17:04:13 <roshi> #startmeeting Cloud WG 17:04:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Oct 17 17:04:13 2014 UTC. The chair is roshi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:04:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:04:24 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 17:04:25 <roshi> #meeting name Fedora Cloud WG 17:04:26 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@gmail.com> 17:04:34 <roshi> #topic Roll Call 17:04:43 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 17:04:44 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <kushaldas@gmail.com> 17:04:54 <roshi> .hellomynameis roshi 17:04:55 <zodbot> roshi: roshi 'Mike Ruckman' <mruckman@redhat.com> 17:05:00 <lalatenduM> .hellomyname is lalatendu 17:05:03 <agrimm> .hellomynameis arg 17:05:04 <zodbot> agrimm: arg 'Andy Grimm' <agrimm@redhat.com> 17:05:07 <lalatenduM> .hellomynameis lalatendu 17:05:08 <zodbot> lalatenduM: lalatendu 'Lalatendu Mohanty' <lmohanty@redhat.com> 17:05:36 <kushal> No one else? 17:05:54 <roshi> mattdm: you around for a cloud meeting? 17:06:08 <agrimm> sorry all, I have a conflict today, so I'm lurking, but probably not responsive 17:06:57 <roshi> no agrimm 17:06:58 <kushal> roshi, otherwise let us just go through the action items of the people who are present. 17:07:06 <roshi> yup, on it :) 17:07:17 <roshi> #topic Previous Meeting Follow-up 17:07:44 <roshi> Action Items 17:07:44 <roshi> ------------ 17:07:44 <roshi> * mattdm to take jzb's proposed changes to ticket and then to fesco 17:07:44 <roshi> * roshi to link up with kushal and talk about smoketests 17:07:44 <roshi> * kushal to email roshi 17:07:46 <roshi> * roshi to coordinate with jzb for Atomic testday once we have a date 17:07:49 <roshi> * roshi and jsmith to poke jzb about cloud updates documentation 17:07:51 <roshi> * jsmith to coordinate with jzb about the feedback from the security team 17:07:54 <roshi> * roshi to update the wiki with the release criteria and close the ticket 17:07:57 <roshi> * dustymabe to work with mattdm on Digital Ocean account 17:08:06 <roshi> I'll go first I guess :) 17:08:27 <roshi> I'm in the process of writing Kushal back about smoketests 17:08:30 * dustymabe is ready to report when the floor is open 17:08:34 <roshi> no news on Atomic testday 17:08:54 <roshi> jsmith: did you poke jzb about the updates docs? 17:09:00 * kushal wrote a mail only one hour back to roshi. Still have to talk/catchup with him. 17:09:13 <roshi> :) 17:09:25 <roshi> and pretty sure I updated the release criteria 17:09:26 <oddshocks> .hellomynameis oddshocks 17:09:27 <zodbot> oddshocks: oddshocks 'David Gay' <dgay@redhat.com> 17:09:27 * roshi checks 17:09:43 * oddshocks apologizes, is in many chats at once 17:10:28 <dustymabe> floor open? 17:10:46 <dustymabe> roshi: I am working with mattdm and fedora legal regarding the DO account 17:11:03 <roshi> awesome 17:11:13 <roshi> also, I did update the release criteria :) 17:11:23 <roshi> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Beta_Release_Criteria#Cloud_Product_requirements 17:11:37 <roshi> what's that process look like dustymabe ? 17:11:46 <roshi> how far along is it? 17:12:07 <dustymabe> roshi: I have sent some emails to legal@fedoraproject.org 17:12:28 <dustymabe> roshi: mattdm is meeting with a representative next week and will discuss this among other things with them 17:12:39 <roshi> sweet 17:12:42 <dustymabe> one other item I have is to try to get a FAS alias created for the account 17:12:53 <dustymabe> which I think is something for us to decide on here 17:13:12 <kushal> dustymabe, just digitalocean ? 17:13:15 <kushal> :) 17:13:26 <roshi> fedora-do 17:13:29 <roshi> do-fedora 17:13:30 <dustymabe> kushal: :) - yeah I'm new so I am starting small 17:13:48 <dustymabe> kushal: oh you mean the alias? 17:13:50 <roshi> do we have qourum for this meeting? 17:13:53 <kushal> dustymabe, yes 17:13:55 <roshi> number80: you around? 17:13:57 <dustymabe> kushal: got it 17:14:31 <dustymabe> kushal: roshi fedora-digitalocean or any combo that you guys have already mentioned woud suffice 17:14:41 <dustymabe> I don't know who I need to contact to get the alias made 17:14:48 <roshi> talk to infra 17:14:59 <roshi> nirik or dgilmore-bne would be my guesses 17:15:22 <dustymabe> roshi: got it.. releng != infra correct? 17:15:41 <roshi> that line is kinda fuzzy to me, tbh 17:15:50 <dustymabe> otherwise we could ask oddshocks 17:16:00 <roshi> #fedora-infra I think is the channel 17:16:31 <dustymabe> roshi: cool. I can try that avenue. Does anyone know how aliases are managed? like if an alias gets created, who has access? 17:16:32 <roshi> nvm - it's not the channel 17:16:53 <roshi> I think it might be managed by membership in some FAS group 17:17:09 <roshi> I can help you track an answer down after the meeting 17:17:18 <dustymabe> roshi: thanks. that would be great 17:17:23 <kushal> dustymabe, just ask nirik 17:17:36 <dustymabe> should we put in a info statement or something for the meeting notes about DO 17:18:28 <roshi> #info dustymabe to figure out FAS information for a Digital Ocean account 17:18:32 <roshi> oh, that reminds me 17:18:54 <roshi> #chair dustymabe kushal oddshocks lalatenduM 17:18:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe kushal lalatenduM oddshocks roshi 17:18:55 <dustymabe> #info dustymabe working with mattdm and legal to get DO TOCs approved 17:19:13 <roshi> anything else before we move to agenda items? 17:19:15 <dustymabe> #undo 17:19:15 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by dustymabe at 17:18:55 : dustymabe working with mattdm and legal to get DO TOCs approved 17:19:21 <dustymabe> #info dustymabe working with mattdm and legal to get DO TOS approved 17:20:05 <roshi> alright - first up 17:20:24 <roshi> #topic Releaseing Updated images (#43) 17:20:29 <roshi> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/43 17:21:50 <roshi> this is directly related to #51 17:21:58 <roshi> looks like it's moving forward 17:22:35 <roshi> I don't see why we couldn't have this ready by F21 GA 17:22:45 <roshi> but I don't *really* know what all goes into it 17:23:27 <dustymabe> roshi: I think it would be good to add that to the ticket 17:23:36 <dustymabe> I can update the ticket with questions 17:24:05 <dustymabe> roshi: it does look related to 51.. are they the same thing? 17:24:22 <roshi> not quite - 51 I think can be closed 17:24:32 <roshi> it's about starting the communication to figure out what we need for updates 17:24:44 <roshi> jzb wrote it up and was going to put it on the wiki 17:24:54 <roshi> but I don't know where it is off the top of my head 17:24:58 <dustymabe> roshi: I remember his drafts he sent out 17:25:29 <dustymabe> we can just add that information to the ticket then.. it helps make progress 17:25:33 <nirik> FYI, for aliases it's an infrastructure ticket. Listing the alias and who should be on it. I'd say wait until all the legal stuff is done before requesting that however. 17:25:57 <dustymabe> nirik: thanks. will do that 17:26:00 <roshi> awesome - thanks nirik :) 17:26:28 <dustymabe> nirik: since I am fairly new I don't know if I have my Fedora account set up appropriately in order to be able to be included on such things 17:26:37 <dustymabe> nirik: can you check.. it should just be dustymabe 17:27:30 <nirik> dustymabe: you will need to be added to a group to get a @fedoraproject.org alias, but otherwise the account looks fine. 17:28:03 <dustymabe> nirik: thanks. I'll try to get added to a group before I open the ticket 17:29:10 <roshi> dustymabe: you can join the QA group since you'll be doing QA for at least cloud things 17:29:40 <dustymabe> roshi: thanks. does someone just add me or do I have to make a request? 17:29:52 <dustymabe> roshi: we can worry about this after the meeting.. lets move on 17:29:53 <roshi> I can just add you 17:30:04 <dustymabe> roshi: nirik thanks 17:30:28 <roshi> #action dustymabe to updateticket #43 17:30:47 <roshi> #topic Smoke Tests (#38) 17:31:01 <roshi> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/38 17:31:21 <roshi> kushal and I will be talking about this more from here on out 17:31:36 <roshi> along with oddshocks and agrimm I suspect as time passes 17:32:24 * oddshocks nods 17:32:51 <kushal> :) 17:33:15 <roshi> I just emailed you back kushal 17:33:24 <roshi> we can move on with this one I think 17:33:32 <kushal> roshi, yup, thanks :) 17:33:51 <roshi> #topic Atomic Testday (#74) 17:33:56 <roshi> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/74 17:34:12 <roshi> jzb has all the info on this one 17:34:38 <roshi> anybody have any other information on it? 17:34:47 <roshi> #info still waiting on a date to begin planning for 17:34:59 <roshi> #undo 17:35:00 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by roshi at 17:34:47 : still waiting on a date to begin planning for 17:35:06 <roshi> #info still waiting on a date to begin planning for an Atomic Testday 17:35:37 <dustymabe> roshi: nothing here.. for now. 17:35:46 <dustymabe> roshi: i'm hoping to generate some test content soon 17:35:52 <roshi> that'd be great 17:36:00 <dustymabe> roshi: using walters new image he put out recently from alt 17:36:18 <dustymabe> you have created a page for me to put notes. I'm still planning to use that 17:36:30 <roshi> cool 17:36:37 <roshi> next topic then? 17:36:59 <kushal> roshi, yes 17:37:17 <kushal> I have few updates for open floor 17:37:28 <roshi> kk, should be there pretty quick 17:37:51 <roshi> #topic State of SIG article for magazine (#75) 17:37:55 <roshi> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/75 17:38:11 <roshi> this is just here to remind us it's there for the beta release 17:38:36 <roshi> afaik the article is done and ready to go, just waiting on beta 17:40:03 <roshi> I propose we skip #51 (https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/51 ) 17:40:12 <roshi> we already talked about it 17:40:18 <roshi> I think we can close this as well 17:40:26 <dustymabe> should I ask in the ticket if it can be closed? 17:40:35 <roshi> that's probably best 17:41:16 <roshi> #action dustymabe to ask in ticket #51 if it can be closed 17:41:40 <roshi> #topic Release Criteria (#77) 17:41:47 <roshi> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/77 17:41:56 <roshi> this is my ticket and it needs closed 17:42:46 <roshi> there, closed :) 17:42:59 <roshi> alright, openfloor time 17:43:03 <roshi> #topic Open Floor 17:43:08 <roshi> kushal: you had stuff? 17:43:11 <kushal> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Convert_Fedora_Cloud_Image_to_Fedora_Server this is done 17:43:24 <kushal> It is in the testing repo 17:43:43 <kushal> Then I picked up https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/62 17:44:06 <kushal> Already submitted a patch for https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=995537 for dnf 17:44:32 <roshi> good work :) 17:44:34 <dustymabe> kushal: nice work 17:44:39 * number80 waves 17:45:22 <kushal> Along with the other treasures, I am going to inherit the ks files from mattdm :) 17:45:36 <kushal> Still working on the treasure list :p 17:46:01 <kushal> #info Kushal started working on https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/62 17:46:06 <kushal> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/62 17:46:08 * roshi makes a note that kushal equates "work" with "treasure" 17:46:12 <roshi> :p 17:46:31 <roshi> be wary of going on treasure hunts with him :p 17:46:34 <kushal> roshi, :) 17:46:36 <kushal> haha 17:47:02 <number80> :) 17:48:01 <kushal> That is all from me. 17:48:13 <roshi> anyone have anything else? 17:48:15 <kushal> Actually one more thing. 17:48:17 <oddshocks> yes 17:48:24 <oddshocks> kushal: go ahead ;) 17:49:00 <kushal> #info kushal submitted patch(s) to rel-eng team so that nightly builds from masher script get build properly. 17:49:10 <lalatenduM> Can someone point me to some material/docs for start testing 17:49:12 <kushal> ^^ those patches are not tested yet though. 17:49:24 * kushal is finished, oddshocks stage is yours. 17:49:39 <roshi> I can help you out after the meeting lalatenduM 17:49:48 <lalatenduM> roshi, thanks 17:50:03 <roshi> np - it's what I'm here for :) 17:50:29 <lalatenduM> :) 17:51:28 <oddshocks> 1) ostree stuff is accellerating. I'm feeling good about developments the past couple of days, especially today, where I've been hashing things out with lmacken and walters with regards to ostree composes and eventual metalink hook ups to MM 17:51:51 <oddshocks> 2) has any progress been made on wiping AWS community creds and reissuing creds, or is there a timeline on that? 17:52:13 <oddshocks> and that's all from me 17:52:24 <roshi> awesome on 1 :) 17:52:38 * roshi is getting sped up on docker so he can then get to know atomic 17:52:57 <roshi> as for 2, who was handling that? 17:53:02 <roshi> agrimm: ^^ right? 17:53:02 <dustymabe> roshi: was it agrimm? 17:53:24 <agrimm> it was me 17:53:25 <dustymabe> he said he was lurking.. so he may or may not respond 17:53:30 <dustymabe> yay! 17:53:55 <oddshocks> not high priority but was just curious 17:53:57 <agrimm> I have not done that yet. I will work on that this afternoon. 17:54:06 <oddshocks> agrimm: awesome :D 17:54:07 <oddshocks> thanks! 17:54:12 <roshi> thanks agrimm 17:54:22 <kushal> oddshocks, you will have to fill me with ostree info later on. 17:54:25 <dustymabe> roshi: is there an AI associated with that? 17:54:37 <roshi> I don't know 17:54:41 * lalatenduM is also interested in ostree 17:54:51 <dustymabe> not too hard to add one I guess 17:54:52 <roshi> #action agrimm to update credentials on AWS 17:54:56 <roshi> there is now! 17:54:57 <oddshocks> kushal: sure! there was an email thread i started last night on the cloud WG list that got 2 responses so far, and there'll be another email from me this evening probably regarding developments of the day 17:55:21 <kushal> oddshocks, Yup, read them. 17:55:38 <kushal> oddshocks, I will talk to you after meeting. 17:56:03 <oddshocks> kushal: cool 17:56:17 <roshi> anyone have anything else? 17:56:46 * roshi sets the fuse... 17:57:00 <dustymabe> nope.. +1 to close 17:57:50 <kushal> roshi, end it. 17:57:52 <kushal> :) 17:58:34 <roshi> you got it 17:58:38 <roshi> thanks for coming folks! 17:58:42 <roshi> #endmeeting