01:09:16 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:09:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 20 01:09:16 2014 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:09:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:09:26 <vwbusguy> Whew 01:09:35 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 01:09:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:09:52 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:10:01 <ParadoxGuitarist> here 01:10:01 <nb> .hellomynameis nb 01:10:02 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 01:10:10 <ParadoxGuitarist> sorry I'm late 01:10:32 <ParadoxGuitarist> Glad I was able to wander in during roll call 01:10:34 <vwbusguy> .hellomynameis vwbusguy 01:10:35 <zodbot> vwbusguy: vwbusguy 'Scott Williams' <vwfoxguru@gmail.com> 01:10:37 <award3535> #current chairs paradoxguitarist vwbusguy nb 01:10:42 <markdude> \o 01:10:48 <ParadoxGuitarist> .hellomynameis ParadoxGuitarist 01:10:49 <zodbot> ParadoxGuitarist: Sorry, but you don't exist 01:10:52 <ParadoxGuitarist> hahaha 01:10:53 <vwbusguy> Lol 01:11:08 <award3535> current chairs paradoxguitarist vwbusguy nb 01:11:16 <award3535> kicking zbot 01:11:28 <nb> award3535, #chair 01:11:35 <nb> do #chair ParadoxGuitarist vwbusguy nb 01:11:53 <award3535> #chair ParadoxGuitarist vwbusguy nb 01:11:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 nb vwbusguy 01:12:00 <markdude> .hellomynameis markdude 01:12:00 <zodbot> markdude: markdude 'Mark Terranova' <doctorfoss@gmail.com> 01:12:13 <ParadoxGuitarist> so not fair 01:12:19 <award3535> #chair ParadoxGuitarist vwbusguy nb markdude 01:12:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 markdude nb vwbusguy 01:12:35 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 01:12:57 <award3535> anyone have anything 01:13:29 <vwbusguy> Move on to tickets? 01:13:36 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 01:13:51 <award3535> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:13:59 <award3535> not much on the list 01:14:11 <vwbusguy> Well, I added t shirt designs 01:14:53 <award3535> #famnaticket 73 01:15:04 <award3535> .famnaticket 73 01:15:05 <zodbot> award3535: #73 (Fedora T-Shirt design contest) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/73 01:15:26 * markdude is waiting to see if Chris can make meeting (if not I can bring his stuff) 01:15:57 <ParadoxGuitarist> Nice try with the dog one vwbusguy 01:16:04 <vwbusguy> Mairin likes "wings". I think I like "words" the best. 01:16:20 <vwbusguy> ParadoxGuitarist: the dog one is Beefy Miracle inspired 01:16:59 <nb> i like words 01:17:09 <award3535> shall we table this ticket then 01:17:25 <vwbusguy> The only extra comments are wins is fine as is and words needs a slight font change 01:17:34 <vwbusguy> award3535: why? 01:17:36 <markdude> Words is great- covers a few ideas. Of course its assumed the hot dog is a no lose choice :) 01:17:56 <vwbusguy> award3535: let's decide a design and have nb order it :-) 01:18:08 <ParadoxGuitarist> I agree with Mairin Wings is my favorite 01:18:15 <award3535> okay cool 01:18:16 * nb doesn't really like wings 01:18:25 <nb> i really like the words one 01:18:56 <vwbusguy> Sounds it's between wings and words 01:19:06 <markdude> Wings kinda looks like an Ed Hardy style, Im sure many might like it,but :) 01:19:25 <vwbusguy> Shall we vote, award3535 01:19:50 <award3535> sure I like the words] 01:20:13 <vwbusguy> All for words? 01:20:16 <vwbusguy> +1 01:20:21 <award3535> +1 01:20:33 <award3535> all for wings 01:20:38 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 01:20:46 * nb was for words, but i didn't vote in time 01:21:02 <vwbusguy> Count it retro 01:21:05 <award3535> words 3 01:21:09 <award3535> wings 1 01:21:16 <award3535> all for dog 01:21:32 <vwbusguy> +4 01:21:35 <ParadoxGuitarist> no 01:21:39 <ParadoxGuitarist> -9000 01:21:46 <markdude> +1 words 01:22:00 <award3535> looks like it goes to words 01:22:13 <vwbusguy> The dog didn't come near clearing standards btw. Is more comic relief :-) 01:22:33 * markdude really wanted dog, but figured words is best for project 01:22:46 * ParadoxGuitarist facepalms 01:22:52 <markdude> +1 AND its awesome, we can always make our own? eof 01:23:07 <ParadoxGuitarist> you go for it. 01:23:26 <vwbusguy> award3535: let's mark as decided on works and I'll need to have her change the font 01:24:13 <award3535> # decided on t-shirt design of words, and a slight font change 01:24:36 <award3535> agreed decided on t-shirt design of words, and a slight font change 01:25:01 <ParadoxGuitarist> #agreed I think 01:25:20 <award3535> #agreed decided on t-shirt design of words, and a slight font change 01:25:41 <ParadoxGuitarist> well shows what I know 01:25:42 <award3535> kicking the table now... 01:25:52 <markdude> :D 01:26:07 <vwbusguy> On that note, let's order shirts 01:26:14 <award3535> does not matter only that we all decided and its in the text 01:26:16 <vwbusguy> (Probably the other ticket) 01:26:56 <award3535> .famnaticket 75 01:26:57 <zodbot> award3535: #75 (Swag for 2014) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/75 01:27:37 <award3535> I thought last week that we only had to decide on a design and that we all agreed on the ordering 01:28:10 <vwbusguy> nb: we went through men's medium and women's shirts pretty quickly last time 01:28:18 <vwbusguy> (Or at least from my stack) 01:28:52 <ParadoxGuitarist> I think we need to finalize the design so we're actually ready to order 01:29:07 <vwbusguy> Basically, I'd like to get the shirts ordered asap 01:29:29 <markdude> +1 01:29:30 <vwbusguy> ParadoxGuitarist didn't we just do that? 01:29:30 <ParadoxGuitarist> Let's get the image ready to send to the printer so it'll get ordered asap 01:29:34 <ParadoxGuitarist> No 01:29:37 <ParadoxGuitarist> there's a font change 01:29:52 <vwbusguy> Do we need to wait until the next meeting is my question 01:30:02 <award3535> last week we agreed to headphones and T shirts just went over the logs, all we had to do was decide on a design 01:30:11 <ParadoxGuitarist> Yes because no action can be taken until the font change is done 01:30:40 <ParadoxGuitarist> Let's not ask people to take action and not give them all they need to complete it 01:30:40 <vwbusguy> So you want to wait until next week because of a slight font change? 01:30:48 <ParadoxGuitarist> vwbusguy: ys 01:30:50 <ParadoxGuitarist> *yes 01:30:54 <vwbusguy> I disagree 01:30:54 <award3535> i thing we should 01:31:14 <vwbusguy> I think we've waited long for shirts and the font change is minor 01:31:24 <ParadoxGuitarist> Well bust out the final change and submit it in the next hour and I would vote to approve it 01:31:26 <award3535> unless the change is very minor, I am okay with a small change 01:31:40 <vwbusguy> It is very minor 01:31:57 <award3535> then I vote to push it through 01:32:04 <award3535> I like the design 01:32:08 <vwbusguy> +1 01:32:59 <ParadoxGuitarist> You need three to carry the motion 01:33:13 <vwbusguy> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_a_T-shirt_design 01:33:24 <vwbusguy> See fonts. The background words will be that font 01:33:35 <vwbusguy> And if that bothers you then u change my vote to wings 01:33:39 <vwbusguy> I 01:34:04 <vwbusguy> Because that's the approved font ... 01:34:18 <award3535> still +1 for me to push it through 01:34:30 <ParadoxGuitarist> I'm just saying if it's so minor get it done right now. I don't want to ask Ruth or whoever to order something with nothing to give them right now 01:34:58 <ParadoxGuitarist> I motion that we table this vote until later in the meeting 01:35:20 <vwbusguy> Then I change my vote to wings 01:35:27 <vwbusguy> The fonts aren't going to change 01:35:38 <vwbusguy> They're the approved shirt fonts 01:35:49 <vwbusguy> If you don't like them then we need to use the other design 01:35:56 <ParadoxGuitarist> ?? 01:36:16 <ParadoxGuitarist> bear with me (roar) 01:36:17 <vwbusguy> And I don't think we should wait longer on shirts 01:36:38 <ParadoxGuitarist> So the font changes you're talking about aren't to conform to tshirt standards? 01:36:56 <vwbusguy> ParadoxGuitarist . Yes, that's the point 01:37:04 <vwbusguy> And wings requires no updates 01:37:27 <ParadoxGuitarist> We can't do a font change that isn't one of those two 01:37:28 <vwbusguy> And if waiting until tomorrow to get fonts changed is too long then ... 01:38:19 <vwbusguy> I'd like to go ahead with the one we voted on, with the minor font change, and send it to print 01:38:38 <ParadoxGuitarist> What are we changing the font to? 01:38:46 <award3535> I am not against wings or words, either is fine with me but I think we need to look at what we can get done quickly 01:38:46 <vwbusguy> See the link I sent 01:38:47 <ParadoxGuitarist> That was never made clear to me 01:40:13 <vwbusguy> award3535: my motion is to accept "words" and have the t-shirts ordered with the other fonts in place. Eta on the is tomorrow 01:40:42 <award3535> +1 vwbusguy 01:41:03 <award3535> paradoxguitarist what are your thoughts 01:41:04 <vwbusguy> nb: would you like to weigh in? 01:41:14 * nb looks 01:41:36 * nb votes to do words with the changed fonts 01:41:52 <ParadoxGuitarist> I would perfer to wait until we have the image to send 01:41:55 <nb> assuming it doesn't significantly alter the design (which vwbusguy has said it won't) 01:42:08 <ParadoxGuitarist> we've waited this long I don't see how another week will hurt it 01:42:30 <vwbusguy> Nb: right, only fonts on background words will be affected 01:43:13 <award3535> that is 3, i agree, vwbusguy seems to have a handle on it, we should let the ball roll 01:43:38 <vwbusguy> Cool. I'll update the ticket with the updated design from my wife 01:44:08 <award3535> remember we are voting on a design, minor changes are always made to things, even misspellings 01:44:54 <award3535> #action vwbusguy to changes font on t-shirt and submitt for ordering 01:45:10 <vwbusguy> My wife says she'll probably have it around afternoon tomorrow 01:45:24 <award3535> .famnaticket 75 01:45:25 <zodbot> award3535: #75 (Swag for 2014) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/75 01:45:29 <vwbusguy> So, who do we then contact to order the shirts? 01:46:04 <vwbusguy> Does that go to Ruth? 01:46:49 <award3535> I believe it does 01:47:16 <award3535> last week we decided to order shirts after approval of design, and to order headphones 01:47:34 <vwbusguy> Yup, I'd like to move forward with that. 01:47:50 <vwbusguy> nb: do you have contacts for those? 01:48:04 <nb> i will take care of getting headphones ordered 01:48:17 <ParadoxGuitarist> and case badges 01:48:20 <nb> shirts, we need to send design to ruth and she will get quotes from suppliers already set up in red hat system 01:48:27 <nb> so we don't have to do all that stuff to add new companies 01:48:32 <ParadoxGuitarist> reviewing last meetings logs 01:48:34 <award3535> nb can I take the ticket from meeting actions 01:48:55 <award3535> for the headphones I will up date the ticket 01:49:02 <vwbusguy> nb: cool, so I'll contact Ruth after the new design is up 01:49:20 <vwbusguy> award3535: can you take down these as actions? 01:49:43 <award3535> vwbusguy I will update the ticket now 01:50:11 <vwbusguy> Cool 01:51:40 <award3535> nb; do we have case badges? 01:52:51 <nb> award3535, yes 01:53:55 <award3535> should we leave the ticket open for the next meeting to see if there is anything else we need, such as stickers, pens, etc.... 01:54:24 <vwbusguy> I'm sure we'll need to discuss shirt quantities when we get the quote 01:55:34 <vwbusguy> Unless we agree to delegate to someone to make that call 01:55:53 <award3535> should we push the number to next week when we have more in the meeting 01:56:00 <vwbusguy> Sure 01:56:13 <vwbusguy> Hopefully we'll have numbers to work with by then 01:56:19 <award3535> updating ticket 01:57:14 <award3535> moving on 01:57:16 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor === 01:57:31 <award3535> any thing else 01:58:04 <award3535> I will be leaving for SELF in the early morning 01:58:20 <vwbusguy> markdude: ? 01:59:41 * vwbusguy went to a drupal meetup this week and connected with some fedora admins 01:59:47 <markdude> Looks like Chris cant make the meeting in time, he is in traffic. He mistakenly thought meeting was next Tue. Would have had all the details set.- More importantly, not had me present it ;) 01:59:50 <markdude> Phonecall 01:59:55 <vwbusguy> Otherwise nothing much to report here 02:00:03 <markdude> Sorry 02:00:40 <vwbusguy> Markdude, he should file a ticket for the meeting if it's budget related 02:00:46 <markdude> Chris cant make it. He has numbers of 88$ each way for OSCON & CLS + parking its $200, taking his own car 02:00:52 <vwbusguy> Especially if it's budget related 02:01:03 <markdude> Yes, well- meetings are on Tue 02:01:05 <markdude> On wiki 02:01:09 <vwbusguy> Yeah, that needs to be in a ticket 02:01:23 <markdude> And he would were he able to check, 02:01:54 <markdude> He would not known of the meeting- be checkiing ML too, unless was on IRC 02:02:07 <award3535> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors_meetings?rd=Ambassadors/Meetings shows thursdays 02:02:25 <vwbusguy> Yup, it's Thurs on wiki .. 02:02:38 <award3535> is there another place we need to change it 02:02:43 <markdude> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OSCON_2014 02:02:45 <vwbusguy> At any rate, budget stuff needs to be in a ticket 02:03:28 <markdude> Yes, with this link to EVENT passed http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2014&month=3&day=31&hour=21\1&min=0&sec=0 02:03:58 <markdude> award3535: after meeting- I can check :) 02:04:36 <markdude> Yes I know we need a ticket, can I just attach info? Or do we wait for room prices to go up? 02:04:42 <award3535> ok cool, 02:05:08 <markdude> Before a ticket is needed- from reading it 02:05:16 <award3535> I was looking back at past logs, thought we discussed this with OSCON, 02:05:34 <markdude> Whether or not Fedora WANTS to be there appears to be need to be figured out 02:05:50 <markdude> So, making ticket, for OPEN issue , seems counter, IMHO 02:06:28 <markdude> Was it sorted? Honest question, its a bit confusing :) 02:06:31 * vwbusguy was there for oscon last year with Ruth, Robyn, and Tom. But my baby is due that week this year 02:06:31 <award3535> back on 6/5/16 we approved 2500 to be shared with RH 02:07:07 <markdude> So open ticket does not reflect this, so making one WOULD have been pointless. My bad :( 02:07:18 <award3535> that would be 5000 total, but dont know about any other requests out there 02:07:44 <ParadoxGuitarist> Price will be part of if we want to be there or not. 02:07:49 <markdude> Confused, gonna let Chris sort this out. His total wil be 200 + 400 or so 02:08:17 <markdude> ParadoxGuitarist: cool, thats sorta what he wants me to find out, hes not rude like me :D 02:08:20 <vwbusguy> Like I said before oscon isn't big on distros 02:08:31 * ParadoxGuitarist grins. 02:08:41 <award3535> ticket 87 shows new, do you want me to shift to meeting for this ticket 02:08:54 <ParadoxGuitarist> vwbusguy: odd considering the name. 02:09:29 <markdude> Well yes, Distros get made there too, IMHO, im 80 years experince there XD 02:09:31 <vwbusguy> ParadoxGuitarist: SCaLE is much more OS oriented. The main sponsor of oscon last year was Microsoft 02:10:04 <markdude> Ok, so with ticket being partially complete, I assume it would be easy for Chris to get help from VW at doing ticket? 02:10:31 <markdude> Just doing it, normally I help, but its best for me to steer clear :) 02:10:51 <award3535> I just moved the ticket to meeting, they can add to it for the next meeting 02:11:02 <markdude> CLS is Community, so its good all around, IMHO 02:11:06 <vwbusguy> I'm not going to do it for him, but he can ask me if something isn't intuitive 02:11:24 <vwbusguy> (Or anyone else here) 02:11:35 * markdude is ok with having Chris ticket for later IF someone else will attach it - not me. 02:11:50 <markdude> Well yes, 02:11:51 <ParadoxGuitarist> Sounds like a plan 02:11:52 <markdude> Tnx 02:11:58 * markdude is eof 02:12:24 <award3535> good meeting tonight! 02:12:42 <award3535> anything else? 02:12:43 <markdude> +1 02:13:24 <award3535> okay ending meeting 02:13:28 <award3535> #endmeeting