18:00:24 <puiterwijk> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2014-09-11) 18:00:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 11 18:00:24 2014 UTC. The chair is puiterwijk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:26 <puiterwijk> #meetingname infrastructure 18:00:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:00:28 <puiterwijk> #topic welcome 18:00:30 <puiterwijk> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk 18:00:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean 18:00:45 <nirik> hey all. Thanks puiterwijk for running things... I will be on and off line. 18:01:23 * threebean is here 18:01:27 * oddshocks here 18:01:28 <Neldogz> neldogz is here 18:01:37 * tflink is here 18:01:39 * danofsatx is lurking 18:01:40 * puiterwijk is here, performing replay attacks on previous meetings :) 18:01:57 <RogerB_TX> RogerB_TX is here 18:02:00 * danielbruno here 18:02:04 <smooge> here 18:02:21 * bwood09 is here 18:02:31 <puiterwijk> welcome everyone 18:02:35 <puiterwijk> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks 18:02:36 <puiterwijk> any new folks like to introduce themselves? 18:02:38 <puiterwijk> or apprentices with questions or comments? 18:02:47 <RogerB_TX> Yes 18:02:57 <puiterwijk> RogerB_TX: go ahead 18:03:08 <RogerB_TX> I'm Roger Baran and I was invited to the group by randomuser 18:03:27 <RogerB_TX> I live in San Antonio TX and my area is UEFI/Install/Resuces 18:03:32 <RogerB_TX> Rescues 18:03:34 * bochecha is here 18:03:35 <randomuser> RogerB_TX, this is a different meeting but you're welcome to follow along here too 18:03:40 <RogerB_TX> ooop 18:03:44 <RogerB_TX> s 18:03:54 <nirik> everyone welcome. ;) 18:03:56 * randomuser is obviously also lurking in the infra meeting 18:03:56 <puiterwijk> RogerB_TX: welcome. though this is the Infrastructure meeting as randomuser indicated :) 18:04:09 <puiterwijk> but you're always welcome 18:04:18 <puiterwijk> anyone else? 18:04:19 <RogerB_TX> ty 18:05:06 <Neldogz> yes 18:05:07 * relrod late, sorry 18:05:22 <puiterwijk> Neldogz: go ahead 18:05:43 <Neldogz> Hi everyone, my name is nelson.. I am a sysadmin with about 13 years of general IT experience with the last 5 focusing mostly on networking and server technology 18:06:04 <Neldogz> I have roughly 1 year of hands on experience administing RHEL and CentOS 18:06:30 * mirek_ is here 18:06:41 <puiterwijk> Neldogz: welcome! Feel free to pop by on #fedora-admin if you haven't got any pointers to start with after the meeting 18:07:08 <Neldogz> puiterwijk, thanks! Nirik has got me started so I believe i am all sorted 18:07:23 <puiterwijk> ah, great 18:07:44 <puiterwijk> any other new folks? 18:08:27 <puiterwijk> #topic Freeze reminder 18:08:30 <puiterwijk> Just a reminder we are in freeze until f21 alpha goes out... 18:08:32 <puiterwijk> see the note on the list for more information. 18:08:35 <puiterwijk> #topic Applications status / discussion 18:08:39 <puiterwijk> any application news/status? 18:09:21 <threebean> pingou couldn't be here, but he wanted to report that he's been working on pkgdb2 and gitolite3 18:09:38 <threebean> his datanommer+mongodb experiment is chugging along slowly, too. 18:10:11 <bochecha> threebean, right, gitolite3 seems to be working in staging 18:10:29 <nirik> bochecha: thanks to you and pingou for working on that! 18:10:50 <threebean> I've been working mostly on bugzilla2fedmsg this week... waiting on some upstream commits to be reviewed and merged to enable heartbeating over STOMP atm. 18:10:50 <bochecha> would be nice if folks could test it :) 18:11:10 <bochecha> nirik, just for the record, what would be the timeframe for moving it to prod ? after F21 is out? 18:11:56 <nirik> bochecha: or after alpha or beta, but that might be tight 18:12:09 <bochecha> oh, I didn't expect we'd do that before F21 :x 18:12:19 <bochecha> need to test this thing seriously then ^_^ 18:12:34 <threebean> yeah, I'd suggest waiting for a big move like that one. 18:12:40 <puiterwijk> well, I'd say after F21 might be best 18:12:46 <nirik> yeah, after is likely best 18:12:51 <threebean> bochecha: is there a writeup somewhere on how to help test? 18:12:59 <bochecha> threebean, I sent it to the ml 18:13:03 * bochecha digs up the link 18:13:22 <puiterwijk> #info People should help test gitolite3, info sent to mailing list 18:13:58 <bochecha> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/infrastructure/2014-September/014815.html has instructions how to test 18:14:05 <bochecha> threebean, there you go :) 18:14:44 <threebean> thanks. could be a good task for apprentices, too :) 18:15:33 <puiterwijk> any other app news? 18:15:41 * mpduty is joining late 18:15:47 <threebean> I have a couple fmn bugfixes and enhancements queued up in git and would like to release and deploy them. 18:15:58 <tflink> nothing big from me - some small stuff in blockerbugs 18:16:16 <puiterwijk> threebean: any big bugs fixed? 18:16:31 <nirik> cool 18:16:45 <smooge> I am trying to build a script which will show what packages in repo B will override the packages in another repo (or set of repos) 18:16:58 <threebean> there's a bit about getting notified about packages owned by a group that you're a member of (whew!) 18:17:20 <threebean> a cache currently doesn't get invalidated correctly. there's other stuff in there about intelligently creating new accounts in preparation for opt-in. 18:17:35 <threebean> a new feature, letting users disable particular filters instead of just deleting them. 18:17:54 <nirik> nice 18:17:56 <puiterwijk> cool 18:18:10 <threebean> oh, and you can negate individual rules which lets you set up preferences like "all messages referring to 'ralph' except irc messages" 18:18:20 <threebean> erm "except meetbot messages" 18:18:52 <bochecha> threebean, so no more emails about topic changes of meetings in which you are participating? :) 18:19:21 <threebean> bingo 18:19:31 <bochecha> \o/ 18:19:48 <puiterwijk> okay, anyone else with app news? 18:20:12 <puiterwijk> #topic nagios/alerts recap 18:20:14 <puiterwijk> http://tinyurl.com/l3vjae8 18:20:23 <puiterwijk> More VPN stuff happened, and also hosted03 was hosed yesterday because of a trac instance that was allowing anonymous tickets, which has been closed. 18:21:09 <puiterwijk> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion 18:21:12 <nirik> the vpn is much better now 18:21:16 * threebean nods 18:21:17 <puiterwijk> sorry for doing this out-of-order :) 18:21:20 <threebean> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/infrastructure/2014-September/014765.html 18:21:24 <nirik> with threebean's busgateway fix 18:21:26 <threebean> that stuff took care of it 18:21:30 <puiterwijk> yeah, thanks threebean for that 18:22:23 <puiterwijk> rest of sysadmin is pretty quiet now because of the freeze 18:22:43 <nirik> yeah 18:23:17 <puiterwijk> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items 18:23:21 <puiterwijk> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/infrastructure/ 18:23:30 <puiterwijk> anyone got any other things they would like to get to attention? 18:24:25 <puiterwijk> threebean: any idea when the new FMN release is due? 18:24:28 <nirik> i'm going to be traveling some... but should be mostly around 18:24:38 <nirik> if i'm not on irc, mail me 18:24:48 <threebean> puiterwijk: just as soon as I get time to do it. probably early next week. 18:25:01 <puiterwijk> nirik: safe travels 18:25:07 <threebean> nirik: yeah, enjoy :) 18:25:27 <puiterwijk> threebean: okay, thanks 18:25:43 <puiterwijk> #topic Open Floor 18:25:58 <puiterwijk> anything for the open floor? 18:26:07 <threebean> #link http://karl-tux-stadt.de/ktuxs/?p=4659 we had a blast of fedora-tagger activity yesterday 18:26:09 <smooge> not from me 18:26:11 <puiterwijk> who did I cut off by my quick moving through the topics? :) 18:26:25 <nirik> I've got to drop off... back on in a bit 18:28:27 <puiterwijk> anything else for the open floor, or did I cut everyone short? 18:28:42 <purezen> Hi guys, I am new here btw. Got into the fi-apprentice recently :) 18:29:01 <threebean> purezen: hi, welcome :) 18:29:06 <puiterwijk> purezen: welcome! 18:29:09 <purezen> Intend to work on the Varnish easyfix ticket 18:29:31 <threebean> nice, that's needed! 18:29:33 <puiterwijk> ah, thanks. that should improve stuff somewhat I guess :) 18:29:38 <purezen> threebean, puiterwijk Hi, thanks :) 18:29:57 <purezen> Awesome! 18:30:14 <puiterwijk> if you need any help, feel free to ping us at #fedora-admin 18:30:31 <purezen> Sure 18:30:39 <puiterwijk> okay, if there's nothing else, I'll close the meeting in a minute 18:31:43 <puiterwijk> thanks everyone for attending, everyone 18:31:47 <puiterwijk> #endmeeting