01:59:39 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:59:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Nov 7 01:59:39 2014 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:59:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:59:45 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 01:59:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 02:00:01 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 02:00:26 <wrnash1> Hi 02:00:42 <award3535> evening wrnash1 02:00:52 <award3535> #chair wrnash1 02:00:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 wrnash1 02:01:22 <award3535> #chair ParadoxGuitarist 02:01:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 wrnash1 02:02:47 <ParadoxGuitarist> hey guys 02:02:52 <award3535> ping/ cydrobolt 02:03:09 <Cydrobolt> Hello award3535 02:03:37 <award3535> #chair Cydrobolt 02:03:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: Cydrobolt ParadoxGuitarist award3535 wrnash1 02:03:53 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 02:04:00 <award3535> anyone have any thing 02:04:25 <wrnash1> No nothing today for me 02:05:01 <Cydrobolt> nothing from me either 02:05:19 <award3535> I believe this is going to be a light meeting, there is only one thing in the tickets and one event left before the holidays 02:05:21 <ParadoxGuitarist> I have something but it's probably more open floor. 02:05:46 <award3535> you can go now if need be, we'll hold off 02:05:49 <award3535> go 02:06:07 <suehle> here 02:06:16 <ParadoxGuitarist> So, I've been looking into the NAMM show. 02:06:23 <award3535> #chair suehle 02:06:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: Cydrobolt ParadoxGuitarist award3535 suehle wrnash1 02:06:32 <ParadoxGuitarist> It's the National Association of Music Makers 02:06:41 <ParadoxGuitarist> yay suehle is here 02:06:41 <award3535> evening suehle 02:07:10 <award3535> so NAMM, heard of it, where is it 02:07:28 <ParadoxGuitarist> It's in Anaheim, CA 02:07:41 <ParadoxGuitarist> Everyone that's in the music industry is there 02:07:50 <wrnash1> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAMM_Show 02:07:51 <award3535> local to you I presume 02:07:58 <ParadoxGuitarist> yeah 02:08:03 <ParadoxGuitarist> about 25 miles away 02:08:11 <award3535> cool 02:08:25 <ParadoxGuitarist> Everyone who's anyone in the music industry is there. 02:08:31 <award3535> are you looking to promote the jam spin 02:08:42 <ParadoxGuitarist> And Fedora in general. 02:09:08 <ParadoxGuitarist> There's little to no opensource involvement there at all. 02:09:28 <suehle> Sounds like a good opportunity to reach a new audience. 02:09:34 <award3535> great opportunity exsists 02:09:41 <ParadoxGuitarist> So we can promote a lot more than the Jam spin. 02:09:52 <wrnash1> I agree it would be a great opportunity 02:10:02 <award3535> now the hard question, what does a booth cost 02:10:10 <ParadoxGuitarist> Well, I don't know. 02:10:22 <ParadoxGuitarist> It's in January 02:10:39 <ParadoxGuitarist> so I was thinking maybe it would be good to send some people first? 02:10:43 <award3535> we saved a bunch on OLF, so if it is reasonable definietly on the radar 02:10:57 <ParadoxGuitarist> Only Members can even go to the show 02:11:03 <suehle> I haven't even clicked yet, and I know this is going to be expensive. :D 02:11:14 <suehle> $30.75/sq ft. Those usually have a 10x10 minimum. 02:11:28 <award3535> ok, are you doing a recon mission 02:11:32 <ParadoxGuitarist> It's $675 for membership 02:11:59 <suehle> Yeah, so 100 sq ft increments, so 10x10 minimum 02:12:26 <award3535> 3k for 10x10 02:12:38 <ParadoxGuitarist> Membership gets 4 passes 02:12:43 <suehle> Yeah, $3,075 off the bat for a booth. 02:12:47 <ParadoxGuitarist> But here's the catch 02:12:59 <suehle> I think we'd have to know that there were four people really committed to working that booth hard. 02:13:28 <ParadoxGuitarist> You have to have hard deliverables to even be admitted 02:13:32 <award3535> well, you know I could do that, but just a little to far 02:13:52 <ParadoxGuitarist> We would have to have 2 invoices with companies in the Music Industry to be approved. 02:14:07 <ParadoxGuitarist> And Fedora doesn't really have those. 02:14:16 <ParadoxGuitarist> But Red Hat would qualify 02:14:41 <ParadoxGuitarist> If we had a booth the number of people we could send would increase significantly. 02:14:43 <award3535> and the other would be 02:15:05 <award3535> company that is 02:15:34 <ParadoxGuitarist> Red Hat would be the NAMM member, but could send Fedora representatives 02:16:34 <ParadoxGuitarist> But would have to send in an invoice for support to at least two music companies, Like Fender, Gibson, Rolland, Yammaha, Avid, Music Group... 02:16:52 <award3535> hmmm, but my concern is the interest of the attendees, that would be new ground for them 02:17:20 <wrnash1> would need to have a great demo for them 02:17:39 <suehle> That part I think is actually great--less preaching to the choir, more reaching a new audience. But for this cost, we need four really knowledgeable music people staffing that booth the whole time. This would probably be Fedora's most expensive show of the year. 02:18:08 * ParadoxGuitarist agrees with suehle 02:18:24 <award3535> well, that would rule me out, I am just a listener, but a security professional 02:18:27 <ParadoxGuitarist> Which is why I think we should send some people to lay some groundwork first. 02:18:45 <ParadoxGuitarist> But all the conversations won't be about music. 02:19:09 <ParadoxGuitarist> I can't tell you all the issues Behringer has had with bug reports, websites, and forums. 02:19:34 <award3535> suehle what are your thoughts on sending recon fedora people first 02:19:58 <ParadoxGuitarist> Not to mention the horrible app development. And they're just one example. 02:20:23 <ParadoxGuitarist> I have no idea if Red Hat would want to send people of their own. 02:20:24 <suehle> I'm usually pretty skeptical about how effective that is in a show this size. But we could bring it up in a more populated meeting and get a broader opinion. Q4 is low on events, so there'd probably be budget. 02:21:30 <award3535> ParadoxGuitarist can you create a ticket and I will get the word out on the FAMNA meeting for more participation 02:21:53 <wrnash1> +1 02:21:56 <ParadoxGuitarist> I know vwbusguy (who lives a few minutes away from me) has showed interest, as well as handsomepirate. I'm in no rush to come to any decisions. 02:22:18 <suehle> After OLF, I strongly object to sending handsomepirate to anything of this cost and maybe anything at all. 02:22:30 <suehle> He simply didn't show up, and his ticket had been bought in advance. 02:22:47 <ParadoxGuitarist> that's sad to hear. 02:22:58 <award3535> +1 on that from me poor performance and he had a talk scheduled 02:23:29 <suehle> He says he notified OLF, but they didn't know where he was, and he didn't tell any of us until I tried every contact method I had and finally heard from him on Tuesday after the conference. 02:23:37 <suehle> He said since his roommate had to back out, he just didn't go. 02:23:49 <award3535> he didnt even call to cancel 02:23:52 * ParadoxGuitarist sighs. 02:24:06 <award3535> but there was budget to support him showing up 02:24:09 <wrnash1> unprofessional 02:24:42 <ParadoxGuitarist> Well, I'm pretty passionate about making contacts there and am even willing to chip in on some of the costs. 02:24:50 <ParadoxGuitarist> at least for NAMM. 02:24:52 <award3535> I agree, just wished he would have called to cancel 02:25:13 <award3535> go ahead and create a ticket, then I will get the word out 02:25:28 <ParadoxGuitarist> I'll go ahead and open a ticket and we'll see what other support we can drum up. 02:26:02 <award3535> hopefully we will have a larger participation next week to get some opinions 02:26:03 <ParadoxGuitarist> Thanks for letting me chat my head off. 02:26:18 <award3535> I think this is new ground and is worth looking into 02:26:27 <ParadoxGuitarist> We have until January 1 to get approved, after that, there's a fee for sending people to the show. 02:26:31 <ParadoxGuitarist> so no rush. 02:26:35 <award3535> just cautious on cost 02:26:49 <suehle> Well, if I have to track down proof of Red Hat's invoices with music companies, that should be factored into the timeline. 02:27:18 <award3535> shall we move to the tickets 02:27:34 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 02:27:48 <award3535> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 02:27:50 <ParadoxGuitarist> yep 02:28:10 <award3535> .famnaticket 73 02:28:12 <zodbot> award3535: #73 (Fedora T-Shirt design contest) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/73 02:28:46 <ParadoxGuitarist> Nothing new on this I think. 02:29:09 <ParadoxGuitarist> We're just waiting for award3535 to get the t-shirts before we close it. 02:29:14 <suehle> Uh, they're printed. 02:29:27 <suehle> We gave away a ton of them at OLF. 02:29:37 <award3535> just waiting for the shipment 02:29:52 <suehle> oh yeah, last week's meeting, somebody was supposed to send me the addresses for them and nobody did 02:30:12 <award3535> I emailed that to you, I will resend 02:30:14 <ParadoxGuitarist> I thought I did 02:30:22 <suehle> Hm. I didn't see it. Sorry about that. 02:30:27 <ParadoxGuitarist> no worries 02:30:33 <ParadoxGuitarist> Another week won't kill us 02:30:41 <award3535> nope surely not 02:33:26 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor === 02:34:40 <wrnash1> I'm almost out of DVD for fedora 20. I've been burning beta 21 and given that out. 02:35:19 <award3535> I have about 70 left from OLF and have been giving them out quickly 02:35:33 <ParadoxGuitarist> I have a bunch left 02:35:41 <award3535> suehle, I just send my information to your email accounts 02:35:57 <ParadoxGuitarist> I can get vwbusguy to print me out a shipping label if you send me your address. 02:36:16 <suehle> I'm actually going to have the printer ship them directly. Anybody know the other two addresses? 02:36:54 <award3535> I do not have nb's address 02:37:23 <suehle> I might, but my browser just barfed 02:37:26 <ParadoxGuitarist> Mine is: 907 Shady Ln Glendora, CA 91740 02:39:42 <award3535> suehle, if you do not have it, I think it is on the box that we received at OLF for media, I can get it to you in the morning 02:39:50 <suehle> sounds like a plan 02:42:19 <award3535> does anyone have anything else tonight 02:42:24 <ParadoxGuitarist> Not I 02:42:30 <suehle> laundry 02:42:35 <ParadoxGuitarist> lol 02:43:07 <award3535> now that was funny 02:43:09 <wrnash1> nothing 02:43:18 <ParadoxGuitarist> Good meeting all 02:43:26 <award3535> but that could be taken several ways 02:43:36 <award3535> yes indeed good meeting 02:44:24 <award3535> for the Record I am giving ParadoxGuitarist action to create the ticket 02:45:04 <nb> hi 02:45:07 <award3535> #action ParadoxGuitarist to create ticket for NAMM 02:45:23 <award3535> evening nb, we are just about to wrap up 02:45:34 <award3535> we missed you at OLF 02:45:45 <award3535> was a great time 02:46:06 <award3535> busy and very enthusiastic 02:47:10 <nb> d him i wasn't going 02:47:20 <nb> oops just a sec 02:47:27 <nb> handsome pirate never had a roommate even 02:47:51 <nb> he wanted to share with me but then i told him i wasn't going and he was fussing about his credit card wouldn't work and he hadn't even made a hotel res 02:48:08 * nb agrees with ruth about being reluctant to fund him again 02:48:29 <nb> suehle, can you send headphones to me and ben and ParadoxGuitarist 02:48:37 <nb> and i guess we are getting shirts soon? 02:48:39 <suehle> Yup 02:48:42 <suehle> On both 02:48:52 <nb> suehle, should i email your gmail or your redhead? 02:49:00 <nb> redhat 02:49:01 <award3535> well he told me that it was all arranged 02:49:06 <nb> AAH! SPELL CHECK IS CRAPPY 02:49:17 <nb> award3535, nope, never was. he kept wanting me to take care of it all 02:49:22 <suehle> nb, redhat 02:49:31 <nb> and i told him he could get a room but he didn't call them 02:49:42 <award3535> so it seems there was a little problem on his part 02:49:43 <nb> then he said he wasn't going because he didn't have a room 02:50:14 <nb> I love my macbook but using xchat on os x does autocorrect which is bad sometimes 02:50:18 <award3535> but he never told any of us or the event coordinators he wasnt going to show, plus a prepaid ticket 02:50:21 <nb> award3535, yeah 02:51:26 <nb> suehle, k, i just emailed you 02:51:30 <award3535> also there was no report for Fossetcon in orlando 02:51:46 <nb> suehle, oh, please update your credit card for stamps.com, it expired 02:52:00 <suehle> nb, will do 02:52:30 <nb> thank you 02:55:48 <award3535> ok folks, its about time to end the meeting, does anyone have anything else? 02:56:14 <award3535> suehle thank you for the reimbursement 02:56:24 <ParadoxGuitarist> Good meeting! 02:56:27 <suehle> award3535, thanks for all your work! 02:56:32 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 02:56:41 <wrnash1> +1 02:57:17 <award3535> thanks I really enjoy what I do with Fedora 02:57:31 <ParadoxGuitarist> =) 02:58:12 <award3535> have great rest of your evening thanks for attending the meetin 02:58:23 <award3535> #endmeeting