gnome project has some introduction tutorial. Newcomers try first steps there and it has something to do with the project env 18:07:34 <mpduty> .fas mohanprakash 18:07:36 <zodbot> mpduty: mohanprakash 'Mohan Prakash' <mpduty@gmail.com> 18:08:03 <nirik> sure, we have some of that with our getting started wiki page and infra-docs as well... 18:08:24 <dgilmore> hola 18:08:25 <ootbro> threebean: I glanced through the list, but haven't yet dove into the details of the easyfixes 18:08:56 <docent> So maybe we could create some tutorial vm image where people could resolve some simple tasks from list therefore they would learn something about our env. not sure how to connect it with our env - maybe vm image with lxc containers simulating our env? :) 18:09:05 <nirik> silly enhancement idea for easyfix: a 'give me a random one'... ie, just click and it points you to a random specific one. ;) 18:09:33 <docent> nirik: but honestly I think that easyfix list is a good starting point (did the job for me :P) 18:09:34 <webpigeon> docent: that would be cool 18:09:38 <ootbro> thanks all for the ideas 18:09:39 <nirik> docent: well, all our software is 100% free and open source. You can make a local vm and install any of it you like. ;) 18:09:48 <threebean> heh, also, if someone wants to look into it, it could be cool to adapt mozilla's "asknot" project for fedora -> https://github.com/moztw/asknot 18:10:04 <nj0y> a system-landscape (pictures) would help. but is much efort 18:10:14 <nirik> threebean: interesting... hadn't seen that before. 18:10:47 <threebean> it's a neat one 18:11:12 <nirik> The gettingstarted page is also a bit long in the tooth. I might try and revamp it and add some more info. 18:11:25 <ootbro> nj0y: the system-landscape is something I started thinking about last week.... trying to figure out how FP is put together 18:11:39 <nj0y> mee too ;-) 18:11:45 <nj0y> ootbro 18:12:32 <ootbro> nirik: I think we're done beating this not-quite-dead horse for the day..... but I will likely be back in touch with you by e-mail 18:12:43 <nirik> yeah... I'm happy to answer questions on that, but perhaps I can try a addition to the gettingstarted page for you folks to look at? 18:12:45 <webpigeon> If you wanted to script it the hosts in ansible would be a good starting point... 18:13:00 <nirik> ootbro: sure. :) 18:13:13 <nirik> we have somewhat of a map in nagios... 18:13:53 <docent> nirik, webpigeon: so I think... I could poke around that VM - like introduction env. That is some effort, but could be an interesting project..? E.g. create some LXC containers, lists of tasks to be done (starting from something easy and later introducing Ansible etc)..? 18:13:54 <nirik> anyhow, shall we move on? or anything further on this? 18:14:36 <nirik> docent: note that we currently don't use containers at all. ;) 18:15:07 <nirik> but we could someday. 18:15:35 <docent> nirik: oh that doesn;t matter - just for VM purposes (it's easier to create containers on some Virtualbox machineso we have "rich" environment) 18:16:01 <nirik> sure. Just saying there might be oddities related to that that we might need to fix or clean up 18:16:24 <docent> nirik: it's only about people that would be able to ssh to some boxes and resolve simple tasks. But if you think it's not a good idea than no problem - as I said - easyfix list did job for me ;) 18:16:36 <nirik> a cool thing might be to make docker container setups for all our apps. so someone could very easily run one locally. 18:17:03 <threebean> +1 18:17:06 <docent> nirik: ha yess :) already working on that *very-nice-turbogears1-mirrormanager* ;) 18:17:09 <threebean> that could be done one by one, too. 18:17:26 * relrod here, late, sorry 18:17:27 <nirik> well, I keep thinking it should be pretty easy for anyone to run their own local vm's/containers... is that off base tho? do some folks have 0 access to rhel/fedora locally? 18:17:53 <docent> yup, sound good 18:18:03 <nj0y> grab the image and run it localli does not seem a problem for me 18:18:12 <nj0y> *local 18:18:23 * adimania is having internet issues :( 18:18:35 <nirik> in the past for our apps I think we asked people to setup virtualenvs... at least some of them. 18:18:47 <nirik> anyhow, I guess lets move along... 18:18:51 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion 18:19:06 <nirik> any application news this past week or upcoming? 18:19:18 <docent> But... there's that discussion about "LXC vs Docker". I mean - it can be better for sysadmins to work on LXC with Ansible playbooks in order to install some app env that using Dockerimage. Docekr has some odds that make it not that good for development env.. nah - this is a neat discussion 18:19:50 * docent keeps quiet now ;) 18:20:15 <nirik> docent: yeah, containers are cool... but there's a bunch of them. ;) Like I said, we haven't decided on any specific ones in infrastructure, still waiting to see how the container wars shake out. ;) 18:20:16 <threebean> nothing new deployment-wise here.. just background development. 18:20:32 <nirik> yeah, seems like it was a pretty quiet week, which is great. ;) 18:20:49 <threebean> oh, at the end of last week we worked to audit and fix a handful of Covert Redirect vulns 18:20:51 * threebean finds a link 18:21:24 <nirik> hurray. Thanks again for working on those so fast. 18:21:31 <threebean> http://patrick.uiterwijk.org/2014/05/03/fixing-openid-covert-redirect/ 18:21:42 <nirik> oh, I have one thing I have been meaning to fix or bring up to get someone else to fix: 18:22:30 <nirik> we have a cron job on log02 that pulls httpd logs from various app servers. When they were in puppet we used a different naming scheme, so the cron is failing. We need to adjust it to be the same as the old one in ansible or fix the cron job. 18:22:48 * nirik can file a ticket on it later today. 18:23:32 <nirik> ok, if no other apps news.... 18:23:43 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion 18:23:54 * nirik looks for smooge... not around. 18:24:21 <nirik> I was out this week, so I didn't do much. ;) 18:24:52 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items 18:24:53 <nirik> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/infrastructure/ 18:24:55 <threebean> :D 18:25:00 <nirik> anything upcoming folks would like to note or schedule? 18:25:23 * threebean does the bodhi2 FAD dance 18:25:25 <threebean> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Bodhi2_Taskotron_2014 18:25:33 <nirik> looking forward to it. ;) 18:25:44 <nirik> any other details we need to lock down? or we are good? 18:25:47 <randomuser`> Sometime soon, i want to stand up the fedora docs backend, and could probably use some help 18:26:10 <randomuser`> at least some benevolent second-guessing :) 18:26:10 <nirik> randomuser`: cool. I can try and assist with that. 18:26:10 <adimania> FUDCon APAC is happening in Beijing. 18:26:23 <threebean> this morning, lmacken mentioned something about unexpected costs for the conference room... we'll work it out offline. 18:26:25 <adimania> I am trying to take an introductory session on Ansible 18:26:26 <randomuser`> nirik, thanks 18:26:26 <nirik> adimania: when is that again? 18:26:37 <adimania> 23 to 26 May. 18:26:57 <nirik> adimania: cool. Let me know if I can assist with slides or info or anything for you... 18:27:13 <nirik> threebean: bummer. ok. 18:27:19 <adimania> I was wondering if I can do a puppet to Ansible migration there as a demo. 18:27:28 <lmacken> threebean: they were expected, but we'll figure it out ;) 18:27:37 <adimania> Not as demo, more of a beginner workshop 18:27:56 <threebean> cool :P 18:27:57 <nirik> adimania: possibly. Not sure what will be pending right then thats easy... but there might be something, we can look. 18:28:24 <adimania> sure. No problem. 18:29:01 <nirik> I agree that would be a nice workshop thing. ;) 18:30:03 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 18:30:04 * threebean has to duck out 18:30:11 <nirik> Any items for open floor? 18:30:53 * nirik listens to the quiet. :) 18:31:04 <nirik> ok, will close out in a minute then if nothing else. 18:31:14 <ootbro> I think I hear the crickets chirping :) 18:31:41 <danofsatx-work> wait, I was here 18:31:46 <danofsatx-work> really,I was/am 18:31:50 * nj0y cree cree 18:31:58 <nirik> :) 18:32:03 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone! 18:32:05 <nirik> #endmeeting