17:01:55 <jzb> #startmeeting Fedora Cloud SIG 17:01:56 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Oct 3 17:01:55 2014 UTC. The chair is jzb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:56 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:02:12 <jzb> #chair agrimm roshi oddshocks kushal mattdm 17:02:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: agrimm jzb kushal mattdm oddshocks roshi 17:02:50 <jzb> roll call? 17:02:58 <jzb> .hellomynameis jzb 17:02:58 * oddshocks 17:02:59 <zodbot> jzb: jzb 'Joe Brockmeier' <jzb@redhat.com> 17:03:06 <oddshocks> .hellomyname is oddshocks 17:03:09 <oddshocks> damn 17:03:13 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 17:03:13 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <kushaldas@gmail.com> 17:03:14 <oddshocks> .hellomynameis oddshocks 17:03:17 <zodbot> oddshocks: oddshocks 'David Gay' <dgay@redhat.com> 17:03:17 <agrimm> .hellomynameis arg 17:03:19 <zodbot> agrimm: arg 'Andy Grimm' <agrimm@redhat.com> 17:03:52 <jzb> OK 17:04:14 <jzb> I sent out an agenda yesterday 17:04:24 * dustymabe arrives late 17:04:34 <jzb> not sure whether folks saw it or not, but we'll go through last week's action items and then cloud tickets. 17:04:40 <jzb> #chair dustymabe 17:04:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: agrimm dustymabe jzb kushal mattdm oddshocks roshi 17:04:48 <jzb> First item 17:04:57 <jzb> #topic Cloud WG Composition 17:05:05 <dustymabe> jzb: you are getting good at this!! 17:05:07 <jzb> mattdm: you sent out the list 17:05:42 <jzb> dustymabe: thx 17:05:51 <jzb> I think maybe mattdm is less around than usual. 17:06:10 <jzb> Did anybody have comments on the list that mattdm sent around? I believe we need to vote on it. 17:06:25 <jzb> then again, I don't know if we have a quorum of voting members ... 17:06:26 * agrimm is +1 to the list 17:06:55 <roshi> he's 20% in the blocker meeting 17:07:02 <roshi> not sure how much that leaves of him though 17:07:25 <jzb> roshi: well, 80% of mattdm is like 150% of normal humans. 17:07:26 <kushal> The list is good. 17:07:40 <roshi> fair point jzb 17:07:54 * number80 waves 17:07:59 <roshi> you don't get to be FPL by being a normal 100%, amirite? 17:08:10 <jzb> #chair number80 17:08:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: agrimm dustymabe jzb kushal mattdm number80 oddshocks roshi 17:08:19 <jzb> roshi: I dunno, never been FPL ;-) 17:08:24 * mattdm what huh hello? 17:08:35 <number80> roshi: you need to be more resilient than a normal being 17:08:36 <dustymabe> looks good to me 17:08:38 <agrimm> jzb, who is officially in the WG right now to vote? 17:08:50 <mattdm> agrimm: I *think* you are, from last time? 17:08:55 <jzb> agrimm: lemme go look 17:09:07 <dustymabe> jzb: I assume people are ok with https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/cloud/2014-September/004291.html 17:09:35 <jzb> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud/Governance 17:09:36 <mattdm> I think we (and by we I mean _me_ -- sorry) didn't update https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud/Governance#Current_Members 17:09:44 <number80> nope at all 17:09:53 <number80> and it's *we* 17:09:57 <agrimm> mattdm, yes, I was voted on. I just couldn't remember where the list of everyone else was 17:10:08 <number80> yeah 17:10:25 <number80> at that time, only red_trela and mrunge had officially resigned 17:11:31 <mattdm> okay, so, we have 4 people who can vote here today, right? 17:11:41 <jzb> seems right 17:11:42 * agrimm think we could get james here too if necessary 17:12:18 <jzb> we're sort of in uncharted territory. 17:12:21 <number80> 5 17:12:43 * dustymabe feels lucky he decided to start sitting in on meetings at a time of great flux 17:12:44 <number80> well, we've been working for a long time without quorum 17:12:47 <jzb> here's what I suggest 17:12:53 <jzb> according to the rules we set forward earlier 17:13:10 <jzb> we can make "substantive changes" by majority vote to send to FESCO for approval 17:13:31 <mattdm> jzb +1 17:13:32 <roshi> seems like a good plan 17:13:34 <roshi> +1 17:13:38 <number80> +1 17:13:43 <jzb> I move we change the Membership rules to allow majority vote for members 17:13:53 <mattdm> +1 17:13:59 <kushal> sounds good. 17:14:14 <agrimm> +1 17:14:14 <oddshocks> As a member I vote +1 on this majority vote to allow me to participate in a majority vote 17:14:25 <dustymabe> am I able to vote yet? 17:14:33 <dustymabe> or is this the vote that decides if I get to vote? 17:14:50 <agrimm> dustymabe, the latter 17:14:51 <kushal> +1s are vote ? 17:15:01 <number80> yeah 17:15:14 <kushal> Okay, I thought that is just agreeing to the idea. 17:15:14 <dustymabe> agrimm: thanks.. I'll +1 even though it doesn't matter 17:15:33 <jzb> mattdm: since you're already tasked with this, would you mind drafting the new language + taking to FESCo? 17:15:38 <number80> jzb: I suggest that we also add the 72h rule you suggested 17:15:41 <jzb> mattdm: I don't want to overload you 17:16:03 * jzb wonders whether we need an "inactivity" clause as well. 17:16:23 <jzb> or 17:16:33 <jzb> mattdm: how about I draft it + you take to FESCo? 17:16:45 <mattdm> jzb sounds good 17:16:54 <number80> FPL jedi power 17:16:55 <mattdm> also, maybe change the member limit? 17:17:01 <jzb> mattdm: to...? 17:17:08 <number80> no limit 17:17:23 <mattdm> 'a minimum of 5'? 17:17:27 <number80> regularly, we remove inactive member and bring people we think they should get in 17:17:28 <dustymabe> jzb: regarding inactivity.. maybe something like the unresponsive package maintainer emails? 17:17:36 <jzb> mattdm: that sounds good. More of a PMC than a board. 17:17:41 <mattdm> jzb: yes. 17:18:11 <jzb> dustymabe: I'll put something in + see if folks like it. 17:18:14 <jzb> OK 17:18:32 <jzb> #action jzb to draft changes to Fedora Cloud Working Group Governance Structure and sent to list 17:18:50 <jzb> #action mattdm to take changes in Fedora Cloud Working Group Governance Structure to FESCo once accepted. 17:18:58 <jzb> sweet 17:19:12 <number80> maybe we should also use trac for formal vote 17:19:21 <jzb> #topic Action Item: roshi to update fedocal 17:19:40 <roshi> done 17:19:43 <roshi> :) 17:19:51 <jzb> number80: sgtm 17:19:58 <jzb> that was easy 17:20:26 <jzb> #topic jzb to email lists and update Project Atomic 17:20:41 <roshi> i try jzb :) 17:21:18 <jzb> I had to go back + look at minutes for this one. 17:21:38 <jzb> So - test days. I don't think we're ready to do test days next week. 17:21:51 <number80> *nods* 17:22:12 <jzb> not sure where we are with TCs for the beta, and the alpha apparently doesn't like to reboot 17:22:19 <dustymabe> jzb: for Atomic or just for cloud? 17:22:27 <jzb> dustymabe: this was Atomic 17:22:40 <roshi> does the beta TC2 work? 17:23:02 <dustymabe> roshi: FYI I still owe you some content in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Roshi/QA%3FCloud_Docs/Atomic_tests 17:23:07 <jzb> roshi: I haven't seen it 17:23:11 <roshi> base image seems to work with shutdown/reboot 17:23:21 <roshi> it built in koji 17:23:34 <dustymabe> roshi: was planning to do that yesterday after I got F21+Juno up and working but you know how that went 17:23:54 <jzb> roshi: link? 17:24:00 <roshi> jas 17:26:03 <roshi> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/tasks?owner=ausil&state=all&view=flat&method=createImage&order=-id 17:26:08 <roshi> 2014-10-01 builds 17:26:13 <roshi> iirc 17:26:25 <jzb> roshi: ah 17:27:24 <jzb> do we think the TC2 is suitable for holding a test day, or should we wait until closer to or right after the beta? 17:27:37 <roshi> that's up to atomic folks 17:27:56 <number80> closer to the beta 17:28:22 <number80> TC2 is too fresh for general monkey testing 17:28:30 <jzb> OK 17:28:44 <roshi> #action roshi to update fedocal once a date is set 17:29:04 <jzb> I'm going to put this down as a continued action on my part to plan the testing days, and a discussion item for two weeks? 17:29:15 <jzb> so let's revisit not next week, but the week after? 17:29:15 <number80> +1 17:29:16 <dustymabe> once we set a date we can promote on social media and blogs, etc.. 17:29:20 <jzb> dustymabe: right 17:29:29 <roshi> works for me 17:29:31 <jzb> OK 17:29:46 <jzb> #action jzb continue planning Atomic image test days. Wait for new date. 17:29:53 <number80> thanks 17:30:44 <jzb> #topic Coordinate with releng on updates to set procedure for updates. 17:30:57 <jzb> me again, and sadly, I'm behind here. 17:31:08 <jzb> Haven't finished this yet. 17:31:40 <jzb> #action jzb Continue to work on a runbook for having Atomic and other cloud images updated out of band. 17:32:10 <jzb> #topic roshi to shore up overview specifics 17:32:17 <roshi> done, and emailed the list 17:32:21 <roshi> thanks for the feedback jzb 17:32:34 <jzb> roshi: have you rec'd any other feedback? 17:32:36 <roshi> I'll make those edits once I'm done with meeting madness 17:32:40 <roshi> nope 17:32:50 <roshi> but discussion on the cattle->pet would be good 17:32:59 <jzb> OK reminder to everybody else - if you can give roshi feedback, please do. 17:33:09 <jzb> and it's OK to just say "I read this, I am +1, carry on." 17:33:09 <roshi> that was another action item 17:33:16 <roshi> :p 17:33:20 <jzb> roshi: right 17:33:24 <dustymabe> jzb: noted 17:33:31 <kushal> roshi, voidspace put up the exact same example during his keynote in PyCon India last week. 17:33:41 <roshi> and I actioned EVERYONE, so I should be getting 6.5 +/- emails, right? 17:33:50 <roshi> huh? 17:33:58 <roshi> which example? 17:34:07 <jzb> roshi: you know what they say about everyone being responsible. 17:34:12 <kushal> roshi, cattle->pet one for servers 17:34:27 <roshi> #action jzb to meet with the UN to get the world to respond 17:34:30 <mattdm> kushal: yeah -- it's such a good metaphor that it's become a cliche :) 17:34:33 <oddshocks> haha 17:34:56 <roshi> ah 17:35:02 <kushal> mattdm, yup, worked well to his talk. 17:35:39 <jzb> OK 17:35:58 <jzb> #topic Meeting Tickets in Trac 17:36:08 <jzb> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/report/9 17:36:35 <jzb> Reminder if something needs to be discussed in a meeting, ggive it the "meeting" keyword 17:36:45 <jzb> #topic Release Criteria Discussion 17:36:54 <jzb> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/77 17:37:03 <jzb> roshi: this one's yours 17:37:31 <jzb> roshi: I see you're asking about updates between cloud releases 17:37:35 <roshi> yeah 17:37:42 <jzb> so, if you're "doing it right" 17:37:46 <jzb> you'd never update a cloud image 17:37:54 <jzb> you'd simply spin up your workload with a new image. 17:37:55 <roshi> since I didn't get much feedback I thought I'd make a ticket 17:38:02 <roshi> that was my thought 17:38:23 <dustymabe> jzb: are we talking about small updates or more generally upgrading to a new distro release? 17:38:47 <jzb> dustymabe: really, both, but I think this is about like Fedora 21 -> Fedora 22 17:39:19 <dustymabe> jzb: yeah. I think there is a nice balance in between... i.e. rpm updates of critical packages may be ok for your cattle 17:39:26 <dustymabe> going F21->F22 is not ok for your cattle 17:39:30 <agrimm> dustymabe, his email says "from release to release" 17:39:55 <roshi> that was the question 17:39:55 <dustymabe> agrimm: I thought that is what I had read but I wanted to make sure that is what jzb meant by "updates" 17:40:05 <roshi> which brings in do we support going from cattle to pet 17:40:27 <roshi> if we do, then server would handle the updates from Fn to Fn+1 17:40:29 <roshi> I would think 17:40:32 <mattdm> roshi: there is supposed to be a feature for that, which sgallagh and I were supposed to work on but havenot 17:40:39 <roshi> otherwise cloud is managing two products, basically 17:40:49 <mattdm> hopefully will have some help on that very soon though 17:40:57 <mattdm> -> saving surprise for open floor :) 17:41:13 <number80> :) 17:41:17 <mattdm> s/hopefully/definitely/ actually :) 17:41:26 <roshi> so for this ticket, if additions/edits/suggestions could happen, that would solve this 17:41:37 <roshi> QA so far is fine with the criteria I wrote 17:41:44 <roshi> but I think we'll likely need a couple more 17:41:56 * roshi is going to add those two to the release criteria today 17:43:24 <jzb> roshi: if we have enough to move forward, should we wait until next week + just assume any silence == "I agree" 17:43:27 <jzb> ? 17:43:47 <roshi> I would go with silence is agree 17:44:04 <roshi> if something awful happens we can yell at each other and fix it then :) 17:44:18 <jzb> roshi: nothing awful ever happens in Fedora. 17:44:40 <roshi> that's because everything is awesome when you're part of a team :) 17:44:51 <jzb> roshi: it's a magical land of unicorns, kittens, and rainbows. And we certainly never yell at one another. 17:45:04 <roshi> you got it :) 17:45:30 <jzb> #action roshi wait until next week for feedback on ticket 77 then move forward. 17:45:38 <dustymabe> jzb: I feel like I need to quote you on that and save it for a rainy day 17:45:51 <roshi> do it 17:45:58 <jzb> dustymabe: please do 17:45:59 <roshi> put it on a plaque :p 17:46:20 <jzb> Moving on, we covered #74 already 17:46:32 <jzb> #75 is also in process, waiting on beta 17:47:04 <jzb> #51 we already covered earlier under action items. 17:47:31 <jzb> #info relates to ticket #51 start communication/collaboration on cloud image updates 17:47:38 <jzb> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/51 17:47:58 <jzb> #topic meeting agenda item/tracker for Project Atomic 17:48:06 <jzb> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/64 17:48:18 <jzb> I've been tracking the meetings with releng/infra/Atomic folks 17:48:34 <jzb> it's now an ongoing meeting with its own momentum, do we need to keep this ticket open? 17:48:48 <jzb> I already send the minutes to the cloud@ list. 17:48:54 <roshi> I don't think so 17:48:55 <kushal> jzb, I guess you can close it. 17:49:06 <jzb> excellent 17:49:43 <dustymabe> I don't think you need to keep the ticket open but it is kind of cool to have a place where all the meeting notes are aggregated 17:49:44 <number80> *nods* 17:50:02 <dustymabe> I wonder if we could automate this 17:50:08 <jzb> dustymabe: aside from sending minutes to the list? 17:50:23 <dustymabe> jzb: sending to the list is good enough 17:50:57 <dustymabe> I know it is in the archives so the data is there.. I do think it could be easily aggregated though. I might do some thinking on this 17:51:20 <jzb> dustymabe: OK 17:51:28 <jzb> #topic Automatic Smoketests on Image Build 17:51:39 <jzb> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/38 17:51:45 <jzb> currently assigned to agrimm 17:51:53 <jzb> any updates here? 17:52:01 <number80> sorry phone call 17:52:07 * agrimm jogs his memory 17:52:37 <agrimm> so, I took this early on because I was basically taking Sandro's place in the WG 17:52:44 <roshi> nothing new I know of - been working on the criteria and whatnot 17:52:47 <roshi> and testcases 17:52:48 <agrimm> seems like roshi is already working on this type of stuff 17:53:03 <jzb> so - is this a duplicate/redundant ticket? 17:53:15 <roshi> once things settle on my end I plan on abusing agrimm s brain to get this moving :p 17:53:38 <agrimm> roshi, ok, if there is something specific I can do right now to help, let me know 17:53:43 <jzb> roshi: is this something that will happen in F21 timeframe? 17:53:49 <jzb> or beyond? 17:54:01 <roshi> no idea 17:54:08 <roshi> I was hoping for F21 17:54:21 <roshi> oddshocks has some built in smoketests to fedimg 17:54:29 <roshi> but I want to decouple that and move it to taskotron 17:54:37 * oddshocks nods 17:54:52 <roshi> there's work to be done for sure, I just don't think anyone has had time to get it started yet though 17:54:57 <roshi> outside of oddshocks tests 17:55:02 <oddshocks> all fedimg does is run commands/scripts and checks the return code, right no 17:55:04 <oddshocks> w 17:55:11 <jzb> roshi: I'm going to put this to milestone F22 17:55:14 <roshi> I have some docs and testing to do for taskotron and whatnot before I can really start it 17:55:18 <roshi> that works for me 17:55:18 <jzb> unless there's a strong objection? 17:55:47 <kushal> Once upon a time I wrote tools for RH which verified any cloud image as proper Red Hat image or not. 17:56:20 <jzb> kushal: do you want to take this ticket, or just work with roshi? 17:56:31 <kushal> jzb, I will work with roshi. 17:57:16 <jzb> #action kushal and roshi to work on Ticket 38 on Automatic Smoketests on Image Build w/an eye towards completion for Fedora 22. 17:57:24 <roshi> wfm 17:57:29 <jzb> #topic Open Floor 17:57:39 <jzb> I think we may have some open floor stuff 17:57:51 * jzb nudges mattdm 17:57:57 <mattdm> oh hi! 17:58:03 <mattdm> Yes, I have exciting news! 17:58:25 <mattdm> kushal will be joining Red Hat's Fedora team to work on Fedora cloud! 17:58:32 <mattdm> and atomic, and docker, and related 17:58:42 <roshi> sweet 17:58:52 <dustymabe> kushal: congrats! 17:58:57 <kushal> dustymabe, Thanks :) 17:58:57 <jzb> Excellent! 17:59:01 * dustymabe might be jealous 17:59:05 <roshi> welcome kushal :) 17:59:19 <mattdm> I have the recommendation that we add him to the WG slate, but if you all want to make him work for it, that's cool too :) 17:59:26 <kushal> roshi, thanks :) 17:59:34 <kushal> mattdm, hehe 17:59:55 <roshi> you invited me on, I don't see why he shouldn't be :p 18:00:01 <oddshocks> Regarding atomic/ostree, I started adding a few tidbits I've garnered from #atomic meetings to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud/Atomic_Runbooks at jzb's request. feel free to add or correct. we could use as much info about atomic/ostree as possible for the current and future cloud WG members 18:00:05 <mattdm> :) 18:00:16 <roshi> by letting me on, you just proved *anybody* can get on the Cloud WG 18:00:28 <roshi> :p 18:00:30 <mattdm> yeah, all you have to do is show up and do huge amounts of work 18:00:32 <mattdm> easy peasy! 18:00:35 <dustymabe> roshi: haha.. and what do you think I am 18:00:42 <dustymabe> just as good of an example 18:00:45 <jzb> roshi: I think the bar was set as low as possible when I joined. 18:00:53 <roshi> haha 18:01:10 <jzb> roshi: I can always serve as a bad example. 18:01:16 <roshi> I presume you all know more than me about what's going on - otherwise I would start to lose faith :p 18:01:36 <jzb> oddshocks: thanks 18:01:46 <jzb> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud/Atomic_Runbooks 18:01:49 * number80 back 18:01:55 <jzb> #info oddshocks starting Atomic Runbooks and SOPs 18:02:00 <jzb> on that note 18:02:02 <number80> kushal: congrats again ;) 18:02:07 <jzb> oh, and just to put this in 18:02:16 <kushal> number80, :) 18:02:38 <walters> oddshocks, cool, i just edited it to mention the image generatoin 18:02:40 <jzb> #topic Cloud SIG congratulates kushal on joining the Fedora team to work on Fedora Cloud 18:02:41 <walters> *generatoin 18:02:47 <oddshocks> walters: awesome, thanks :) 18:02:48 <roshi> also, since I already wrote a draft for it, feedback on this would be great: http://fpaste.org/138963/12356769/ 18:02:53 <roshi> atomic testday mag post 18:02:58 <mattdm> as per topic, congratulations kushal :) 18:03:00 <kushal> One more note, CentOS cloud sig is also announced 18:03:10 <kushal> mattdm, Thanks 18:03:11 <kushal> :) 18:03:39 <jzb> #info draft of Atomic test day post 18:03:47 <jzb> #link http://fpaste.org/138963/12356769/ 18:03:54 <jzb> roshi: that doesn't expire does it? 18:04:04 <roshi> in a month 18:04:05 <jzb> roshi: since we're moving the test day to $unspecified 18:04:14 <roshi> but I have a local copy I can put up at request 18:04:24 <jzb> I hope a month isn't too long 18:04:29 <jzb> OK 18:04:34 <number80> kushal: \o/ 18:04:37 <jzb> one last thing I wanted to throw in 18:04:45 <jzb> #topic Atomic Definition Discussion Draft 18:05:01 <jzb> I sent a discussion draft for the "definition" of an Atomic host to the list earlier this week. 18:05:09 <jzb> ***please*** look over and give feedback. 18:05:26 <kushal> http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2014-October/020660.html is the announcement. 18:05:44 <number80> jzb: ack 18:05:48 <kushal> jzb, sorry for pasting in this topic. 18:05:53 <jzb> kushal: silly Q - I thought the Cloud SIG existed before? 18:05:56 <jzb> kushal: no worries. 18:06:04 <jzb> #info CentOS Cloud SIG announcement 18:06:08 <mattdm> #help please look over atomic definition draft and provide feedback 18:06:17 <jzb> #link http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2014-October/020660.html is the announcement. 18:06:34 <kushal> jzb, only cloud instance sig was there before. 18:06:35 <jzb> mattdm: oh, that's what help does? I thought it was help for zodbot... 18:06:54 <jzb> kushal: OIC 18:06:59 <jzb> groovy 18:07:00 * agrimm has one more thing for open floor... 18:07:09 <jzb> agrimm: go for it. 18:07:26 <agrimm> #topic Fedora AWS community account 18:07:50 <agrimm> So, I've been talking to mattdm, and we want to make some, uhhh, revisions to the permissions in the AWS account 18:07:56 <oddshocks> +1 18:08:26 <dustymabe> +1 18:08:28 <mattdm> jzb yeah. it used to be that you had to use #halp instead of #help to actually get it in the minutes but apparetly #help works now 18:08:28 <dustymabe> IAM roles? 18:08:41 <oddshocks> dustymabe: that's one thing I suggest 18:08:44 <agrimm> If you are interested in being involved in that, let me know and we'll chat outside this meeting, but essentially, we'll be reissuing credentials to everyone who needs access 18:08:46 <mattdm> jzb I have a plan to take all meeting's #help notices and publish them weekly 18:08:47 <number80> which revisions? 18:08:49 <mattdm> but anyway. 18:08:55 <number80> ok 18:09:00 <roshi> yeah, I'm interested in that :) 18:09:00 <mattdm> agrimm: +10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 18:09:01 <jzb> mattdm: awesome 18:09:08 <number80> agrimm: count me in 18:09:12 * mattdm does not have enough zeros here 18:09:15 <oddshocks> agrimm: I definitely need access. use it nearly every day 18:09:22 <kushal> agrimm, count me in too :) 18:09:22 <roshi> .moar zeros mattdm 18:09:22 <zodbot> here mattdm, have some more zeros 18:09:37 * mattdm 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 18:09:37 <agrimm> to be clear, everyone in this WG will _definitely_ get access 18:09:46 <oddshocks> groovin 18:09:54 <dustymabe> awesome 18:10:04 * number80 appoints agrimm as the official credentials officer 18:10:28 <jzb> awesome 18:10:33 <agrimm> number80, thanks, but I think we'll need a team, so I am more asking who's interested in that 18:10:52 <number80> agrimm: I'm familiar with AWS so let me know if could help you 18:10:59 <roshi> the chance to *deny* people things? Count me in :p 18:11:02 * roshi kids 18:11:05 <agrimm> heh 18:11:05 * number80 was a former AWS trainer 18:11:32 <dustymabe> agrimm: I've been around the aws block a few times.. well with regards to EC2 that is 18:11:42 <kushal> agrimm, I can help in with aws :) 18:11:59 <kushal> agrimm, following your steps that is. 18:12:22 <agrimm> ok, I will chat with you guys later about this in details 18:12:32 <jzb> Any other topics this week? 18:12:43 <roshi> if it's possible 18:12:56 <roshi> it'd be great to get more cloud people in the blocker review meetings 18:12:59 <number80> jzb: I think we're good 18:13:10 <roshi> it's for all of fedora - but cloud image stuff is there now too 18:13:17 <roshi> and the more people we have to vote, the better 18:13:20 <jzb> #help More cloud SIG folks to blocker review meetings. 18:13:24 <number80> roshi: I'll try to get there but bad timing 18:13:35 <roshi> basically: compare bugs to release criteria, no special skills needed 18:13:35 <jzb> roshi: would you mind sending a reminder to the cloud list? 18:13:43 <roshi> yeah, I can do that 18:13:50 <jzb> roshi: I am on -devel but I filter it b/c too much mail. 18:13:51 <roshi> I ping the channel beforehand usually 18:14:05 <number80> roshi: I could review blockers beforehand and send you feedback 18:14:21 <jzb> #action roshi remind Cloud SIG about blocker review meetings. 18:14:25 <roshi> that would get great too, you can just do that in the bugs themselves 18:14:36 <number80> ok 18:14:40 <roshi> also, my blocker announcement emails go to the cloud list 18:14:48 <roshi> have been since alpha branch 18:15:04 <kushal> Friday evening meetings :( 18:15:07 <number80> *nods* 18:15:24 <jzb> kushal: where are you based? 18:15:28 <kushal> jzb, India 18:15:32 <roshi> wednesdays at 1600 UTC 18:15:33 <number80> kushal: since we renewed the WG, we may set up a poll to change the time 18:15:39 <roshi> is the normal time for blocker meetings 18:15:50 <jzb> number80: I vote for any day that isn't Friday 18:15:51 <kushal> roshi, ah, then great 18:15:55 <kushal> jzb, haha 18:15:57 <roshi> comeon, would I do that to you kushal ? 18:16:00 <number80> jzb: the same 18:16:08 <roshi> I think all fridays should be a day off 18:16:18 <number80> I'm basically a bum on fridays since I move between places 18:16:31 <kushal> Like today it is already 11:46pm and I am waiting for dinner after cloud sig meeting :D 18:16:43 <kushal> roshi, haha 18:17:09 <number80> #action number80 set a poll to change WG meeting date 18:17:16 <jzb> OK 18:17:22 <jzb> let's wrap it up 18:17:32 <jzb> thanks everybody - and welcome again kushal! 18:17:37 <jzb> #endmeeting