20:00:07 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2014-06-11 20:00:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 11 20:00:07 2014 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:09 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:14 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 20:00:30 <sesivany> .hellomynameis eischmann 20:00:31 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 20:00:35 <cmpahar> .fas cmpahar 20:00:36 <zodbot> cmpahar: cmpahar 'Christos Bacharakis' <cmpahar@gmail.com> 20:00:42 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 20:00:42 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 20:00:44 <kmf> .fas kmf 20:00:46 <zodbot> kmf: kmfcandu 'Kyle Fletcher' <kyle.fletcher@candu.com> - kmf 'Karl Fischer' <kmf@fischer.org.za> 20:01:04 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 20:01:05 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giankonstantinidis@gmail.com> 20:01:36 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 20:01:37 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 20:03:34 <sesivany> ok, let's start... 20:03:41 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 20:03:49 <sesivany> any announcements? 20:04:09 <kubblai> .fas kubbli 20:04:10 <zodbot> kubblai: 'kubbli' Not Found! 20:04:13 <kubblai> .fas kubblai 20:04:14 <zodbot> kubblai: kubblai 'David Mcnulty' <kubblai@gmail.com> 20:04:44 <sesivany> I've got one. 20:05:05 <sesivany> The schedule of Flock has been published. 20:05:21 <sesivany> #info The schedule of Flock 2014 has been published: http://flocktofedora.org/schedule/ 20:06:43 <sesivany> and we have a new Fedora Project Leader - Matthew Miller. 20:07:39 <sesivany> #info The new Fedora Project Leader is Matthew Miller. 20:08:14 <sesivany> mattdm: congrats to your new position from the EMEA community ;-) 20:09:00 <sesivany> ok, if there are no other announcements, let's move on to the next topic. 20:09:03 <kmf> +1 20:09:32 <sesivany> #topic Flock sponsorships from EMEA budget 20:09:48 <sesivany> That's something I already started on the mailing list. 20:10:21 <sesivany> we might be able to scrap some money from our budget to support selected cotributors from emea to go to flock. 20:11:00 <sesivany> but because it's our money we have to decide if we want to do it and how. 20:11:29 <sesivany> any opinions? did you read the discussion on the ambassadors mailing list? 20:11:58 <cmpahar> ? 20:12:09 <sesivany> cmpahar: yes? 20:12:33 <robyduck> we should mention that we are thinking about using the regional budget because FLOCK will sponsor only speakers. There are probably contributors which are not speakers, which deserve sponsorship. 20:12:46 <robyduck> cmpahar: sorry 20:12:48 <cmpahar> Thank you sesivany for bringing this up. I want to ask, who is going to decide on which community members are going to be sponsored 20:13:06 <biker> .fas rugebiker 20:13:07 <zodbot> biker: rugebiker 'Ruben Guerra Marin' <rguerra.marin@gmail.com> 20:13:31 <cmpahar> and how these members are going to request the sponsorship ? As usual filing a bug request? eof 20:13:45 <sesivany> cmpahar: we can do it ourselves at the next meeting, or select a committee, or delegate it to FAmSCo. It's up to us. 20:14:11 <sesivany> cmpahar: yes, by filing a ticket in our trac. 20:14:26 <cmpahar> my proposition on that is to select at least 2-3 members of the active communities. Depend on the people who are going to submit a budget request as well. 20:15:03 <sesivany> cmpahar: we discussed it in FAmSCo yesterday and our proposition for EMEA is $2000 distributed among 5 contributors. 20:15:31 <cmpahar> sesivany, so only 5 contributors from the EMEA region? 20:16:08 <sesivany> cmpahar: well, we manage to sponsor more from $2000, why not. 20:16:32 <gnokii> ! 20:16:39 <sesivany> but we really can't give more. The budget is not intended for such a purpose. We're doing this because we have saved some money recently. 20:16:47 <sesivany> gnokii: just speak. 20:17:33 <gnokii> what defines Ruth as "travel costs" I got a mail that only speaker get that sponsored, so whats with accomodation then, there are some who like only that 20:18:38 <sesivany> gnokii: speakers should have travel costs and acommodation covered. 20:18:53 <sesivany> unfortunately there is no money in the flock budget for other people. 20:19:03 <sesivany> let me give you some context. 20:19:28 <sesivany> the Flock's budget is much smaller this year. We don't have any other sponsor than Red Hat so far. 20:19:53 <sesivany> Google pulled off and they chipped in $10-15k last year. 20:20:23 <sesivany> only to cover all speakers requires $70k. 20:20:35 <sesivany> the budget for sponsorships is $50k. 20:21:14 <sesivany> so there is not even enough money for sponsors and redhatters have been asked to cover the costs from their team budgets. 20:21:28 <sesivany> I myself am not going to ask for any sponsorship. 20:21:57 <sesivany> that's just a context, that the Flock organizers don't really have money broadly support Fedora contributors. 20:22:19 <pandaconstantin> Hello everyone 20:22:26 <sesivany> and that's the reason why I'd like to do at least a little sponsorship in EMEA. 20:22:53 <heffer> a bit late but here i am :) 20:22:55 <heffer> .fas heffer 20:22:56 <zodbot> heffer: heffer 'Felix Kaechele' <felix@fetzig.org> - oaad 'oaad sheffer' <ohad.sheffer@gmail.com> 20:22:59 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr 20:23:00 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 20:23:12 <thunderbirdtr> Good night/evening everyone ! 20:23:21 <sesivany> so how are we going to do it? 20:23:31 <cmpahar> sesivany, thank you for that and for your effort but I think you understand that this is not longer a Fedora Contributors conference, right? 20:24:01 <robyduck> :) 20:24:20 <cmpahar> sesivany, maybe an open call to ambassador mailing list with a dead line in 2 weeks till the next meeting 20:24:23 <sesivany> cmpahar: all the speakers are still fedora contributors, but I agree that it's not very fortunate that having a talk is the only criteria. 20:24:37 <cmpahar> and then the FAmSco review the requests? 20:24:51 <biker> sesivany: i guess the poeple who has really worked for fedora the last year (not necessarily ambassadors) should be the ones who earn it 20:25:11 <sesivany> cmpahar: yeah, I think that we can do it in FAmSCo. 20:25:14 <robyduck> cmpahar: this is also my opinion, but we can't do much now, so we need to do the best possible sponsorship with the money we can use from EMEA, IMHO. 20:25:19 <giannisk_> ! 20:25:33 <sesivany> giannisk_: yes? 20:25:44 <cmpahar> biker, and how you define the people who worked most? 20:25:49 <giannisk_> so, from what i've seen there are plans to sponsor 5 people from our regional budget 20:26:02 <biker> cmpahar: that is the tricky part =/ 20:26:15 <giannisk_> though i think it'd be nicer to have as many emea contributors as possible partially sponsored for flock 20:26:19 <kmf> ! 20:26:36 <giannisk_> so, why not spend 2000 to sponsor 10 people? 200 usd each makes up to 150 euros 20:26:45 <giannisk_> which is good to partially cover flights costs 20:27:05 <sesivany> giannisk_: yes, that's not a bad idea. 20:27:12 <giannisk_> and they could maybe choose to stay at the student dormitories, which are going to be cheap from what i;ve heard 20:27:25 <sesivany> kmf: just there are not many of us here today. 20:27:41 <giannisk_> so yes, maybe do an open call on the ambassadors list like cmpahar suggested... with a deadline for applications 20:27:46 <kmf> I think it's about the most impact ... get people who are the closest to Flock to go .. the more contributors can attend .. everyone wins right? 20:27:47 <sesivany> giannisk_: that's definitely a necessary condition. Extra sponsorhip = staying in the dormitory. 20:27:57 <giannisk_> eog 20:28:04 <giannisk_> s/eog/eof 20:28:21 <sesivany> ok, let's sum it up... 20:28:24 <edgates> .fas edgates 20:28:25 <zodbot> edgates: edgates 'Elijah Hanson' <pkwesihanson@yahoo.com> 20:28:42 <sesivany> we rather want to go for more smaller sponsorships... 20:28:57 <sesivany> $200 for 10 contributors. 20:29:07 <giannisk_> +1 20:29:07 <kmf> sesivany, +1 20:29:08 <robyduck> cool, /me likes that 20:29:12 <heffer> +1 20:29:16 <pandaconstantin> +1 20:29:28 <cmpahar> sesivany, lets do that and lets see the requests as well 20:29:31 <sesivany> we will delegate it to FAmSCo to choose the best candidates if there are more. 20:29:33 <kubblai> +1 20:29:44 <thunderbirdtr> +1 20:29:44 <biker> +1 20:29:48 <cmpahar> +1 20:29:52 <sesivany> the call period will be 2 weeks. 20:30:25 <cmpahar> sesivany, just make sure that it is clear to the announcement that only partial costs are going to be covered 20:31:01 <sesivany> the smaller sponsorships I think quite well work with kmf's idea to sponsor people who are cheaper to get to Flock because $200 doesn't really help someone who needs $1200. 20:32:36 <pandaconstantin> Is it possible to sponsor only the room and the candidate take the flight on his own charge ? 20:32:36 <sesivany> I don't know if we should also mention that they should stay in the dormitories. 20:33:01 <robyduck> I saw average flight costs are about 150-160€, Istanbul is 200, Milan is 90-100, Berlin, Paris etc are very similar to Milan 20:33:17 <gnokii> robyduck: flying from Berlin? 20:33:26 <robyduck> sesivany: I'd say we should suggest it, but people could stay where they want at this point, no? 20:33:31 <kubblai> i dont think we should be forcing people to stay in dorms 20:33:39 <sesivany> pandaconstantin: dormitories are really cheap, it's around $10 per person, so it should be within the limit. 20:34:08 <pandaconstantin> Nice, this is my case 20:34:09 <robyduck> gnokii: I picked some european cities, didn't care about distances or better travelling options. 20:34:24 <sesivany> robyduck: yes, everything above the limit is their problem. 20:34:30 <cmpahar> sesivany, in that point i will agree with pandaconstantin saying that a lot of people maybe including me are going to ask for a room, not a flight 20:34:38 <giannisk_> i think it's up to them where to spend their own money for accomodation... so let's not force them 20:34:57 <gnokii> cmpahar: thats exactly what I said 20:35:56 <sesivany> ok, accommodation is completely up to the people. They can stay in Hilton if they are able to pay the extra money :) 20:35:58 <cmpahar> sesivany, and probably we could think renting an apartment, just like FOSDEM 20:36:47 <giannisk_> it'd be nice to have people partially sponsored for their flights, not their accomodation... and encourage, but not force them, to stay at the dormitories... if they want to pick a hotel, it's up to them, but not with money from the regional budget 20:37:21 <kmf> a bed is a bed 20:37:57 <sesivany> cmpahar: well, if someone wants to organize renting an apartment, why not, but we managed two options for people - comfortable, but expensive Diplomat Hotel and a very, but still good option - student dormitories. 20:38:34 <gnokii> I asked a while ago in #fedora-de who is willing to share an apartment so far not many germans will go 20:38:38 <sesivany> both have the advantage that they are literally several minutes of walking from the venue. 20:39:24 <sesivany> I would like to also mention at least a bit the criteria. 20:40:14 <sesivany> I think it would be someone who has actively contributed to Fedora Project in the last year and someone who has some agenda (meet team mates, organize a hackfest there,...). 20:40:28 <sesivany> that least those people should be prioritized. 20:40:53 <robyduck> +1 20:40:59 <thunderbirdtr> +1 20:41:16 <giannisk_> +1 20:41:55 <cmpahar> sounds reasonable +1 20:42:06 <kmf> +1 20:42:25 <sesivany> as much as I'd love to see every Fedora guy at Flock arguments such as "I want to go to Flock to listen to talks and meet people" are not something that should get a priority with our limited funding. 20:42:51 <kubblai> agree +1 20:43:17 <pandaconstantin> sesivany I do not understand what do you mean by organize a hackfest 20:43:46 <pandaconstantin> Is it a hackfest during the FLOCK, right ? 20:44:16 <sesivany> pandaconstantin: yes, it doesn't have to be a hackfest, but something like a session where you get together with others and work on something. 20:44:39 <sesivany> the last day of Flock is devoted to it and it's not usually schedule prior to conference. 20:44:46 <thunderbirdtr> pandaconstantin, kindish ~~ :) just do your thing stuff as usually :) 20:45:00 <pandaconstantin> Oki 20:45:37 <pandaconstantin> I prepared something 20:45:50 <pandaconstantin> You will discover it there ;) 20:46:16 <sesivany> ok, let's sum it up: 1. the budget is $2000, the limit per person is $200, 2. FAmSCo will pick the best candidates, 3. the call period will be 2 weeks, 4. people who have actively contributed to Fedora and have some work agenda for Flock should be prioritized. 20:46:22 <sesivany> did I forget something? 20:46:40 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, ! 20:46:46 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: yes? 20:47:37 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, let's say 10 people was on the list for first list also I think It will be cool have secondry list If who didn't gonna make it on the first list you know .... eof 20:48:32 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: we'll go through the list of candidates from the best ones until we reach the limit. 20:48:52 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, okey then... It's cool :) thank you 20:49:21 <sesivany> so if we can satisfy more people than 10 because some asked for less $200, we'll do it. 20:49:43 <thunderbirdtr> wouw that's cool 20:49:45 <thunderbirdtr> good 20:49:55 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: that's why I didn't specify the number of sponsored people in the summary. 20:50:24 <sesivany> is the summary ok? can we vote about it? 20:50:35 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, yeah just mine is e.g that's all but yeah It can be less too .. yeah 20:50:39 <thunderbirdtr> eof 20:50:43 <robyduck> summary looks good, yes 20:50:52 <thunderbirdtr> +1 20:50:57 <sesivany> +1 20:50:57 <kmf> +1 20:50:58 <robyduck> +1 20:51:01 <giannisk_> +1 20:51:08 <biker> +1 20:51:09 <kubblai> +1 20:51:11 <pandaconstantin> +1 20:51:58 <sesivany> #agreed We're going to sponsorship campaign for EMEA contributors with the following points: 1. the budget is $2000, the limit per person is $200, 2. FAmSCo will pick the best candidates, 3. the call period will be 2 weeks, 4. people who have actively contributed to Fedora and have some work agenda for Flock should be prioritized. 20:52:11 <sesivany> ok, thank you! 20:52:19 <cmpahar> thank you sesivany 20:52:48 <sesivany> and it's said to make collective decisions :) 20:52:55 <sesivany> we proved otherwise :) 20:53:16 <sesivany> ok, let's move on to the next topic. 20:53:23 <sesivany> #topic Requests 20:53:34 * sesivany is checking the trac... 20:54:49 <sesivany> I don't see any waiting requests.... 20:55:00 <sesivany> just FYI 20:55:31 <gnokii> sesivany: there is 20:56:18 <sesivany> #info Sponsorship of €150 was approved for Antriksh Shah who cooperate with Fedora Security Lab. 20:56:22 <sesivany> gnokii: which one? 20:56:36 <gnokii> #381 20:58:06 <sesivany> gnokii: ok, I'm approving it on peer review basis. 20:58:16 <gnokii> fine 20:58:45 <gnokii> hopefully I get some of the tickets paid soon otherwise no money for flock 20:58:46 <sesivany> gnokii: done 20:59:13 <sesivany> gnokii: please nag jsimon to make it as quickly as possible. 20:59:34 <sesivany> ok, next topic... 20:59:45 <sesivany> #topic Ambassador's Schedule 20:59:54 <sesivany> there is one update. 21:00:16 <sesivany> The Server WG proposed a 2-week slip for the F21 schedule. 21:00:39 <sesivany> it's likely to be approved by FESCo, maybe it has been already. 21:01:33 <sesivany> #info F21 most likely be released 2 weeks later. The Server WG proposed a slip because they need time to finish their agenda. 21:02:05 <sesivany> #topic Events 21:02:14 <sesivany> any upcoming events? 21:02:40 <sesivany> June and July is usually a quite time in the year in terms of open source events. 21:04:06 <sesivany> there is only FroScon planned for this quarter. 21:04:21 <sesivany> and of course Flock. 21:04:52 <kmf> Software Freedom Day 21:04:57 <kmf> in September 21:05:28 <sesivany> kmf: are you planning to organize one in South Africa? 21:05:34 <kmf> I'm gonna need some swag for my event ... but I will log a ticket ... just a headsup 21:05:39 <kmf> sesivany, yes 21:06:18 <gnokii> there should also be another event in africa 21:06:23 <sesivany> kmf: Sept is already another quarter fyi, but file a ticket in advance. 21:06:40 <kmf> sesivany, okeyzey 21:07:09 <kmf> gnokii, I'm sure there will be Africa is a big place ;) 21:08:04 <sesivany> ok, anything else to events? 21:09:05 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor 21:09:16 <gnokii> sesivany: there is 15th July tech4africa in Lagos, twohot started planning it, at least I got some cc from the organizers that they want us but no other info 21:09:19 <sesivany> now you've got open floor for discussion. 21:09:54 <sesivany> gnokii: he'd better file a ticket for swag soon. 21:09:58 <sesivany> there is not much time. 21:10:11 <giannisk_> ! 21:10:16 <gnokii> sesivany: I know I told him a while ago 21:11:06 <sesivany> giannisk_: go ahead 21:11:09 <giannisk_> sorry for bringing up this late... but i've just thought of that: 21:11:20 <giannisk_> let's change the deadline to flock sponsorship requests to 1 week 21:11:41 <giannisk_> 1 extra week is valuable time... and ticket prices tend to get extremely high close to the event 21:11:50 <giannisk_> prague is also a tourist destination 21:12:14 <giannisk_> so 1 week earlier will let people book cheaper flights 21:12:17 <giannisk_> what do you think? 21:12:24 <giannisk_> eof 21:13:17 <sesivany> I don't have a big problem with that. Others? Do we still have enough people left to vote? 21:14:02 <kubblai> im fine with it +1 21:14:06 <kmf> +1 21:14:19 * giannisk has an unstable connection, apologies 21:14:19 <sesivany> +1 21:14:31 <robyduck> well tickets won't rise I think, but if you want +1 21:14:55 <sesivany> we need one more, otherwise it will be 2 weeks. 21:15:02 <giannisk> robyduck, they tend to... better be safe than sorry ;) 21:15:38 <sesivany> statistically tickets are cheapest 5 weeks before :) 21:15:49 <gnokii> 6-8 weeks 21:16:06 <gnokii> but it doesnt matter august has the highest prices anyway 21:17:07 <sesivany> gnokii: I don't believe statistics that I don't personally manipulate. Who said that? Churchill? :) 21:18:05 <sesivany> btw it didn't get 5 votes, so I guess we'll stick with 2 weeks. 21:19:17 <sesivany> ok, no fifth vote, nothing else to discuss, I think I can call this meeting successfully ended. 21:19:25 <robyduck> If anyone is interested we have new (unofficial) F20 live respins, openssl bug fixed and less updates necessary, build date is June 9th. http://tinyurl.com/Live-respins 21:20:31 <sesivany> #info Late announcement: we have new (unofficial) F20 live respins, openssl bug fixed and less updates necessary, build date is June 9th. http://tinyurl.com/Live-respins 21:20:39 <sesivany> robyduck: thanks 21:20:50 <robyduck> YW 21:20:54 <sesivany> thank you all for attending and meet you in two weeks! 21:21:07 <sesivany> #endmeeting