19:03:26 #startmeeting Cloud WG 19:03:26 Meeting started Wed Oct 29 19:03:26 2014 UTC. The chair is roshi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:03:26 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:03:33 #topic Roll Call 19:03:36 .hellomynameis kushal 19:03:37 kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' 19:03:43 .hellomynameis roshi 19:03:44 roshi: roshi 'Mike Ruckman' 19:03:52 .hellomynameis dustymabe 19:03:53 dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' 19:04:59 is jzb around? 19:05:03 No one else? 19:05:09 * roshi can't remember if this is an off week for him 19:05:29 i am here 19:06:26 well, we've got 6 meeting items to go through 19:06:52 #topic (#43) Process for releasing updated images 19:07:01 #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/43 19:07:46 I'm here 19:07:53 hey jzb :) 19:08:43 roshi, So, any update on that? 19:09:03 not that I'm aware of 19:09:04 * jzb needs to put this meeting in his calendar. 19:09:15 jzb: was going to document things on the wiki, iirc 19:09:38 I am okay to move it after release. 19:09:46 mattdm and dustymabe would have more details 19:10:03 roshi: that's correct. I am behind. 19:10:04 * roshi is more of a moderator for cloud meetings than a source of information (most of the time) 19:10:35 what? I can't believe that you'd be busy - that makes you the exception, not the rule :p 19:11:20 so I added a comment to the ticket.. didn't get a response 19:11:42 dustymabe, Let me reply :) 19:11:47 for this ticket, I think the process is: call for a compose, run the update process on the various registries 19:12:33 is this supposed to be the automatic parts of releasing updated images? 19:13:04 roshi, We will have to test also, correct? 19:13:12 for sure 19:13:53 looks like this is something we can worry about after GA of F21 19:14:06 jzb: dustymabe anything else spring to mind for this ticket aside from dealing with it after release? 19:14:07 is there a state we can put the ticket in that denotes that 19:14:37 we can just take it off the meeting list 19:14:56 Sounds good.. should I? 19:14:59 * roshi needs to be better about pruning the list and knowing what all tickets we have 19:15:06 go for it, I say 19:15:06 dustymabe, go ahead. 19:15:20 roshi, I will also do that before meetings from now on. 19:15:39 sgtm 19:16:03 #topic (#38) Automatic Smoketests on Image Build 19:16:13 #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/38 19:16:54 * roshi has nothing for this - been busy with general release stuff and there's been no cloud images to test so far for beta 19:17:08 and RC3 is baking now 19:17:16 agrimm: you have anything for this? 19:17:24 sorry, also otp 19:17:41 otp? 19:18:08 :) 19:18:49 I'm +1 for moving this to F22, since we already have a ton to do between now and release 19:18:56 +1 19:18:59 (and removing the meeting keyword) 19:19:01 +1 19:19:12 roshi, i am removing the keyword. 19:19:13 +1 19:19:20 +1 19:19:21 thanks kushal :) 19:19:27 hey number80 19:19:29 o/ 19:19:38 \o 19:19:46 * number80 was around since the beginning ;) 19:19:52 #topic (#74) Atomic Testday 19:20:03 #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/74 19:20:16 I think it's safe to assume we'll be doing this after the beta release 19:20:36 sorry, didn't see you in roll call :p 19:20:52 jzb posted a status on the atomic list 19:21:20 (about the beta latest compose) 19:21:20 yeah, but not regarding the test day itself 19:21:26 * roshi is looking at the email now 19:21:52 jzb: anything for this ticket? 19:22:21 roshi: waiting on a beta :-) 19:22:22 hold on a sec much typign 19:22:46 I think that with docker-storage-setup and possibly k8s and cockpit landing after beta... 19:22:54 quick lets move on before he's don't typing! 19:23:02 s/don't/done/ 19:23:03 we should request a post-beta test compose with those things in 19:23:09 and do the test day on that. 19:23:16 +1 19:23:18 k8s? 19:23:20 #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1158645 19:23:29 mattdm: +1 19:23:32 as per http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_compose_request test composes are done before the milestone freeze at the discretion of qa 19:23:42 k8s = kubernetes, an orchestration tool 19:23:52 ah 19:24:15 that works for me 19:24:17 * agrimm reads k8 as "kate" 19:24:25 which is much easier to pronounce 19:24:32 just need someone to track that for the testday 19:25:50 roshi someone to track that those things are ready and ask for the test candidate? 19:25:57 er, test compose 19:26:00 yeah 19:26:10 get an image with those packages for the testday 19:26:27 * mattdm looks at jzb, maybe? 19:26:27 #action jzb request post-beta test compose with k8s + Cockpit 19:26:39 if it were a live image I could make it with the required packages, but I'm not sure how to generate a cloud image locally 19:26:49 wfm 19:26:52 should we create a ticket for the atomic test day and capture this information somehwere? 19:26:58 oopes nvm 19:27:05 we have https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/74 19:27:08 lol 19:27:09 :) 19:27:13 yep :) 19:27:32 #info jzb also docker-storage-setup 19:27:39 * mattdm is reviewing docker-storage-setup package right now 19:27:44 next ticket... 19:27:48 mattdm: not quite in Fedora yet? 19:28:00 #topic (#75) State of Cloud Article 19:28:04 mattdm: is docker-storage-setup a sub-package for Docker, or? 19:28:09 roshi, I am creating notes on how to make cloud images locally. Will talk about it in the open space 19:28:09 #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/75 19:28:16 sweet 19:28:24 jzb nope new package 19:28:25 * roshi hasn't had time to look into it at all :) 19:28:30 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1158645 19:28:33 OK - #75 19:28:35 #info review request https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1158645 19:28:37 that's also pending beta 19:28:55 yeah, 75 didn't need much :) 19:28:57 basically I need to update the original text a bit and post once we actually have a beta. 19:29:09 kushal: what are using to create cloud images locally? 19:29:14 sweet, sounds good to me 19:29:16 so we can move to the next two I added... 19:29:31 dustymabe, Imagefactory 19:29:40 let's knock out these two tickets, then we can have kushal show us what's up during open floor :) 19:30:03 #topic (#79) FAS Cloud Group 19:30:04 roshi: ok 19:30:11 #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/79 19:30:44 I think I am too new to have an opinion on this one. 19:30:55 well, for things like the calendar 19:31:09 QA has a group, qa-admin and we can all edit the calendar 19:31:18 and the QA FAS group and some other bits and stuff 19:31:46 I just didn't know if others thought it would be useful or not 19:31:56 figured I'd get some feedback 19:32:15 roshi: I like the idea to have a group. I would like some feedback from members with more wisdom though 19:32:15 could also provide a list of people who can get cloud access, and so on and so forth 19:32:24 you and me both :) 19:32:58 roshi, FAS group can be useful in future, I am +1 in this. 19:32:59 hang on a sec 19:33:22 np jzb 19:34:07 weird 19:34:08 I thought I saw a cloud group earlier today when I logged in. 19:34:21 I didn't see one when I looked 19:34:23 jzb, sysadmin-cloud one? 19:34:24 jzb: prophetic dream? 19:34:31 dustymabe: perhaps 19:34:39 oh 19:34:41 Atomic 19:34:44 roshi, so I think that have a group that maps to cloud (like AWS or GCE) account access is a bit different from the group of people who can edit our calendar 19:34:57 be clear about the use cases in that ticket, please 19:35:07 I was thinking the cloud group would be the WG slate 19:35:13 may need multiple groups for what you are hoping to achieve 19:35:14 or have a cloud-admin group if we needed two 19:35:21 agrimm, yes. 19:35:23 ok 19:35:34 right now it's the calendar - but that was a use case I could see wanting in the future 19:35:42 or possibly wanting 19:36:29 so, to be clear - right now what I'm asking about: do we want a basic cloud group in fas for calendar access? 19:36:57 roshi: pingou told me that you only need a FAS group for fedocal if you want to restrain access 19:37:18 for meeting editing rights, you have to add as many people as possible in the meeting 19:37:23 roshi, and number80 I guess you both are saying the same thing. 19:38:06 oh 19:38:10 kushal: no, I'm saying we don't need a group for the calendar ;) 19:38:15 I didn't know that's how it worked 19:38:27 number80, Okay :) 19:38:34 .fire roshi for not figuring out how things work 19:38:34 adamw fires roshi for not figuring out how things work 19:38:55 so, for any other reason would we want one? 19:39:01 badges! 19:39:05 doesn't seem like there's much point now :) 19:39:09 mattdm++ 19:39:14 that's true I guess 19:39:22 woo! badgers 19:39:23 :) +1 from me too 19:39:26 er, badges. 19:39:32 there are other ways to do badges, though 19:39:36 badgers are mean... 19:40:12 roshi: that's OK, so am I https://twitter.com/mattdm/status/527170217102032896 19:40:15 roshi, hehe , why? 19:40:16 * roshi isn't in favor of making a group just for a badge 19:40:39 lol jzb 19:40:54 haha 19:41:04 they're pretty territorial kushal :) you don't want to get on the wrong end of one in the woods 19:41:30 well, we can go to the next ticket then. I'll close that one out 19:41:34 we can get badges in other ways also. 19:41:47 roshi, yes please. 19:42:07 #topic (#80) Image Criteria 19:42:11 #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/80 19:42:51 I am totally plus one for this. 19:44:21 Sounds good to me. I guess we can decide which hosting services we want to be in that list 19:44:35 yeah, that's something we'd have to keep up to date 19:44:53 digitalocean will also get in that list in future :) 19:45:06 and hopefully hp 19:45:07 yeah, I imagine it'll keep growing 19:45:09 +1 19:45:09 kushal: right. 19:45:32 i'm working with them.. once we have beta I am going to start the process of trying to get our image in their infra 19:45:43 sweet 19:45:48 mattdm, +1 19:45:57 so, a general agreement on this criteria? 19:46:27 I'll put an email together and send it to test sometime this week 19:46:42 #action roshi to send email regarding new criteria 19:47:08 it'll probably only get added for F22 - which is fine since we'll be blocking on this under the criteria cited in the bug 19:47:22 so it's not time sensitive I don't think 19:47:26 roshi: on the docker image part 19:47:30 isn't that base WG? 19:47:34 not that I disagree we need that. 19:47:40 yeah, it is 19:48:00 would have to talk to them about it - but I think it should be easy for us to handle the docker registry pull 19:48:51 roshi, I was asking mattdm in #fedora-cloud and as I understood releng is taking care of that (and may be lsm5) 19:49:17 or whoever, this was more of a "should this be a criteria" question, not who's going to do it 19:49:34 QA is the gatekeepers of the criteria aiui 19:49:37 fair enough 19:49:40 Okay. 19:49:52 I'm +1000 to make sure there's a docker image no matter whence it came. 19:50:01 but I'd send the email to base as well as qa and cloud 19:50:18 cool - if no one has anything else for this ticket... 19:50:27 #topic Open Floor! 19:50:41 floor is you're kushal :) 19:50:43 I have something. 19:50:51 wow, can't type today 19:50:57 s/you're/yours/ 19:51:24 I am asking around too many questions about the processes and the tools related to the Fedora cloud activities. 19:52:03 I am going to maintain a working note set for the same, I started today http://worknotes.rtfd.org 19:52:19 Right now I managed to create working/bootable Fedora Cloud image. 19:53:06 I will have a FAQ section also in it, this document is also for me to keep things in one place but I am sure others will also be able to use it. 19:53:29 kushal: silly q - why not keep the notes on the wiki under the cloud space? 19:53:59 that's what I was going to ask 19:53:59 jzb, I prefer to write in restructuredtext, easier to maintain. 19:54:28 jzb, roshi and I can use vim :) 19:55:15 kushal: OK. I also prefer Vim, I've just tried to stick with the standard wiki. 19:55:17 I found that my frequency of updating wiki pages is much lower than this kind of sphinx doc. 19:55:20 kushal: I'm easy. 19:55:30 jzb, :) 19:55:45 yeah, same here jzb for official-ish tutorials and whatnot I try to stick to the wiki 19:55:58 * roshi dreams of our wiki rivaling that of arch someday... 19:56:02 roshi, this is not official tutorial. 19:56:15 roshi, just notes which can help others too. 19:56:28 OK 19:56:29 we should for sure put the tutorial on the wiki 19:56:42 kushal: maybe just a link *to* these from the Cloud space on the wiki? 19:56:54 jzb, I will add that. 19:56:58 kushal: groovy 19:57:20 jzb, http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud page ? 19:57:21 * jzb makes a note to check out readthedocs.org 19:57:43 #link http://worknotes.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html 19:57:45 kushal: yeah, maybe under "Runbooks" 19:57:57 http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud/Atomic_Runbooks 19:58:20 looks like oddshocks has been busy there 19:59:07 jzb, Okay. Though these much more general notes to the whole cloud thingy than atomic. 19:59:14 * these are 19:59:21 yeah 20:00:05 thingy.. a technical term 20:00:23 lol 20:00:26 EOF from my side. 20:00:52 guys, do you still have a lot to discuss? we have a meeting scheduled here at 21:00pm. Not sure if to move it somewhere else or wait. 20:01:07 sesivany_: i think we are pretty much done 20:01:08 nope, I was about to set the fuze 20:01:20 for sure wouldn't take up an hour :) 20:01:31 anything else? 20:01:37 * roshi sets the fuse 20:01:41 3... 20:02:21 2... 20:02:37 1... 20:02:44 thanks for coming folks! 20:02:50 #endmeeting